rockylittleone · 4 years
Matilda’s pipeline dream faded when Roxanne suggested she pitch it to the choir. She knew their conductor wouldn’t buy into it and she didn’t want to cause any rifts. It was an idea she clung onto though, there were so many beautiful muggle songs that she knew a choir could adapt and she was sure it would give them a little recognition. Maybe one day she could even direct a choir. Another day dream of career opportunities to add to the list.
“Yes.” There was a pause as Matilda tried to work out what she wanted to reveal to Roxanne. Did she really want to tell her that her parents didn’t like any of this muggle integration stuff? Roxanne might think poorly of her, or even worse word might somehow get back to her parents that she’d talked badly of them. She tiptoed around the subject delicately. 
“My family is quite traditional so I feel like I’m a little behind the curve. I know how to do what I need to though, listen to music, put on a muggle movie, read The Quibbler’s online articles.” Her casual mention of The Quibbler had not been an accident. In the circles Matilda ran in the paper was seen as a load of old drivel, but she found their articles about integration fascinating. She’d never discussed them with anyone though. She had a feeling her thoughts wouldn’t be approved of. Roxanne might understand though.
“Oh, I’ll have a small glass of white wine please.” She asked the waitress fishing her purse from her pocket and counting out the coins for both of their orders. It was the least she could do for her new friend.
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Roxanne nodded, taking the vague and rolling with it as a cue to move on. Much as she might have been curious--which, honestly, wasn’t all that much to start with--she wouldn’t probe too deeply into what was an obviously tricky subject. Matilda’s admission was plenty to go by. At least there was no need to tiptoe and try not to dishonour anybody’s family. Or cow. 
“Never too late to catch up,” Roxanne said with a wink. “We’re all in the same boat, if you think about it.” Aside from the muggle-born children only just discovering their magical heritage as they’d begun to accept technology into their lives, the new-for-all feeling was something Roxanne in particular felt was more unifying than people gave it credit for. It was a hill she’d die on--just not one she’d voice any time soon.
Roxanne gestured with her fingers to double Matilda’s order, refusing to be the type who asked for anything extravagant on someone else’s money. She had half a mind to protest and pay her own way, but that was unnecessarily awkward. It’d taken a long time to work past Dad’s pride in not accepting handouts. A glass of wine wouldn’t kill her.
“Thanks. I’ll get the next one.” Roxanne smiled, dismissing the brief (and unwarranted) flicker of guilt in an instant. “Unless you have somewhere you needed to be?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Boredom Buster
Weasley Wizard Wheezes 8 November 2027 @rockylittleone​ 
This branch of the Weasley family—the one running the joke shop—had, at one point, been considered family friends, if only because Oliver reminisced about how his final year at Hogwarts had the perfect makeup of players. But Julian didn’t go to the joke shop to ask George Weasley to talk about bludger strategy; no, much like everyone else, Julian was a little bored that day.
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The pygmy puffs stared at him through the cage and he half-wished he had a reason to buy them. He pulled himself away from the display before blinking, almost a little in disbelief at the person across the aisle.
Julian raised his hand in an awkward wave. It was sort of a pathetic greeting, even as true as it were, even as true as it were that Julian knew who she was.  Julian had only met Roxanne a handful of times and always through her brother Fred. Not that he had been seeing much of him around; their friendship really only existed on the campus of a school that no one here acknowledged, to the point that it didn’t feel real.
So seeing his sister around was a little weird, almost like a tear in the fabric of reality, but the Weasleys had always existed, and so did the joke shop.  
Roxanne loved WonderWitch. It’d been there during her awkward teenage years, when she’d been able to use it as a bit of a wayfinder when it came to navigating friends with crushes and acne and all the other things that’d gone far over her head at the time. She’d been a late bloomer. Luckily, leafing through product reviews and stocking the shelves every summer gave her some insight. Only natural that when she came back to Wheezes to help out, the garishly pink aisle was the one she often gravitated towards. 
Running into people she knew, or knew of, was as much a given as the sun rising in the morning. Remembering who they were was a whole different story. With a family as large as hers, Roxanne was used to being introduced to everybody and their mothers for whatever vague association they had to this uncle or this cousin. Leagues of friends, teammates, the occasional partner... Far too many to keep track of, which was why she’d made the cheat sheet. 
Rather than suffer awkwardly tiptoeing around semi-strangers, Roxanne had gotten creative. Mostly just common characteristics for the ones she didn’t think would stick around--she’d not quite ascended to the level of obsession (or, Merlin forbid, stalking) to delve much deeper than that. But it was colour coordinated. In a ring-binder. Complete with a very handy key. 
So, when she’d noticed someone waving at her, Roxanne only froze for a fraction of a second. Awkward, possibly malnourished, looked a bit like a bemused professor. This one belonged to Fred. With that in mind she was quick to smile, quick to skirt around the pyramid of Kissing Concoction. 
“Hi! Anything you need help with?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
“Alright then, it’s sorted - you and I are going to take the world by storm!” A week from now she would probably have forgotten all about this promise but until then she could kid herself into believing it was true. She cackled when Roxanne suggested the suit. 
“Yes! Oh Roxie, what a wonderful idea! You know I went back to The Prophet’s office the other day to complain again and they don’t even take me seriously anymore. It’s like all they care about is getting a catchy headline. And people buy it! They’re so obsessed with dad, our whole family actually, and they just don’t care that they’re printing my business for everyone to see. That Selwyn can go fuck himself. He wouldn’t put up with it if someone wrote about him like that. But of course his life is too boring for anyone to care about anyway.” 
Lily had probably given this same rant several times to Roxanne, but it felt good to say it all out loud again.
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“Of course that’s all they care about.” Roxanne pulled a face. Even to somebody who generally avoided the press, she would’ve sworn blind there was a whole aura about the building where the Prophet hid. Like a spider’s lair lying in wait for unsuspecting wix-flies. “The more absurd the headline, the more copies they sell. Trampling over the proles on the way up is all part of the game. Not that I’m saying you’re--”
Roxanne winced. Stopped herself short before she could dig any deeper, refocused. “Anyway, I’m not sure I’d agree his life is boring. My theory is that he pays off anybody who suspects he’s... well, that he’s up to something.” Just what that something might be, she couldn’t say. With all the patrons around it was probably for the better; Roxanne didn’t want to inadvertently start some awful rumour. Though it would be all kinds of gratifying. 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Low Visibility
Dierdra bit her lip. She didn’t think it was that much trouble, and this wouldn’t have been a problem if it hadn’t been for the damn dementors. Her tone was as icy as the chill that permeated the air; she didn’t have as much capacity for warmth at this point, and the mild inconvenience eroded at her patience. “Well, technically, I did call you.”
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She followed Roxanne to the shop, letting her lead the way. It might have been polite for Dierdra to take her own wand out but her hands were steadfastly in her pockets until she was inside. Even then, she didn’t take a seat—Dierdra glanced out of the window, trying to assess whether or not the fog was that bad that she had to go through all the trouble. 
“Who would have come to escort me?” Dierdra asked. She was trying to make small talk, but maybe she should have asked about what Roxanne had in mind for her to try on. It was strange that Roxanne had mentioned an escort; she hadn’t made the assumption that Roxanne had other employees. But Dierdra didn’t know how much work was involved in designing—especially if all the pieces are custom made. She certainly wouldn’t trust anyone else to pull off any of her creative feats, that is if Dierdra had any smidgen of creative.
“I have an assistant.” One poached from a list of possibilities in her dad’s shop, but Roxanne had helped with those interviews and immediately taken to the wix with all the smart answers. Mention of them was enough to bring a smile to crack away at the irritation. “Fan of yours, but I didn’t think you’d want to be bombarded. They don’t usually attend these appointments.” Mostly because it was hard to concentrate with someone constantly offering polite but hugely unhelpful suggestions. She’d not hired them for their fashion sense. 
Roxanne had the kind of nervous energy she just couldn’t shake standing still. Watching Dierdra watching the windows, she wondered whether or not they’d been cleaned properly or if she’d missed a bloody great spiderweb and was about to lose business because of it. Not helpful. She drew the blinds halfway, mumbled something about keeping the heat in. 
“So,” Roxanne said, grabbing at the notebook left on the counter, swiping a pen from the mug overflowing with them. “Anything I can get you before we get started?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
“To Roxie’s new project and my double page!” She raised her new glass as soon as the bartender set it down, clinking her glass against her cousin’s, spilling a little bit of the purple liquid as she did. “And to girl power!” It was cheesy but Lily didn’t care. When she was having a good time she rarely stopped long enough to have any self awareness. “I really think next year is going to be our year.” it was only November but not to early to start thinking about Christmas and the holidays and the new year. “Like, next Christmas I think we’re going to look back at now and say it was the start of our big up-swing.”
Lily truly believed what she said. It was exciting to imagine a future where she was a true success - doing well in her career, being taken seriously for her work, being known for the right reasons, and dating a hot quidditch player or some other celebrity who took her on trips around the world. 
“Maybe you can design the dress for my first big photoshoot!”
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“Our year?” Roxanne repeated, biting back a grin. She had to admit she liked the sound of that. As far as she was concerned it took far too much work to get too far ahead of herself, the kind of stardom she supposed Lily was picturing was more of a ten-year plan. At least for Roxanne, who couldn’t stomach the risk. Either way her cousin’s enthusiasm was infectious--the papers could say what they wanted about Lily, but she knew how to pick people up just as easily as she did a bottle of Firewhiskey. 
Roxanne nodded, already far too attached to the prospect of getting to play dress-up again. If there were cameras involved it was technically business--she was just being smart. Entrepreneurial. She was sure if she dug through her boxes back at Dad’s she could find the first slightly ratty pink tutu. 
“You know I’d never say no to that,” she laughed. “Could do a lovely tailored suit of vandalised Prophet articles.” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
When Raphael heard his name behind him, he winced, then forced a neutral expression onto his face. He turned and rolled his shoulders back for a firm, confident presentation of himself. Based on the woman’s tone, he suspected he was going to need it.
Upon realizing it was Roxanne Weasley, his almost smile froze. Oh great. He racked his brain on the spot for whatever The Prophet had published to push her off so much. He hadn’t signed off on anything about Lily in the past few days, so that shouldn’t be it. As far as he knew, no one had published any reviews of her father’s products lately. Something about her Ministry aunt and uncle? That could be. His dad and the leading news writers had been digging in lately. That could be it indeed.
He tried not to let that show, though, as he said, “Roxanne Weasley, right? How can I help you?” Best to start polite and not act defensive right from the get go.
While she’d had all intention of being friendly(ish), Roxanne’s patience slipped when Raphael actually had to confirm her identity. Granted she wasn’t one of those who found themselves in the spotlight all that often, but she’d have thought it common decency to pretend and save the belittling for later. Or maybe she was just having a bad day. 
“I’m surprised you remember the little people.” Roxanne frowned, twisting her necklace chain around her finger. “Very considerate of you, given that awful paper of yours seems to disregard us entirely.” It was a mouthful, but she was proud that she’d managed to start on such a strong note. Since the first of the articles post-Halloween, she’d mentally rehearsed all the things she’d liked to have put into a rather strongly worded letter. Accosting Raphael--one of the few people she could confidently say she disliked--was an unforeseen alternative. 
She sighed. “Do you even realise how much trouble you’ve caused?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
“Yeah, maybe we’ll even find some songs the choir can do. Mix up our repertoire a little bit.” Matilda was excited at the idea of singing new music, especially muggle music. She was sure it could be arranged to fit their voices, although she didn’t know anyone who would do that arranging. 
“Oh - well -” She didn’t know how to approach that question. While her parents didn’t hate muggles they did think muggles and wix shouldn’t mix, and didn’t approve of integration. They’d allowed Matilda a phone when they’d become popular and had some leniency for technology - they even had a TV - but they wanted to make a clear distinction between themselves and the muggles they viewed as below them. “Not really. I watch muggle films sometimes, but it’s such an alien world.”
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“Hey, if you wanna try and convince that lot, be my guest.” Roxanne grinned. She supposed if they agreed to one of those raucous screaming affairs at least it wouldn’t matter if nobody could keep their key. It’d certainly be one way to make an impression. 
Roxanne nodded her understanding. “Could not agree more, but at least we’re trying.”  Which was, to be quite honest, more than she’d been expecting. There was a fine and perilous line between what people were and weren’t willing to accept into their lives--usually only the things they deemed convenient enough to benefit them. Roxanne wished she could add trends to that list but... given the disasters which walked through her door at times, her conscience wouldn’t allow it. 
She stuck her hand up to flag down a passing waitress. Now that she knew she didn’t have to be fully sober and careful--the Nott’s were theoretically intimidating--Roxanne saw no reason they couldn’t have at least one drink. Casting an eye toward Matilda, she asked, “What’d you want?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
“Agreed,” Teddy said. “In that case, you are quite a tolerable person, Roxanne Weasley.” They grinned as they said it and busied themself thinking about food. This had been meant as a casual lunch, after all. They’d just hijacked it with… They couldn’t well call it work talk.
“Genius pass!” Teddy feigned outrage. “I’m hurt you have so little consideration for my intellect.” Their face changed, caught on the pygmy puff. “Yeah, I suppose pets can be important. Hmmm… I’ll have to think about that one at some point, one where I feel like I have more time.” 
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“It’s okay. From one non-genius to another, you get away with a lot more if people think you’re thick.” Roxanne snorted a laugh. It was true--she could speak from experience on that one. “You’ll just have to learn to be funny instead.” 
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“Speaking of tiny people you’re gonna have to buy pets for, how’s Alaina doing?” She supposed it wasn’t all that fair if she spent the whole time taking the mick out of Teddy. Their status as not-quite-cousin got them some slack. 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Low Visibility
Roxanne could be heard through Dierdra’s phone with such clarity that it felt like she was right behind her. But upon instruction, Dierdra hung up, but she knew that from flying that there was no point on relying on wandlight to guide her through cloud cover; she usually had a compass attached to her broom handle.
Why didn’t she just carry that with her all the time? Or did she overestimate how familiar she was with Diagon Alley, since it had been almost a decade since she had to go from store to store to buy anything for school?
In fog, light scattered, blinding. There was no pinprick of light for Dierdra to look for–instead it came in a soft haze in the direction where she was supposed to be going. It didn’t take long for her to be wand-to-face with Roxanne herself. She couldn’t quite tell if Roxanne was annoyed with her, but Dierdra couldn’t find the capacity to care. In her chest was a deflated balloon, feeling disappointed without really having a reason.
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“Yep.” It was a very curt agreement to the comment Roxanne had made to the lovely weather, and she was eager to walk out from the middle of the street as quickly as she could. Dierdra didn’t apologize for her tardiness; wasn’t it already implied that she couldn’t see anything?
While it dawned on her that the weather was indeed responsible for Dierdra’s lateness, Roxanne couldn’t help but be annoyed by the lack of common decency. An apology wouldn’t have hurt. Merlin, she’d have taken a hello, a thanks, or even a bloody wave over the stark and lacklustre greeting. Anyone else and Roxanne might have commented on the case of the disappearing manners. 
It struck her then that as much as she admired the Dierdra she’d seen on the pitch and wanted to work with her tremendously, Roxanne didn’t particularly know anything of the woman herself. She only hoped the first impression was a wrong one and that there was a much more personable centre. If not, the next few appointments were going to be tedious. 
Roxanne lowered her wand to her side, not quite irritated enough to want to blind her client. “Next time, call if you’re having trouble. I could’ve sent someone to escort you.” She swallowed a sigh. “If you’ll follow me?”
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Having Roxanne’s support meant a lot to Lily. She knew in some ways she had let their family down since she’d left Hogwarts, and so the approval of her cousins made Lily feel better about the decisions she’d made. “Thanks!” Lily was giddy with the excitement of it all. She wasn’t sure about Roxanne suggesting she might be on the front page one day, that was normally reserved for political headlines, something she wasn’t at all interested in writing about.
“Yeah maybe, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.” Lily didn’t like thinking too far into the future anyway, she wanted to celebrate now. “You must have something to celebrate too, so lets drink to that and then… dancing!”
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Quite honestly Lily had become one of those people Roxanne dubbed synonymous with cool who would most definitely not have looked her way had they not been related. But they were, and she ought to have stopped worrying about her (admittedly dull) reputation with her cousin by now. She didn’t have to spend so much time cementing herself as a stick in the mud when the ‘okay, but I’ll be sensible for the both of us’ was implied. A few drinks wouldn’t hurt. 
“Sure.” Roxanne shrugged off her hesitation. “New project, we can celebrate that.” She leaned forward, intervening with an order of two purple rains to the bartender before Lily punted for another god-awful shot. “On a scale of one to Grandpa, how cheesy is a toast to girl power?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
“Oh, she’s played a lot on one of the muggle playlists I listen to. I’ll have to send it to you.” It was a surprise to Matilda that Roxanne hadn’t heard of Sofia - she’d been expecting Roxanne to list a lot of cool music that Matilda had never heard of but would have to nod along and pretend she knew who was who. All was explained when Roxanne said she liked music from the fifties and sixties. Matilda wasn’t sure if she could name an artist from that time period. Her parents had not grown up with access to any contemporary muggle music (only classical music which had slowly made its way into fashion among their friends at the time) so would never have been able to pass down their preferences. 
“That’s not old and weird!” Matilda did think it was old and weird but that seemed impolite to say to her new friend. “You’ll have to introduce me to your favourites from that era. I have to admit I’m a little clueless.”
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“Please do,” Roxanne said, grinning. “And I guess I can send you some of mine.” It wasn’t the sort of olive branch she’d been expecting though she’d accept it nonetheless. She supposed it was pretty fitting for a friendship forged in the midst of an amateur choir. 
“So do you do a lot of muggle stuff?” She’d had to ask. It seemed suddenly important to gauge roughly where they stood, given that what she knew about Matilda’s family. For the most part, Roxanne didn’t want to make a misstep and offend before she knew how to rectify it.
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Date: November 5, 2027 Location: Diagon Alley on the street Starter: @rockylittleone
Raphael scrubbed his hand over his face as he paused by the street to wait for a bike to pass. Downright reckless in a busy area like Diagon Alley, in his opinion, but there were other concerns to be had. And with the day he was having, Raphael was interested in none of them. He’d already had to listen to two complaint howlers this morning, and one of them hadn’t even been for his department. They hadn’t published the article on the potential dangers of repeated dementor exposure. That had been the New Advances section. Bit rich that it existed really. It was meant to mimic The Quibbler’s Science News section, but they couldn’t call it science. Science was too muggle.
He crossed the street as soon as it was clear, nothing on his mind but how wonderful a good cup of tea would be sitting at a back corner booth of his favorite cafe, hidden away from assistants and reporters and owls and anyone else who might want to bother him.
He happened to glance in the window of a fashion shop as he passed, only remembering it belonged to a Weasley once he’d made eye contact with the owner inside. Oh well, Raphael had other things to worry about rather an awkward head nod in greeting to someone his family didn’t care about. Molly surely wouldn’t bother him anyway. Wait, no, that was Roxanne. Molly was younger, he thought. 
Roxanne didn’t enjoy fielding other people’s questions when it was clear they hadn’t come into the shop with any intention to buy. In the last few days there had been an increase of nattering regulars and the occasional curious newbie come to find out what she knew or might have seen. Dad said the same was happening right across the Alley. More than the usual influx of people following the skulk who hadn’t wanted to risk a shopping trip or two, they were thriving on gossip. 
With a day like that she was unsurprised to look up from her inventory long enough to meet Raphael Selwyn’s eye. Roxanne frowned. It was wix like him who made the situation ten times worse than it needed to be with the constant provocation and the fearmongering and the generally antagonistic state of the Daily Prophet these days. She decided, then, to give him a piece of her mind. 
Roxanne made quick work of dismissing her assistant for an extended lunch break, flipping the sign on the door to closed on her way through it. “Excuse me.” She swerved past a bickering trio, hurrying to catch the man in question. “Mr. Selwyn, a word?” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Lily downed her shot of firewhiskey before Roxanne even had the time to ask her question gesturing at the bartender to bring her another. It was going to be a messy night if Lily had her way. “Honestly Roxie do you not even read my articles?” She dug around in her bag for the newspaper she’d just put away pulling it out and proudly spreading it across the bar, assuming just from looking Roxanne would be able to tell what the celebration was all about. She filled her in anyway.
“A two page spread. Two pages. All for me! And I think it might become a regular thing too, gone are the days I just had a quarter page to respond to a letter. I think people actually like reading what I have to say!”
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Lily had missed that some people were only reading her articles to see what new shenanigans the youngest Potter was getting up to but as far as she was concerned so long as people were reading about her it was good for her career.
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“I read them!” Only when she had time to appreciate her cousin’s talents properly. It helped that the Quibbler was Roxanne’s favourite, though that had more to do with their stance on integration than anything. She swallowed down the shot, wincing, and pulled Lily’s paper closer for inspection.
Roxanne skimmed. Just enough to get the jist--this was a big moment. Long overdue, in her own biased opinion. No wonder she was after a celebration. “Bloody hell. That’s brilliant!” She tapped where Lily’s name was printed. “Not to steal your gig, but I foresee this coming to a front page near you sometime soon.” She laughed. “And not in the usual way.” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Low Visibility
The introduction over the phone gave Dierdra only momentarily solace. She couldn’t quite tell if Roxanne Weasley was irritated with her, given the fact that yes, Dierdra was not only hopelessly lost but very very late. She would have bit her lip if her teeth weren’t so clenched–anxiety creeping through her veins that she couldn’t convince herself into thinking was adrenaline. 
Yes, no shit, Dierdra thought, more frustrated at herself for losing her way. She didn’t even think to look for her wand, instead slowly pacing back and forth and pretending that the dementors weren’t affecting her mood. She followed up with more, trying not to make it seem as if it were Roxanne’s responsibility to look for her.
“I’m on my way–but I’m in Diagon Alley but I’m sure–I’m sure that I can find your shop! I’m right by–” Though upon turning, Dierdra could barely make out the large imposing outline of Gringotts, it’s crooked columns magically cemented in place. “I’m by the bank. I can’t be too far now.”
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She tried to sound assured, because certainly she was saying very true statements; technically any wizarding establishment within walking distance wasn’t too far. Dierdra made the motion of looking for her wand in her bag, though her mind had gone blank about what charm to use to actually find a place she had never been to–nor did she think to use her phone to pinpoint the location of where she was supposed to be.
Because what was GPS, really, if not something a bunch of teens happened to come up with on a piece of magically accessible paper?
Well, at least she hadn’t been ghosted--the phrase she’d picked up from numerous forays into online friendships fit too well not to make use of. Dierdra did little to reassure her. Roxanne could wait, growing more irritated by the moment until it killed her sense of creativity. Or she could stage a rescue mission at the worst time of year, when ordinarily she wouldn’t have ventured out without an escort or forewarning at least three capable friends. 
Roxanne had to think for a touch too long which was worse. It wasn’t an easy choice and the sigh proved it even as she turned in the direction of Gringott’s. “I’ll come toward you,” she said. “Look for wandlight.” Which she wasn’t entirely sure would be visible either way, but it was a damn sight better than freezing her arse off waiting for Diedra to grow her sense of direction. It confused her some that the heightened sense of direction she’d assumed of the ball-chasing Quidditch player didn’t convert to Ms. Jones finding her way to an appointment on time. 
She could’ve walked the way blindfolded if not for the pressing fear of dementors. In a populated area like this there had to be more potential victims, which meant more potential attacks, which meant more potential of Roxanne coming face to face with one of the creatures. The last thing she’d said to Fred hadn’t been all that kind--she didn’t want to go out on a silly argument over pasta. 
“So--” Roxanne kept an eye out for any sign of the wayward witch, raising her wand to head height. “Lovely weather we’re having.” 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
💲 and ✿
💲 What is your muse like with their money? What’s their financial situation?
Honestly pretty solid. Roxanne has had a long time to adjust to the inner workings of her dad’s business, and--once she was old enough--her own. She’s had plenty of help, been bailed out of a bad situation once or twice, but every mistake was a lesson learned. Her biggest financial pitfall is buying extortionately priced rare books. 
✿  What is your muse’s favourite scent?
Freshly baked bread. So many attempts have been made to make it herself, all to no avail. It’s a lot harder than it looks on TV. 
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Date: 2 November 2027 Starter: Open
Lily always bought a copy of the Quibbler the day it released on her way home from work. She had been so excited to see her name in print she’d stored them in her bedroom, every issue she had ever contributed to, stacked neatly in a bookshelf. Increasingly that excitement was fading. The current headline about the cell outage was a prime example of why. She wasn’t sure she wanted her name associated with a paper that was promoting a completely integrated wix and muggle system. She’d always known the kind of nonsense The Quibbler pushed on this issue and wasn’t surprised to see it. Still, they had been very good to her and worries about the newspaper’s political bias slipped her mind completely when she turned to the entertainment section, finding her column.
They were using the a new photograph for her section and she was pleased to find it was very flattering. Whatever genius editors who had put the newspaper together had managed to remove all traces of blemishes from her skin, and her wide smile was unnaturally white. And it took up a quarter of her first two page spread! It was perfect. This deserved a celebration.
“I’ll have a firewhiskey - straight please. And one for my friend here,” she said gesturing to the other person sat alone at the bar of the Leaky Cauldron. “We’re celebrating.”
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Firewhiskey would never be her first choice--too strong and not nearly sweet enough. That being said, Roxanne didn’t hesitate when a glass was placed in front of her to take a sip. Excitement radiated from her cousin in a way that made it impossible not to want to join her. She still had to remind herself sometimes that Lily was no longer the same tenacious kid she’d grown up babysitting. 
“So. Not that I’m against the idea but, uh, what’re we celebrating?” Roxanne couldn’t keep the wariness to herself, namely because she’d learned to be wary of Lily and the strange situations she got herself into. At least until she had details. She was always happy to be Little Potter’s hype witch.
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rockylittleone · 4 years
Teddy grinned and leaned forward against the table. “I was planning to avoid them anyway, but good to know. What term do you want then? And you do have to admit the invention of the word milf allowed one positive: the word cougar stopped being applied to women who had no interest in younger men by the men interested in them. Not sure it was really a category that needed to exist, though.”
Pausing, they tried to read what she meant through the lines. “What’s wrong with my wisdom? And come on, you can’t tell me I’m any worse in that category than your dad was.” He had a long time before he would have a teenager, but Teddy had seen all too quickly how time sped up when dealing with a child-growth timeline.
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Roxanne stuck out her tongue. “Personally I’d say all the nicknames are kinda skeevy, but they do have their uses.” Especially when you were in a position to be dealing with less-than-confident older clients on a regular basis. “I’ll take ‘tolerable’ and call it quits.” 
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She feigned innocence which lasted all of a minute before it cracked. “Oh, no no no. Dad beats you, he gets the genius pass.” Roxanne snorted a laugh. “I think Wonderwitch speaks for itself--I was happy with a pygmy puff and commiserations.” 
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