actual picture of actual one direction fans

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Roger explains Freddie’s interview technique :)
Q: “One of the things that has been said about your group is that you don’t necessarily hang out together.
… bla bla bla bla …
I guess that was Freddie’s assessment of the situation.”
R: “Yes, he says the first thing that comes into his head. Anything to get out of an interview.”
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i’ve never seen this before can u hear me screaming
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Roger Taylor on Kenny Everett Brainstorm
quiz show, 10th June 1988
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The Cross - The Power of Love
I’m not sure what to think of this (look).
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“Queen - Rock the World” (2017), BBC Four (8/∞)
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I am an optimist and I always think the good will come out.
Roger Taylor
#roger taylor#Rogerina#rogah taylah#Queen#queen band#70s#80s#90s#60s#drummer#rock#Rock Music#bohemian rhapsody#Roger#Taylor#Brian May#freddie mercury#John Deacon
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Summary: you bring your little boy to meet his idols after a concert and you meet Roger for the first time.
August 28th 1976
Warnings: Angst?? 😅
Your POV
I couldn't believe that this was finally happening. Daniel my son was finally going to meet Queen. He is only 4 years old and practically only watches queen concerts and listen to queen records. He just knows who they are.
I had managed to buy 2 backstage tickets for one of their shows and I swear I was most excited for Daniel than he is. I had brought my camera because I desperately needed a photo with him and the members go hang up in his room.
Daniel has brought along his drumstick that his dad had bought him so he could play along too the music during the concert. This little kid had the time of his life air drumming.
We walked passed security after showing them our backstage passes and they showed us the way to get to wherever we were going to meet them.
"Oh! Are you y/n and Daniel?" A man asked as he walked towards us.
"Yes, we are!"
"Great! You can follow me and I'll take you to meet the boys. I'm Richard by the way nice to meet you" He put out his hand and I shook it and then gave a high five too Daniel before we could follow him down a long corridor.
There was a bunch of girls around. Probably groupies. Hope they weren't going to be in the room while we were going in there cause that would scar my son for life.
Richard knocked on a door and then opened it peeking in first before speaking "is alright if I bring your guests in?" There was nothing to be heard and I instantly thought they were going to kick us out until Richard opened the door allowing us in "boys this is y/n and her son who is apparently a big fan, Daniel"
"Hello! It's nice to meet you, darling," Freddie said kissing my cheek which surprised me "and this is Daniel?"
"It is. Daniel look- who is that?" I pointed towards Freddie and he stared at him before a huge smile could form on his face.
"Freddie Murray!" He exclaimed when he finally noticed who it was. I let out a laugh at the fact he couldn't say his last name and how excited he got in just a second.
"Can I hold him?" Freddie asks me
"Daniel, do you wanna go to Freddie?" You asked him and he instantly reached out leaving my arms something he never does to anyone.
"Hi I'm Brian," Brian said shaking my hand with a smile "and that's John and Roger"
I noticed Roger completely zoned out just staring at me with his mouth slightly opened and John came up and shook my hand after Brian introduced me.
"Hi I'm Roger it's nice to meet you," I heard from behind which made me jump a little "sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Your y/n?"
"That's my name. It's good too finally meet you" I shook his hand. His eyes never left me and I took the chance to notice how beautiful his eyes were. It was like looking through the glass and seeing the blue ocean "do you mind if I take a picture? It's something I want to hang up in his room," I said snapping out off my thoughts and turning back towards a happy looking Daniel.
"Come on boys get in the shot!" Freddie said and the boys followed his orders as I pulled out the camera from my handbag and holding it up.
I took the photo which let out a bright flash and then thanked them and put the camera back in my purse. It was all I needed to keep Daniel memory alive with me.
"Would you like a seat?" Roger asks as he gestured towards a two-seated couch
"I wouldn't mind. Thank you" I took a seat on the couch and watched the other boys do the same and Freddie resting Daniel on his lap.
Roger sat next to me putting an arm around me and crossing his legs. He just made a move on me. Very smooth.
"How long has he been a fan?" Brian asked.
"For as long as I could remember. When my husband brought your guy's first album, Daniel would have been around 5 months at the time. The song when the night comes down was the only thing that would put him to sleep. As he got older he would only ever ask to watch recorded concerts or interviews and it's the only thing that makes him happy"
"You're Married?" Roger asks making me look at him who now kinda had a sad-looking face.
"Used too. He died about a year ago," I said sadly.
"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean too-"
"No!" I said cutting off Roger "it's alright. Don't apologise" He flashed me a small but sympathetic smile.
"Daniel is the only thing that I have of memory of him but that won't last very long," I said almost on the verge of tears while staring at Daniel, Freddie and Brian who were bonding. John was out of the room somewhere who knows where "Daniel got diagnosed with Leukaemia 6 months ago. I don't understand he is such a happy boy, I mean look at him
Roger turned his head and looked towards Daniel "he is very happy- oh no please don't cry!" He whispered, trying not to bring any unnecessary attention towards me.
"I'm just happy that he got to meet the four off you. That's all he has ever wanted"
"Is he going to be alright?" He asks
"Doctors say because he is young things can happen so fast that it could be soon that any moment he could be taken away from me," a single tear rolled down my cheek.
I felt Roger's thumb wipe it off my cheek making me look at him with surprise "sorry I couldn't help myself"
"It's alright. Probably better if no one else saw," I chuckled and looked down "I wish his father was still here. That way he would be happy and didn't have to live a one-bedroom apartment of having a mother who can't financially support him"
I have no idea why I was telling my whole life story to Roger it was just spilling out. I felt like I could trust him from the moment I laid eyes on him. Who knows why.
"You can't financially support Daniel?"
"Before my husband died. We were almost on the verge of a divorce because I found out he had a secret girlfriend who he two kids with. Well, he kicked me out and took all my money and sent me away with nothing. When he died he left Daniel nothing everything went to his other kids which broke my heart yet I still loved him. Even though he treated us wrong. And I'm sure Daniel does too because he is still convinced that his Daddy is going to come home. I don't have the heart to tell him that it is never going to happy.
He had a tight grip and calloused fingers which slighting grazed upon my skin. It felt kinda nice, to be honest.
"I don't think I want you to understand what it feels like- I'm sorry I came here for Daniel to be happy yet I'm talking about my problems with a famous person," I scoffed
"Hey, talking about it may be a good thing you know. Besides I could listen to you talk for years- I mean I could listen too you talk for as long as you want" his cheeks started forming a shade of red making me giggle a bit. Seriously what was happening? "You know what. We're going to be London for a few more days why don't we go out for a coffee?"
"Like a date?"
"Only if you want it to be," he said with a smirk.
"A date it is then. Do you want my number?" He immediately handed me a pen that magically just came out off his shirt pocket and took a napkin from the coffee table and handed it to me. I quickly scribble down my number and my name and passed it back to him "call me and we can figure out a time- speaking of time we should be heading off because Daniel is going to get cranky if he stays up any longer"
I stood up and fixed my dress as Roger stood up as well. I walked over to the other boys and struggled a bit to get Daniel away from them but it worked once I bribed him with sweets. Always seems to do the trick.
"Thank you, boys, so much. This means so much to both of us- and your concert was amazing by the way!" I said as I pick up Daniel on the floor and hold him on my hip.
"It was very nice too meet the both of you. Daniel is such a Darling. And thank you for coming along," Freddie said.
We said our goodbyes to the three boys remaining in the room and then we headed off back home.
two years later (1978)
It's almost been two years since I have met Roger and we hit it off quite well. The day after I gave him my number he called and we went out for coffee. After that, we started seeing each other a lot and now we were officially together and it's been great.
Roger made me move into his apartment which consisted off 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Daniel was loving his new bed but I hard time being away from him but Roger has always comforted me and made sure I was alright.
I guess you could say that Roger has been a father towards Daniel ever since we got together. They always do things together and it's almost like a new father and son bond.
I have left Daniel at the hospital where he was getting his treatment done. Sadly they wouldn't let me stay so they made me come home and will give me a ring 20 minutes before he is finished.
I opened the door of the apartment and the first thing I see is Roger sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table scrolling through the different
"aren't you meant to be at the studio?" I ask as I put my handbag down and taking off my coat.
"I have a break so I decided to come home and say hello. Where Daniel?" I kissed him on the lips as I sit down next to him; putting my feet up towards one side.
"Remember he has his treatment today. Before you ask the doctors didn't let me stay and said they'll call me 20 minutes before he could finish," I said while he wrapped his arm around me holding me in his embrace.
"That leaves some time doesn't it?"
"For?" I ask dragging out the 'or'
In a swift movement, he managed to get me on my back so that he could get on top of me. Out of habit, I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You, my love need a stress reliever" he started kissing down from my cheek to my neck and continue his way down to my cleavage "and I'm going to give it too you"
"Thank god I'm wearing a dress hm?" I ran my fingers through his hair as he grazed his lips over my neck making a little sigh slip out my mouth. I missed his long hair, kinda wish he never cut it but he did it with Daniel when the cut his hair, so I guess it's kinda worth it.
"Makes my job a lot easier," he mumbled against my skin as his fingers trailed up under my dress.
"Roger stops that tickles," I giggle at the feeling of his fingers on my inner thighs which is my ticklish spot which makes everything more difficult for him "NO! STOP IT!" I cried out trying to stop his hand from above my dress.
He kept trying to tickle me which sent me into a fit of laughers and weird movements like kicking my feet and using my hands to push him off me but he was also having the time of his life since he was laughing too.
I grabbed his face and pulled his lips onto mine which instantly made him stop tickling me and bring his hand to my face "you are so Adorable when you laugh," he said
"Making me laugh is for another time but-" I grabbed his either side of his collar and brought him down so that our lips were only a breath away "I'm in the mood for something else"
Roger bit his lip as our eyes met contact and I couldn't instantly see that his eyes were filling up with lust "And that's why I love you," He whispered as he brought his lips onto mine.
"Why do you taste like chocolate?" I asked with a giggle
"I ate the cookies we made with Daniel- They are really good by the way"
"You're going to make an amazing father one day you know?" I ask caressing his cheek while looking down at his lip "Especially since Daniel sees you as his father"
"I see him as my son. He may not be biologically mine, but I love him like he is my own. He is almost like an idol to me, such a happy boy but is going through such a rough time. I only wanna be that Father figure that remains to keep him happy"
"I love you Roger and so does Daniel and we are honestly so grateful you're in our life-" I was cut off with the phone ringing. Already? They finished his treatment quite quick. I picked up the phone which rested on the table next to the lamp and put it to my ear "Hello?"
"Hi is this Daniel's mother, y/n?" A man voice asked from the other side.
"Yes, It is. Is he almost done with his treatment? Can I come back to the hospital soon?" I ask now sitting up, coming out off Roger's hold against me.
"I have some news would you like to know over the phone or would you like to come over to-"
"Tell me now!" I cut him off using quite an aggressive voice you could say.
"Daniel didn't make it through his treatment. We tried everything we can to save him but we didn't have enough time. I'm so sorry" My heart instantly dropped. My whole body started shaking and I could see Roger's face turn to instant concern "If you'd like to talk about funeral arrangements the hospital has the funding all other control we just need your input on any specific details but please for now take a few hours before coming back to the hospital. We have everything under control"
"Thank you," I said very shaky as I hung up the phone. I looked at Roger and he looked like he was waiting for an answer "He's gone" His face dropped "My baby's gone, Roger!" I fell into his embrace and burst out into tears.
His arms went straight around me and I felt his grip tighten on my dress, scrunching it up a bit. And for the first time, I heard him cry like actually cry. It seemed weird but it broke my heart even more too see him in such a state but I really couldn't care less right now because I just lost the biggest part off my life.
Who knew that I would ever be standing at my sons own funeral in a full black outfit along with Roger by my side holding onto my hand tightly with his sunglasses on to cover his eyes from the last few nights from when I caught him crying in Daniel's room.
Roger was taking this harder then I was. All I knew was that I wanted to keep Daniel alive by always being happy just for him and always know he is watching me with a big smile from up above with his father that he finally got to meet again.
Just before they were going to lower down the coffin into the ground Roger put one of Daniel's drumsticks that he used at the concert at where Roger and I first met and I put a simple photo frame of a picture of Roger, Daniel and I at the beach with big smiles.
"Mummy always loves you" I kissed my hand and then touch Daniel's photo before hugging onto Roger as they lowered down the coffin very slowly.
A/N: Oh damn this was sad to write so I hope you liked it!!
#roger Taylor#roger taylor smut#roger taylor x reader#rogertaylor#roger taylor x reader smut#fanfic#queen#70s#80s#90s#Roger Taylor#rogerina#wattpad#freddie mercury#brian may#john deacon#bohemian rhapsody#drummer#angst story#short story
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Found this like a one-second clip from the music video for smoke on the water, where some bands recorded the song
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Roger dressed as Captain Hook.
© @kindofroger on Instagram.
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Roger, interview and photo session for Music Life magazine, Hot Space Japan Tour, October 1982.
© @rogerstaylor_blackqueen on Instagram.
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Roger Taylor + being delicious in crisp white
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Rog being a cute dork on the set of “Princes Of The Universe” music video
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