rol677 · 6 months
Breakneckcandids bnc197 🎥2:03🎥
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rol677 · 6 months
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rol677 · 6 months
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rol677 · 7 months
Rough Roadtrip
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Both you and your new wife Mia agreed. Instead of going on a normal honeymoon to some tropical resort. You would go on a long road trip. You’d just pack some bags throw them in your car and drive. No GPS no destination no plan just the two of you driving together. You’d stop over at hotels and motels when needed. But for the most part, you’d just drive wherever the wind took you. And after a week and a half, you were both loving it. You’d seen things and been places you’d never have thought of before. It was amazing.
One day both of you woke up late. Sometime around 11 pm. You got dressed and packed up. You’d stayed in a motel last night. It was kinda out of the way and run down but it wasn’t a bad place. You’d stayed up most of the night fucking as most newly married couples did. But you were both eager to get back on the road.
You were about a few hours down the road when you decided to get gas. So you pulled up to the first gas station you found. When you pulled in there were motorcycles everywhere. And when you went inside to pay you noticed that there was a small bar inside. You paid the gentleman for gas and went out and asked Mia if she wanted a drink. You thought it might be cool to have a beer at a biker bar. After toping off the car you took your new wife inside to get a drink.
Both of you walked in and went to the bar to get something. Happy smiling and laughing you stared at your new wife wishfully. Wondering how you could have ever gotten so lucky. She was looking around the bar admiring the decorations when you noticed a few of the guys in the bar were staring. They were staring at her. There was a group of four or five of them at a pool table talking to each other and looking right at her. You turned back to Mia as she ordered another drink.
She was almost halfway done with her second drink when one of the guys came over. He tapped on the bar and told the bartender to get him a beer and to get the lady another drink. You and Mia both looked at him oddly but he just shrugged. He told you that they didn’t get many new faces around here. And that he was just trying to be nice. When the drinks arrived Mia thanked him. He held his glass up so she tapped her’s to his and they both drank. She was turning away from the man and back to you when he asked her where the two of you were from. Not wanting to be rude Mia told him that you were from New York. And that the two of you were on a road trip. He asked her a few more questions and Mia politely answered them. When he found out that it was your honeymoon trip he bought Mia another drink and cheered to the new couple. His friends all cheered and drank when he did.
At this point, Mia was getting a bit tipsy which wasn’t weird she had like four drinks. What was odd was the way she was acting. You had dated Mia for something like two and a half years before you proposed so you knew her pretty well. And when she got drunk she got quiet and cuddly. She liked to get close to you and hold you after drinking. But she wasn’t doing that now. No, she was staring at the man who had bought the drinks. And thought her words were slurred she was answering all his questions. Which had started to get a little more personal.
He asked her how many guys she’d slept with, And which of them had the biggest cock. Then he asked her how big your cock was. And to your dismay, she answered him. She frowned and laughed she held two of her finger apart only a few inches and told him that to call it small would be generous. She briefly turned back to you and said sorry before resuming her conversation. You confused shocked and a little angry. Then you noticed that the man had one of his hands on the thighs. It was making its way up and was getting close to her crotch.
You stood up suddenly and told him to lay off. Calmly and without removing his hand from Mia’s body he looked up at you. “HA, It took you long enough to notice. I’ve been feeling Mia up here for a while now. And you know what. I think I’m gonna take her from yeah. Just for the night.” “The hell you are”
You stepped up to him and was about to take Mia by the hand and leave when one of the other guys came up behind you and grabbed you. The man who’s been talking to you stood up and got in your face. “At this point, it’s not really up to you. My friend and I are going to fuck your wife. She’s gonna take our cocks happily and with pleasure. The only question is are you going to sit down over there in that both and watch. Or are we going to have to knock you out? Either is fine with me I still get to fuck that tight cunt no matter what.” The man then punched you in the gut to drive home the point that you only had the two options. And as the other man started pulling you away and forcing you to sit down across the bar you didn’t say anything else.
Mia had seen everything but didn’t seem to care one bit. She just sat there and watched with a smile on her face. The first man turned back to Mia and apologized for the interruption. And then with no hesitation, he reached out and started groping Mia’s tits. Her smile only got wider as the man touched her. He squeezed her tits and by the look on her face you could tell it hurt, but that she was also enjoying it. After fondling her for a little bit he stepped back and ordered her to strip. Happily, she stood up and started to take off her clothes.
She made it interesting though. She gave the man a little striptease. She danced around a little slowly taking off her blouse and pants. After taking off her bra she flung it away and turned around. She gave the man a nice long view of her ass as she took off her panties slowly. When she had them off she looked at you and smiled. Slowly she strutted her way over to you and put her panties in your mouth. laughing she walked back over to the bar.
Mia stood nacked by the bar. All five of the men who had been watching stared at her lust in their eyes. Smiling she got to her knees in front of the first man. She reached over and pulled out his cock. Her eyes went wide as it sprang from his pants. It was huge. Bigger than any cock she’d ever fucked. And bigger than yours by far. She looked up at the man and smiled as she started stroking his cock. Slowly her hands went up and down the shaft as she stared up at him. Then after some time she took his cock and put it in her mouth and started sucking.
The other men all nacked now didn’t just sit by and wait. no a couple of them walked over and surrounded her, Their cocks just as big as the first and harder than a rock she reached out and grabbed two of them well continuing to suck the first cock. With more cocks around her than she had hands she had to take turns jacking each one off. Each man was getting some attention. Then after a while, the first man finally came. Finishing in her mouth. Mia swallowed his cum eagerly and then happily moved on to the next cock and started sucking it. As she did the man walked over to you and grabbed you by the hair And made you watch your wife as she sucked cock.
“Your wife’s got quite the mouth on her, doesn’t she. I’ve never had a better blow job in my life. Look at her over there sucking those cocks. She’s nothing but another whore. A piece of meat to be fucked. All she needed was a little encouragement. Oh, and a few spiked drinks to get her in the mood. But look at her go now a true whore. We’re gonna have a lot of fun with her I can already tell”
After shoving you back into your both he walked back over to Mia. She had already made another of the men cum. And she was working on her third cock.
After all five of them had cum in her mouth she was more than ready for them to start fucking her. The first man stood her up and then bent her over. Standing behind her he shoved his cock deep into her cunt and started fucking. You watched her face as his cock thrust into her tight wet cunt. Her eyes went wide and a huge smile filled her face. She looked like she was in pure bliss as his cock thrust in and out of her. Before long though, another one of the men stepped up. Grabbed her by the hair he stood in front of her and thrust in cock into her mouth. Gagging her with it. And even though she’d just sucked each one of them off. She was more than happy to take a good throat fucking.
You just sat in your both and watched as these men pounded your wife. You watched as they took turns with her. Each man taking a turn at each of her holes. When the first one started to fuck her ass for the first time you watched her eyes roll back into the back of her head. And could hear her moaning even with a cock in her mouth. As the night went on the men got a little rougher with her. They started slapping her as they fucked her. leaving red marks across her face and handprints on her ass. They called her dirty degrading and humiliating names. Referring to her as their cock slut, or a dirty fucking useless whore. But the worst of it was still to come.
The men had been fucking her for hours. leaving load after load of cum inside her and on her. Her cunt and ass were dripping with it and her face and tits were covered.  But at this point even they seemed tired. Mia was sitting on the floor leaning up against the bar in her cum covered state as the men sat on bar stools above her drinking to their fun. When one of them looked back at you. He was a little drunk and when he saw you he smiled. Then he looked down at your wife and looked back up at you and started laughing. He grabbed one of his friends and then he grabbed Mia by the hair. He and his friends dragged her over to you making her crawl on all fours. across the bar. They pulled up and chair and made her sit in it. Then one of them grabbed you pulled you to your knees and shoved your face into your wife’s well-used cunt.
It’s been two days now since you and Mia left the bar. She was exhausted after hours and hours of fucking. And she had bruises on her face, ass, and tits. You had to carry her to the car well cum spilled out of her ass and cunt. And when you finally pulled out and away from the gas station she still wasn’t all their. Some of whatever they had put in her drink was still affecting. When she eventually woke up you asked her if she remembered what happened. She told you that she didn’t. So you left it at that hoping to forget about it yourself. But as you drove down a long stretch of empty road you heard the roar of motorcycles behind you. And when you looked over Mia had a huge smile on her face. And her hand was already down her pants rubbing at her clit.
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rol677 · 7 months
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rol677 · 7 months
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HARLEY QUINN Bloody Smile by ebas
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rol677 · 7 months
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Vampirella by Derrick Chew
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rol677 · 7 months
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rol677 · 7 months
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rol677 · 7 months
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Alexandra Daddario in True Detective
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rol677 · 7 months
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rol677 · 3 years
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Amy Adams
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rol677 · 3 years
It’s official!
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Today, January 20, 2021, is Trump’s last day in office as President Biden was given power by a fair and free election. 
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As of today, President Biden is now the leader of the United States of America. 
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He’s got a lot of work ahead of him in healing our country, but he’s up to the task and gave a speech that gave me hope for the first time in over four years. 
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Kamala Harris is our first female, first black, and first Asian-American Vice President. Jewish history is also being made with this new administration! 
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We went from MAGA to Gaga, today, with our gay icon giving a rousing performance. 
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Jennifer Lopez nearly brought me to tears when she had the mic! 
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Amanda Gorman, the youngest inaugural poet in our history, gave a poignant performance resonated with us all.  
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rol677 · 3 years
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Vids you'd get if I were your girlfriend
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rol677 · 3 years
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Laugh From Around The World In Messages.
From fb.
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rol677 · 3 years
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Alexandra Daddario
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rol677 · 3 years
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