rophelia · 2 years
Remus: Okay let’s play a game
Lily: Okay what is it?
Remus: It’s called did Sirius say this to me or James.
Lily: Okay should be easy
Remus: « I love you more than life itself and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. »
Lily: This was a mistake
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rophelia · 2 years
Sirius: *Shows James a pic Regulus posted*
James: Smash.
Sirius: *a look of pure horror*
James: Wait, what was the game? Smash or pass?
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rophelia · 2 years
webbed troubles.
tasm!peter x reader
summary: peter realizes he can't keep his identity a secret from his best friend, especially since you were already so mad at him. | fluff warnings: y/n being a dumbass, peter being a dumbass, everyone being a dumbass. might get gwen flashbacks but I swear it has a happy ending.
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Peter took a deep breath in, hoping you'd show up. Just that morning, he had enough of fighting with you, so he sent a message which hopefully looked intriguing and not demanding.
Meet me at the top of my building. Bring no one. Except snacks. Definitely bring snacks. Uh, 8pm btw. *thumbs up emoji*
Surprisingly, it wasn't the most awkward text he sent you.
He checked one last time to see if everything was in place. It had to go perfect — tonight he was finally telling you his secret.
It was 8.15 and he considered giving up, until he saw the door to the rooftop opening.
You stepped inside, clad in your signature clothes that he so adored, but he didn't see any snacks, meaning you weren't going to stick around for long. You still looked mad, so he decided to speak first.
You raised an eyebrow. "Why here? It's like a perfect spot for murder."
For some reason, he instantly winced. "Bad joke, Y/N. Let's not talk about death, alright?"
"Let's not talk about anything," you shrugged. "You can keep on ignoring our projects, our plans. Keep on ignoring me for all I care. But once you leave my life—"
"Don't say that. Please don't. Leaving, death, you're not that optimistic today, are you?" he joked. "And I'm sorry for being shitty this past week."
"You were not shitty, you were secretive. It's almost like you don't trust me anymore," you said angrily, but he only interpreted it as you being hurt. Guilt washed over him again.
"I trust you with my life," he said firmly.
"What were you doing last day then?" you questioned, throwing your arms up in frustration. "I called you ten times. Aunt May said you were in your room but you obviously weren't. Where did you sneak off to?"
He sighed as if to say — you asked for it.
"You sure you wanna know?"
You nodded, that frown still in place. He suddenly looked worried.
Follow the plan, just follow the plan, he kept repeating in his head.
He walked away from you and stood up on the ledge, facing you instead of the other way around. One slight movement could have him toppling off. At this point, you unconsciously stepped forwards, concern being the main motivator.
"Peter, what are you doing—"
"You asked for the truth, and so I'm showing you," he did a little wave before pushing himself off backwards, right off the edge of the roof.
Your hands tried to grab him, but you were only holding empty air.
Being Spiderman was fun.
Whenever he falls or jumps off a high place, he's elated because he knows he'll survive. Using webs to hoist himself up was practically second nature now and so the moments right before he use them were his favorites. Those seconds made him feel like he was actually flying. He usually closed his eyes to feel like a bird, just like he did now.
He listened for your screams, but so far it was silent. Maybe you were frozen in shock? He didn't know.
Right before he hit the ground, he shot his webs to the nearest glass window, swinging himself back to the top. Nervous and excited, he landed in his spider-pose, feeling extremely proud of himself. It wasn't everyday that he got to show off.
"Tada!" he exclaimed, straightening up. "I'm Spiderma- wait, Y/N?"
You were nowhere to be seen.
Panicking, he looked at the door but he knew he would have heard footsteps if you were going down the building. So he tried listening for your heartbeats instead, which was hard to do when his own were so loud.
At last he placed it, but that seemed to be coming away from the building.
Realization hit him like a truck — you, like the idiot you were, had jumped after him.
"Y/N? Y/N!" he screamed, looking down and seeing your figure drowning in the air.
Blood rushed to his ears and he shot his webs, trying to connect them with your body. It was as if he was living a nightmare. It was as if you were dying in one.
Fortunately, the webs coiled around you, but unfortunately it also instantly broke. That one second of relief he had vaporized into thin air.
Every little fear he had — every 'what if she's hurt by me?' statement was happening right then and his own powers seemed to be failing him. Eyes wide, eyes brimming with tears, he watched as everything he had was literally falling down.
Then, as if by magic, you landed on a tree branch instead.
"Y/N?" he choked out, not daring to believe it.
"I'm okay!" you yelled pleasantly, raising a thumbs up over your head. "Aw look, I can see little birdies here!"
He lifted you back into the roof, fussing over you instantly and profusely. While his concern was thoughtful, it wasn't needed. You were in shock, but physically you were alright.
"You jumped," he said in disbelief, right after making sure you weren't bleeding or wounded. "You fucking jumped after me."
"In my defense, you jumped first," you said shakily, stammering because of the cold. "So if anyone's to blame, it's kinda you. How was I supposed to know you were Spiderman?"
"I jumped before I saw that part," you admitted, shrugging. "Have you considered maybe saying it instead of giving me a heart attack?"
He blinked, confused as to why you were calmer than him.
"I don't think you're grasping what happened here. You jumped after me. Instead of calling the ambulance or looking at what's actually going on, you jumped."
"I wasn't thinking!" you snapped. "If I stood there and thought about it, of course I wouldn't have done it! All I saw was my best friend plummeting to his death and I thought I could save him."
"With what?"
"I haven't thought of that yet," you said, nodding. "My way through life is to figure things out as I go."
He didn't look amused at all. "You would have died for me."
"I thought you said we shouldn't talk of death? What was your plan anyway? Just jump and come back and hope to god that I don't do anything stupid by then?"
"The plan," he laughed (almost angrily, if possible). "The plan was to show you I was Spiderman, use your moment of shock to point to the left, and maybe afterwards eat the snacks which you didn't even bring!"
"Point to the left? What's on the le—" words caught on your throat, but Peter didn't notice your exclamation, nor you gaping at the scene he had quite literally created.
He went on about how ridiculous you were at doing what you did, how stupid it was, how idiotic — okay he was just using any adjective he could think of.
You, on the other hand, were staring at the Brooklyn Bridge, which had the words I'M SORRY written by nothing but webs.
It was intricately designed, and you remembered how utterly impossible Peter's handwriting was to read, but these three simple words stood out. They must have taken him all day to get done.
For a second there, you wondered what the hell he was apologizing for, then remembered the fight, how he had ditched you last day and how you thought he was with Gwen instead. In reality, he was probably fighting monsters like the idiot he was.
Your best friend saying he's a superhero suddenly felt much less significant in comparison to this huge gesture. Sure it was an apology, but you felt giddy about it, as if it was a confession instead.
"Maybe I was a bit jealous of Gwen," you whispered, making him stop his pacing.
For once, he didn't trust his hearing. He followed your gaze and saw the bridge, suddenly went "oh!" as if he just remembered that part of his plan, blinked rapidly, torn between wanting to keep shouting and wanting to persuade you to say it again.
"What?" he asked instead, thinking he must have heard wrong.
"I said I accept your apology," you said smoothly, getting up and placing a kiss on his cheeks.
His face turned bright pink, and he touched the place after you pulled away, as if he could still feel the warmth of your lips.
You smirked and walked off, making him realize you had just successfully diverted his attention.
"Are you SURE that's what you said?" he called after you, following without hesitation. "You can't just kiss me to get what you want, you know!"
You threw a smile over your shoulder. "When you're confessing your undying love for me next, try not to jump off a building, yeah?"
"That- I- what the- you're annoying!" he spluttered out, hating how his face turned red. But he made a mental note to take that plan off his list.
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rophelia · 2 years
more more more pls pls pls
Beginnings [Poly Marauders]
Pairings: James Potter x fem! Reader —> Poly! Marauders x fem! Reader
Words: 1.4k
Anon request: Poly!marauders where you were originally only dating James, but the other boys sort of adopted the role of taking care of you and looking out for you when James isn't there until you're basically all a couple? I hope this makes sense
Warnings: pure fluff, cuddling, polyamorous relationship. As always lmk if I missed anything.
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“Will you be alright whilst I’m at practice, darling?” James asked, his thumb gently stroking your cheek. His eyes were soft as he stood with you by the door, quidditch bag in hand as he hesitantly bid his farewell.
“I’ll be fine… Remmy promised me he would keep me company,” you smiled. Excitement bloomed in your chest at the thought of spending time with Remus, having him read to you one of your favourite pass times when James was occupied.
“Did he now?” James smirked, “and what are you planning on doing?”
You turned your head looking at the Lycanthrope as he rested with his back against the headboard, “will you read to me, Remmy?”
You tried giving him your best puppy eyes, even though you knew you didn’t need to.
“Of course I will, bun,” he smiled, leaning to look through his bedside table for the book you were reading.
“Alright then, I’ll see you later, my darling,” James smiled, pecking your lips before making his exit, leaving you standing in the doorway watching his form descend the stairs.
“Come here, bunny,” Remus called, patting the spot beside him before lifting his arm for you.
You excitedly made your way to him, making Remus chuckle as you jumped onto the bed quickly scooting toward him and snuggling into his side, throwing one leg over his and tangling them together.
His arm held you to him as his soft voice filled the dorm, inviting calm to flow through your body, eventually lulling you to sleep.
The booming voice of Sirius Black pulled you out of your dreamland. Your body felt toasty as you laid curled up against Remus, his focus now on another book and his hand absentmindedly rubbing your side. Sirius happily made his way toward Remus’ bed, having spotted your tired figure against his boyfriend.
He gave Remus a quick peck before a huge grin overtook his face.
“Hi, baby,” he smiled at you, making your heart flutter in your chest.
You disconnected from Remus, stretching your arms for him, “Siri,” you whined, making the raven-haired boy smirk, but he was quick to cover it with a large grin.
“Aww come here, my baby.”
He lifted you into his arms, hugging you close to him as he swayed with you in his grasp.
“Have you had a nice day?” he asked.
“Mhmm, classes were good and Jamie went to practice, so Remmy has been reading to me, but I fell asleep,” you mumbled into his neck, tickling the skin.
“That was nice of him… - are you still tired?”
You nodded, “kinda.”
This caused Remus to shake his head with a small smile, “bunny, you’ve been napping for almost 40 minutes, you won’t be able to sleep tonight if you keep napping.”
“But Moony! I also want to nap and I can’t sleep without my cuddle buddy,” Sirius whined.
Remus’ eyes made a full rotation but didn’t argue, just patted the bed again, making Sirius let out a sound of victory. Sirius laid you down on the bed again, letting your curl up against Remus, before he slid in behind you curling his body against yours.
“Alright, you big babies, I’ll wake you for dinner,” Remus chuckled.
You let out a sigh of contentment before dozing off once more.
The sight James was met with when he entered the dorm should have made him furious, it should have set him off - that reaction seems fairly self-explanatory.
Yet, the only thing he felt when he looked at the bed was happiness, admiration and love. The peace that surrounded the three most important people in his life was pure ecstasy. He was in love.
He dropped his bag on his bed, his eyes locked with Remus, who’d been reading and keeping an eye on the time. Remus smiled gently, beckoning James over with a gesture.
“How was practice?” Remus whispered, taking James’ hand when he was close enough.
“It was good, I’m beat now,” James sighed, seating himself beside Remus, hands still entwined.
James glanced over, his heart leaping out of his chest at your peaceful face, a ghost of a smile resting on your lips as you slept.
It felt so right to see you wrapped up in Sirius’ arms, curled up against Remus - nothing had ever felt more right.
“Well, there’s still sometime before dinner… you can take a quick nap if you’d like?” Remus smiled, pulling James’ arm so he could lay on the bed as well.
James nodded; the tall boy curling up on the opposite side to you of the slightly taller scarred boy, sighing as his muscles relaxed.
A small kiss was laid on James’ forehead.
“Remus I…,” James started, but Remus shushed him, stopping his thoughts from coursing through his mind.
“Just sleep Prongs, we’ll discuss it when you’re all awake again,” Remus said, already aware of what James was going to say.
Another nod was given before James’ eyes fluttered shut and his breathing evened out, laying silence over the dorm again.
Soft murmuring voices pulled you from the deep ocean of sleep, warmth from three bodies surrounding you. It felt like home - you felt at home.
“Darling,” James’ soft voice broke through clearly. Without even opening your eyes you could see the smile on his face, a similar smile in yours as Sirius hugged you tighter.
“I’m awake,” you grumbled, tightening your grip on Remus.
“Come on, bunny, open those eyes…- we have something important to discuss,” Remus said, prompting your eyes to open with curiosity.
Soft smiles decorated both of their faces and though you weren’t looking, you could tell Sirius wore one as well.
Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you positioned yourself cross-legged to be able to look at all three of them. Your eyes searched intently as curiosity ate at you.
James opened his mouth, but only stuttered words came out, “well, baby… you know, I mean I-I know… well… the four of us, hmm.”
Sirius looked to Remus, a silent conversation with their eyes told him everything he needed to know - having discussed this before among themselves.
“What Prongs is trying to say is, we all spend so much time with each other and we have our separate relationships… -well, it all merges in a way, don’t you think?” Remus explained.
You nodded for him to continue, but he didn’t.
Sirius took your hand, looking at Remus who nodded, before he finished their collective thoughts, “do you want to merge it?”
“You mean, all four of us be together?” you asked hesitantly, hoping you hadn’t misunderstood what they were getting at.
“Only if you’re okay with it, darling,” James reassured, even though you were more than okay.
“I am…- and it’s something all of you want?”
“More than anything, bunny.”
The smile you wore could’ve broken your face, your body leaping into Remus’ arms, nestling yourself in his lap. The three of them chuckled, Sirius and James moving so they could engulf you as well.
“Then it’s settled,” Remus sighed. A huge weight lifted off each of your shoulders and a feeling of contentment washed over the room as you stayed in each other’s arms.
“Alright, puppy, gimme a kiss,” Sirius smirked, finally allowed to kiss you.
You dislodged your face from Remus’ neck to look at Sirius, a huge mischievous grin on his face. You glanced at James, asking the silent question ‘are you still sure about this’ but he only smiled encouragingly for you to continue.
So you did, your lips met Sirius’ in a loving kiss, his hands cupping your face as your mouths moulded together; he tasted faintly of smoke and mints, his breath mixing with your own.
The smile you wore seemed to become a permanent feature of your face, your eyes opening to look at Sirius as you pulled apart.
“Prongs turn,” Sirius smirked, moving to James’ side, not giving him a moment to think before he crashed his lips on his.
You watched for a moment as their mouths moved together sloppily.
You leaned in to whisper in Remus’ ear, “you’re gonna tell me that they haven’t done that before,” you giggled. Remus chuckled at the comment, cupping your face with one hand.
“My turn,” he whispered, meeting your lips in a slow kiss.
He was softer than Sirius, not as hungry, but just as passionate.
It all felt surreal, you couldn’t quite wrap your head around the fact that you’d only just woken up from your nap and suddenly you had three boyfriends.
Dinner that evening wasn’t on any of your minds, the only thing occupying your thoughts being each other as you lay in the serenity.
Tags: @justadreamyhufflepuff, @teenwolfbitches28, @emma67, @trouble-in-space, @sciapod, , @nalinijulia, @roonilwazlibswhore, @White_castles, @lexi_shoto, @sprucewoodlover, @blackandlupinsslut, @emmaev, @cedricisnotdead, @Sirius-sugarmomma, @i-love-scott-mccall, @pretty-pop-princess-hs, @pottahishotasf, @velvetcloxds, @m2lily, @biles-bilinskiii, @methblinds, @lunaiswifey, @maraudersbijj, @samaraaaaa, @ildm4ev, @bellatrixscurls, @sabrinathesimp, @princess-jules47, @chanellewts, @remusjlupinisdead, @divanca2006, @dreamy-clouds, @sarahisslytherin, @katmoonz, @daedreamss, @dracomalfoyscslut, @remuslupinsoup, @havenchy, @rxinberryxx, @elesoteri, @pinkcloxds, @mathletemadison,
IMPORTANT! this is the last time I'll be using my taglist, so if you want to be notified for my future work make sure to follow my library account and turn on notifications for it (link to account in my navigation)!
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rophelia · 2 years
peraltiago and jily are the same thing in different fonts
I’ve said this for years
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rophelia · 2 years
Eeeeeeeeee love love love
tasm! peter coming in through the window to spend the night just to cuddle and talk after 1 or both of them had a bad day, he gives 10/10 cuddles and is a total lovebug
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tasm! peter parker x fem! reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ uh well almost smut if not a little bit of smut i'm sorry i know that wasn't a part of the request i just got extra creative update this is smut so if you're under 18 DO NOT READ THIS I DONT WANT TO HAVE MY BLOG SHUT DOWN.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ i feel awful for this boy at every turn bc oh my god why can none of the peter parker's catch a damn break. even the multiverse is fucking mean to them. the trauma anyways enjoy
join the gang!
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It was a particularly nice night outside, the wind was blowing creating a nice breeze that came into your room from under the window that was cracked slightly to bring some cold air inside since it was so hot inside. You sat on your bed watching tv and doodling in a notebook ringer on your phone in case Peter or someone in your house needed something knowing that no one was going to get out of bed. That’s when you heard an “ow!” come from the short balcony that came off of your room. Chuckling you put your notebook away properly placing the pencils in the cup on your nightstand. Moving the blanket off your body you put your legs off the side of your bed watching to see who could possibly be saying ow right next to your window.
“Hello Peter.” You whispered yelled as you saw a body tumble up to the window before accidentally kicking it up against the wall breaking the glass and the frame as he rolled out of the window onto the floor.
“Since when did your mom start a little window garden?” Peter took off his mask, shaking his head around running a hand through his hair trying to straighten out his appearance a little even though he was clearly exhausted.
“Oh god what did you do?” You laughed as he rolled around on the floor like a dog before getting up and shaking his foot around that had some dirt on the suit.
“I may have stepped in a pot and then another one before realizing what was sitting there, don’t worry I’ll get her some new ones.” Peter walked over and sat on the edge of the bed with you as you laughed at his little story.
“You gonna help me put in a new window too?” You pointed at the glass that was now all over the floor and the frame was bent up into the wall. Peter let out a breath hanging his head not realizing that he had done that.
“Yes, I’m sorry it’s just been a long day.” Peter threw himself onto the bed, handing you his mask, closing his eyes. You laid down next to him reaching up to your nightstand again to put the mask in your top drawer where it always was when Peter came over so that it didn’t get lost.
“Why? What’s going on?” You turned your heads towards his encouraging him to do the same by taking a hand and touching his face to gently touch his cheek.
“It just feels like everywhere I go I get beat up. I go to work and have to take pictures, usually of myself, and sometimes those aren’t even good enough. It seems like I always pick the wrong one. Or I’m late because I am trying to do Spiderman stuff and take pictures for Peter Parker stuff. Then during the Spiderman stuff I am always getting my ass handed to me before I have any if any success. Like today I sat through and had to pick pictures of myself for an article that was basically calling me a killer. Then on top of that I had to pick through other pictures to add to other articles that no one else is gonna read because I’m on the front page labeled as a possible murderer.” Peter sounded exhausted and really upset by what he had read and even if that wasn’t what he was trying to sound like his face said it all. That blank far off stare his lips folded in turning his face farther into the bed.
“But you don’t kill anyone babe, that’s just bullshit. I’m sorry it;s all taking a toll on you, I hate seeing you all stressed out just remember that you are the people's hero whether the newspaper says it or not. You are always my hero and I think it’s neat you get to take pictures of yourself even though it’s for a bullshit reason. Just remember that you get money for it and that you still get to take pictures. But remember that if you hate doing it you can always quit you’re a smart boy and you’re amazing at everything. You need to take that suit off and get in bed, you look tired.” You sat up grabbing his hand to try and pull him up with you. But he laid down like dead weight.
“Hey I thought you liked the suit?” Peter laid there propping his head up just a little cocking his head to the side.
“I think we both know I like it better off.” You scrunched up your nose smiling at him as he laughed back at you sitting up on his own holding your hand that still held his. Then to try and convince him to take it off even more you took your hands from his placing yours on his chest.
“Alright it’s it’s coming off.” Peter stood up quickly stumbling around almost tripping over objects including the bed all over the room almost throwing himself out the window again.
“Slow down Spiderman, you're gonna hurt yourself. Or you’re gonna wake someone up and have to hide in the closet or under the bed again.” You laughed at him as he hopped around the room, not being quiet in the least.
“Sorry sorry.” He stood with his suit halfway off his chest and upper body fully exposed arms now out with his palms facing you listening closer to make sure he hadn’t woken anyone up that was sleeping in your house.
Peter creeped around hopping in a quiet little circle taking off the bottom of his suit and then began to fold it in order to hide it better just in case someone were to unlock the door in the morning. You pointed to under the bed where it was supposed to go and he hurried up to shove it under the bed. The moment it was under the bed he jumped on top of you holding your waist with one hand the other was keeping himself from crushing you.
“Peter, you need to sleep.” You mumbled against his lips as he continued to kiss you and grab at your waist hand moving down to your thigh.
“Want me to stop?” Peter whispered in your ear as he continued down your neck kissing and biting from your jawline all the way down to your collarbone moving up and down over and over again in a fast pace.
“I-I want. God Parker. You are not helping me say no.” You gasped as Peter grabbed your breast and the bottom of your shirt as he pulled at it to take it off your body.
“Yknow what would make me feel better?” Peter was no longer touching you, just hovering above you looking down with a smile on his face.
“No I don’t. Enlighten me.” Your smile was wide and your tongue was in between your teeth before Peter went to speak he breathed out a lot of air into your neck once more.
His utterances aren't loud enough to be heard outside the confines of the room. You can barely hear them yourself, to be honest. Nobody is going to hear your talk because of the blowing air from the window hole in your wall and the sound coming from your wall-mounted tv. "I'll enlighten you right now. But if-if you don’t want to say no and I will stop.”
You've never had to say no to him, he's never made you feel uneasy, and he always knows what to do and when to do it. Instead, you simply nod and return your gaze to the ground. Peter continues from where he left off. He continued to move fast downward, lifting your shirt off your body, but altered positions so that both of you were totally on the bed. His lips have just barely touched the center of your stomach, and he isn't going to stop until you tell him to. His hands are now at your sides, applying pressure onto your hips on the bed. When Peter slips your panties to the side and his mouth from your stomach to your clit in one motion, it catches you off guard. You take a deep breath and cover your mouth with your hands. He licks a stripe up your pussy again, murmuring as he does so, pausing to delicately tickle your clit with his teeth this time. With his tongue, he soothes over the playful bite, making you squirm. Peter effortlessly hooks both of your legs over his shoulders, his face pushed into your center. He licks every inch of your skin with his tongue. He encircles your clit with his tongue, sucking at the sensitive nub. You have enough confidence in yourself to take one hand away from your mouth and grasp his dark hair, tugging it passionately. You work hard to be quiet, even if all you want to do is call him by his name and tell him how wonderful everything is. When someone knocks on your door, you're so close to letting out a gentle whimper; it's just at the back of your throat, ready to run over your lips and thank Peter.
“Hey, are you okay? You didn’t answer your phone, we heard glass break and texted you but you didn’t respond.” Peter halted at the sound of your fathers voice looking up at you with huge eyes.
“Uhm, yeah no I’m good it was my fault I accidentally knocked my window with my uh phone actually, I went to throw my phone on my bed and over shot.” You took a deep breath in before speaking, your words coming out loudly as you cleared your throat a bit.
“Oh my god do you need help cleaning up the glass?” You could hear your dad leaning on the door as his voice grew.
“N-no I got it all and I just I just,” Peter was motioning toward the bathroom in your room trying to help you find the excuse you were looking for.
“Brushed my teeth?” Even you sounded confused as to why he was pointing towards the bathroom. Peter rolled his eyes, shaking his head violently.
“What?” Your dad whisper yelled outside the door just as confused as you did.
“Shower! I just got out of the shower.” Peter made a motion to say “glad you figured that out”, you smacked your knee against his head.
“Oh okay well tomorrow after I get home from work I’ll go in and make sure it’s all cleaned up. Hey, I meant to talk to you about this earlier but have you read the Daily Bugle today?” Your dad wasn’t about to come in the room after hearing you had been in the shower but he clearly wasn’t done talking. But Peter wasn’t about to make you hear all about that again. Instead Peter's tongue lunges out again, licking at you. Your hold on returns to his hair head thrown back on the bed again.
You take a deep breath, but it's wobbly. You must remind yourself to relax and breathe. With Peter and his amazing tongue between your thighs, both of those things are difficult. "No I haven’t, why?”
Peter's lips encircle your clit , and then one of his hands departs from your hips to join his mouth in between your legs. When your hips buck up off the bed and you squirm, he shoves two fingers into you, chuckling quietly as your father continued to pester you,
“Spiderman killed someone, can you believe that? He might be catching criminals but he is damn close to becoming one. You ever see him around you go in the other direction.”
You have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about, in fact at that moment you had no clue who Spiderman was but you don’t question it knowing that if he was standing outside the door still talking that he found it important. “Yeah, sure I prom-” When Peter sticks his tongue into your hole, you cut yourself off. “Promise,” you finish.
“Okay good, I don’t want you caught in that dumbass kids crossfire.” He sounded serious that time but you didn’t barely hear him, you couldn’t focus on both things at once. For a brief moment, you mistook your father's departure for the end of the conversation. Until he says something such as, "Hey, are you still hanging out with that Parker kid?"
“Y-yes and we don’t hang out, he's my boyfriend has been for a really long time now.” When Peter's name is mentioned, he pauses. His two fingers are still buried deep inside you, and his lips still wrapped around your clit, but he lifts his head enough to look at you and cock an eyebrow up.
“I don’t like him, he seems shifty, kinda strange.” Your father mumbled out not sure what all to say not wanting to upset you at all.
“He’s just shy dad.” Peter chuckles at what you've said. He nibbles at your clit before sucking the sensitive bud again, his tongue flicking out every now and then to tease it. Peter's fingers begin to move again, softly thrusting in and out of you, but it's evident he hasn't fully shut out the discussion.
“Well I could tell that I just, something about him makes me feel off.” Peter sinks his teeth into your clit once more, this time with a little more force, but not enough to injure you. It was enough to make your pelvis buck up into his face. You're keeping yourself quiet by biting firmly on your bottom lip with your teeth. He presses his fingers into you, a sensitive area in your body. Peter uses his free arm to hold you on the bed as you wiggle again.
"Dad, he's a lovely guy. If you’d just talk to him every once in a while-" Peter has now added his tongue to join his two fingers, so you can't continue your sentence.
“All I’m happy about is that he’s a nerdy little bastard so I don’t have to worry about him getting in your pants.” Peter pulls his fingers out of your body until only the tips are visible. Without warning, he rams them back in, his tongue diving into you as well.
You can't stop the moan from coming out. It's quiet, ideally quiet enough to keep what's going on behind the closed door a secret. "Yeah, I know dad," you say, trying to pass it off as a sigh of relief.
“You sound tired, I’m gonna let you go to bed. I’ll look for extra glass in the morning, goodnight.” You could hear your dad's body coming up off the door.
Peter's brow furrows as he locks eyes with you once more. He draws his mouth away from you and licks his lips before smiling brightly, evidently humoured with what you just said. His fingers, on the other hand, are still inside you, crooking up to touch that delicious place time and over. You're on the verge of cumming. The knot in your stomach is ready to untangle. Peter's tongue flicks at your clit as his mouth wraps around it once more. You can hear footsteps outside your door, and while you still need to be quiet, you don't have to be concerned about your father being exactly outside your door. You're cumming minutes later, thanks to Peter's lips on your clit and his fingers going in and out of you. As you achieve your release, you clutch at Peter's hair, murmuring his name. Peter licks his fingers clean as he takes them out. He nods and returns his mouth to your thighs and lapping your pussy clean. He starts kissing your inner thighs once he's satisfied. He leaves a few minor blemishes, but nothing that won't fade away in a few days. He then works his way back up your abdomen, between your chest, and under your neck till he's face to face with you.
“So I’m a nerdy little bastard?” Peter laughed above you as he remembered the part of the conversation that shocked him the most.
“Shut up.” You touched his face with your hands pulling it down to kiss him hard.
“I can’t get in your pants huh?” Peter was moving his head from side to side looking you up and down, making his way forward so that you were positioned with your thighs between his eyes looking down at your naked body.
“Peter shhh cmon, you gonna let me return the favor?” You tried to drive him away from the conversation not wanting to have to go over the conversation.
“Tomorrow morning, not right now we both need sleep, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Peter winked at you before getting up and going to the dresser. “So you brushed your teeth and threw your phone at the window?”
“Okay that first one was your fault, pointing at the bathroom what does that even mean? Secondly if I didn’t say that he would have asked me why I didn’t answer my phone.” You explained to Peter curious as to what he was doing until he pulled out a shirt that was his and threw it in a ball at your direction. Then he opened another drawer.
“Everyone knows that means shower, especially right then. And alright I’ll give you that one but I have no idea as to how you’re gonna explain the pots broken with footprints up the side of the building to your mother.” Peter pulled out a fresh pair of underwear from your drawer throwing them at you as well.
“I’ll just tell her that I got bored I guess because I don’t know what else to say about that one.” You laughed putting on the clothes he had provided for you before he jumped into bed, grabbing the comforter and pulling it over himself, grabbing you and pulling you under as well.
“You’re adorable when you’re half asleep.” You yawned as Peter pulled you onto his chest to rest your head, wrapping his arms around your body.
“So are you Peter Parker, you spending the night?” You jokingly asked him as he kissed your temple.
“Yes of course I am.” Peter snuggled you closer into his body as he reached up to turn off the lamp that was blaring in the two of your eyes. He pulled the blanket even further up your body as he laid his chin on top of your head. Peter continued to kiss your forehead, running his hands up and down your arms. Your back pressed against his bare chest which was incredibly warm, his heartbeat was a pattern against your back which made you even more tired. He was holding your hands in front of your body, the two of you were as close as you could be with clothes between your bodies.
“I love you Parker.” You looked up and kissed his lips lightly.
“I love you too Y/n.” Peter scrunched up his nose and looked forward at the TV as he started to close his eyes and drift off to sleep. Happy he got to talk to you and even more happy that he got to make you happy…
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rophelia · 2 years
What a Way to Wake Up
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Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield TASM)
Collection/Series: N/A
Pairing: TASM! Peter Parker x Fem Identifying/Menstruating Reader
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: T
Warnings: Reader menstruates, use of she/her/feminine identifers, periods suck okay? but Peter’s pretty great.
Summary: Periods, as natural as they are, suck and Peter being the wonderful boyfriend that he is, only wants you to feel good, safe, and comfortable. You’re his number one priority. 
Notes: I’m coming up for my period and like always I just wish I had someone to hold me tight and give me love and affection, something I think Peter would be very good at. This ended up double the length I thought it would…
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rophelia · 2 years
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“That keeps on coming back to me, that sentiment and that idea and how strangely hard it is to be oneself. It feels like it is a lifelong pursuit to dig down and bring whatever is the true self—that mysterious thing of the true self—up to the surface, offering it and giving it because it wants to be given. There are so many opportunities to run away from it. It’s so easy to say: ‘No, not safe, not safe, not safe—I’m going to be rejected or I’m going to fail or I’m going to be disliked or someone won’t understand.’ What I’ve discovered is that if people are not understanding you or you are failing, that often tends to be a good sign.”
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rophelia · 2 years
Heavy In Your Arms
PAIRING: TASM!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
CONTENT: they’re 18+, mild violence, injuries + blood, kidnapping, mild torturing(it doesn’t get too bad), angst 
NOTES: in honor of my last one doing better than I expected, I’m putting this one out early. hope you enjoy if you do maybe reblog :)))
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“c’mon parker, pick up” you muttered, holding your phone between your shoulder and ear while you tried to open your apartment door with a handful of groceries. the phone beeped again. then the key in your hand fell on the floor.
“you’ve got to be shitting me,” you groaned. you dropped all the bags onto the floor but kept one hand on your phone while you picked up the key and unlocked the door. as soon as you kicked it open you grabbed a handful of bags and threw them in, not caring if they fell out now. once you got the rest of them, you closed and locked the door. he still didn’t pick up. 
you sighed, deciding to leave a voicemail. 
“god parker, when I see you, I’m gonna beat the shit outta you. what did I tell you about answering my phone calls? I don’t care if you’re patrolling or getting beat up at the moment, you answer me! got it? okay, I’m sure you do. um… well I just got home and I’m putting my groceries away, so uh, once you actually get this maybe let me know if you can still come over alright? I love you.”
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rophelia · 2 years
i love i love i loVE
I Know That Voice
PAIRING: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
CONTENT: some douchebag and a spider, comedy and major fluff
NOTES: while I was trying to think of ideas I thought, what if peter’s best friend just wasn’t a total idiot and actually recognized his voice when they met spider-man? what would that be like? so this is what came out of it. I thought it was really funny, hope you enjoy! last fic of 2021 :)
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“who knows maybe he’s like, a really ugly dude with a receding hairline or something-”
peter bursts out laughing, shaking so hard he clutches his hand to his chest.
“you seriously believe that’s what spider-man looks like?” he wheezes.
“no- no! I didn’t say that’s what I think he looks like, I just said that could be a possibility!” you laugh. 
an hour ago when you came over to peter’s house to study, you had every intention to get straight down to business and start the project you two have together that’s due in a week from now. which was also assigned a week ago. doing projects with your best friend are always difficult, but you guys always manage to get a good grade in the end, since you are the two smartest in the grade, maybe aside from your other friend gwen. but when you mentioned to peter that you were 99% sure spider-man waved at you yesterday, it’s been a whole discussion on what you think he looks like. 
“who knows! he could also have no hair, or really bleached hair! or maybe he dresses like a frat boy everyday- or he is a frat boy! just because he’s a hero doesn’t mean he automatically has great fashion sense-” you ramble. 
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rophelia · 2 years
andrew garfield would hold me as i cried over betty white while watching golden girls
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rophelia · 2 years
im absolutely not kidding, someone needs to check on Ryan Reynolds
Im worried abt him
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rophelia · 2 years
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enjoy the cheesecake, ladies 💔
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rophelia · 2 years
What a Way to Wake Up
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Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield TASM)
Collection/Series: N/A
Pairing: TASM! Peter Parker x Fem Identifying/Menstruating Reader
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: T
Warnings: Reader menstruates, use of she/her/feminine identifers, periods suck okay? but Peter’s pretty great.
Summary: Periods, as natural as they are, suck and Peter being the wonderful boyfriend that he is, only wants you to feel good, safe, and comfortable. You’re his number one priority. 
Notes: I’m coming up for my period and like always I just wish I had someone to hold me tight and give me love and affection, something I think Peter would be very good at. This ended up double the length I thought it would…
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rophelia · 2 years
𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧’𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞! 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞: 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞. tasm!peter x fem!reader
Summary: Someone spies upon the city vigilante and Y/N sharing a heart-to-heart moment, and spreads rumors faster than you could say please. (strangers to friends to lovers)
a/n: threw some requests, writing prompts and detailed daydreams into a cauldron, gave it a good mix, and this is what I came up with. Bon appétit. [ tw: mentions of alcohol, wounds, blood, drunk!peter ]
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“C’mon, let’s go!” One of your friends said impatiently, which made you pack up your bag faster. You saw Peter Parker near the door, rubbing his hands together because of the cold December evening.
“One second, I’ll be there!” you said to the friend, then walked to him. Before he could acknowledge your presence, you took off your scarf casually and handed it over.
“Thanks?” It sounded like a question, even to himself.
“In case you have to do Spiderman-ing tonight,” you said, making sure no one was in earshot. “Just don’t stay out too late, alright? If there’s too much fog, you won’t see where you’re shooting webs to.”
“Wait, what—”
But you were already gone, yelling after your friends about the upcoming holidays, leaving him to wonder how the hell you knew he was Spiderman.
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rophelia · 2 years
"like a shot of espresso" has me in tears at least twice a day 😩🤚
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This series will be a compilation of all the craziness that goes down in the Garfield household, from marriage to children and everything in between <3
❝𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨…
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It will include a timeline of Y/N and Andrews relationship from dating to marrying to having babies together and everything after that! I’ll write about the kids at all different stages in life and how Andrew is as a dad x
…𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭❞
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339 notes · View notes
rophelia · 2 years
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This series will be a compilation of all the craziness that goes down in the Garfield household, from marriage to children and everything in between <3
❝𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨…
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It will include a timeline of Y/N and Andrews relationship from dating to marrying to having babies together and everything after that! I’ll write about the kids at all different stages in life and how Andrew is as a dad x
…𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭❞
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