< ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ 𝑊𝜄𝜕𝜎𝜔>
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𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶ㅤⵓㅤНатальяㅤАльяновна ㅤРомановаㅤ﹤ㅤ𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑎 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎ㅤ﹥ㅤ𝗘𝗥𝗥𝗢𝗥ㅤ,ㅤA̳C̳C̳E̳S̳S̳ ㅤD̳E̳N̳I̳E̳D̳ㅤ!
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romanovdova · 4 months ago
nat is @obsesive !
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romanovdova · 5 months ago
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romanovdova · 5 months ago
little canon starter call, i wanna get my muse up again. maybe a plotting call as well!
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
a   guilty   conscious   is   ever   so   damning.   it   consumes   you   in   every   way   possible   and   no   thought   can   exist   outside   of   the   mind.   you   were   a   assassin.   a   killer.   your   penance   in   the   world   would   never   be   enough   to   compensate   all   the   wrong   doings   that   you   had   done   throughout   your   existence.   she   struggled   knowing   that   fact.   knowing   that   she   will   forevermore   have   to   live   with   all   the   decisions   that   caused   such   agony   not   only   for   herself,   but   others.   truthfully,   living   with   this   would   be   her   kryptonite.
she   sees   the   pain   that   radiates   from   jean.   it   was   no   easy   trauma   to   bear.   blood   was   on   their   hands   and   there   would   be   no   escaping   that   fact.   you   can   try   and   try   to   flee   from   the   actions   but   it   will   always   catch   up   to   you.   it   will   always   haunt   you.   it   will   always   be   engraved   into   your   soul.   it   was   no   easy   fact   to   bear.   in   fact,   it   was   rather   deafening.   it   was   no   wonder   why   the   phoenix   and   former   assassin   would   choose   death   time   and   time   again.   erase   them   from   this   mere   mortal   life   so   they   can   live   in   bliss   once   again.
"   i   know   the   person   you   are.   you   are   caring   and   loving   to   everyone   you   know.   you   are   more   than   what   the   phoenix   wants   you   to   be.   "   there   was   never   any   judgement   between   the   two.   they   understood   each   other   to   their   core   and   that   was   so   rare   to   experience.   "   we   are   who   we   are   because   of   everything   we've   done.   without   it,   maybe   we   wouldn't   be   here   -   in   this   moment.   i   wouldn't   trade   that,   jean.   "
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          it's the million-dollar question—— would you change it? would you change the past, and unravel every mistake you've made to finally attain atonement? to paint the picture of your guilt, the canvas must be visible to all: YOU NEVER ASKED FOR THE PHOENIX FORCE. you, instead, had been cursed with it; you were a chosen one. the thing often forgotten about chosen ones is: they usually never have a choice from the very beginning. their destiny is written amongst the stars long before their births—— yours had been. the phoenix force was a cosmic entity, a parasite attached to your mind and skeleton, claiming your flesh as its residence and mind as host. the hellfire club did that to you. with their manipulation came the birth of the phoenix, as well as the deaths of many. more than 5 billion to be exact. their blood coats your hands and you know you'll never be freed of the guilt—— even as a victim. you're still the one who did it; you will always be the phoenix. as a consequence of your actions, you died. sentenced yourself to death, both as a martyr and as a sinner.
and then you learned, it ultimately didn't matter. THE CYCLE OF WAR NEVER CHANGES—— you've been brought back enough times to see it over time. you sacrificed yourself so the phoenix force couldn't destroy anything else, but you aren't the only destroyer of worlds. people themselves are just as bad. your wife's question draws evident discomfort, your features scrunching in response. with a finalized painted canvas of thoughts, you exhale a long sigh—— your fingers move to interlock with nat's, seeking out a form of comfort. ❝ that's really tough to answer. in so many ways, the phoenix force has shaped me—— made me into the woman i am today. ❞ made me the wife you are capable of being—— in sickness and health, until death do you part. [it has yet to take you away, but it does leave the question: the day it does, will she stay by your graveside? you can only hope so.]
          but suddenly, the reality settles back inside your bones. ❝ but... i hurt a lot of people—— i've killed so many people. ❞ you can't even force the number up your throat, through your opened mouth. if you do, you'll choke in agony and decide to fling yourself into another sun. the guilt is too much to bear. you tilt your head to the side, considering your next words carefully—— as if they're life or death in the making. like karma will strike if you choose the wrong one. YOU'VE HAD IT HAPPEN MORE TIMES THAN NOT.
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❝ i really don't know, nat. i'm scared that i don't—— what does that say about me? the type of person i've become? ❞
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
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call me beep me!
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
this   was   their   burden   to   suffer   in   this   unfortunate   life.   to   face   all   the   consequences   of   their   past   and   atone   for   their   actions.   it   was   no   easy   path   and   rather   a   lonely   one   throughout   the   years.   hardly   anyone   could   really   understand   the   position   they   were   consistently   put   in.   the   trajectory   of   their   lives   were   laid   before   them   and   there   was   really   no   changing   it.   [   ...   ]   they   were   fated   to   a   damned   existence.
emotions   were   running   high   but   in   the   most   sincere   and   empathetic   way   possible.   you   bare   witness   to   the   challenges   that   jean   faces   both   between   the   world   and   herself.   [   ...   ]   so   how   could   nat   not   hold   a   tender   spot   in   her   heart   for   the   mutant?   the   sweeping   adoration   she   held   for   her   came   so   swift   and   all   at   once.   there   was   no   doubting   the   emotions   [   a   denial   of   love   ]   they   shared.
"   WOULD   YOU   CHANGE   IT?   "   natalya   witnesses   the   pain   in   her   own   eyes   every   morning   when   looking   in   the   mirror.   was   she   any   better   than   the   weapon   that   was   forged   all   those   years   ago?   if   it   wasn't   for   all   the   tragedy,   all   the   pain,   you   wouldn't   be   in   this   very   moment.   everyone   that   you   forged   a   bond   with,   they'd   [ most   likely ]   cease   to   exist.   was   sacrificing   them   for   a   life   of   non-guilt   worth   it?   "   ANY   OF   IT?   "   a   thumb   brushes   over   the   jean's   hand,   a   soft   feature   resting   on   her   face,   "   WOULD   YOU   GIVE   ALL   OF   THIS   UP   IF   IT   MEANT   NOT   LIVING   WITH   THESE   MISTAKES?   "
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@mindflare ⧖ i'm forever haunted by my mistakes.
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
"   DON'T   YOU   ENJOY   ADVENTURE?   "   a   playful   smirk   appears   across   her   face.   the   life   of   natalya   alianova   romanova   [   agent,   avenger,   assassin!   ]   was   anything   but   simple.   since   the   early   days   of   the   kgb,   her   life   was   always   in   jeopardy.   each   day   was   never   promised   as   the   enemies   sought   to   take   her   off   the   board   with   their   schemes.   [   ...   ]   little   did   they   know   while   they   were   playing   a   game   of   checkers,   this   russian   was   moving   chess   pieces.   it's   a   divine   skill   natalya   mastered.   what   other   choice   did   she   have?   it   was   needed   for   survival.
observing   the   screens   every   few   seconds   as   they   reside   in   the   safe   house   located   in   hartford,   connecticut.   any   little   sign   of   distress,   regardless   of   how   miniscule   it   was,   they   would   abandon   post.   better   to   be   safe   than   sorry.   fortunately,   things   seem   rather   calm   for   the   moment   but   taly   knew   :   they   would   need   to   leave   soon   as   you   cannot   stay   in   one   place   for   far   too   long.   "   OR ARE YOU   AFRAID   OF   SOME   POORLY   TRAINED   LACKYS?   "
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@mindflare ⧖ since i've met you, i've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait.
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
perfectmissus ... disco exchange for mutuals only!!
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
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independent and selective mary jane ' mj ' watson of the amazing spiderman ( 1964 ) , comic and headcanon interpretation.
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
eyes   narrow   in,   always   skeptical   of   those   who   stood   before   her.   were   they   intrigued   in   her   problems   because   they   cared   or   because   there   was   some   ulterior   motive?   was   it   wrong   to   hope   for   the   best   when   you   were   taught   to   always   expect   the   worst?   [   ...   ]   how   sad   and   lonely   it   was   to   have   such   little   hope   in   the   world.   "   I   CAN   FEEL   YOU   STARING.   "   so   much   for   acting   like   he   wasn't   here!   maybe   opening   up   wasn't   such   a   bad   idea.   after   all,   thoughts   of   yelena   and   the   rise   of   the   red   room   lingered   in   her   head.   expressing   the   concerns   may   do   her   some   good.   [   ...   ]   right?   "   WHEN   DID   YOU   START   BECOMING   SO   INVESTED   IN   MY   PROBLEMS?   "
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
"I HAVE TO BE BETTER THAN THIS" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for recognizing you need to change, adjust as necessary
this cannot be all there is for me.
i deserve better than this sort of life.
there's more for me out there. i can feel it.
something has to change.
i'm not meant for a life like this.
do you ever feel like there's more for you out there?
this was never my dream.
there's still time to change.
this was your path. this wasn't mine.
i'm not living my life for you.
i have to keep looking for myself out there.
i deserve more than what i've been given.
someone else made these decisions for me.
this is my life, not yours.
i need to make mistakes in order to find where i belong.
i could get used to a place like this.
this is so different than what i'm used to.
you've opened my eyes to a world i thought i'd never see.
what could be greater than this?
i'm not going to just sit here and watch my life pass me by.
i was born to be great.
i need adventure like i need air.
my mistakes don't define me.
you can't judge me for doing that.
i did what i had to in order to survive.
this was never in the cards for me.
they picked this path for me the day i was born.
i had no say in the kind of person i became.
my potential has always been limited.
these are things i never thought i could do.
what else have they been hiding from me?
there's more out there than they're saying.
i'm not just going to sit idly by and watch.
you have to take charge of your own destiny.
isn't that what you were always saying to me?
you believed in me when no one else did.
i've made a lot of mistakes in my life.
i still have a lot of learning to do.
i need time to grow and change as a person.
let me at least try to be good.
they told me i couldn't, and i believed them.
i need to stop listening to what they have to stay.
it's better to follow your heart.
what does your heart tell you?
this is wrong, and you know it.
we were not meant for this.
i can't just sit here and watch the world fall apart around me.
somebody's gotta do something. might as well be me.
you won't be able to stop me.
i'm going to live my life, even if it kills me.
it's all going to change, because i'm going to change.
no more sitting around waiting for my life to happen.
they were all wrong about me.
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
"IT WAS MY FAULT" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for owning up to your mistakes, adjust as necessary
that never should have happened.
i should have listened to you from the start.
this is all my fault.
you can blame me for that.
i was completely out of line.
i screwed up.
i owe you a sincere apology.
that wasn't what i thought would happen.
now you're hurt, and it's all my fault.
will you ever forgive me?
it was an honest mistake.
i didn't mean to hurt you.
that was wrong of me, and i know it.
if only i'd been more careful.
next time, i'll be better.
please forgive me.
how can i make it up to you?
i wish i hadn't done that.
i accept responsibility.
i can't live with myself.
are you going to hold this over my head forever?
i said i was sorry.
i made the mistake of not listening to you.
please don't blame me for everything.
how many times do i have to tell you i'm sorry?
i crossed a line.
not sure what i was thinking.
the words came out wrong.
you deserve better than that.
there were plenty of other options, and i didn't listen.
i wasn't listening!
that's my fault!
i'm the one who got us into this mess.
if it weren't for me, we'd be out of here by now.
this will never happen again.
oh, i learned my lesson.
i'm forever haunted by my mistakes.
will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?
i'll say i'm sorry until i'm blue in the face.
this wasn't part of the deal.
i never should have listened to them.
i thought i was doing the right thing.
they didn't do anything wrong. i did.
i'm the one you should blame.
i feel so wrong about this.
i didn't mean to hurt you.
be mad at me, not them.
if you want to yell and scream at me, go ahead.
it was an accident.
i don't deserve forgiveness.
if there's anything i can do to fix this, please tell me.
what can i say to make it better?
can you please take me back?
they promised me they wouldn't hurt you.
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1989) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
i hate these guys.
this is a new experience for me.
it happens to me all the time.
you lost today, [name]. but that doesn't mean you have to like it.
may we go home now, please?
i've got a lot of fond memories of that dog.
he sticks out like a sore thumb. we'll find him.
does anyone here speak english?
what are you hiding?
archaeology is the search for fact, not truth.
forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world.
we do not follow maps to buried treasure, and "x" never... ever marks the spot.
70% of all archaeology is done in the library. researching. reading.
we cannot afford to take mythology at face value.
help me get us out of here.
are you kidding? i made all that up.
she talks in her sleep.
try not to talk.
give me your other hand. i can't hold on.
i can get it. i can almost reach it.
[name], let it go.
those people are trying to kill us.
i didn't know you could fly a plane.
our situation has not improved.
i'm as human as the next man.
i'm like a bad penny, i always turn up.
throw down the gun or the girl will die.
no! don't shoot!
please do what he says!
[name], what are you doing here?
head for the fireplace!
why are you sitting there resting when we're so near the end?
don't look at me like that.
i would have done anything to get it. you would have done the same.
i'm sorry you think so.
i'll never forgive myself.
thank god... it's fake.
look, can we discuss this later?
i came here to save you!
look what you did! i can't believe what you did!
i'll never forget how wonderful it was.
you have chosen wisely.
did you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep all day?
now look, i've gone and caught a sniffle.
don't take that tone with me!
this is the second time i've had to reclaim my property from you.
that belongs in a museum.
why are you trying to kill us?
my soul is prepared. how's yours?
what have you brought?
i'm sorry about your head. i thought that you were one of them.
you came back for the book?
is that what you think of me?
who gives a damn what you believe?
follow me. i know the way.
i find that if i just sit down to think... the solution presents itself.
in this sort of race, there's no silver medal for finishing second.
we didn't talk. we've never talked.
what are you complaining about?
you could go down in history.
you're going the wrong way.
the pen is mightier than the sword.
are you crazy? don't go between them!
my reputation preceeds me.
it would make me very happy.
shooting me won't get you anywhere.
we're well out of range.
you call this archaeology?
we are on the verge of completing a quest that began almost two thousand years ago.
we're just one step away.
since i've met you, i've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait.
we're caught in the middle of something sinister here.
you're a great deal like your father.
how dare you kiss me.
leave me alone. i don't like fast women.
you say this has been just another typical day for you, huh?
you're meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend.
if only i could have been there with you.
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
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FILE : НатальяㅤАльяновна ㅤРомановаㅤ﹤ㅤ𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑎 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎ㅤ﹥ , черная   вдова   <   ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ   𝑊𝜄𝜕𝜎𝜔   >
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
it   was   like   you   were   a   walking   screaming   mimi;   the   nightmares   of   the   past   still   haunting   her   very   existence.   could   you   live   with   this?   to   put   it   simply   :   no.   [   ...   ]   but   you   must.   all   the   actions,   decisions   and   choices   you've   made   led   to   this   moment.   it   was   not   an   easy   journey,   in   fact,   most   would   consider   it   rather   terrorizing.   if   given   the   opportunity,   would   you   change   it   all   even   just   a   little   bit?   a   question   natalya   often   dwelled   on   but   tried   to   consistently   push   to   the   back   of   her   mind.   why   reflect   on   something   that   was   incapable   of   happening?
"   I   KNOW!   "   at   one   point   in   life   it   was   mission   over   the   people.   self-preservation   came   second   just   to   serving   mother   russia.   those   days   were   long   gone   though   as   she   focused   on   doing   some   good   in   the   world.   strange   how   the   times   have   changed.   [   ...   ]   you   barely   recognize   the   girl   you   once   were.   scary   enough?   you   hardly   recognize   the   woman   you   became   and   are   becoming.   "   I'LL   THINK   OF   SOMETHING.   "   russian   curse   words   slew   through   the   memory   bank.   they've   been   in   worse   predicaments   and   this   would   not   be   the   last.   "   WE   ALWAYS   SURVIVE,   DON'T   WE?   "
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@markmans ⧖ listen! we've got to do something!
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
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romanovdova · 6 months ago
PRETTY WOMAN (1990) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
people put you down enough, you start to believe it.
i'd like you to spend the week with me.
what's going on out here?
i don't feel like being alone tonight.
i think you have a lot of special gifts.
i'm very angry with my father.
i'm sorry i ever met you.
do you have a wife? girlfriend?
no matter what they say, it's all about money.
no wonder why you came looking for me.
if i forget to tell you later, i had a really good time tonight.
it must be difficult to let go of something so beautiful.
i appreciate this whole seduction scene you've got going, but let me give you a tip. i'm a sure thing, okay?
can we just move it along?
i like him so much.
how was your day, dear?
you should go for him. you look hot tonight.
call me when you're through.
what's your name?
what do you want it to be?
you and i are such similar creatures, [name].
i called and called. where were you last night?
you clean up real nice.
what's your name?
that's my favorite name in the whole world.
i'm gonna rip off all my clothes.
wow, great view!
how much is this?
i don't think this would fit you.
i think you are a very bright, very special woman.
i'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go.
i'm here now.
let's watch old movies all night. we'll just veg out in front of the tv.
look, i'll tell you what. i'll be back.
the bad stuff is easier to believe. you ever notice that?
you can't charge me for directions.
you got that... sharp, useless look about you.
i told you not to pick up the phone.
i just wanna know who it works out for.
name someone? you want me to name someone?
what's your dream?
very few people surprise me.
well, you're lucky.
can i have another word, please?
it happens all the time.
some dreams come true, some don't.
so what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?
i can do anything i want to, baby.
you're late.
may i help you?
do you remember me?
you're stunning.
do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?
could you come down to the front desk?
i was in here yesterday.
i have to go shopping now.
did you enjoy the opera?
i have to go now.
she's sweet. where ever did you find her?
people's reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic. they either love it or hate it.
there's a sofa in here for two!
if they love it, they will always love it.
i want you to understand, i heard everything you said.
this is all i'm capable of right now.
it's a very big step for me.
i want the fairy tale.
you're forgiven.
i'm just using him for sex.
are you sure you want me to stay for the entire night?
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