roguegunforhire · 4 years
01:  A memory from your character’s childhood
02:  A memory from your character’s teenage years
03:  A memory from your character’s career
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
05:  A memory that your character wishes to erase  
06:  Something that makes your character angry
07:  Something that makes your character happy
08:  Something that makes your character laugh
09:  Something that frightens your character
10:  Something that turns your character on
11:  Describe your character’s childhood friend
12:  Describe your character’s parents
13:  Describe your character’s former lover
14:  Describe your character’s present best friend
15:  Describe your character’s worst enemy
16:  What your character does on a day of
17:  What kind of books your character reads
18:  What kind of music your character likes
19:  What your character does when they wake up
20:  What your character is like at social events
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
01:  A memory from your character’s childhood
02:  A memory from your character’s teenage years
03:  A memory from your character’s career
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
05:  A memory that your character wishes to erase  
06:  Something that makes your character angry
07:  Something that makes your character happy
08:  Something that makes your character laugh
09:  Something that frightens your character
10:  Something that turns your character on
11:  Describe your character’s childhood friend
12:  Describe your character’s parents
13:  Describe your character’s former lover
14:  Describe your character’s present best friend
15:  Describe your character’s worst enemy
16:  What your character does on a day of
17:  What kind of books your character reads
18:  What kind of music your character likes
19:  What your character does when they wake up
20:  What your character is like at social events
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
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~ Tomb model.
Place of origin: Meir (?), Egypt
Date: ca. 2055-1985 B.C.
Period: early Middle Kingdom
Medium: Wood, paint
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
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Didrachm with head of Hercules (obverse) and she-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (reverse)
Roman, Republican Period, 269-266 B.C.
British Museum
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Send Me “Locked On Target!” For My Muse To React To Being Tackled By Yours.
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Send Me “Locked On Target!” For My Muse To React To Being Tackled By Yours.
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
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'Valley of Stone' Sculpture, Stacksteads, Rossendale, Lancashire.
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Send 📖 to get really bad advice from my muse
Bonus points for also giving a topic.
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Send 📖 to get really bad advice from my muse
Bonus points for also giving a topic.
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
My muse is feeling touch-starved.
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
ღ - kisses of any kind (romantic or platonic) such as cheek kisses, hair kisses, mouth kisses, kiss to the hand/fingertips or eyelids, etc. feel free to specify a body part!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
❣ - add this to any of the above to make it sexual. 
¿ - write your own touches!
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
My muse is feeling touch-starved.
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
ღ - kisses of any kind (romantic or platonic) such as cheek kisses, hair kisses, mouth kisses, kiss to the hand/fingertips or eyelids, etc. feel free to specify a body part!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
❣ - add this to any of the above to make it sexual. 
¿ - write your own touches!
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Lost Maya Capital Found In Mexico
Researchers have recently uncovered a Maya site in southeastern Mexico that may have been the capital of Sak Tz’i’, a kingdom mentioned in inscriptions uncovered at other Maya sites, and looted artifacts which turn up on the market. Such clues were used in the early 2000s to model the hypothetical boundaries of Sak Tz'i’ territory and the likely location of its capital. And recent archaeological work involving locals and building on the model has found a site filled with Sak Tz'i’ monuments.
Translated as “white dog,” Sak Tz’i’ was a small state founded in 750 BCE and surrounded by more powerful states. The city was protected on one side by steep-walled streams, while masonry walls were built around the rest of the site. But these defenses were likely insufficient. So the researchers suspect the city’s leaders must have engaged in political maneuverings with the kingdom’s stronger neighbors in order to survive for more than 1,000 years.
The team members have found evidence of pyramids, a royal palace, a ball court, sculptures, and inscriptions describing rituals, battles, a mythical water serpent, and the dance of a rain god. Current archaeological work focuses on stabilizing and mapping the site.
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Well That Hurt
Send me “ ☹ ”, and I’ll generate a number between 1-75 to see where/how my muse is injured. Send “ ☹ ⇋ ”, and it’s your character living the pain. The third option would be “ ☹ ☹ “ to have both wounded (in which case first generated number will be for my muse and second for yours).
Tw for possible blood and gore! Please be mindful of your partner’s possible triggers that might only apply to a couple of these.
Keep reading
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Well That Hurt
Send me “ ☹ ”, and I’ll generate a number between 1-75 to see where/how my muse is injured. Send “ ☹ ⇋ ”, and it’s your character living the pain. The third option would be “ ☹ ☹ “ to have both wounded (in which case first generated number will be for my muse and second for yours).
Tw for possible blood and gore! Please be mindful of your partner’s possible triggers that might only apply to a couple of these.
Keep reading
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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roguegunforhire · 4 years
Oops! First Interactions
Send me a symbol for our Muses to meet when the following accident occurs…
♔ - one Muse hits the other while opening a door too fast/forcefully ♕ - one Muse gestures wildly and smacks another passing by ♖ - one Muse shoots the other (non-lethal…probably) ♗ - one Muse trips the other ♘- one Muse drops a bucket of ice water on the other, mistaking them for someone else ♟- one Muse spills something on the other ♙ - one Muse gets thrown into the other during a fight and injures them ♚ - one Muse saves the other from a dangerous situation, only to end up in danger themselves ♛ - one Muse runs into the other with their bike / skateboard / golf cart / etc. ♜ - one Muse attempts to assassinate the other after mistaking them for their target ♝- one Muse accidentally casts a spell on the other
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