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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
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I don’t regret it one bit, ‘cause he had it coming
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Starter call!
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Who wants a starter from a hunter who is also a nephilim? If you’re a multimuse lemme know who you want me to throw one at or else I’m gonna choose! Also open to plotting. Come at me. 
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
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“She was powerful, not because she wasn’t scared. But because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.” – Atticus (x)
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Bucky glanced down at the kid and gave him an awkward nod. “Thanks...” He had to admit, the arm that Shuri built for him was much better than the first one. But after getting used to doing everything with only one for a time, he was still getting used to it. He flexed the vibranium fingers sub consciously as the young man leaned in closer to him. On side of Bucky’s mouth turned up in a smirk. “Thanks, kid. You were pretty impressive, you know? Even Steve thinks so.” 
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“Hey, you’re the dude with the cool arm! Sorry about all that stuff from before by the way… I was just doing as Mr. Stark asked. I think you’re really cool!” Peter looks around before leaning in, “between you and me I totally did not want to fight you.”
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Narya often preferred manning her talon on the borders of the forest alone. At least then she wouldn’t have to hear the whispers and catch the disapproving looks her way. Even after all these years, she still was not accepted into the society in Mirkwood. As the years and the days rolled by, she thought about leaving, and roaming the world on her own. But that was not wise in days like these. Anyone traveling alone was a target. Which is why she found this traveller so curious. Narya moved closer, up high in the tree. When she landed gently on the forest floor, the woman finally sensed a presence. 
She drew an arrow, set it in her bow, and fired. It landed in the tree above the woman’s head. “Not before I do the same to you!” she called, still hidden within the shadow of the thicket. “These are the borders of Mirkwood. Strangers are not welcome in these woods.” 
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Open to; F / M / NB
Setting; LOTR inspired
Connection; Up to player
Freya had spent her entire life surrounded by the leaves, the forest was her home, her soul. But this forest with its dark leaves and endless trees was so different from her familiar home. Especially at night when the endless darkness seemed to stretch on and on.
She continued on, keeping close to the border between the wild lands of the woods and the civilian settlement some distance away. Eventually, she found a spot she was comfortable with, her heavy pack falling to the floor, long cloak blowing in the wind. Summer was truly over and she could feel the distance taste of winter on her tongue.
It seemed like hours later, her back to a large tree, curled up around her possessions when she felt the shift in the air, even in her sleep. She shifted, pale eyes blinking in the darkness. “Who goes there,” she called out, her long fingers gripped the blade she kept under her makeshift pillow. “I can sense you, show yourself or I’ll make you my target practice.”
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Jahira emerged from the brush. “Perhaps we should have taught you to walk lighter on your feet...” she mumbled, dropping a couple of dead rabbits between them. She may not show it, but she was grateful that after all this time, her instincts were right. Arya was alive. And clearly able to take care of herself. “I’m curious to learn where exactly you have been all this time... things have gotten quite interesting in your absence. Your brother and sister will certainly be relieved to see you alive.” 
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      The sound of twigs snapping caused the girl to stop. It was cold and all she wanted to do was get warm. A fire is what she needed and it was her second priority - her first? Remaining alive. Her hand moved to Needle that sat on her hip, hues looking around the trees to try and see who was there or what was there.
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Jahira sighed, frustrated as she opened yet another door. She may be an assassin, but the youngest Stark knew how to hide, and she was starting to get irritated. Upon opening the door, she realized her mistake. “Forgive me, Lady. I did not realize this room was yours. I am looking for the youngest Stark. He is rather gifted at hiding.” 
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“I do not recall giving you permission to enter.”
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
With the Starks either all dead or scattered, Jahira’s loyalty was now up in the air. All she knew for sure was that she would not trust anyone in King’s Landing. Except for maybe the Lannister brothers, as strange as that sounds. Traveling back to King’s Landing with Jaime gave her an insight into the Kingslayer that she was sure very, very few others got to see. But the capital was no place for her. It was a breeding ground for betrayal. So when Olenna Tyrell came to her with a request, she could hardly say now. Especially when it came with a bag of dragons that would get her across the Narrow Sea. So she accompanied Margaery back to Highgardan, her horse riding right next to the carriage. On the road ahead a farmer’s cart wheel had broken, and he struggled fixing it alone. Jahira put up her hand to stop. The soldiers of Highgarden glanced at her. “Help him.” They grumbled as they dismounted their steeds, but did as she bid. Lucky for them, they were ordered by Olenna that she was in charge while on the road. Jahira dismounted as well and opened the carriage door. “My lady, we have a bit of a delay. I would suggest staying in the carriage.” 
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Starter Call Request for @rogue-muses​
         Kings Landing was becoming farther and farther out of view. The Rose was no longer in the Lions Den. Word had gotten to her, she was needed back at Highgarden. It was true the future queen didn’t want to leave for too long. It could very well affect her being Queen, and that upset Margaery. The future queen was the only one sitting inside the large carriage. Posted on each side of the carriage walking by foot were two guards. Margaery had a book resting gently on her lap her stormy gaze staring out the window. She’d asked for her brother or grandmother to accompany her back to Highgarden, but Cersei had argued they needed to be back at King’s Landing. Highgarden was their home too, this just made her want to become queen faster. The sooner she was queen the sooner Cersei would have no more power in the kingdom. A grin slowly spread across her lips at this thought; Cersei with no power was amusing, to say the least.
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
He really did look familiar… Charlie just couldn’t figure out how. His hair was long, a bit greasy looking and in some disarray under his cap. His eyes were piercing, the most intense shade of blueish grey she had ever seen in her life. Despite it being early August, he wore a jacket and gloves. He was certainly one of the more interesting customers she had come across. Her brows quirked a little at his question. “Well… my great grandparents opened it in the early 1900′s I think? It’s been in our family ever since, I’m just the latest in a long line of owners.” Charlie shrugged, watching as Shadow approached the man and sniffed at his hand curiously. “Well, me and Shadow I guess.”
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Bucky nodded absently, eyes moving away from her gaze and onto the shelves full of books. There was something familiar about this place, and he couldn’t figure out why. His attention was pulled down to his feet when the woman’s dog approached and started sniffing at his gloved hand. Bucky pulled it away instinctively, then moved his flesh hand to pat the dog’s head gently. His lips turned up in a small smile. “I’m guessing this is Shadow?” he asked, glancing up at her for just a second, then back down. “Do you have any classics? Maybe some books from back then... when the store opened?” Maybe if he saw some older titles he would remember what he knew about this place...
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Alessandra preferred the wilderness to the city. But she was a hunter, which meant she had to rejoin the living sometimes to bring down whatever it was she was hunting. Where was she again? Somewhere in middle America. Most towns looked the same now. As she walked out of the coffee shop the sun was just beginning to rise. It was another day, another hunt. But it wasn’t everyday that she passes an angel sleeping on a bench. Alessandra glanced down, watching him. He was clearly having a nightmare. She nudged his shoulder, then held the second cup of coffee out to him. “It looks like you need it...”
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          Castiel, as a human, having never experienced dreams from the dreamer’s point of view before, is not a peaceful sleeper. Dreams, as they are, confuse him. Nightmares… are a new territory.
          On the outside, he’s tossing and turning, muttering pleas and threats alike, his voice gradually increasing in volume, words incoherent. Eyelids are closed, but his eyes move wildly behind them. His heart racing out of sheer fright.
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
↪ A list of SENTENCES from George R. R. Martin’s novel A Clash of Kings, to be used and changed however you see fit. possible trigger WARNINGS for violent and sexual content, profanity, and alcohol.
↪ All parts can be found here.
❝ shadows are friends to men in black. ❞ ❝ and when i looked into ____’s eyes,  i… i know she was an enemy,  but there was no evil in her. ❞ ❝ i told you to do what needed to be done, and left you to decide what that would be. ❞ ❝ to lead men you must know them, ____. i know more of you now than i did this morning. ❞ ❝ enough talk. you ought be sleeping. we have leagues to go, and dangers to face. you will need your strength. ❞ ❝ why should you care who i choose to warm my bed? ❞ ❝ gods be good, ____, they’re my own blood! what sort of man do you take me for? ❞ ❝ you must be brave. i am sorry they hurt you. ❞ ❝ i will hurt you for this. i don’t know how yet, but give me time. a day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid. ❞ ❝ i see you had no taste for the wine i sent you. ❞ ❝ you think i fear death? ❞ ❝ your crimes will have earned you a place of torment in the deepest of the seven hells, if the gods are just. ❞ ❝ if there are gods, why is the world so full of pain and injustice? ❞ ❝ there are no men like me. there’s only me. ❞ ❝ if you will not speak with me,  so be it. drink the wine or piss in it,  ser, it makes no matter to me. ❞ ❝ things go to rust in this damp. even a man’s courtesies. ❞ ❝ stay, and you shall have your answers… for a price. ❞ ❝ captives do not set prices. ❞ ❝ people often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up. ❞ ❝ i am strong enough to hear anything you care to say. ❞ ❝ believe what you will, i’m past caring what people say of me. ❞ ❝ this was never what i wanted. they gave me no choice. ❞ ❝ this is your city ____ means to sack, and that’s your gate he’s bringing down. so come with me and kill the son of a bitch! ❞ ❝ tears. the woman’s weapon, my lady mother used to call them. the man’s weapon is a sword. and that tells us all you need to know, doesn’t it? ❞ ❝ men must be very brave, though, to ride out and face swords and axes, everyone trying to kill you… ❞ ❝ tears are not a woman’s only weapon. you’ve got another one between your legs, and you’d best learn to use it. you’ll find men use their swords freely enough. both kinds of swords. ❞ ❝ the only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy. ❞ ❝ if you scream i’ll kill you. believe that. ❞ ❝ don’t ever touch me, or i’ll kill you. you get away. ❞ ❝ storm coming. smell the air? ❞ ❝ when the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. ❞ ❝ as shy as a maid on her wedding night, and near as fair. sometimes a man forgets how pretty a fire can be. ❞ ❝ you must be strong now. strong. ❞
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
Jahira sat across from him, picking at her food and sipping at the dark wine in her cup. Limbs still aching from the battle the day before. But being home in Winterfell gave her a relief that she didn’t expect. Even though Jahira wasn’t born in the North, it had been her home far longer than Braavos ever was. Her gaze flicked over across to Harrold when he spoke. “Men we couldn’t trust. They wouldn’t have fought for Jon. Whether they consider him a real Stark or not. And those men helped the Frey’s slaughter Robb and his army. They deserved the sword.” 
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       “ It wasn’t a victory for either the Vale or the North, the Calvary caught them by surprise & smashed through their overextended lines.” A rare showing of humility slipping from him midst meal in the hall of Winterfell. “ The Starks forced the Bolton’s their knees generations ago, we massacred an army of people already tired from seven days of the war with the dead king Stannis. we could have used those men in the war to come.” 
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
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do you have a supernatural character, oc, or verse ? if so, please reblog this post with your character(s) name in the tags, if you are an oc please specify that, and if you only have a verse be sure to specify that as well. please reblog once per blog.
                         reblog and tag appropriately and you will be added to this list.
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
She tracked the stranger from the treetops. They were no elf, of that she was certain. And although she did not always follow Thranduil’s authority, his orders were clear: Mirkwood’s borders were closed to outsiders. Narya was able to get ahead of them and shot an arrow just passed their head as a warning. It hit the tree behind them with a thud. She fell backwards off the branch and landed on the forest floor with nothing more than a soft rustle, another arrow already notched. “State your business in Mirkwood, stranger,” she said firmly in the Common Tongue. 
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
The moment they got the raven from King’s Landing, it was like she was a young girl again and her father was killed. Although Jahira never considered Lord Stark her father, he was still a long and loyal friend. They fought beside one another, and he saved her life on the Trident when she was still young (At least young to Westerosi eyes). There was a pit that was growing in her chest. A blackness. That is why they called her the Blackheart after all. Jahira knocked on the door of another one of the many strays that the Starks had adopted into their halls. 
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Winterfell had never felt COLDER than it did that night, booted feet carry Pytre back and forth as he REPLAYS what events have taken place. His Lord and father Ned had been murdered for crimes he had NOT committed. Upon hearing a knock just outside his door, Pytre called out for the person on the other end to come in.
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
┊┊ I’m looking for RP partners and don’t really know where to start. Please help me and other TOLKIEN RPers out by reblogging this if you are an ACTIVE
– SILMARILLION RP blog, LOTR RP blog or a TOLKIEN RP blog in general.
This includes OCs (of course!)
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rogue-muses · 7 years ago
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we’re creating a new masterlist of independent tolkien roleplay blogs. whether you write an elf, dwarf, man or hobbit, blogs of all types are welcome !  find the list here & follow the blog for promos & resources !
to be added to the list : reblog this post, tag with your character name & if you are canon / oc / verse based. 
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