rockhunter682 · 3 years
Administration Of Medications A Self Assessment Guide
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Welcome to the Odyssey House quick and easy guide to medication administration! This packet will fill you in on the basics to ensure you are ready to administer meds to clients while keeping them safe in the process. This is a big responsibility, so please look over the information with care! Guidelines for Self-Administration of patients own medicines The patient must be re-assessed on a daily basis by the registered nurse to ensure that he/she is medicating at the appropriate level. This must be documented on a daily basis on the “Patient assessment self-administration of medicines” chart. It must be explicitly documented. The medication, in liquid form, is encased in an adhesive patch with a semi-permeable membrane. By sticking the adhesive patch into the skin, the medication is absorbed transdermally. 12 Rights of Medication Administration. In discussing medications for nurses, ensuring the patient’s safety is always a priority. Self-administration of medication suggests that individuals are functionally and cognitively competent to take and manage their own medications independently. Residents who wish to self-administer medications must be assessed to determine if they have the ability to do so safely. Self Assessments ISMP Medication Safety Self Assessments® are available for various healthcare settings and can be used to assess your practices and processes related to medication use. They are designed to be completed by an interdisciplinary team, including both frontline staff and management.
Verify QMAP
Paper certificates are not provided. Online verification is the only official means of verifying a QMAP status.
Find an instructor
You will need to contact an instructor for their class schedule, fees, and location.
Student Resources
Online preparatory course and instructions.
​Become a QMAP training entity
How to become an Approved Training Entity video. Transcript.
'Qualified instructor' means a nurse, pharmacist, physician, or physician assistant with an active, unrestricted Colorado license.
Training needs to comply with the regulations and is provided by agencies, associations, facilities, individuals, institutions or organizations have been reviewed and approved by the department.
A QMAP can:
Administer medications according to written physician's orders.
Maintain proper documentation of the administration of both prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Use proper techniques when administering medications by various routes.
Safely and accurately fill and administer medications to and from medication reminder boxes with oversight from a licensed person or qualified manager.
Administer medications only in authorized settings:
Assisted living residences.
Adult foster care facilities.
Alternative care facilities.
Residential child care facilities.
Secure residential treatment centers.
State certified adult day programs.
Program approved service agencies (PASA) serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
A QMAP is not:
Certified or licensed.
Trained or authorized to make any type of judgment, assessment, or evaluation of a client.
For more information, email [email protected].
Information and other QMAP programs
Qualified medication administration personnel(QMAP) classes teach unlicensed staff members to safely administer medications in certain settings where it's authorized by law.
Facilities regulated by the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS).
Administration of Medication training is specifically developed for youth Services communities (e.g., less than 24-hour childcare, licensed day care, foster care, and youth camps).
This training can be found at the Office of Early Childhood's website in the 'Required Pre-Service and Orientation Courses.'
Facilities regulated by the Department of Corrections.
Qualified medication administration curriculum is specifically developed for the administration of medications in correctional facilities (Youth Corrections).
The program requires registration through Youth Corrections.
Chapter 6. Non-Parenteral Medication Administration
In this section, we address how to administer topical medication using three distinct delivery methods: transdermal patch; creams, lotions, or ointments; and powder. Always wear gloves and maintain standard precautions when administering topical medications to the skin, mucous membranes, and tissues. Do not touch any preparations to your own skin, and turn your face away from powdered applications. Always clean the skin or wound before applying a new dose of topical medication.
Checklist 53 lists the steps for applying a transdermal patch.
Checklist 53: Applying a Transdermal Patch
Disclaimer: Always review and follow your hospital policy regarding this specific skill.
Safety considerations:
Perform hand hygiene.
Check room for additional precautions.
Introduce yourself to patient.
Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
Check allergy band for any allergies.
Complete necessary focused assessments and/or vital signs, and document on MAR.
Provide patient education as necessary.
Plan medication administration to avoid disruption:
Dispense medication in a quiet area.
Avoid conversation with others.
Follow agency’s no-interruption zone policy.
Prepare medications for ONE patient at a time.
Follow the SEVEN RIGHTS of medication administration.
Additional Information
1. Check MAR against doctor’s orders.Check that MAR and doctor’s orders are consistent.
Night staff usually complete and verify this check as well.
2. Perform the SEVEN RIGHTS x 3 (must be done with each individual medication):
The right patient
The right medication (drug)
The right dose
The right route
The right time
The right reason
The right documentation
Med calculation: D/H x S = A
(desired dosage/have available x stock = amount prepared)
The right patient: check that you have the correct patient using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
The right medication (drug): check that you have the correct medication and that it is appropriate for the patient in the current context.
The right dose: check that the dose makes sense for the age, size, and condition of the patient. Different dosages may be indicated for different conditions.
The right route: check that the route is appropriate for the patient’s current condition.
The right time: adhere to the prescribed dose and schedule.
The right reason: check that the patient is receiving the medication for the appropriate reason.
The right documentation: always verify any unclear or inaccurate documentation prior to administering medications.
NEVER document that you have given a medication until you have actually administered it.
3. The label on the medication must be checked for name, dose, and route, and compared with the MAR at three different times:
When the medication is taken out of the drawer
When the medication is being poured
When the medication is being put away/or at bedside
These checks are done before administering the medication to your patient. If taking drug to bedside (e.g., eye drops), do third check at bedside.
4. Before applying a transdermal patch, remove the old patch if it is still in place. Clean area thoroughly.
Observe for signs of skin irritation at old patch and document as per agency policy.
Not removing previous patch may result in overdose of the medication. Check between skin folds for old patch.5. Dispose of old patch as per agency policy (usually in a biohazard trash bag) by folding in half with sticky sides together and wrapping it in a glove, or cutting it before disposal.This prevents accidental exposure to the medication.6. Use a felt tip or soft tip pen to write the date, time, and your initials on the outside of the new patch. DO NOT use a ballpoint pen.Initialling patch communicates application date and time to other health care providers.
Ballpoint pen can damage patch and thus affect medication delivery.
7. Apply the new patch to a new site that is clear, dry, hairless, and free of skin irritations.If it is necessary to remove hair, clip the hair instead of shaving to avoid skin irritation.
A consistent surface ensures even medication distribution.
NOTE: It is usual to have a “patch-free period” of 10 to 12 hours when the patch is removed, because tolerance to the medication may develop if the patch is worn 24 hours/day. Check doctor’s orders to determine if the patch should be removed overnight.8. Carefully remove the backing from the patch, taking care to hold it at the edges and not touch the medication with your fingers.This prevents interference with medication and maintains stickiness of patch.9. Apply patch by holding one hand firmly over the patch for 10 seconds, then press around the edges to make sure that the patch is securely attached to the skin.This prevents loss of patch and ensures effectiveness of medication delivery.10. Perform hand hygiene.This prevents the transfer of microorganisms.NOTE:
Do not apply new patch to previously used sites for at least one week, so skin irritation is reduced.
Never cut patch in half; a change in dose requires a new transdermal patch.
Never apply a heating pad over the patch as it will affect the rate of absorption, with potentially serious adverse effects.
11. Document as per agency policy, making sure to include site of administration on the MAR.Accurate and timely documentation improves patient safety.Data source: BCIT, 2015; Lilley et al., 2011; Perry et al., 2014
Checklist 54 lists the steps for applying topical medications as creams, lotions, and ointments.
Checklist 54: Applying Topical Creams, Lotions, and Ointments
Disclaimer: Always review and follow your hospital policy regarding this specific skill.
Safety considerations:
Perform hand hygiene.
Check room for additional precautions.
Introduce yourself to patient.
Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
Check allergy band for any allergies.
Complete necessary focused assessments and/or vital signs, and document on MAR.
Provide patient education as necessary.
Plan medication administration to avoid disruption:
Dispense medication in a quiet area.
Avoid conversation with others.
Follow agency’s no-interruption zone policy.
Prepare medications for ONE patient at a time.
Follow the SEVEN RIGHTS of medication administration.
Additional Information
1. Check MAR against doctor’s orders.
Check that MAR and doctor’s orders are consistent.
Night staff usually complete and verify this check as well.
2. Perform the SEVEN RIGHTS x 3 (must be done with each individual medication):
The right patient
The right medication (drug)
The right dose
The right route
The right time
The right reason
The right documentation
Medication calculation: D/H x S = A
(D or desired dosage/H or have available x S or stock = A or amount prepared)
The right patient: check that you have the correct patient using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
The right medication (drug): check that you have the correct medication and that it is appropriate for the patient in the current context.
The right dose: check that the dose makes sense for the age, size, and condition of the patient. Different dosages may be indicated for different conditions.
The right route: check that the route is appropriate for the patient’s current condition.
The right time: adhere to the prescribed dose and schedule.
The right reason: check that the patient is receiving the medication for the appropriate reason.
The right documentation: always verify any unclear or inaccurate documentation prior to administering medications.
NEVER document that you have given a medication until you have actually administered it.
3. The label on the medication must be checked for name, dose, and route, and compared with the MAR at three different times:
When the medication is taken out of the drawer
When the medication is being poured
When the medication is being put away/or at bedside
These checks are done before administering the medication to your patient. If taking drug to bedside (e.g., eye drops), do third check at bedside.
4. Apply non-sterile gloves unless skin is broken; then apply sterile gloves.Using gloves protects health care provider from contact with medication.
If skin is broken, sterile gloves will prevent the spread of microorganisms.
5. Wash, rinse, and dry the affected area with water and a clean cloth.This removes previous topical medications.6. If skin is very dry and flaking, apply topical medication while skin is still damp.Applying while skin is damp helps to retain moisture within skin layers.7. Change gloves, performing hand hygiene in between.Use sterile gloves for open skin lesions to prevent spread of microorganisms.8. Place required amount of medication in palm of hands and soften by rubbing palms together.Softening makes topical medication easier to spread.9. Let patient know that initial application may feel cold. Apply medication using long even strokes that follow the direction of the hair. Do not rub vigorously.This prevents irritation of hair follicles.10. Let patient know that skin may feel greasy after application.Some topical medications contain oils.11. Document as per agency policy, making sure to include site of administration on the MAR.Accurate and timely documentation improves patient safety.12. Perform hand hygiene.This step prevents the transfer of microorganisms.Data source: BCIT, 2015; Lilley et al., 2011; Perry et al., 2014
Checklist 55 lists the steps for applying medicinal powder topically.
Checklist 55: Applying Topical Powder
Disclaimer: Always review and follow your hospital policy regarding this specific skill.
Safety considerations:
Perform hand hygiene.
Check room for additional precautions.
Introduce yourself to patient.
Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
Check allergy band for any allergies.
Complete necessary focused assessments and/or vital signs, and document on MAR.
Provide patient education as necessary.
Plan medication administration to avoid disruption:
Dispense medication in a quiet area.
Avoid conversation with others.
Follow agency’s no-interruption zone policy.
Prepare medications for ONE patient at a time.
Follow the SEVEN RIGHTS of medication administration.
Additional Information
1. Check MAR against doctor’s orders.
Check that MAR and doctor’s orders are consistent.
Night staff usually complete and verify this check as well.
2. Perform the SEVEN RIGHTS x 3 (must be done with each individual medication):
The right patient
The right medication (drug)
The right dose
The right route
The right time
The right reason
The right documentation
Medication calculation: D/H x S = A
(D or desired dosage/H or have available x S or stock = A or amount prepared)
The right patient: check that you have the correct patient using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
The right medication (drug): check that you have the correct medication and that it is appropriate for the patient in the current context.
The right dose: check that the dose makes sense for the age, size, and condition of the patient. Different dosages may be indicated for different conditions.
The right route: check that the route is appropriate for the patient’s current condition.
The right time: adhere to the prescribed dose and schedule.
The right reason: check that the patient is receiving the medication for the appropriate reason.
The right documentation: always verify any unclear or inaccurate documentation prior to administering medications.
NEVER document that you have given a medication until you have actually administered it.
3. The label on the medication must be checked for name, dose, and route, and compared with the MAR at three different times:
When the medication is taken out of the drawer
When the medication is being poured
When the medication is being put away/or at bedside
These checks are done before administering the medication to your patient. If taking drug to bedside (e.g., eye drops), do third check at bedside.
4. Ensure that skin is completely dry and clean before application.This minimizes potential for powder to cake and crust.5. If application is near patient’s face, ask patient to turn away from powder or briefly cover face with a clean towel.This prevents patient from inhaling powder.6. Dust skin with a light layer of powder.Too thick a layer of powder will congeal and crust.7. If ordered, cover the affected site with the prescribed dressing.Covering site prevents soiling of patient’s clothes and linens.8. Document as per agency policy, making sure to include site of administration on the MAR.Accurate and timely documentation improves patient safety.9. Perform hand hygiene.Prevents transfer of microorganisms.Data source: BCIT, 2015; Lilley et al., 2011; Perry et al., 2014
Administration Of Medications A Self Assessment Guide For Eim Nc Ii
Critical Thinking Exercises
Administration Of Medications A Self Assessment Guide For Trainers
Your patient’s MAR states that their Nitro-Patch should be removed at night. Please explain why this is considered safe practice.
Discuss the steps you would take to administer a lotion for a patient with a rash that has several open lesions.
Discuss why it is necessary to ensure that your patient’s skin is clean and dry prior to applying a prescribed topical powder.
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rockhunter682 · 3 years
How To Spawn Items In Scp Containment Breach
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Keycards are a major and necessary element of the game, as being the only item in-game that can open doors with a keycard slot. Keycards can be found in various places. There are six keycard levels, from 1 to 5 plus Omni.
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SCP - Containment Breach SCP - Containment Breach. Randomly a armory room would spawn. YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PICK ANY OF THESE ITEMS.
Level 1(edit | edit source)
I am showcasing Items, how to spawn them using console commands, playing around with other players, showcasing all drinks using SCP-294. If your playing the.
Ever wondered how you get a Omni keycard? Well, luckily, this video will help! With the new changes to the keycard system in SCP:CB, it's now very hard to ge.
SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game based on the creepypasta stories of The SCP Foundation. As you enter the containment chamber for testing, the power systems fail, and you are left alone against an enemy with no physical weapons.
The Level 1 keycard is the lowest level keycard. It can open the first door to the small testing chamber. The keycard can be found in the storeroom, a storage room affected by SCP-970 or in the 2-level office, beside a computer. You can also obtain this by putting a quarter on 'Fine'.
Scp Containment Breach Monsters List
Level 2(edit | edit source)
Level 2 keycards can be used to open the doors to SCP-895's chamber, a maintenance shaft and SCP-914's chamber. It is found in the basic office and small testing room. It can also be obtained by placing a level 1 keycard into SCP-914 on 'Fine' or a master card on 'Very Fine' or by putting a quarter on 'Very Fine'.
Level 3(edit | edit source)
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The Level 3 keycard can be used to open the main door in SCP-012's chamber, SCP-079's chamber, SCP-205's chamber, SCP-966's chamber, all the doors in the SCP storage chamber, the first door in Containment Room 5, all the doors in the server hub and the checkpoint room between the Light Containment Zone and Heavy Containment Zone. It is found in SCP-895's chamber, in a maintenance shaft and can also be obtained by placing a Level 2 Key Card in SCP-914 on 'Fine'.
Level 4(edit | edit source)
The Level 4 keycard is found in SCP-049's containment chamber, right next to SCP-049's document. It is required to access the head office, SCP-106's chamber and the two doors to the lower area of SCP-106's chamber, and both doors in SCP-008's containment chamber.
Level 5(edit | edit source)
The Level 5 keycard is found in SCP-106's containment chamber under a shelf beside the controls, and also in the head office. It is required to open the door to the control room portion of SCP-035's containment chamber, the door to the elevator leading to the warhead room, the door leading to the small control room in the warhead room, the checkpoint room between the Heavy Containment Zone and Entrance Zone and the blast door to reach Gate A, and can also be obtained by placing a level 4 keycard in SCP-914 on 'Fine'.
The Level 5 keycard is the highest keycard that can be obtained besides Omni, which is also the same as a Level 5 keycard. Both can access any rooms requiring a keycard.
Scp Containment Breach Item Id
Omni(edit | edit source)
How To Spawn Items In Scp Containment Breach Settlement
The Omni keycard can access anything requiring a keycard, making it equivalent to a level 5 keycard. The Omni keycard can only be obtained via placing a level 5 keycard through SCP-914 on 'Fine' or by placing any level keycard on 'Very Fine' if it doesn't create a MasterCard.
Retrieved from 'https://scpcb.gamepedia.com/Keycards?oldid=42740'
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