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roritarell · 2 months ago
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Continuation of ✨ batshit insane au✨
Everything you will see here was made and designed by Ness or @almostswagkid, we just agreed that I would post it so that it would all be in one place, so please give her some praise and some love.
Gregor is one of the hunters of G corp, who engaged in the extermination of giant bugs flooding almost the entire district. Hunting is conducted not only because of the threat, but because of the resources that can be obtained by killing: Meat, armor and venom (witch is used for research, medicine and weapons).
Hunting groups usually consisted of 3-5 people and are sometimes joined by a couple of scientists for observation and study of the bugs, for better training of hunters and the effect of venom on them. This number of people per group was made on purpose, because otherwise it starts to attract unnecessary attention, as well as, requires more provisions and medicines, which is difficult to achieve in a permanent mobile group, which goes “on the hunt” on average for a month. Hunters have their own hierarchy, which manifests itself in tattoos, and each tattoo has its own meaning: from simple “High survivability” and “For luck” (such tattoo is tattooed in the form of a ladybug) to literally giving out an achievement, like medals of honor (Gregor has just such). Every hunter also gets dragonfly wings on their collarbone when they are trained. Hunters have many peculiar habits that do not allow them to freely blend into society, which makes them shunned by ordinary people
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Herman is from a family, that's been studying and hunting bugs for generations so Gregor got into the industry because of Herman and started training and hunting at a very early age. Since he was a child she used him in her experiments to find not only to find an antidote to the venom, but also to find a use for it. Because of this, Gregor is almost immune to bug bites, even if he does get a bite, it will go away in a week. Plus, scars from needles and venom overdose can be seen on his arms.
Soon enough, at the age of 17, he joined another hunter group where he met Tomah. At first they didn't get along but soon enough they became close friends. Tomah often would tell about his plans and dreams, witch made Gregor started to form goals and desires. But, sadly, he got killed on what was supposed to be their last hunting mission
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Bites from bugs on others are usually fatal because the venom literally melts the old skin and muscles, and then forms a new, insect-like shell, but the degree of spread of infection and lethality depends on the immunity of each person.
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Each swarm has its own queen. That's what the hunters were looking for to stop the bugs spreading. Gregor and a Herman's group killed one of them, for which he became famous. The second, the biggest and most important one, he had killed on his own, when his whole group was killed by the swarm. He was badly hurt, but the spread stopped, upon his return Herman created a prosthetic arm that worked on just the remnants of the mutation. The mutations constantly distill the blood in the prosthetic + filled its cavity with nerves, so Gregor can use it almost freely like a normal hand
The hunting industry began to die because of the death of queens and Gregor was disliked by hunters and humans alike. After a few years of wandering from job to job, he joined Limbus. Prev post "Swap Ishmael"
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roritarell · 2 months ago
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say hello to my little nukes
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roritarell · 2 months ago
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roritarell · 4 months ago
Limbus Company OC Idea
Lolita or Dolores from Nabokov's Lolita 14th Sinner I'm still writing her down, how to properly structure her story while giving respect to both Dolores the character herself, the story Nabokov carefully wrote, and the tone Project Moon has set for their stories. Ain't no way Project Moon would actually feature the horrific scenes from that book I do want her to have a happy ending in this one tho :[
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roritarell · 5 months ago
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Hi :]
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roritarell · 5 months ago
LCB Crew date scenarios
This turned out longer than I first anticipated, so it's going under the cut. Feel free to take these and run with them, they're here for your enjoyment!
Yi Sang: He takes his partner somewhere calm, where they can enjoy some alone time. Preferably somewhere where they can stargaze. He talks about everything that's been on his mind and confesses the things that have been gnawing at his core. He asks his partner to tell him what's been on their mind, and carefully listens to it all. After the date, he brainstorms ways of helping his partner. If it's anything out of the scope of his capabilities, he makes sure to be there for them whenever he can, and to motivate them through their struggles.
Faust: She's either always performing maintenance on an invention or in the middle of solving a complex mathematical problem. It may not look like it, but she appreciates that her partner's still hanging around. Their presence gives her an energy and motivation boost. She occasionally bounces ideas off her partner, and takes time to explain to them ideas and concepts that they may be unfamiliar with. After they spend some time together, she will make sure to reward them by creating something unique and based on their interests.
Don Quixote: It is definitely a convention or faire based on her interests. It's a loud place, there's people all around but somehow she ends up being louder than everybody else. It's rushed, she's dragging her partner to all booths. Their feet hurt. She will get so much merch both her and her partner will be loaded after they leave the convention. She will then show that for every little thing she got for herself, she got something for her partner too! She will thank her partner for accompanying her in this adventure and make an exaggerated love confession. She will massage their feet and then talk all about the things she loved in the convention for the rest of the night.
Ryoushu: It's a concert. The music is maybe electronic or rock but it's too loud and her partner's ears are ringing. They're both in the middle of the crowd, there's no room for intimacy and yet there is no space between herself and her partner's body. Everybody is squeezed together too close, it's difficult to push through. It sounds like a terrible place for a date, but she holds their hand through it all. Somehow they haven't gotten separated from each other. She calls her partner's attention and speaks in their ear: "All as one," she begins. She explains to her partner in few words that the crowd moves like the waves on the ocean. There is beauty in chaos. There is art in human flesh. Afterwards, she will take her partner to a pub and ask them what's their impression of the concert. She will listen to them for as long as they want to speak. A week or so later she will gift her partner something she crafted herself. It reminds them of the concert night and the time they both spent together.
Meursault: He takes his partner to a club. It's not the place they were expecting, but it is certainly a place! He will order drinks for them both and then ask his partner to tell him what their impression of the place is. He doesn't really dance, but sometimes he taps his foot to the rhythm. He seems much more relaxed than usual and the drinks help him ease up a little bit more. His expression hardly changes but his face lights up when he is content. He even smiles a little here and there. As the night progresses, he will sit closer to his partner, even put his hand over theirs. He will walk them out of the club later, his fingers interwoven with those of his partner. It is an uneventful date and later he will gift them something that is meaningful. It comes accompanied with a neatly handwritten card that speaks of his appreciation for his partner.
Hong Lu: At home movie night! With the help of his friends, he picked a selection of horror/slasher movies that are said to be underrated, unique in concept or odd in some way. He doesn't really like gore, but he read/heard people tend to get closer together when watching scary movies. It ends up working because some scenes actually scare him, making him cling to his partner. He thinks twice if he wants to go through the rest of the list, but decides to hang in there. The odd movies are funnier than they are scary, and both him and his partner are able to laugh away the fear. As the night grows longer, he will lean onto his partner or maybe cuddle in bed with them while another movie begins. They don't really see it progress, as both fall asleep. He makes sure to thank his partner for spending time with him and then gives a gift that is super expensive.
Heathcliff: He tried taking his partner to a fancy restaurant. He thought it would be the proper thing to do, since he's serious and all that. It was a terrible idea. They keep asking him if he's fine. He's sweating cold as he tries to remember which spoon is the one you use for the soup. He messed up his speech when ordering and the waiter looked at him funny. He's five seconds away from either bashing somebody's head in or bashing his own head into a wall. His partner reassures him they don't need to stay in that restaurant, but now he's stubborn. He will go through that dinner even if that kills him. It ends up killing him. He's been sitting in bed after getting home, sweating cold as he fights off a wave of nausea. His stomach couldn't really handle the exotic food. He's super embarrassed about it. His partner reassures him it's fine, and they can try something less stressful another time. He will shower his partner in gifts for weeks to come, in order to both apologize for his stupidity and show his appreciation for their patience with him.
Ishmael: She takes her partner to a pub/bar she knows well. It's a loud place, full of sketchy people who seem to be ready to start a fight whenever. Somehow, the patrons of the place know her and show her respect. She grins through it all, being loud and taunting one guy or another. Her partner is a little nervous about it, but her confidence manages to soothe them a bit. She orders drinks for them both, drags her partner in to sing along a song or another that has come up in the jukebox and even pulls them into a dance. The ambient looked sketchy at first, but after a while it just seems like a gathering of good old friends. The night somehow ends in a big bar fight, which she drags her partner out of while laughing and throwing a good punch here and there. She reassures them the people in the establishment will be fine, and that that kind of thing happens a lot. She promises her partner she will teach them how to throw a good punch, and also how to look scary in case they don't want to throw any punches. If none of these options work, she knows a guy.
Rodion: Shopping. Spree. She takes her partner on a shopping trip and thank god her arms are strong because she's bought so many things. She's carrying most of the weight herself and it doesn't look like it's making her break a sweat. She is happy to talk about her haul, until a few security guards approach them both. Something about a cloned credit card. Uh, oh... She throws all the shopping bags at the guards, grabs her partner's hand and makes a run for it. If they are too slow to accompany, she will pick them up and carry them. She's not letting her partner in crime get caught! They manage to make it out of the mall before getting caught, and although her partner is nervous, she's just laughing it off. They ask her if that will be a problem and she grins, saying she just has to get out of the mall before security finds them out next time. She takes something out of her pocket, showing her partner that although most of the haul is lost, she still managed to save a little trinket for them.
Sinclair: He didn't know where to go for a date. He asked all his friends what was the best place to take his significant other to, and he got very different answers from each person. He's terribly unsure, and in his panic decided to choose going to the cinema in the last minute. He dressed up nicely, he made sure he had enough money to pay for everything. He stressed over it so. Much. In the end he picked a basic romcom, sat in to watch it and when the movie began, he realized he was being stupid for stressing so much over something so simple. The movie is fun, the popcorn is just fine, but what matters the most is being able to hold his partner's hand and see their smile. He decides to buy his partner a plush or something nice when they get out of the cinema.
Outis: Theater performance. It's something dramatical, some kind of historical piece. It's full of romance, betrayal and plot twists. She sits besides her partner, a small smile on her lips. Sometimes her partner can catch her muttering the lines under her breath. It is a moving performance, and when it is over, Outis takes her partner to a restaurant. It's a quiet place with jazz playing in the background. Not terribly fancy but not bad either. While browsing the menu, she asks her partner's opinion on the play. She listens carefully, and then reveals that it's a piece she enjoys enough so that she always watches it whenever she can. She confesses she wanted to share with them something that is as special and timeless to her as her appreciation for them. She makes sure to ask them about things they like so she can plan ahead for their next date.
Gregor: Oh gee, he didn't prepare anything special and he's really short on cash, so a homemade dinner should do, right? Right??? Except whatever he had in the oven is burnt. He got a bit too distracted trying to make his hair look right in the mirror. By the time his partner got to him, his tie was loose around his neck and his shoelaces were untied. He is so sorry everything turned out terribly. It takes a true angel to forgive him for such a blunder. His partner does, though. That's why they're together. They gracefully just decide to order food, it's okay. Gregor is blessed to have somebody as kind by his side. He spends the entire night doting on his partner and showering them in love and appreciation. He then makes sure to dedicate a good portion of his next paycheck to buying them something really special.
Vergilius: He's overworked and exhausted, but he remembered he promised a date. He wanted his partner to pick a location because he didn't know where to go, and not like he goes anywhere outside work. His partner left the choice to be up to him, and so he decided they would stay in. A terrible storm rages outside, and power goes out. He lights up a few candles and wearily sighs, apologizing to his partner for this precarious situation. He thought they could turn the tv on and let some movie play, but without power that has become impossible. His second best idea for entertainment is the few story books he has around the house. He gets cozy with his partner on the couch and opens one. With the help of the candle light, he reads them a story that eventually lulls them into sleep. Vergilius closes the book and smiles one of his rare, unseen smiles. He kisses their forehead and picks them up, carrying them to bed. They cling to each other, and in spite of the storm raging outside, have a restful sleep.
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roritarell · 5 months ago
Would you care to write about bathing with gregor then massaging him? I love him very dearly
He's not really thrilled to be completely naked in front of another person. If it were anybody else, he would not be doing this. He trusts his lover though, and they don't seem to mind the most hideous aspects of his body. They put a lot of effort into preparing him a warm, relaxing and nice-scented bubbly bath too. He could not say no to them.
When his whole body is soaked in the warm water, he immediately thanks the heavens for the wonderful person he has by his side. It's like just being inside the bathtub is draining away all the stress and tension from his body. It's even better that they're gently pouring water on his hair and massaging his scalp. Gregor can't help but sigh and let his shoulders sag.
The scalp massage is pure bliss, but the moment their fingers go lower and start rubbing circles over his shoulder muscles he tenses up again. It's not because they did something wrong, it's just his muscles are so knotted it hurts.
"Gah!" He jerks up and water splashes around the bathroom.
"Your shoulders are so stiff-!" They comment.
"That hurts- ack!"
"I know, it's because your muscles are too tense!"
Gregor grits his teeth and bears with it, he doesn't want to be scolded for pushing his body beyond its limits. His patience is rewarded with the gradual relaxation of his muscles, eventually the initial pain lessens too.
By the time he leaves the bathtub, he feels like he's an entire new being. He kisses his partner on the lips and thanks them for caring for him so well.
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roritarell · 5 months ago
💙 What aspects of your relationship would you expect and/or demand your partner to keep private? What would happen if they violated those expectations/demands? For Gregor
Gregor doesn't want to get caught having pda. It's not for himself, it's so his partner doesn't get publicly shamed for being with somebody like him.
He will freeze whenever his partner forgets this and/or gets too comfortable, but he won't push them away. After that happens he will keep an eye out on how people treat his partner, as he will take shit but he will not let them get shit for being with him.
He will also tell them as best as he can that he's not worried for himself, but for what kinda terrible things people will say to them. He's used to being called names, he doesn't want them to go through it because of him.
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roritarell · 5 months ago
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come on man
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roritarell · 7 months ago
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Drew a Twitter request
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roritarell · 7 months ago
thinking about how in the aftermath, neuvillette and furina both returned home and they talked. he told her everything focalors had told him, and she just said “i’m tired” and in the morning she was packed and gone. and he tells the traveler, he will still take care of her, and she will have a home and food and protection and she shall want for nothing. and travel, to leave fontaine, to go where he can’t follow, if she wishes it. and her voice line about him says “i haven’t been to the palais in a while, that’s good for both of us, right?” and his voice line about her says “i would like to see her again to give her my earnest praise… yes, i should definitely like to see her again.” and in her story quest he sounds so fond of her, proud that she’s branching out and reconnecting with her interests, and if the traveler speaks to him after he says he was always enthralled by her, and that he hopes she knows it was sincere. all the ways she’s saying none of it was real, you must hate me. and all the ways he’s saying it was real for me, i loved you. i still love you.
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roritarell · 8 months ago
It was just a few more turns. Even Fu Xuan found herself on the edge of her seat from the sheer tension that permeated the table. And it was not often that this game made her anxious, even if it was far from the first game she had watched.
But it was the first game Qingque had invited her to.
Her face did nothing to betray her anticipation as Qingque drew another tile.
A bated breath was drawn as Qingque showed no emotion, before the hint of a smirk showed itself on her face.
She slammed down the tiles on the table, calling her win with a wild grin before the table erupted into noise, cheers and groans as those who had been placing bets around them had to pay up.
But all of it was background noise as Qingque turned on her heel, sprinting through the mass of people. Fu Xuan barely had a moment to register just what Qingque was planning before she was right in front of her.
"I won!!" Fu Xuan yelped as Qingque squealed and wrapped her arms around Fu Xuans waist, picking up the Master Diviner with surprising ease.
"Qingque-!!" She barely managed to steady herself, hands pushed against Qingque's shoulders as she began to spin them both around in her glee.
"I won I won I won! Your the best good luck charm ever!!" Finally, she set Fu Xuan down, but she didnt let go before she managed to land a firm kiss on Fu Xuan's lips. "I gotta play another game now, Im on a roll!"
It was all Fu Xuan could do to stand there and stare as Qingque disappeared back to the game table just as fast as she had arrived. Slowly lifting a hand up to touch her lips, realization slowly creeping up on her, Fu Xuan was helpless but to watch as another game started, heart racing as Qingque flashed a wide grin in her direction.
Oh, she had it bad.
Priceless Prize, All For Me - awriternamedart
yes this is me saying i still plan to do a larger fuqing fic but take this drabble as a peace offering
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roritarell · 1 year ago
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Fontaine soon
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roritarell · 2 years ago
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The Geminid
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roritarell · 2 years ago
Make Your Own Star Chart (v1.1.3)
I��ve been working on making the star chart code more accessible and now it is! Download the first stable release on Python:
pip install star-chart-spherical-projection
This is a new Python package to generate an astronomy star chart. The center of the map is +90/-90° and all around it are stars
The stars have been transformed from the celestial sphere onto a 2D circular map based on a star's position (declination and right ascension) and can generate maps for the past, present, and future with proper motion and precession
Currently, the map works with proper motion and for precession (for long periods of time)
A direct one-to-one map will create a great deal of distortion since without an additional step, the angles between the stars are not preserved
On the left, the constellation of the Big Dipper is stretched into an unfamiliar shape. By accounting for the spherical transformation, the star chart can be corrected as seen on the right
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The sphere is projected from the South Pole (via Sterographic projection):
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Example for Star Chart in the Northern Hemisphere (centered on 90°)
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Example for Star Chart in the Southern Hemisphere (centered on -90°)
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For clarity I left off the star labels, but they can added back easily. I made it as simple to use as I could, only needs information about whether to project from the north or south pole
import star_chart_spherical_projection
star_chart_spherical_projection. plotStereographicProjection(northOrSouth="North")
Should have an interactive web version of it up soon as well, so keep an eye out!
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roritarell · 2 years ago
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Last store update for this year :)
B3G1F on stickers or postcards till Saturday as well
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roritarell · 2 years ago
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@oayr21s beautiful redesign from twitter 🌸✨
Reposted with premission!
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