🏳️‍🌈🇧🇷 Roge Sims 🏳️‍🌈🇧🇷
285 posts
Hi! I post screenshots of my gameplay on my Twitter @rogesims and here's an archive of all my stories! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 🔊 pronounced "raw-gee" | 35, he/him | ADHD | simmer since 2000 | gameplay | premade makeovers | Harris Legacy | Eng/PtBr
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rogesims · 2 years ago
A New Family Addition
So, that's how Gen 3 officially starts! Marcos and Dani moved in with Leo to San Sequoia, while their parents stayed in Copperdale. The three of them were enrolled at SSAI for Cinema, each focusing on their own preferences. 
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Part of the gang decided to also enroll, each one for their own reasons. Molly would take the Music program, Kev, Creative Writing and Ash, Fashion and Design. 
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Since now they lived across from the park in Gilbert Gardens, Leo and Marcos started taking advantage of the couple animations and went jogging together almost every day.
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The girls had made it official right after they came back from the trip, so Mols got an apartment key and went to sleep over a few days every week.
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The apartment was great, but it wasn't perfect... They soon came to learn. "A MOUSE! AAAAAGH THAT'S WOOHOOCKING DISGUSTING!" "And, of course, it's in the kitchen. Let's wait for M to wake up, I think I got an idea."
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"Hello, folks! How is it going? This is PixelSeagull here with another Hoomans 2 Info and thoughts!"
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"So it looks like the new pack world is gonna be based around the real city of Chestnut Ridge. I don't know about you, but I'm not that anxious about riding huge beasts. That's just a regular Tuesday to me LOL"
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"School year starts again next Monday, so things will go a little slower with the SimTube videos, but you can always catch me streaming on Simtch. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and thanks for watching!" 
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"So, a mouse? What's your great idea, sis?" "There's an animal shelter in Hopewell Hills, and they have kitties! It's been a while since the legacy had a pet."
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Welcome to the family Princess Rani! The mice just packed their bags in terror. 
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I barely touched the game before updating my mods to the Horse Ranch patch, so not much of notice happened in my legacy... The weekend before the start of senior year, the gang got together to play cards! 
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On Sunday, Leo and Marcos woke up early and, after a jog, traveled to Del Sol Valley to visit the Plumbob Pictures studio backlot. One day they would be back here, but as huge stars!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
A New Generation Starts!
The boys woke up early the next day. There was something Leo wanted to do before they left.
"Would you go back to Dorothy's with me? I want to get that SSAI thing their number. You're right. I should just go for it."
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"aaaaand, done! I just hope there are mods enough to make this other High School work now."
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When Leo got home to tell Moe the news, she had some news too.
"This comes right on time. I guess you're gonna carry the legacy torch on your own now, son!"
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"As you know, pumpkin, the baby is coming and we'd have to move to a larger space anyway. And I got a job proposal in San Myshuno. So I guess you'll be emancipated"
"I'm gonna have my OWN PLACE? OMW!"
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A politician named Victor Feng was running for statesperson and needed someone trustworthy to run his campaign.
"I am Victor Feng and I promise that I WILL fight for freerealestate on for every starting family, ever!"
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Moe told him she has been hired to become Feng's Campaign Manager. He thought she was simply perfect for the job. 
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And with this very subtle time jump, I present you the gen 2 Harrises new place in the Arts Quarter in San Myshuno!
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Along with their new place and their step down from the legacy, Tito and Moe got a makeover! The new Harris baby is due any moment now!
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The family's old place was kept by Willow, who moved from the garage to the master bedroom. Leo's old bedroom became her office and Robotics lab! 
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And finally, welcome to our new home, apartment 51 at 18 Celebration Way! 
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Here's the living room, kitchen, and the garden/laundry!
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This is the apartment hallway, which has a window to the household's new school, the San Sequoia Arts Institute. And Dani's room!
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This is Leo and Marcos's room. Leo will also stream from here!
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Another lot that must also be shown is apartment 3A at 23 Eucalyptus Lane, where Ash, Kevin and Molly will live! This gang is a creative bunch so everyone was able to move and enroll at the Institute. 
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This is Mol's room, and the other is Ash and Kev’s!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
The last time we saw the Harrises, Willow has just graduated High School and was on vacation week before starting her first term. This time we wake up along with Leo while he calls the gang to go on their Pride trip!
"San Sequoia awaits! I hope you guys are ready!" 
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Leo, Marcos, Dani, Molly, Ash and Kevin were gonna spend the weekend at a cool SimsBnB they found right next to the bridge! Sid and Vannah were in Britechester at a Summer course prepping for their senior year.
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Maybe in the end, for the siblings, it was the best, since this has sort of become a couple's vacay! Ash and Kev had this thing going on for a while, but being away from her mom maybe was what Molly needed to give the next step with Dani...
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That afternoon, the gang went to the movies to watch the new live-action adaptation of Sepulcher Invader. It was kinda bad, but they were all so happy with the whole trip their bored moodlets didn't even matter!
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After the movie it was almost dawn, so they used the good lighting for some vacation pictures. They could not go home without a photo of the iconic bridge!
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Molly told a bit about the city bar to Dani before they got ready for the party.
"...and that's when the twinky werewolf put the cops to run. Sims said it was a historic night!"
"Wow, he sounds so cool!"
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Party time! Since it was Pride, Dorothy's was filled with deco sims! It was Drag Performance Night, so the sitting area was just as full as the dancefloor.
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The club part of the bar was also packed! The teens danced the night away to the unknown NPC DJ. 
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While Molly spent her long-lasting batteries dancing, Leo and Marcos sat outside for some fresh air.
"So, like West Coast Simerica so far?"
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"It's so pretty and warm! I feel like I'm drying up from all that Eastern humidity, Copperdale is so rainy! Here's also queer AF so many points to that!"
"Imagine if we could live here! It's a short car trip to Del Sol Valley. You could work at Plumbob Pictures!"
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"If only there was any excuse so I could convince my parents we could live here..."
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"Well, lucky for you the Watcher isn't subtle at all. Look behind you. Isn't this awfully convenient?"
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"'Wanna Get Famous?'
IT'S. A. PBP. INTERNSHIP! Multiple internships, given by this San Sequoia Arts Institute! Oh my Watcher, do you think this is our generation's story arc?"
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"Well, according to their website, the criteria for enrollment is fine... Thankfully we have all those Drama Club hours, plus we'd be active sims so that counts positively too", Marcos explained.
"Us? In San Sequoia? Trying an internship for woohoocking TV? This gotta work!"
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"This poster is here, baby. The Watcher wouldn't go through S4S and make CC if it wasn't gonna work. Have faith!"
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The gang called it a night and went to their rental to rest. Soon, Leo would have to share his news with Moe and Tito!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Willow’s a Young Adult
It's Willow's graduation day! With her, Nico, Gabe and Noah were also graduating, along with a bunch of random NPC teens.
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Willow graduated at the top of her class and was chosen as Valedictorian! The game, then, fucked up my continuity and changed her robe to a black one LMFAO
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"Good evening, ladies, gentlemen and sims in between! Though we faced bugs, simulation lag and sitting around at class without being able to do a single interaction, we made it!" 
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"I am truly honored to have been chosen for this position, and to be talking to you townies in ugly situation outfits. Now, we start a new era in our lives, and can finally get over those annoying phases. We made it!"
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"Without further ado, let's deliver the diplomas! Harris, Willow! Congratulations on your straight A's!" 
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"You're a model student, Willow. You have great things ahead of you.", said Mrs. Prescott.
"I'm going to college, y'all!"
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Some graduation photos for the memory wall!
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To end the night, the Harrises went to Evergreen Harbor for a special dinner. "I think a toast is in order", Tito said.
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"To me, and also to you, guys! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you all. To a new and exciting legacy season!"
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Prom Night
Tonight is Prom! Leo started getting ready for the big day. It was still his junior year but he wanted to look the best he could! 
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And done! When Leo was almost done, Mols called and told him she had invited herself and some friends to get together at Leo's place before the party started.
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"Hey, handsome, looking sparkly!"
The living room was small so it wasn't long until it was overly crowded with teens. This would be Willow's goodbyes to Copperdale High!
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"OK, boys... Smile for me!" 
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Another selfie and... they're ready for prom! 
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It's Prom time!
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After some slow dancing, the couple took a traditional Prom pic!
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Also, a group pic of the gang for posterity! 
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"Good evening everyone, I'm Vice-principal Washington and it's so good to have been summoned from the Other Households bin to be here.
Even though this is a legacy save and every controllable sim of the gang voted Willow, the game doesn't give a crap so let's call our Royalty and Jester of the year, Mean Girl #1 and Mean Girl #3!"
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When the Prom lot dematerialized in front of their eyes, Leo and his friends decided to extend the party near Teeter Rock!
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And that's where we leave for now, with our teens partying the night away! See ya soon!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
A trip to the City
Good morning! It was Sunday at the Harrises, and Leo woke up early to advertise his latest SimTube video. Later, he had an invitation to make!
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"Hey, babe! Mom and Dad want to look for some cool kitschy stuff for the baby, want to make a trip to San Myshuno?"
"San Myshuno? Cool! Where are we going?"
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"It's Flea Market day today! The Watcher even installed a mod that expands it, so if we're lucky we can thrift some cool clothes!"
"You had me at thrift. I'll come over in a second!"
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It was a bright and sunny day at the Spice Market. Unfortunately, nothing nice fit the boys' inventory, but looking around was fun enough! 
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While the boys checked everything at the tables, Moe, Tito and Willow watched the street artist.
"Hey Mo, isn't that sour-faced woman Judith Ward?", asked Willow.
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Despite not looking the happiest, Judith was very pleasant and didn't even deny an autograph.
"Thank you, dear. I know people love me, it's natural. Here, take this to give some sparkle to your tiny house."
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"YES! Can we take a selfie too? I need this moment for posterity." 
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To end the trip on a high note, Marcos and Leo took some photos and messed around in the photo booth near the subway station. Ah, young love!
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The following week was the last one before summer break, so it was just a lot of grinding and sitting at classes to get ready for the exams. 
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During lunch, Molly was ecstatic to share the tea.
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"Hey, Mols!"
"Hey! Great news. I made Mom promise she won't chaperone the prom."
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"WOW! How did you do it?"
"She was all 'oh, you feel embarrassed of me', and I was like 'DUHHHH'. I said I have to put up with her every school day, so she agreed to let the vice principal attend."
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"Also, I was searching for a SimsBnB and I found the perfect place for us during Pride. It's basically across from the BEST queer bar in the SimNation!"
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"Mols! You're the best."
"If I had a simoleon every time you say that..."
"Well.. you'd have two simoleons."
"LMAO! You bitch"
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Career Day
The week in the Harris Legacy was pretty tame. The restaurant in Brindleton Bay was going well and even a critic went over to check on the place. 
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The tables were full basically the whole night and Leo needed some money for Pride, so he joined his father and worked bussing tables and cleaning up the place. 
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It was Career Day, and the junior class was summoned to the Auditorium. There were three adults, and everyone seemed to flock over two of them. 
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On the other side was this lady. Not weird nobody was interested in her, the others' uniforms were cool and she was wearing... something.
"Hey", she invited Leo closer. "Wanna know what working for TV is like?"
"You work for TV? As an actress?"
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"No, silly! I'm a producer. But there's a lot to do behind the cameras: write, direct... You can become a superstar! It all starts at the studios."
Studios... That could be nice. In the Drama Club, Leo has been in charge of a lot of stuff mostly because no one knew how to.
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He never thought much about it before, though, so Leo decided to check on the other guests.
"You, smart fella! I could hire you to my business... We are, um, exporters! We don't offer life insurance, though."
This Villareal guy looked a bit evil. He just smiled and nodded.
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"And you? Are you a secret agent or something?", Leo asked.
 "No, I'm a First Order official! Have you ever considered living in Batuu?"
"Oh, wow! That sounds really interesting and fun! My dog just called, my grandma fell off her bike. I gotta go. I promise to consider it!"
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After class, Marcos and Leo went together to the Pier.
"I know this isn't any surprise, but I want to make it official", Leo said. "Want to go to the prom with me?"
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"Oh, my Watcher! I've been waiting for this since the pack's been released last year... YES! Nothing would make me happier than going to the prom with you, baby." 
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Two weeks after Flower Day, just a week before graduation, Willow got her scholarship letters. She was accepted in two! She's now considering leaving the Harris' garage and using the money to help her pay a small apartment for herself. 
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Leo and Marcos were about to have their final exams, so they could barely see each other except in between classes.
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"My family will make a trip together this weekend. Wanna come?", asked Leo.
 "Can't. My mom has some family stuff to sort out in another town and wants me along."
"I had an idea, but I need to wait for the pack release first. Did you know Summer 14th is Pride Day?"
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Marcos was curious.
"Course I do! What's on your mind?"
"I heard San Sequoia has a great Pride Festival. My dad told me I can work with him and save money for the loading screens!"
"YES! I'm sure Dani will also love the idea. And Sid! And Ash! And Van! Let's invite everyone!"
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Leo could barely listen to a word Mr. Morlind was saying... Soon classes would be over and he'd have a WHOLE week on vacation! He knew about someone else who would probably also love to hear about their Pride excursion.
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Mols said she'd love it. Her mom wanted to go skiing but she'd rather die by Vlad.
"She made me organize Career Day for extra credit and I need some fresh air. Just so you know, I signed you up."
"Well", replied Leo, "if that means you're coming, I can find some fun in that!"
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When they got home, both Moe and Leo had great news! Leo has been promoted to Speedrunner and Moe got to her branch selection. She got a unique opportunity and ended up on her path to stardom again! It seems like it doesn't matter the universe, Moe is destined to fame. 
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The Harrises landed in Lani St. Taz! They're staying the weekend at the Saphire Shores Resort.
"Won't this be too expensive, mom?"
"Baby, don't be silly...This isn't a real hotel, they don't exist in the game! We won't pay a thing, this is just a spa."
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A well-deserved vacation... Being a legacy family ain't easy! Since they didn't pay for the stay, the family enjoyed the premises before having dinner. 
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It's dinner time, and the Harrises went to the best (the only) restaurant in Sulani!
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"Thank you so much for this trip, guys! It's a great close to my High School Years!", said Willow.
"We're also celebrating Moe's promotion. She's famous now!" "
And Leo is ending his junior year!", Moe replied. "It's time you start thinking about your future, baby."
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"To be honest, I don't know, mom. I've been working at the drama club, but Copperdale is too far away from Honeywood."
"We're not gonna live there forever, you know? Legacies are known for moving all around the SimNation."
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"You should trust your gut, Leo. I'm sure the Watcher will find a way of helping your dreams come true." Leo didn't have all this blind faith.
"How can the Watcher know what to do, when I can't?"
"They made us cross universes to save the legacy. You'll be good!"
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"I hope you're right, mom. I have just a few weeks left before my gen takes over."
"Watcher surely have something in store for you. Just keep on going through Live Mode and soon I know things will become clearer!"
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After dinner, Leo vanished. Moe found him at a fishing spot nearby. "Can I sit here?" 
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"What if I'm not a good heir as you both? You had a Starlight Boulevard star, for woohoock sake! I don't think I can top that."
"Leo... You don't have to be like us. You're good just the way you are and doing the things you want to do. Legacy gens are different."
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"I acted, and I now work with social causes because that's what makes me happy; same with your dad and cooking", Moe reassured him.
"And what about the drama, and the interesting plots?"
"Oooh, 'The Drama'! Not every legacy will be as messy as a Swan or a Lacey. And that's ok."
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Moe gave her big baby a loving hug.
"Whatever your story is, you'll be loved and there will always be someone who enjoys your path. I promise."
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Next morning, after an... um... eventful night, Moe had news for the family. 
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Breakfast by the sea, the perfect moment to break the news!
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"Family, we're having a spare Harris! The first legacy infant is due to fall!"
"Another one, thank you!"
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Flower Day
Good morning! It's Flower Day in the Harris House. Moe woke up along with the sun to go jogging along the coast. 
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Tito as the chef he is, started preparing all the barbecue ingredients very early. There would be 14 sims to feed! 
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A little before noon, Tito lit up the grill just as everyone started arriving!
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It's been a while since so many of the family got together like this! You could only listen to bits and pieces of the conversation:
"... and that's on you, Jeb! You're still owing me that fishing trip to..."
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"And she thought the infants would patch now LMAOOOOOO she even told me..."
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This was also the event to make it official to the whole family.
"This is Marcos, mom! He's Leo's boyfriend."
"Hi, Marcos! It's nice to meet you." "Hi, Mrs. Harris. Leo told me only the best things about you!"
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"Marcos, I heard you're River Tang's great-grandson. It's nice to have @TheBlkPlumbob's legacy finally joining the family!", Moe said.
"It's the least he could do", Marcos replied. "After all, he broke you guys up on his save! Poor Leo grew up and got lost in the Household Bin."
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Tito was also very happy, seeing his baby so in love.
"It's OK Marcos, it's a whole other saveverse! I hope we can get to know your parents soon."
"I'm sure they'll love that, sir."
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AAAAAAnd time for another family portrait! This will look great on the Harrises wall.
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Harris Legacy - Chapter Index
Gen 1 / Gen 2:
Gen 2 / Gen 3:
- A New Beginning
- Becoming part of the gang
- Not exactly as expected
- The Twins
- Love is in the air!
- Flower Day
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Love is in the air!
I reopened my Legacy save after a long time today, and Leo and his friends threw a party near the abandoned cabin!
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Leo approached Marcos. "Hey, thanks for coming!" "Thank you for asking us! Dani and I don't get invited to parties often." 
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"It's the least I could do, since you guys have been so welcoming in the Drama Club! It's been just a couple weeks, and I already feel like I've been there forever."
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"Pleasure's all mine. I know you need the extracurricular, but I'm not gonna pretend I didn't do it for myself, too..."
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"Erm... What do you mean?"
"We don't need to do all that. Tia told me that Nico said you had told him you got a crush on me. Since you didn't seem to be the one to come and tell me, let me do the honors!"
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Marcos took Leo by his hand and pulled him into his arms. And just like that, they first kissed!
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So, our Gen 3 has his first crush, and maybe now I start playing with the Harrises again? Haha we'll see, yall now who i am
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Everyone took off at around 2AM, and luckily neither Tito or Moe noticed he wasn't in his room streaming. Night night!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
The Twins
Another day, another class. For some reason, Ms. Rogers was really angry.
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"Your extra credit sucks, mostly because you come to school and just sit doing nothing for hours. So, starting today, all students are required to join some after-school activity. No exceptions!" 
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During lunch, Leo and Kev talked about the news. "Watcher damn! I guess they won't count livestreaming as an extracurricular. What club or team are you gonna join?"
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"Well, Vannah is the Computer team captain and she invited me in. I wouldn't recommend it, though: after all, you're a playable sim and that's just a rabbit hole extra. Also, the school computers would suck next to yours at home!" 
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"Yeah, you're right. I guess I'm gon' have to check what other options are available." The person next to Kevin talked. "Hey, sorry to interrupt! I'm Tia, I couldn't help but listen. I'm part of the Theater Club, it's pretty cool! You should talk to Dani and Marcos." 
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"Yeah, that surely is the place", Leo thought. There was a bunch of people on stage, not one known sim in sight besides Tia, the person he met during lunch.
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"Hi, you Dani? I'm Leo. I talked to Tia and they told me you're the person in charge here." "Hi Leo, nice to meet you! That would be me, along with my brother Marcos over there." "Hi, welcome!", said Marcos. "It's nice to have new people down here."
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"I need some extra cred, and Tia said you were accepting. Can I be of any help at all?" "Do you have any creative skills?", Dani asked. "Does writing homework and selfie photography counts?" 
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"Yeah, no." But don't worry, we can work something out", Dani assured him. "I'm a legacy heir, so at least I can promise I'll have a lot of playable time to learn anything you guys need!"
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"Welcome to Theater Club! Thank you for joining. We'd probably never have screentime otherwise."
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It was almost 7, so the club called it a day and everyone went home. After that mortifying Molly moment the day before, Leo was thinking maybe Theater was exactly what he needed to get over it... 
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I'm so happy to introduce you to the Tang family! Paizley Tang was Gen 3 heir in my bestie @TheBlkPlumbob, and now they crossover to the Roge Universe! She and her husband Casanova Goth (long lost Goth cousin) are Dani and Marcos' parents.
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Paiz is a Yoga Instructor, and now she doesn't have any more legacy obligations, she's in search of inner peace. 
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Casanova is a sous-chef and is in search of a new restaurant to work at... Hmmm I wonder how this will turn out...
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And you already met the twins. Both Marcos and Dani dream of becoming huge movie Honeywood stars!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Not exactly as expected
On Sunday, Sid and Kev came to play the newly released Sepulcher Invader with Leo. 
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"So, Molly? I saw you guys stargazing yesterday. She's really cool! I’m glad you guys got along."
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The same time the boys left, Moe got home from work with a promotion!
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"Hey, babe, how was work?"
"I got a promotion! The Politics career isn't that bad, after all." 
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Tito told her about his plan: he'd be his own chef at a new business.
"I found the perfect place in Brindleton Bay."
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"It's by the pier, the views are amazing! The docks are near, so I can buy fresh fish all year long." 
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"It's not huge, but I loved it. It's very cozy, with just a few tables. Nothing I can't handle in the kitchen!" 
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Tito hired a mixologist and a waiter and opened the doors. He was ecstatic with his inauguration! 
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Next morning it was Monday, and Leo's first day in Copperdale High. He went straight into the principal's office.
"Hi, I'm Leonard Harris. I'm new here. You're Mrs. Prescott, right?"
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"Leonard, Molly told me all about you. You're the Harrises' son, right? I was part of the Welcome Wagon. Welcome to Copperdale!
You can go to classroom #1, Math with Mr. Morlind. Pick your own locker and have a good class!"
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"Good morning, everyone. Today's class is the Theorem of Rosebud. Grab your pens and let's get to work!" 
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During lunch, Leo gathered some courage and asked Molly if she wanted to have some Boba Tea together later as a date.
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"Leo, you're very cool and all, but I'm sorry. I don't see you that way. Actually, I don't see any boy that way."
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"Oh my Watcher, I’m sure my Mom loved you and already had plans. I can hear my mom's voice: 'You could TRY to have a boyfriend, sweetie!'.
I'd love to be your friend, though, if that's OK with you."
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Even with all the levity Molly dealt with the situation, Leo still couldn't shake the feeling of shame. He'd talk to her after class and apologize. 
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"Listen", said Leo, "I'm sorry for being a plumbass. I should have gotten to know you more and then I wouldn't put you through that."
"It's fine, Leo, truly. You're cool. Plus, I know I'm gorgeous and irresistible."
They both laughed. Things were fine.
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And like that, Leo and Molly became good friends! 
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rogesims · 2 years ago
Becoming part of the gang
The Harjos and Mr. Lum went to welcome the Harris to Copperdale! I'm gonna have to download a mod for the "musical chairs" conversations, couldn't take more shots because they wouldn't stop moving..
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Willow was busy grinding for her college scholarships, so Leo left the adults and decided to have some boba tea and meet the locals. 
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"Hey. You moved to the apartment block across the square, right? I'm Molly. Welcome to Copperdale!" She was the principal's daughter and debate club president. She also was a Music Lover just as Leo! 
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They actually had a lot of common! Leo was happy to meet someone before going to school on Monday. It would be a less awkward first day. 
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I don't know about Molly, but Leo seemed to find her quite attractive. For now they didn't crush or anything, but who knows? 
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"...and she said she'll introduce me to her friends tomorrow!", said Leo. "Thank God we decided to move here after the pack release", exclaimed Willow. "Traveling to the rabbit hole all the way from EH was so lame! You'll love Copperdale. Just don't annoy Ms. Prescott!" 
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Before sleep, Leo was hit hard with puberty! He put on some skin cleanser and hoped for the best in the morning. 
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Next day, the Harrises woke up together for a visit to Jeb and Hannah. Willow, as usual, was taking the piss out of her nephew.
"Willow, don't tell them this nonsense! I don't want a grandchild before the baby update."
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It was a cool spring day. The trip to the Harbor took around an hour and a half, so they had to hurry not to arrive late for lunch! 
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"Let's go, guys! I'm getting hungry just thinking about Mom's food!" The Harris hit the road, to fulfill their legacy duties and produce some more family pictures!
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"She even modded The Sims Forever these days, dad!", Tito told Jeb about Willow.
"She never paywalls her stuff, though."
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Hannah looked at Moe and Leo and felt so proud of her son. She loved her daughter-in-law very much, as she knew how hard was to be the spouse of an heir; it wasn't long before she was that person. Moe did it flawlessly, though. 
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Another one for the family wall! 
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That evening, Leo went to the park to meet Molly and her friends. 
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Leo also invited his cousins, Nico and Gabe, to come. They also recently moved from Evergreen Harbor. 
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"Hey, you brought friends! This is the crew: Vannah, Sid, Kev and Ash. You'll see them all on Monday!" 
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Ready for some fun at the Pier! 
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The other kept talking (because I deleted all the arcade CC I had placed at the Pier), while Molly and Leo took some time to stargaze close to the water.
"That's the Cassiopeia constellation. I heard it's named after a legacy founder somewhere."
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rogesims · 2 years ago
LOOK WHO'S BACK! A few months, patches and Reshade/Gshade presets later, the Harris household crossed the portal opened by the Strange Sim. Just as they magically appeared, their memories slowly adapted into the new reality.
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This was the first time Tito and Moe saw each other in their madeover selves. T: "Welcome to our new reality, babe! You're rocking this short hair!" M: "You don't look so bad yourself, mister!"
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"I guess we have a teenage son now?", Moe said. Leo had suffered some space-time stretching and crossed over a lot older than his old toddler self. "Look guys, I can actually speak now. And I don't poop my pants anymore!" 
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"We're in Glimmerbrook, it's a three hour trip from Evergreen Harbor. The highway is at the end of this road here. We're gonna have to teleport from there."
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"It seems like we're a couple of packs behind. We missed cows and glitchy weddings, and we're living in the new High School pack town."
"High School pack? Does that mean I'm gonna start Gen 3 as a teen? No offense Mom, but we need an Heir Refresh in this Legacy."
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Tito, Moe and Leo walked all the way to the Glimmerbrook Brewery, by the Pinewood Highway. "According to this accessory map, Copperdale is Southwest from here." 
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They took a pickup from the parking lot across the road (it was debug so no one would miss it), and starter driving to Copperdale, where a new legacy story begins... 
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The Harris arrived in Copperdale. They now lived at a small building in the Prescott Square, first floor apartment. If they wouldn't live in Del Sol Valley anymore, at least this was a very NICE change of scenery! 
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This is their living room. Thank the Watcher they could bring all their pictures with them when they crossed!
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This is Tito and Moe's bedroom. Moe kept her Starlight Accolades as a memory of times past, even if she would keep it all for herself!
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Leo got the other bedroom. Can you tell he's a bit of a geek? 
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In this new universe, Tito's younger twin siblings don't exist. Instead, his parents had Willow, who's a teen sim. She has a few more weeks to graduate, and moved to Copperdale to study at a local community college affiliated to Foxbury, a great tech uni from the United Simdom. 
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And this is their cozy kitchen, where Tito has been practicing his Gourmet Cooking skills to find a nice job and save the simoleons he needs to complete his Restauranteur aspiration! 
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This universe Moe has a Social Justice degree, and is trying to raise the Political ladder, one step at a time!
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Willow have been diving head first on her books. She wanted a distinguished degree in Computer Science, and she'd have to work hard for it. Not to mention the scholarships!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
5 Stars and a SURPRISE!
On Monday, a famous restaurant Critic went to make a rating of Sakura Scent's service. Jade made sure he felt the best served he ever had in his short NPC life. 
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Thankfully, everything good the critic heard about the place turned out to be even better! He gave a 5-Star review, which certainly will help attract even more customers! 
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When the shift was over, there were two great pieces of news: the restaurant finally reached 5 Stars, and the new Garza baby was on its way!
“Honey, it’s time”, said Jade, clearly ready to get it over with.
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When Kyara got home from school she had not one lil' bro but two!
"Mom, they're so cute! I can't wait until they are old enough to bring me stuff when I'm playing."
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And then there were TWINS! That was an unexpected plot twist. Meet Lorenzo and Marcus Garza, which were instantly turned into infants at home because anybody got time for those object babies! From what it seems, for now, they're identical twins! Let's see if they age up differently in the future.
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I'm also gonna be honest and say: the twins are just spares so I won't feel guilty about cheating their motor and social milestones. This is a short lifespan legacy and I won't have time to do it the regular way LMAO
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And like that, this legacy gets to the part in which we're in between gens. Justin has fulfilled two lifetime aspirations! They left the boys with the nanny and hiked to the Temple together. 
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They reached the temple and the Wishing Board, where Kyara made her own wish! It's been years since Justin's last visit here. 
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Last time Justin was here was in the beginning of his story, when he wished for a big, happy family! And he got what he wanted.
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After the hike, the Garzas went to the Festival of Light! Since the  Festival was basically across from their house, Justin and Jade could bring the twins over to their first Komorebese Festivities! The Sakuras were BEAUTIFUL!
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Here's Kyara's memory wall. I think some expanding will be needed soon!
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rogesims · 2 years ago
A Secret Basement?
Sunday morning at the Garza Residence, and the family woke up early to have breakfast together without having to rush because of school or work.
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Jade and Justin needed to have a chat with Kyara. "So pumpkin, listen: you know your sibling is coming and the two bedrooms upstairs aren't gonna be enough to all four of us. So you're getting your own en-suite!"
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"Your dad was cleaning and when he moved a box in the yoga room, he found a set of stairs he didn't remember existed! It's gonna need a new coat of paint and some deep cleaning, but you'll have your own bathroom AND closet!"
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"So what you guys mean is, you need my room and you're kicking me out to the basement." "Ky, infants are hungry and sleepy all the time. We need to be closer to the baby so we can take good care of it. I'll help you fix the place." "OK cool, but can I have those HSY egg chairs?"
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All hands on deck! Ky and her dad have a long day of cleaning and furnishing ahead. Just kidding, the Watcher will B/B this in a second LOL
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After some quick Build/Buy and using mostly the stuff from Ky's upstairs bedroom, here's the basement substitute! Kyara has been really into green lately.
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After tidying Kyara's new bedroom, there was still time for her and Justin to build a treehouse on the tree that was miraculously TOOL'd onto the back of their lot, and also learn how to ride a bike! 
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And that afternoon, Kyara learned how to ride her bike! That night, before sleep, she had a few hours of gaming in her new room!
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