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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Moon 31
Duck goes hunting again, and comes across a burrow. He isn't sure if it's worth checking out, but does so anyway, he'd always had good outcomes before.
But not this time. The burrow is bare and smells of sickness, clearly whatever lived there had gotten sick and was probably dead now. Probably better for it, and Duck alike.
Moon 32
Duck woke up with a splitting headache that morning that he couldn't get rid of, he couldn't even get out of his nest, forced to curl up and hide from the sun. Brookpaw was concerned, and annoyed even when she realised she had nothing to help with it. She'd never been outside on her own, and she knew Duck would never let her even though she was old enough now, so instead of asking, she went without a word to her father.
She found exactly what she needed, and everything was going great. Until it wasn't, the herbs she needed were on a steep bank, and although she got up there fine, looking down, Brookpaw realised she was stuck. She couldn't just stay there though, so steeling herself, she attempted to get down. She tripped. The she-cat tumbled down the slope, landing at the bottom with a hiss of pain, her paw throbbing. She'd sprained it. Of course, she had.
It was a challenge to get home, and her father would be furious once he found out, but at least she got the herbs she needed for him.
Moon 33
Headache gone, and frustration at his daughter breaking his one rule somewhat subdued, Duck picked himself up and went on patrol. He caught the scent of a mouse nearby, knowing that it would be a good addition to a dwindling prey pile as the season grew even colder than usual. Unfortunately, he narrowly missed it, blaming the remaining ache in his head.
Moon 34
It had taken some time, but finally, finally, Brookpaw was a medicine cat. Daisyknoll came to her in her sleep to confirm it, with a gentle smile and a proud glint in her eyes.
"You're ready, Brookpaw."
"Brookwind." The she-cat corrects her.
"Brookwind." Daisyknoll repeats, "I'm proud of you.. But you must speak to your father."
Brookwind looked at her confused, and then it hit her, "You're not my mother."
"Does that make you wish you'd never become a medicine cat?"
".. No." She sighed, remembering all of the times that Duck had looked at her oddly or sadly whenever she'd mentioned Daisyknoll. Now she knew why. She couldn't blame him though, she knew that he didn't want to break her heart. Brookwind dipped her head.
"Thank you for training me Daisyknoll. Will you still come to see me?"
"You're welcome. Sometimes, if you truly need my guidance."
"Daisyknoll isn't my mother."
Duck looked up at the intrusion of his den, he'd moved to one further up, only accessible by boulders, due to the cold draft. A hint of grief struck his features.
"Who was she?"
"You never had a mother Brookpaw-"
He sat up, mouth opening then closing, then opening again, "Congratulations. I'm.. I'm so proud of you."
Brookwind smiled, then remembered what she was there for, and stared at him as a prompt to continue.
"Right, yes... you never had a mother. I gave birth to you."
Chuckling at her shock and horror, Duck was quick to continue, "I was.. born a she-cat, but as I got older I realised that that didn't quite fit. It didn't feel right to be called she or present as a molly. Deep down, I knew that I was a tom, and it was only after I came here that I could fully embrace that. Your father accepted me as I was, and I prayed to StarClan every night that I was pregnant with you and your brother that he would come home, but he never did. He didn't abandon us, never, but.. He's not here anymore. He hasn't been for a long time."
Brookwind looked grief-stricken. She'd never get to meet.. her father, even if she wanted to. And hearing about what her father had to deal with as a young cat, pretending to be someone he wasn't and only able to say it out loud once the literal apocalypse had started. She wasn't even mad, just.. sad.
"I understand why you never told me, and I don't blame you for it."
Duck's eyes shone with unshed tears as his daughter laid down next to him, snuggling up to him.
"I still love you all the same, Dad.”
Moon 35
Not much is happening, but Duck acknowledges that Brookwind is doing a great job as a medicine cat, even if there isn't much for her to do right now. She does her best to keep the herbs stocked, and to always check on him, but as he gets older he can't help but worry about the lack of cats in their "clan". Many moons ago, Daisyknoll told him when he was young that he would restart RootClan, and here he was many seasons later not doing the one thing she asked. He wondered how angry StarClan was with him.
Duck goes out hunting, he catches a rabbit from its burrow.
Brookwind is a full fledged medicine cat now! yippee! And Duck has come out!
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Moon 26
After the comfort he'd given her, Brookpaw stopped talking to Duck once again, lost in a trap of grief and self-blame for what happened to her brother. However, it didn't take long for her to start blaming Duck instead, for not being there to protect them, and for not doing enough for Whisppaw. Instead of ignoring him, she used every opportunity to remind him, hurting him with a sharp tongue. Duck never seemed bothered, not in front of her, but whenever she was nowhere to be seen he grieved. Not only the loss of his son, but his daughter too, her trust in him was completely gone.
But as the saying goes, time heals all wounds. As the sunrises went by, and it soon became a moon since Whisppaw's death, Brookpaw no longer blamed her father, she realised she'd been too harsh in her judgement of him, judgement that he didn't deserve. He'd done his best for them, ever since they were young, it was just him looking after them and they'd done everything they could to make it hard. Brookpaw had never asked who her mother was, she figured she'd died giving birth to them, leaving Duck alone.
It was during the night in her dream, after a day of father and daughter finally bonding again, that Brookpaw was certain she'd met her mother. She looked just like her, and it was obvious where Whisppaw's eye colour had come from. Brookpaw
learned that her name was Daisyknoll, and when asked if she was her mother, the she-cat never denied it, simply looking upon her sadly. They spoke for a long time, and Daisyknoll taught Brookpaw all about StarClan, about the code, both warrior and medicine and the more she learned the more Brookpaw wanted to follow in her mother's pawsteps.
The next day, she approached her father with a gentle smile on her face and told him that she wanted to be a medicine cat. Her mother would teach her all she needed to know. In her excitement, Brookpaw missed the bewildered look on Duck's face as she turned away.
Moon 27
Brookpaw wanted to go out to collect some herbs for the first time, the first time she'd wanted to go outside since the death of Whisppaw. Duck was heavily against the idea, but logically he knew they needed herbs, if Brookpaw really was being trained by her "mother" - it didn't matter that whoever this cat wasn't really her mother, just that she was teaching her - then when she said they needed herbs, they needed herbs. So instead of going out to hunt or patrol, Duck compromised to go herb gathering with her.
As they walked, Duck suddenly thought back on the dream he'd had last night. Daisyknoll had spoken to him again after so long, apologising for her absence and for the death of Whisppaw, lamenting how she just wasn't allowed to intervene. Duck had been angry at first, but he understood deep down.
"Are you ok Dad?"
Duck looked down at his daughter, humming an affirmative, before deciding to bring the dream up, "I spoke to a StarClan cat last night."
Brookpaw's eyes lit up immediately, intrigued and excited.
"She apologised for not being able to help with Whisppaw. She also told me that.. she'd spoken to you-"
"My mother! I told you. I'm right, right? I look exactly like her, and Whisppaw had her eyes!"
Duck cringed, looking away. Did he tell her? Would it stop her from becoming a medicine cat, if she knew that her mother wasn't really a medicine cat and in fact, her father had given birth to her? He decided against it. One day, when she was older, she'd know, but for now, Duck would let her believe it.
"Sure kiddo. That's your mama."
Moon 28
Brookpaw turned 12 moons. Whisppaw would've been a warrior, Duck couldn't help but think about it. The father-daughter pair spent most of the moon grieving what they could've had with their son/brother.
Moon 29
They were out on herb gathering again, and Brookpaw loved to take advantage of being the one with the knowledge. She'd gotten bigger now, but to Duck she was still his little girl, and an apprentice, so being bossed around by her was downright humiliating, especially since he couldn't argue back with any parental punishment since this was her area of expertise. She was being extra bossy today, and Duck was not having it. Instead of listening to her, he stayed stock-still and stared her down.
"Dad." She sighed exasperated.
They spent the entire herb gathering patrol with Duck being pretty much useless.
Moon 30
Duck flinched when he heard Brookpaw yell out from the medicine den, in the middle of the night. He'd moved out as she got older, into the warrior's den, and suddenly he was regretting it. Flashes of Whisppaw flashed through his mind as he ran as fast as possible to the den, only to find that Brookpaw was fine, for the most part. She was breathing heavily and crying, she'd had a nightmare.
"Oh, sweetheart."
Duck approached her and gently pushed his nose against her cheek, sitting next to her and allowing the she-cat to push herself into his side. Brookpaw sniffed, looking up at her father.
"It.. it doesn't hurt as much as it used to, but I still dream of him sometimes."
"I understand.." He really did, he'd had plenty of nightmares, especially of that dog. Not only had it ripped Whisppaw up, but Brookpaw too, those nights once Duck had awoken from the nightmare he never could go back to sleep.
"You still need some time, and we'll never be completely over it, but we just need to take comfort in knowing that he's always with us." He raised a paw to tap her chest, "In here."
That morning, for the first time in a long time, Duck went out on his own. The prey of the forest was stretched thin once again, so, again, he had to travel further out. It had been many moons since he'd been so close to the twoleg place, but as he grew closer, he realised that there were.. twoleg kits. Were the red-eyed beasts still out there, or had the twolegs chosen to bring kits into this new world as he had? He didn't have time to decide because one of the kits spotted him, instantly leading to his escape from the scene. Maybe he'd go back again someday to see how they were doing.
Listen they look freakishly similar, so I couldn't resist! For the sake of lore, Brook just doesn't remember being nursed by her dad LOL
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
CW: Death
Moon 21
The kits had finally moved into their own nests in what Duck had finally figured out was the medicine den, they were maturing so much faster than he expected, and soon he knew they'd be itching to go outside, more than they ever did as young kits. Before he leaves, Duck gifts Whispkit a piece of his fur to put in the tom kit's nest, knowing how much he missed him when he went out.
Whilst out hunting, Duck decided that it would be a good idea to disguise his scent, to make it easier. He hadn't forgotten about the beasts, perhaps it would disguise him from them as well. He couldn't think of much though, or find anything to accomplish his goal, but the hunt goes well either way.
Moon 22
It comes to him in a dream, that his kits are old enough now to become apprentices. Daisyknoll so-called hopes for one of them to turn down the path of a medicine cat, but Duck knows his children, and knows that they've waited too long to get out and fight, not get stuck treating injuries. He'd done his best to subtly sway either of them, but it didn't work, and he wasn't going to force anything. So, with only him available he took both children under his wing, to mentor them, and prepare them for the world. He hesitated in taking them outside, standing at the camp's exit with the two kits- apprentices, Whisppaw and Brookpaw, bickering behind him.
Eventually, he leads them out anyway. The first time, it doesn't go so well, Whisppaw is too enthusiastic and picks a fight with a rogue that Duck had seen way too often and chased away way too often. He ended up bruised, but the rogue was far worse off once Duck was through with them.
It took several days and begging from both apprentices before he finally took them both out again for some training.
And of course, the two apprentices spiral into bickering, this time less playful and more of a proper disagreement. They turn to their father after some time, who simply stares at them with tired eyes. He'd never liked picking sides, so his attempts at smoothing them both down fails, the words catching. It was the nerves too, at least their arguing was a good excuse for him to get them home sooner rather than later.
Moon 23
Duck was well aware that dogs were becoming more and more common in the area, those from the city slowly moving outward toward safer ground. As a result, he'd been more than cautious about going out, especially when it came to training his kids. He'd been right to be cautious, it seemed. It was never a good idea, but he had to scout ahead, to make sure that their training area was safe, he'd done it time and time again and always been quick, nothing had gone wrong. Then he heard screaming, and suddenly his heart was in his mouth and he was moving faster than he ever had in his life.
Duck didn't even need to think or register the blood splattered across the frozen ground before he threw himself at the dog attacking his son, yowling and screeching, claws digging deep into its body. It yelped and barked but Duck never let go, shredding its skin into ribbons, vision turned red with rage. At some point, the dog finally managed to shake him, turning tail and fleeing. Duck got up to give chase when the wails of Brookpaw broke through his anger, where his heart had previously been in his mouth now it was in his paws, time seemed to slow when he turned around to take in the scene.
Whisppaw lay unmoving, leg twisted at an odd angle, covered in spatters of blood. Brookpaw stood over him, sobbing, blood spattering her fur too. Duck couldn't breathe. Then he saw Whisppaw's body rise, it was hard to see and faint, but where Duck couldn't breathe Whisppaw was. Panicked, Duck sprung forward, sparing no words for his daughter as he carefully picked Whisppaw up and started running back toward camp, only being able to hope that Brookpaw would follow. His son had to survive, he had to.
Moon 24
Brookpaw hadn't spoken to him since the incident. It had been a whole moon, and Whisppaw still hadn't recovered. Duck was doing his best with what limited knowledge he had, but nothing seemed to work. He prayed for Daisyknoll to come to him in a dream, to advise him, tell him what to do, but there was nothing but silence. He cursed her out, looking down upon his son's prone form, the wound on his leg festering. Infection was growing in his bones, Duck could smell it, and there was nothing he could do. There was nothing he could do to make Brookpaw feel better either, even if he had the energy, she felt it was her fault.
Duck slumped down next to his son, nose buried into his hot fur. They could survive a moon without hunting, for now, he needed to rest and ensure that his son got better.
Moon 25
Duck still couldn't believe it. He knew it was coming, had sensed it, but when he woke up that morning to see Whisppaw still, entirely still this time, it broke him. He'd laid there for what felt like hours, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. He needed to tell Brookpaw... He couldn't do this. Perhaps it would've been better if he'd died with his twoleg when the beasts attacked. A shiver travelled down his spine, a new presence pressing into his side, it wasn't Brookpaw, it felt different. Closing his eyes, he knew it was him.
"I'm so sorry Whisppaw.."
The presence shifted, and then it was gone, just like that. Duck wiped his tears with a swipe of his paw and got to his feet, sparing Whisppaw's body with one last look before pushing out of the den to find his daughter. When he told her the news, Brookpaw completely broke, wailing into his chest. It broke Duck's heart to have to listen to his daughter's cries, but he did his best to comfort her, that was all he could do.
They would find a nice place to bury Whisppaw later, for now, they just needed each other.
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Moon 16
They were beautiful little things. His kits. Duck had to admit, he was woozy from blood loss, weak, and praying that the red-eyed beasts hadn't heard his screams. Whisp, and Brook, those were their names. Whisp... Whispkit, and Brookkit. Duck purred loudly, nuzzling into the pair, trying not to think about the lover that never returned.
Moon 17
Duck is still recovering from birth, watching his two kits play nearby. He smiles, full of love for his two little ones.
Moon 18
Still not recovered from the birth, but the blood loss is no longer a problem, Duck sits down with Whispkit and Brookkit, who playfully share tongues, tugging at each other's fur, to tell them a story. The story of the twoleg forest, and maybe a lighter and more kid-friendly rendition of the red-eyed beasts. He didn't want to scare them, but they needed to be aware that the beasts were out there.
"- and that's why you can't go outside yet, do you understand?"
The two kits stifled their giggles and nodded, earning a disbelieving look from Duck.
"It just sounds so made-up papa!" Brookkit said finally, grinning, "You can't scare us with stories, we're brave and strong! Right, Whispkit?"
The tom kit nodded enthusiastically, jumping to his paws and wiggling his butt as he pounced at Duck's paws, "Nothing scares us, papa!"
Duck sighed, hiding a grim expression behind a fond smile, "Right. You two are the bravest little kits I've ever seen."
Moon 19
Duck is still recovering. Most of his time is spent half-heartedly playing with his kits or sleeping. They don't seem to mind too much, though sometimes they grow grumpy and purposefully wake him or roll into him, which can lead to scolding. Most recently, Duck scolds Whispkit for not being considerate of him or his sister, Whispkit quietly apologises and the family of 3 spend time cuddling. Until Brookkit chomps on Duck's ear which leads to another playfight.
Moon 20
Finally healed from the strain of birth, Duck was conflicted about going out to hunt again. He needed the food for him and his kits, but on the other paw, he didn't want to leave them alone, knowing they were plotting to sneak out of camp too. What choice did he have, though? So, left strict instructions for the kits not to leave camp whenever he left, and hoped that that would be enough.
Duck comes across a rabbit burrow on his hunt and catches the rabbit inside, taking it back to the camp for his kits to eat.
RIP Duck's unnamed lover, you might've maybe been a great dad!
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Moon 11
Duck hadn't been looking where he was going. Over the past 10 moons since moving into the Grotto and attempting to start this... RootClan, that he was doubting even existed now despite Daisyknoll's insistence. By now, he knew the territory off by heart, so when he suddenly tripped over a rabbit hole that definitely wasn't there before, and a sharp pain spread up from his paw, he was both surprised and horrified.
There was nobody else to help him. He'd scared away the loners and rogues, he was all by himself. It had taken until sundown for him to get back to the Grotto, limping and whimpering the entire time. Duck dragged himself into his den, the one closest to the entrance had the most moss and padding and heat. He lay down in one of the nests, breathing heavily. On his own, the injury wouldn't heal right, he wouldn't have a continuous source of prey, and he'd done some good hunting but it wouldn't last. This.. this felt like what was the beginning of the end.
Moon 13
He should've died. It didn't take long for his food to run out, and the rest to turn to crow food. Duck was shocked to find himself still alive anyway after two moons had passed. His sprain had healed fine, too, another surprise. StarClan intervention, maybe? He didn't want to believe in them, because if he did then why did they curse him to be so alone, but at the same time them he could believe in his guide. It was all so conflicting.
On his first hunt after being cooped up for so long, Duck stretched is legs and ran. Ran like the wind. It didn't take long for him to catch the warm, rich scent of blood, but the sight that greeted him nearly sent him fleeing. A stocky grey fox, feeding on a deer carcass. No way it could've killed a deer of that size by itself. Duck shuddered at the thought of the red-eyed beasts. Even so, that deer was exactly what he needed after surviving on practically nothing for two moons, it was something he was willing to fight for. Praying to StarClan for the first time in a while, despite being half its size and weight, Duck threw himself into a fight with the creature.
It didn't take much effort. The fox was already stuffed with venison, and clearly unwilling to lose blood over what was left, as it grumbled and ran off, away from Duck's puffed fur and unsheathed claws. The tom preened, proud of himself, as he worked out how to get the deer back to camp.
Moon 14
It wasn't.. intentional. It was a deviation from his usual behaviour, but when Duck had seen him, he couldn't bring himself to chase the tom from his territory. And then he'd fallen in love.
Later, he found out he was growing life inside of him.
This complicated things, he didn't have another cat to help him, and his lover had no idea, and hadn't returned for a while. Duck was beginning to grow worried about him. Maybe he could put his trust in StarClan once again, as he did the moons before. Either way, he couldn't stop hunting just because he was with kit, he had to continue. The thought of having children made him so giddy, but he felt guilty all the same for bringing life into this world. Duck knew though, that he had to do all he could for his children, he had to keep them safe and fed. He could do this.
Duck realised, as he ate the prey he just caught, that once his kits were born, he couldn't, wouldn't, do that anymore. He'd finally start following the warrior's code.
Moon 15
Eventually, it became obvious that he could no longer get around like he used to, stomach swollen and weighing him down. He took the time to set up where he'd have his children, in his den, safe and warm. Just like they would be. He'd stocked up on all of the prey he'd need, and, additionally, had prayed to StarClan that his lover would come back to him. It had been a moon, he'd been gone for that long before, but Duck wanted his children's father to meet them.
surprise! he's transgender!
also don't ask me why there is no moon 12 I don't know what happened to moon 12 (I ate moon 12)
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Moon 6
Time had passed, and Duck was beginning to learn more about the Clans and Clan life. Daisyknoll had revealed to him StarClan, where the souls of dead cats roamed, and introduced him to the warrior code. There were too many rules for his liking. He'd had rules when living with his twoleg, but out here, free? Why did there have to be so many? There was a rule about not eating before feeding the Clan first, but as Duck stood over the fresh mouse he'd just caught considering eating it then and there, he shrugged. It was just him, there was no clan.
Yet, somehow, as he returned back to the grotto empty-pawed and with blood still on his lips, it still felt as though hundreds of eyes burned into his pelt.
Moon 7
Nothing interesting happens this moon, Duck spent most of his time catching mice and hiding away from the beasts.
Moon 8
Duck had seen dogs before, out on leashes with their twoleg owners pulling them back as soon as their eyes had locked onto the small tom cat, who'd meowed teasingly from his balcony. He'd never been in danger by them before. So, to smell one so close to the edge of his territory had his fur on ends.
He was just lucky it was so small. Small dogs were still an issue, but it was about the same size as him. He could handle it. However, all of Duck's attempts to drive the dog off led to it falling into a greater fit of excitement. Seeing no way to calm it, Duck simply had to wait in a safe spot, bored and miserable, for it to finally stop barking and leave.
Moon 9
Nothing interesting happens, Duck found a rogue at one point but easily chased them away with sharp snarls and dark threats after ambushing them. He doesn't feel bad, the loneliness is starting to become too comfortable.
Moon 10
Nothing interesting happens, Duck came across a pair of fighting squirrels, chasing each other across the forest floor. They're so distracted that he is able to catch them both, taking them back home satisfied.
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Since these moons are written pretty short I'll be uploading them 5 moons at a time! Enjoy!
Moon 1
It had been too long since he'd last eaten anything healthy, his stomach grumbling in agreement. Most of what he could find in the city had been cold crowfood, or... He shuddered, continuing on, ears and eyes peeled in case a monster appeared to swallow him whole. He stopped when a small burrow came into view, barely holding back excitement, mouth watering. It wasn't difficult, he hooked his paw into the burrow and snatched out the small rabbit hidden inside. The warm blood of freshkill in his mouth was a dream come true.
Moon 2
It's probably not his brightest idea, but Duck finds himself hunting nearer to the twoleg dens. They weren't the same as the heart of the city, no tall stone tree-dens or hundreds of monsters roaring at each other night and day, he'd only been there once or twice when his twoleg brought him. Prey had gotten harder to find, or it had never been easy to find in the first place, so the tom cat had travelled closer to the twoleg dens in hopes of finding something there.
It was a successful hunt at the end of the day, though, he'd been interrupted by twolegs here and there. Honestly, he thought they'd all been destroyed, but maybe not.
Moon 3
While he was out hunting once again, a never-ending cycle, Duck paused—pawprints, in some soft mud beneath the canopy. Paranoia hit him hard and fast, ears flat against his skull. He struggled between tracing the pawsteps back or fleeing to the grotto. No. He couldn't just let this threat lie. It took some time, but eventually… He figured out they were just his own pawsteps, and he'd circled back on himself. Duck huffed with embarrassment, grateful that he was alone.
Moon 4
Although not entirely sure that they really existed, Duck found himself praying to the starry cats one night, beneath the shafts of moonlight that fell through the entrance to the grotto. He couldn't go out to.. pray? Properly, no, the red-eyed beasts were most active in the night.
"Please... Daisyknoll. I don't know what you want me to do."
Later that day, Duck was patrolling the territory. It wasn't something he felt was necessary but it gave him something to do, to keep him occupied. It was far from the safest pastime. There was a small stream that he had to cross to continue marking some border, and for a second he debated having a wash. It would be ice cold, but his fur was matted and he hadn't had a good brush in a long time. It doesn't take long for him to eventually slide in, gasping at the temperature, but getting as good of a wash as he could get before climbing out. Hopefully, he wouldn't catch a cold.
Moon 5
As he was checking the border lines, Duck's nose twitched. What a curious scent. It grew more pungent as he walked further down the line until it became obvious that whatever it was strayed into his territory. Another... clan? But they were supposed to be all gone. Duck looked around, part sceptical, part paranoid. Nothing came of it, whoever sprayed the scent was long gone, and for that he was glad
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rootclan-alone · 9 months ago
Left fighting for his life, trying to survive the wintery apocalypse left behind after the world was invaded by giant monsters, Duck, a young kittypet, escapes the city leaving what he once knew behind him. The forest isn't safe, but it's safer than the city, and soon he finds a place that he can call home. A grotto, hidden in a small cavern, tucked away between thick tree trunks and mossy stones. Here, he'll have a new beginning.
After settling into the grotto and promptly falling to sleep, Duck has a strange dream. He is greeted by another cat, whose pelt is full of stars, she introduces herself as Daisyknoll, the medicine cat of RootClan. Confused, Duck asks her what this clan is, and she explains that it was a group of cats that existed many many moons ago, that was eventually lost to time. She now entrusts Duck to recreate this clan and to thrive in the new world. Hesitantly, he agrees, and soon awakes to the grotto, ready to start the day.
Welcome to Rootclan!
If you have any questions just let me know!
This challenge started with Paradise's challenge "Alone" on the clangen discord and has expanded from there! Go check it out!
Moons 1 - 5
Moons 6 - 10
Moons 11 - 15
Moons 16 - 20
Moons 21 - 25
Moons 26 - 30
Moons 31 - 35
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