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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
Greg Baldwin, Aku voice actor, posted a parting gift for the Samurai Jack finale.
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
me: i trust genndy, he’s not going to kill ashi or jack, everything’s gunna be fine, happy endings for all :’)
also absolutely me going into episode 9:
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
fuck it up
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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so cute 😻😹(x)
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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What did I just fucking say~
@4-ru @ardordragon @alcanine747 @dashboardgecko @buckyayo50
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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look at this advertisement i saw… its literally just aku’s face with no text or additional details
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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All hail the king of fashion 👌👑💅
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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some samurais b4 bed
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
All right Guys
This is Samurai Jack
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This is Samurai Jack’s Voice Actor
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His name is Phil Lamarr. Fans of Quentin Tarantino might know him as Marvin from Pulp Fiction
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Which, for the record, stars this guy
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Which means:
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This is a picture of Sam Jack and Sam Jack
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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Hi Everyone!
After many years of waiting we are finally getting new episodes of Samurai Jack that will conclude with the story of Jack trying to return to the past and finish with Aku’s reign of terror once and for all. So until we wait for tomorrow March 11 for the premier of the final season, i have a top 10 list of the best episodes of Samurai Jack.
I actually gotten request to make a top episodes of the show tho i did had plans for that so hopefully you enjoy and everyone else =).
To look over past Grim’s Top Episodes go here:
Gravity Falls
Regular Show
Dan Vs.
Wander Over Yonder
i think everyone is familiar to the show but for some who are still new to it i recommend these episodes to give it a watch, here we go:
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On his travels, Jack is being summon by a mysterious force where he’s on a burnt field he identifies a familiar evil that ravaged the lands
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This episode is memorable for me because of the Lava Monster. You think he’s another giant monster trying to kill Jack until he reveals his tragic story that’s a bit similar to Jack where Aku attack his home and witness the destruction of his village  along with his family and friends.
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The fight was good and shows how Jack tries to free the warrior from his prison so he can go back to Valhalla with his kind
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This episode was good of how amazing the backgrounds are done, mostly the Warrior’s home where you see only destruction and bones from fallen warriors. The people who worked on this episode show how much they can do with backgrounds and give them a chilling atmosphere. 
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At least the warrior had a happy ending and lets see if Jack gets the same for this coming season
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When a group of Gangsters tried to recruit Jack, at first he refuses but when they told him they can meet with Aku, Jack changes his mind
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This episode had everything when it comes to Gangsters and bank heist or in this case stealing the Jewel of Neptune which can control all the water in the world but have to go  up against the 3 guardians
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The Gangsters where fun to watch since they are inspired by mobs from Dick Tracy, Goodfellas and Reservoir Dogs but also have some Anthill Mob from the old Hanna Barbera cartoons.
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This is also one of the episodes where Jack had the opportunity to destroy Aku if it wasn’t for the Gangsters who thought Aku would kill Jack.
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A good episode and how much Genndy and his crew add alot of different atmospheres and characters in the show like Gangsters, Spartans and even talking Dogs where it fits well in the world of Jack and can come up with different stories
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When a robot with emotions is being blackmailed by Aku he has to do the unthinkable just to save the one he cares the most
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Unlike episode XII who had a similar theme but in a detective perspective here this episode had more of the Noir influence from the music to atmosphere that you really gotta appreciation how well it was  done
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The way X9 narrates his story gives ya alot of emotions and that’s mostly the point where we hear a robot who’s showing emotions and he’s the only of his kind that survived and gets furious to the point that he killed everyone who destroyed his fallen comrades
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The part that really got us all is when he talk about his dog, Lulu, Sweet Thing that she was something he didn’t saw before but he was touched of how cute she is and Lulu shows that she like X9 even when he’s a robot
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Sadly it’s not all happy ending for X9 since Aku kidnapped Lulu and if he wants her back he needs to kill Samurai Jack. This is where we feel bad for X9 since everyone who saw this episode wanted him to win so he can get Lulu back but the sad news is that he’s not the hero, Jack is and even when we know he’s very skillful he’s no match to Jack.
This episode was both beautifully done with it’s music and atmosphere but also tragic where a character that we just know we want him to have a happy ending but it won’t happen. Gotta give credit to Daran Norris of voicing X9, yes is the same guy who voices this idiot
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But does shows Daran can do serious roles and here he nails it so well and it’s not the first one he does, look over at Cowboy Bebop the Movie who he voices the main antagonist.
Overall a good but very sad episode which we  hope Lulu was saved at least from Aku
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While helping a warrior that was surrounded by mechanical monsters, Jack agrees to help him and the King to end the war against the army of monsters
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When it comes to fighting sequence, Genndy and his team are the best and this episode it’s one of them.  What also cool is to see a Samurai and Spartans fighting together and as i mentioned on the Gangsters episode with SJ they can add anything and anyone blend in quite well.
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One of the interesting characters is the King, he was freaking badass which makes him one of Jack’s powerful allies also show how much he cares for his people and will fight for them to the death to save them, it shows that the King and Jack’s father are very similar.
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We get alot of action in this episode and the way the scenes where handle it’s like watching a movie. Genndy is a fan of Frank Miller’s works(early since his recent works are a bit questionable…..) and you can clearly see how much the Spartans are based on Miller’s 300, Samurai Jack is heavily inspired by Miller’s other work Ronin so you can see how much influence Miller’s works is based on SJ.
Overall a very good episode with awesome fighting scenes and badass characters 
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When Aku summons his most powerful demon, Jack must use his head to defeat him.
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This episode shows the introduction of Demongo, The Soul Collector who has the ability to take the soul of any powerful warrior and have him/her on his collection. Demongo is a fav since it’s one of the few secondary villains that you feel that they need to appear more and this is just high hopes that Demongo makes a reappearance on the new season.
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Also want to talk how amazing Kevin Michael Richardson voiced Demongo i mean the same guy who voices the Shredder, Sheriff Blubs, Panthro and other characters with very menacing deep voices he does one of the most silliest yet creepiest voice i ever heard and that makes him even more awesome.
Also he’s ability to summon any kind of warrior is awesome since no matter what Jack does, they come back to the point of making him feel exhausted so Demongo can take his soul
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At the end Jack realized Demongo’s weakness and free all of the warriors he had imprisoned. Sadly Demongo may not return but still hoping that he will in the last season. Overall a good episode with a very cool memorable villain
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With the help of giant creatures where they guide him to a portal to go back to the past, Jack must confront his most difficult challenge yet
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This episode starts very subtle till we reach at the middle of the episode. I like how they show Jack travelling with different creatures to get over the portal that he needs to go to the past and it does show that the creatures know about the sword which makes it interesting that there’s some connection between Jack Sword and other beings.
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But the one that steals the show is The Guardian, probably one of the most powerful opponents Jack ever face aside of Aku, the Scotsman and the Imakandi
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Seriously, i don’t think with the help of the Scotsman and the Spartan King would defeat this guy, even Aku may not be a match against him. Kevin Michael Richardson once again voices a memorable character and he does what he’s best known on voicing a character that’s tough to defeat and be really scary when he’s mad.
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The end surprised all of us, not just that Jack is defeated but to learn that he’s indeed the person to enter the portal……but not yet, he’s not ready. Does make you wonder if the Guardian will make an appearance in the final season i mean we seen that an older Jack is the one to return to the past but now with the recent season seems like it’s going to a different route unless Genndy has something in store, only the final season we learn the truth.
Overall good episode and give us a hint on what’s going to be Jack’s future if it’s not altered.
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While trying to cross a bridge, Jack encounters with someone who’s his polar opposite but they learn that both have something in common.
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This is the first appearance of the Scotsman who became an instant fav among fans and who can’t blame them, he’s the yin to Jack’s yang making both of them  an unstoppable team. The Scotsman immediately shows that he’s loud, rude and try to provoke someone to a fight, he’s so rude that he was able to annoy Jack when he was calling him names. However like Jack he’s a great warrior that equals with Jack, making him a powerful adversary and ally. 
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The villains may not be menacing but you get lots of laughs, especially the pig sheriff who only talks nonsense that’s just too funny to listen.
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A good episode and good introduction of a character that shows up in later episodes and thankfully he will appear in the final season
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When a group of killer machines show up, Jack realize they are no ordinary robots and needs help to defeat them
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This episode was just gruesome, sure we do see Jack getting cut and robots killed but the way they are killed it’s terrifying, Genndy and his team really step it up when it comes to scenes like these
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Also what made this episode great are the main antagonists, the Utlra-Robots.Their appearance make look small and innocent from other deadly robots but these are some you can’t mess with. Created by a scientist name Exdor but with Aku adding some of his essence in the robots, make them one of the deadliest foes Jack ever faced
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Like Jack and the Spartans, i think this episode is  heavily inspired by Frank Miller from the design of the Ultra-Robots to the brutal scenes with dead robots and the fight between them and Jack was also brutal to watch
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To balance all the action and gore(robot gore but you know what i mean) there’s also some comedy in this episode, especially coming from the character Exdor with Jerry Lewis like nerd voice along that he wants a high five from Jack yet Jack doesn’t know what a high five is
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One of the most goriest episodes even if they are robots it’s no different how awesome Jack fights against them.
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When kids are making fun of Aku and not being scared like the adults, Aku tries something that no other villain has ever done before……tell fairy tales stories
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As someone know, Samurai Jack has everything from action, adventure, drama, horror and even comedy and this episode the comedy was in full gear. 
This is Aku’s at its best when it comes to comedy, Mako did an amazing but also hilarious take of how the master of darkness tell stories for children so they can see that he’s great.
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I think Genndy wanted so bad to hear Mako say “Beef Jerky” and  “ GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS!” and who can blame him, Aku saying that was just hilarious, my fav obviously it’s his version of Little Red Hood from Aku as little red to the wolf who had a Yogi Bear like voice(credit to Tom Kenny)
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What also made funny is how Aku’s getting desperate where the kids wanted to hear stories about Jack and Aku tries everything from telling other fairy tales where Jack is the villain, Phil LaMarr(the voice of Jack) wasn’t afraid to make Jack’s voice silly but we gotta remind ourselves this is told by Aku.
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When Aku had enough by telling how he beat Jack, the kids had their own version and they did a good job how a story of Jack is told. Overall a great episode that not only is funny but also shows how villains have their own sense of humor and Aku is good when it comes to comedy.
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When a fierce battle between  Three ancient Gods against a black mass of emptiness that threatens to consume all life from the universe, they destroy it……or did they?
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These 2 part episodes where in a whole different level, not only showing the origins of Aku but how he became to be as the master of darkness and revealing many things that will happen later on.A nice way to show how the dinosaurs got killed it wasn’t from a meteor but from Aku, very cool but creepy scene
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Genndy and his team outdid themselves once again with this 2 part where it just feels like you’re watching a movie than just a normal episode and with not too much dialogue the scenes tell the story
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We also get to know more about Jack’s father The Emperor and like the Spartan King he’s a noble person that cares deeply for his wife and people that he will do anything to save them from the evil that’s the black entity. A good Revelation shows that it was Jack’s father who unknowingly help on creating Aku with the elixir that he thought will destroy the black mass but instead of destroying it gave him life and you do feel how desperate the Emperor is when he’s witnessing how Aku’s destroying his village, this episode really shows the desperation of our main character where he’s feeling useless on not stopping Aku
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Luckily the 3 Gods notice and help the Emperor to save his village with the help of a sword which it’s the power of righteousness within the Emperor’s heart. Ready to battle, the Emperor confronts Aku
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Of all the characters i mentioned, Jack’s father the Emperor is freaking awesome! Really he’s so badass how he goes up against Aku and his monster forms to the point that he had to fight an entire army……an ARMY!!! Just him alone against Aku’s clones
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Aku was very menacing and shows that he wasn’t the funny villain from the Fairy Tales episode yet The Emperor also shows he can take it and not showing mercy towards him. The battle between The Emperor and Aku is just epic from the fight scene to the music it was amazing to see how well this fight scene was done
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The Emperor was able to defeat Aku but unfortunately didn’t destroyed him as we seen how that turns out but he restored peace for awhile and his son Jack was born. 
Overall these 2 part episodes are consider one of the best where we see how everything had started and give us a glimpse of what will going to happen when Jack and Aku have their final battle.
That’s my top 10 episodes so you can watch them before the premier of the final season of the show, hope everyone enjoyed and remember to tuned in on Adult Swim tomorrow.
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roflmastershawn · 8 years ago
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the tag yourself meme is so old but don’t think i won’t beat it to death even more
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