romcnrodriguez · 1 day
"Movie-hot? Dang, you're a real ego booster honey. Can I keep you?" He requested with a smile on his face as he spun the woman around. When she went on to describe her family, his eyebrows seemed to continue to rise. "Well, that's quite the legacy to live up to." And he imagined that could be difficult, especially for someone like the girl in front of him. He didn't know too much about her but she was sugary sweet and appeared to want to please everyone so he wouldn't be surprised if that had been quite the weight at certain points in her life.
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"Oh my gosh, definitely not. I think I'd go as far into my delusion to say that I feel like you're so movie-hot that you're probably able to do everything right on the first try like the male lead would," Samantha babbled, unable to help herself with this sort of thing. She was also swept up in the moment of it all. "In a way. One of my mothers is a magazine editor and the other is a very reputable lawyer so– I'd say their celebrities in their own respect," she shrugged, obviously not able to dish out how her brother was the most famous of them all.
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romcnrodriguez · 1 day
"Subtle isn't really my thing. If I want it, I say it. I know that's a turn on for you, don't deny it." Roman teased his friend, scoffing at her suggestion that he was saving himself. "I think you're a little cynical at this point. Has the world not been kind to you with me gone, sugar? Do I need to do some patching up?" He asked, poking her cheek. "But sushi sounds perfect. Lets just hope you know a good place so we don't leave with food poisoning."
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"Not as well as you'd hoped. Maybe you should try and be more subtle about it next time," she suggested playfully. A smile reached her lips as Roman's charming statement. "You say that like it's a generous gesture but really it saves you from having to do some extra thinking and decision-making," Willow teased when he'd said she could choose where they went. "But I was thinking maybe sushi?"
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romcnrodriguez · 9 days
"Oh there is no 'feel' about it, that is exactly what I am attempting to do." Roman clarified with a grin on his lips. "Just how well is it working?" He asked a moment later, one eyebrow raising in question. "Lunch with you is always going to come first." Roman answered with his usual charm as he stood up, one arm resting around the girls shoulders. "I'll even let you choose the location."
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"Now it feels like you're just guilting me on purpose," Willow teased softly, although she could understand wanting to respect the confidentiality and other rules involved with their specific lines of work. "But alright, alright– you going to go grab some lunch with me then or are you going to keep on your top secret shit, Mr. Bond?" she asked, still not having pulled away and begun to walk off just yet.
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romcnrodriguez · 9 days
"I am not." Roman agreed with a little chuckle at the others reading of his personality, though he supposed it did not take much to learn that much of his character. "An interesting job and something it allows you to really focus on your true interests it appears." He mused as she talked. "You seem the type of woman to not give up until you achieve that end."
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"Don't meet those every day. You don't seem like a man lacking in confidence," Jack pointed out with a slight smirk tugging on her lips, "I work at Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment. I sell and fix things and the owner lets me invent and design when it's slow," she explained, "I intend to make it big with some of my inventions one day."
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romcnrodriguez · 17 days
"I hardly think that is the point..." Roman responded breezily when Willow corrected him, his hands still firmly holding the woman in place even as she denied his advances... if they could really have been called that. "You know, if I allowed you to break that rule, they would likely fire me which would mean I would have to go back to America and you wouldn't want that now, would you?"
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"Please, Ro– that was months ago. And you and I both know you didn't just come here for me," Willow shook her head with a laugh, the volume of her laughter growing when he pulled her closer by her blazer. "I was going to suggest we grab lunch," she admitted. "If you were hoping for something more... then well maybe you should've thought twice before barring me from those files," she added playfully.
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romcnrodriguez · 17 days
Roman: So what 'accidental emoji's' have you sent people in the past? I wanna hear how that completely 180'd the conversation.
Roman: It is. It's... quirky I think the word around here is. But that just makes you want to hear more in my opinion.
Roman: And I liked my ego the way it was; suitably inflated. Feel free to work on correcting that error if you feel like it.
Roman: There is nothing wrong with being different. Trust me when I say normal is boring. I can't abide by boring.
Roman: If you have learned anything about me other than my sizable ego, surely it is that I do not hold back on my feelings. A little of both perhaps? Mainly because you are hard to really figure out, it's interesting and I wanted to explore you in many ways. Are you someone who is open to being seduced into bed by a person on first meeting?
Roman: Perhaps. But I believe you created your own fame from what I've established.
Roman: The Scottish in you... Well I'm trying so hard to remain charming right now but you're practically laying it out there for me to say...
Finn: I guess you're right. Can be hard to decipher sometimes. Especially if an accidental emoji is sent that is far from fitting the conversation. Finn: I have been told that by a few people. A few others just look at me like I'm a little deranged because it can be a bit too dry sometimes. Finn: Alright. I have learned my lesson. I've be scolded. And I feel like I may have taken your ego down a few pegs or so. I promise I won't do it again. Finn: I feel like I'm more of an acquired taste, though I guess I haven't been too unlucky with my partners in the past. In fact I feel like I've done pretty well for myself. Finn: Rather forward now, aren't we. Glad to know that is one of the first things you thought about when meeting me, tell me, is it a vibe that I give off that takes you straight to my bedroom skills or is it just where your head was in that moment of time? Finn: Yeah. Famous father then has a son who follows his footsteps. Sort of inevitable that the fame followed me. Finn: Alright, you can show me your Texan side and I'll return the favour by introducing you to the deep fried Mars bar to show off my Scottish in me.
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romcnrodriguez · 17 days
"It seems to me that men like that are lacking in confidence themselves if they need to diminish a woman's power in order to assert their own." Roman answered simply, smirking as he sipped his drink. "Recently? So that's not the only type of thing you work on then. What exactly do you do for a living? Because it seems as though it's not really focused on one singular task."
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"Good to know that some men have the common sense to think that. I have no time for people who don't think women should be confident," Jack replied in her usual brutally honest way but she now had a smile on her face, "Honestly? My inventions. I have been working on some broom attachments to enhance flight recently so I frequently have that on my mind."
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romcnrodriguez · 1 month
Roman: It's text. Hard to tell don't you think. Though I'm glad of that at least.
Roman: Okay, so I'll say that made me laugh. You have a good sense of humour.
Roman: I'd rather you just text me next day or so. Makes me feel less like I've been blown off. It's a new feeling. Not sure I like it. In fact I know I don't.
Roman: A joke? I mean, I'm a funny guy but I'm not the type to make a joke of that. Flattering as that all is, you're a good looking guy. Since we're being upfront here, I can tell you now that your personality when we met made me wonder what you'd be like in the bedroom.
Roman: Fame perks though? not really what I'm looking for in a person.
Roman: Maybe when your arm sorts itself out, I'll help you get back on that horse. I'm actually a pretty good horse rider. I blame the Texan in me.
Finn: I feel like I do know my worth, but clearly not because it's giving off clueless vibes. Don't know what to tell you, self esteem has taken a knock recently and it's a high horse to try and get back up on. Finn: Especially when you have only one functioning arm. Finn: What, you rather I said I was doing a background check on you and it's finally came back that you're not a criminal so I decided it was about time I shot you a text? Finn: I'm going to hate myself for this. Finn: Maybe one of the main reasons as to why I didn't text you was because I thought you gave me your number as part of a game or some sort of joke. And the reason for that is that you are WAY out of my league and I couldn't really get why someone who looked like YOU would want someone like ME to have your number. Finn: Well other than the fame perks I guess. Finn: Wouldn't be able to live up to full caveman potential given my inability to grow a beard.
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romcnrodriguez · 1 month
"Perhaps we are alike in that manner and maybe that's why I find confidence in yourself hot rather than a turn off." Roman admitted, not afraid to state how he felt about things. It'd never been a worry for him to get shot down. "Care to share what is in that mind of yours? I'm sure it'd be a revelation."
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"Well my mind is my favourite place to be," Jack replied, a dry smile on her face. She may not have been good at reading people but she noticed light flirting when it was happening, "Most people find it arrogant but I do think I'm smarter than most people so maybe they're right."
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romcnrodriguez · 1 month
Roman really couldn't argue that because he would be just as grumpy at her had the roles been reversed. "Now Wills, don't be so sore." He uttered, grasping hold of her blazer and dragging her in closer, giving her his best puppy dog eyes from where he was sat. "I came all the way here for you and brought you beautiful jewellery too... I'd say I am not worth losing." Though he grinned when she mentioned break, nodding his head. "I can be. Did you need me for anything specific or were you just after my company. Or even better, my body?"
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Willow shot him a brief glare at the teasing remark. "I'll grump at you all I want because you'd do the same," she insisted with an amused huff. "That may be so– but I'll still remember this," she then said, giving him another look before settling into the seat opposite Roman. "Any chance you're on a break soon? Since you can't share any of your work with me."
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romcnrodriguez · 1 month
The corners of his lips slanted further upwards as the woman's head tilted slightly. He could generally tell when he was being read and this woman was doing that right now. He didn't mind though, that meant she was curious and whether that was in a good or bad way in her mind, he always saw it as a positive because it still meant he was memorable. "That's true. I appreciate a woman who knows her own mind and what she wants. You seem very much like that."
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"It is the only was I deal with it," Jack said, looking back at the other. She tilted her head slightly as she watched him smirk at her, trying to get a read on him. She sucked at reading people, machines were easier. She shrugged, "Well like they say. If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
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romcnrodriguez · 2 months
"Good girl." Roman teased Willow, giving her a smirk as she handed back the files. "And you can't possibly be offended. You have said far worse to me in the past and I've not taken it personally so you are not allowed to grump at me for this." He reminded his friend. "And shuffling is better than taking."
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"I'm still a little offended but fine, fine– I suppose you can have it back," Willow played up her reluctance for comedic effect as she returned the files to Roman. "However, I'll remember this when you come by my desk and shuffle around my papers," she added with a light snort.
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romcnrodriguez · 2 months
Roman: Either you are very good at acting like you don't know your worth or you really are that clueless.
Roman: Kind of wish you had a better reason to not text me than that.
Roman: I chewed you out huh? Well clearly it didn't have that much of an impact given I've still had to wait this long.
Roman: Feel free to move into a cave though. I'm curious to see how that would go for you. I think you'd make an interesting caveman.
Finn: Probably should be trying to think of some redeeming features and qualities right now given the delay, huh? Currently though, mind blank, head empty, thoughts none. Finn: That doesn't surprise me. Maybe I've just super unproductive. Or could be the ADHD that's caused me to keep putting this off until I started hyperfocusing on it and well... here we are. Finn: Well you did pretty much chew me out last time you spoke to me about not using it. That and you now know who I am which makes the interaction a lot easier I guess. Finn: I did gather that, if you really didn't know, was going going to cut my loses. Move into a cave. Spend another three months facing humiliation in style.
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romcnrodriguez · 2 months
Roman: Finn... Finnnnn. Do I know a Finn? I think you have to give me a breakdown on what you look like. You know, redeeming features...
Finn: But three months? I am actually a little upset it has taken someone so long to get back to me. It's not an issue I normally fall foul of.
Roman: No, I am genuinely curious now. I want to know why it's taken so long for you to contact me.
Roman: P.S., I know exactly who you are, I was just shitting with ya.
text // finn & roman
Finn: Hey. It's Finn. The guy you gave your number to in like... February and is now using it in May. Finn: Hopefully better late than never, right? Finn: Or if it is too late, feel free to tell me to fuck right off.
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romcnrodriguez · 2 months
"Did you have doubts?" Roman playfully commented though he knew from their exchange, that was not the case. "Dancing since you were a kid though? Sounds like a family of celebrities in the making."
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"You've got fantastic rhythm," Samantha complimented when he chalked up his talents to frequenting clubs. "I've been dancing since I was a kid. My mums signed my brother and I up for everything," she explained with a soft giggle at the memories.
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romcnrodriguez · 2 months
"I suppose that is one way to deal with it..." Roman answered, watching the woman with a smirk. He had to admit she was hot on many levels and he was intrigued by it. "I think there is no questioning it though. Your methods are particularly effective."
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"Well duh, they pissed me off," Jack replied, "Besides, if I don't yell at someone every so often, people will forget I'm not one to be messed with."
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romcnrodriguez · 2 months
"Because there is stuff on there that you couldn't possibly afford the lawsuit over." Roman responded with a laugh, shaking his head. "That's my work, not my play, Wills..."
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"My question for you would be– what makes you think that I can't?" she countered with a rather pointed quirk of her eyebrow as she shot him a bit of a glare. "What exactly is in here that you're so afraid of me seeing?"
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