rockhillcityguide · 4 years
Feeling Itchy? Foolproof Ways to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Carpet. 
It’s every homeowner’s nightmare: your beautiful carpet crawling with itchy, biting fleas. You might rush to blame the dog or the kids, but there’s no avoiding that you need to get rid of the pests- fast! Luckily for you, we’ve tracked down all the best ways to get rid of fleas as quickly as possible. 
You can easily get rid of fleas in your carpet by using homemade treatments, explains one company that does pest control in Toronto (https://pestcontrolexterminate.com/toronto/). Dish soap, baking soda, salt, homemade flea spray, or rosemary are all good options. If that doesn’t work, you should turn to a reputable pest control company.
So, let’s get started on getting rid of the pesky fleas for good. 
What are the signs of fleas in your carpet?
You’ll probably feel the fleas before you see them. If you’ve noticed that your beloved poodle is scratching a lot, or you have mysterious red bites all over your ankles, it’s likely you have a flea infestation. 
You can confirm this by using a flashlight and a pair of socks on your carpet. Put on your socks and scuff your feet through the carpet to bring up anything from the fibers.
Other than seeing the insects, Fantastic Pest Control explains that white and brown flakes can also be signs of fleas. They could be flea eggs or flea dirt, from the pests living in your carpet for a while. 
How do fleas get into the carpet?
If you have a cat or a dog, they probably picked up fleas from the park or from other animals. 
But you don’t need a pet to have a flea infestation. All American Pest Control says that fleas can hitch a ride on rodents that live in your walls, or even on you! 
Easy ways to get rid of fleas in your carpet
You have two options to get rid of fleas: enlist professional help or make homemade treatments for your carpet. 
Professional pest control
The simplest (and most expensive) way to get rid of fleas is to call up a professional pest control company. 
These companies have years of knowledge on how to eradicate fleas from your home and you can be confident that they will eliminate the infestation. 
Dish soap
One of the most accessible items in your kitchen is also one of the easiest ways to get rid of fleas. 
You must place a small bowl of water and dish soap close to the infected area of carpet and leave it overnight. Fleas will climb into the dish and get stuck in the soapy water. 
Salt eliminates fleas by drying them out. 
Erlich recommends sprinkling salt all over your carpet, leaving it for two days, then vacuuming the entire area. 
Baking Soda
Baking soda works in a similar way to salt. You must combine it with vacuuming to get rid of all the fleas.
Rub the baking soda into your carpet. You can use a brush to push it even further into the fibers. Straight after, you can vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove all the fleas. 
Homemade flea spray
There are several common household ingredients that you can use to make a homemade flea spray. 
A mixture of lemon juice, vinegar, water, and witch hazel is excellent at killing fleas. Combine these ingredients in this ratio:
● 500ml lemon juice
● 250ml witch hazel
● 4L vinegar
● 2L water 
Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle and then vacuum your house. After you have finished vacuuming, spray the flea solution all over your carpet, doors, furniture, and windowsills. 
You can make a similar spray with just lemon and water. Boil an entire sliced lemon in water and leave it overnight. The next day, follow the same instructions as above.
These natural remedies are great because they effectively kill fleas without being dangerous to humans or animals. 
Rosemary can both treat and repel fleas.
You can make a powder by combining rosemary, rue, wormwood, peppermint, and pestle. Use a mortar and pestle to grind a fine powder and sprinkle it all over the infested areas. 
Avoiding Further Infestations
Be consistent 
After your initial treatment, you will need to keep an eye on your carpet for the next couple of weeks.
Terminix recommends consistently vacuuming your carpet for up to 2 weeks after treatment. This will remove flea eggs and larvae, making sure the infestation doesn’t start up again. 
Anti-flea plants 
If you already love houseplants, you’ll be thrilled to hear that some act as natural deterrents to fleas. 
Add some pots of lavender, chrysanthemums, spearmint, or Pennyroyal to your house to make sure that the pests never return. 
A Flea-Free Guarantee
You might panic when you realize that you have fleas in your carpet, but there’s no need to worry. 
By following the simple steps for home remedies or bringing in a professional pest control service, you can quickly eliminate the problem. 
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from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/feeling-itchy-foolproof-ways-to-get-rid-of-fleas-in-your-carpet/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
Who Pays For Real Estate Photography, the Agent or the Homeowner?
Everyone knows that taking excellent pictures of a real estate property is vital to the success of its sale. As explained by Virtual Lens, Real Estate Photography in Brisbane, this is the reason why most real estate photos are taken by professional photographers in order to make sure that its best features are highlighted and showcased properly.
However, even though it has been determined that professional photos are beneficial to selling a property, some real estate agents are complaining about shouldering the fee. So, the real question that bothers a lot of people nowadays is that who should pay for real estate photography, is it the agent or the homeowner?
Who Should Pay for Real Estate Photography?
As far as we can remember, realtors have always paid for property photos that are featured in their real estate listings. Besides, if you are the homeowner of the property, you have acquired the services of a real estate agent to advertise and promote its sale.
This means that you are paying him a commission in exchange for all the work and expenses that he or she may incur for advertising the sale of your property which includes producing and paying for the photos.
Alternatively, if you are the real estate agent, then according to article 12 of the NAR’s 2020 Code of Ethics and Standards, you are obliged to present a true picture of the property in all your advertisements, and marketing promotions. This means that you are responsible for producing the photos either by taking them yourself or by paying someone to generate them.
As a realtor, you should remember that you need to spend money to create money. Paying for the property photos is part of your duties as a representative of the homeowner. 
Now, some of you may argue that you can take the photos yourself to save money. This is not advisable because in reality, hiring a professional photographer to take the pictures of your property listings is more cost-efficient and beneficial to both you and the homeowner.
Why Real Estate Agents Need to Hire Photographers
According to a real estate article featured in The New York Times, a picture is worth much much more than a thousand words in the real estate industry. It is not just something that we can take for granted. It is practically the most important factor on our real estate listings and here are some of the reasons why:
Listings with Professional Photos Get More Inquiries and Offers
Gone were the days where buyers are solely dependent on realtors to find properties that they could buy. Nowadays, people are proactive when it comes to looking for real estate property that they can purchase.
Most buyers today use the internet to look for properties that are for sale and a lot of them don’t even look at the description but rely heavily on the photos that they can look at.  
This is one of the reasons why it is critical for you, as a real estate agent, to hire a professional photographer to take pictures of your property listings. Professional real estate photographers can enhance the beauty of your properties which in turn can produce more inquiries and offers for it.
Professional Photographers are Equipped with the Proper Skills and Training Needed to Produce Exceptional Photos
Special camera equipment, like the Canon EOS 400D DSLR camera, can be easily purchased on Amazon nowadays. However, without the proper knowledge and skills that are acquired through photography training, it will be difficult for you to capture the best appearance of the property that you are selling.
Professional photographers are trained to examine and visualize each room on the property. They know how to apply the best light and capture the right angles in order to produce stunning photos that can enhance the interest of buyers. 
Hiring a Professional Photographer Can Make Your Property Listings Sell Faster
Some real estate property listing agreements are not exclusive to a particular real estate agent. This means that it is in your best interest to secure a competitive offer and sell the property as quickly as you can. 
One of the advantages of hiring a professional photographer is that it can enable you to secure an offer much faster than when you use amateur photos for the property listing. A PR Newswire report conducted proves that property listings that feature photos taken by professional photographers sold 32% faster than those that do not. 
Professional Photos are Synonymous to Bigger Commissions
Based on a 2013 study by Redfin, listing properties that have photos taken by professionals using DSLR cameras were sold quicker for much higher sale prices than those property listings with amateur photos. This means that having good professional photos of your listing properties is basically equivalent to having a bigger commission on every property that you sell.
To summarize, the one that should pay for real estate photography should always be the real estate agent. It is not only your responsibility as a realtor but it is also your legal duty to represent your client to the best of your abilities and resources whenever you sign a property listing agreement in exchange for the commission that you will get for its sale.
Besides, hiring a professional photographer to take photos of your listings is not only beneficial for you and your client but the many advantages that you can get from it will practically pay for itself.
The post Who Pays For Real Estate Photography, the Agent or the Homeowner? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/who-pays-for-real-estate-photography-the-agent-or-the-homeowner/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
What to Do After a Semi-Truck Accident
A semi-truck accident can be very serious. It can be hard to know how to handle something like this. This is especially true if you have not been in a serious accident before. There are several steps you should take to handle the situation, says a top truck accident lawyer in Phoenix (https://www.azlegalfirm.com/work-accidents.html). This will ensure that everything goes smoothly afterward.
What to Do If You’re In a Semi-Truck Accident
The first thing you need to do is to seek medical attention. If you or someone else is injured, those medical needs should be taken care of. Your health and safety should be your top priority. Call 911 for an ambulance if medical attention is needed. It’s important to call 911 for medical attention.
You might have internal bleeding or another injury. You will only know for sure with a medical exam.
If you don’t seek medical attention, this can cause legal problems. You will not be able to prove an injury is from the accident. It’s in your best interest to have a medical exam.
According to Halt, you should stay at the scene of the accident. You shouldn’t leave until an officer or first responder tells you it’s okay to do so. While remaining at the scene, find a safe space to wait.
Make sure you’re out of the way of other vehicles. Of course, if you are injured, that takes priority. You can get in legal trouble if you flee the scene.
Next, you need to call 911. This is legally necessary if there is an injury or death. When you call the police, be detailed. Make sure they can find where you’re located. If someone is injured, be sure to disclose that. 
You will also need to call your insurance company. They will file a report. This is important in winning your case. Without this step, you may further complicate the case. 
Throughout the process, say as little as possible. According to HG Legal Resources, you should not elaborate. You can share what happened, but don’t add too many details.
You might be talking to your insurance company. You might also speak with the other person’s insurance company. Either way, the information could be used against you.
What Information Should You Gather After a Semi-Truck Accident?
When you are in any type of accident, you need the other party’s information. There is specific information you will need. 
The police will create a report when they arrive at the scene. They will note all the information needed. You should write this down for yourself though.
Here is the information you should write down: 
– Trucker’s name
– Trucker’s phone number and/or email address
– Trucker’s driver’s license number
– Trucker’s license plate number
– U.S. Dept. of Transportation serial number
– Trucker’s employer or company name
– Insurance number for the trucking company
 Keep this information somewhere safe so you can refer to it.
It’s a good idea to take pictures of the accident. This includes the scene, vehicles, and injuries. These can add to the story if you need to tell it. Pictures may be useful if you need to defend yourself too.
While taking notes, see if you can speak to a witness. A witness can provide you with vital information. You might write down what they say. You could also record them on your cell phone.
Do You Need to Hire a Lawyer?
In some cases, you might hire a lawyer. Some accidents can be very complicated. It can be useful to have a professional on your side. Look at a lawyer’s experience and their reputation.
This will help you to make the best decision. You will be glad you took your time.
According to Edgar Snyder, you should not give a statement. You should speak with an attorney before giving a statement. The trucking company or an insurance company may want a statement. You have the right to talk to a lawyer first.
When you are hiring a lawyer, look for one with truck law experience. Truck accidents are complex. They involve many parties, including the driver, their company, and their employer. In some cases, these can be big companies. 
This is much different from a typical car accident. In a car accident, it’s you and one other person. Occasionally, two or three vehicles may be involved. With a semi-truck, you are dealing with other parties. They are all bigger than you. They are often prepared to fight against you.
Any type of accident you may get in needs to be handled properly. Big accidents with trucks and buses may be more dangerous. It’s important to follow the steps listed. You may need to take more action as well.
This depends on the nature of the accident. It is also important to remember to act quickly. You don’t want to wait too long to deal with an accident.
The post What to Do After a Semi-Truck Accident appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/what-to-do-after-a-semi-truck-accident/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How To Clean Windows With Vinegar
With so many commercially made window cleaning products on the market, you might wonder why I am writing about how to clean windows with vinegar. Isn’t vinegar supposed to be used for pickling vegetables or sprinkling over your fish and chips?
Well, ordinary white vinegar, also known as distilled vinegar, is a perfectly normal household product and it is very good to use as a cleaning product, explains Window Washing, who provides professional window cleaning in Somerset west. It is totally natural and so you don’t need to worry about nasty chemicals entering the water system. Another big plus is that it is very cheap!
Distilled vinegar is particularly good for cleaning glass – especially windows.
What is vinegar?
Vinegar is made using any natural ingredient that contains sugar. For instance, it can be made from rice, fruit, potatoes, etc. Yeast is added to the sugar and this causes it to ferment turning it into alcohol. After that bacteria (Acetobacter) multiply in the alcohol and produce a by-product, called acetic acid. This is why vinegar has such a sour taste.
There are many different types of vinegar in the world, but they are not all good for cleaning jobs. Also, you definitely would not want to use the most expensive Balsamic vinegar in the world, to clean your windows. Would you?
Why is vinegar so good for cleaning windows?
It is this acetic acid that makes vinegar a good cleaner. It can dissolve things like soap scum, greasy grime, and glue, and your windows are usually the places where these types of dirt gather. Distilled vinegar is super acidic because it is produced in a laboratory. For some jobs, white vinegar may be too strong, so it is a good idea to dilute it with water. This makes it even more economical.
So where do I get this distilled vinegar?
You can find white vinegar in most general stores, supermarkets, and DIY stores. Take a look at the extensive range on Amazon at www.amazon.com
So now that you have obtained your bottle of white vinegar, how do you use it to clean windows? The amounts suggested here should be enough to clean a number of small windows.
You will need:
2 cups of water
¼ cup of white vinegar
½ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent (this ingredient needs to be added only if the windows have a thick build-up of grease and grime)
A spray bottle
Paper towel
Lint-free microfiber cloth check Amazon here www.amazon.com for some examples of the best cloths
Step 1: The vinegar solution
Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. This will ensure that you have enough solution to do quite a bit of cleaning.
Step 2: Pre-clean
Clear the windowsill of any objects and place a towel down to protect the sill from any vinegar spills. Some materials will be spoilt if they come into contact with the vinegar.
Wipe the windows with the paper towel to remove any dust. This should be sufficient if your windows are cleaned regularly. If not, give them a wash with soapy water. For stubborn stains, you could give the window a wipe with undiluted white vinegar first. 
Step 3: Apply the vinegar solution
Spray small jets of the solution around the surface of the window. Do one window at a time and rub quickly in a circular motion to avoid streaks forming. Do one side of the window first and dry in one direction. After that, clean the other side of the window and rub in the opposite direction.
If you need to clean large, outside windows, then you can use the same proportion of vinegar to water, but mix it in a large bucket.
Using a large sponge, you can rub the surface area of the window and clear any tough or stubborn dirt off first. Then rinse the vinegar solution off with a hose and cold water.
It is a good idea to dry the windows with a squeegee first because this has to be done very quickly to stop streaks from forming. You can then use a clean microfiber cloth to polish the inside and outside glass.
You can find step-by-step useful instructions and pictures on this site www.wikihow.life 
or watch a YouTube video on How to Clean Your Windows Using Vinegar at www.youtube.com
So, now you know how to make a window cleaner that is environmentally-friendly and cheap. Clean windows make an enormous difference to the ambiance of your home. No matter what the season, sparkling windows announce to the world that you are incredibly house proud.
In the long winter, it will definitely cheer you up to be able to see any sunshine that might poke through the clouds. Or at this time of year, that relatively rare sight of snow falling on Christmas day.
Happy window cleaning! 
The post How To Clean Windows With Vinegar appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-to-clean-windows-with-vinegar/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How Do You Renovate an Old Fitted Wardrobe?
Most bedrooms come equipped with a built-in wardrobe. The wardrobe is a bedroom utility we make use of on a daily basis. A good number of us see wardrobes as an important part of our everyday life. This is why we always want our wardrobe to always be as appealing as possible. The question then is: What cost-effective options are available for the renovation of an old fitted wardrobe? James Kilner Fitted Wardrobes & Bedrooms, which makes fitted wardrobes in Sheffield, has advised on the many options available.
Signs That Your Old Fitted Wardrobe Needs an Update
Some of us may be unaware that our wardrobes need an update. Due to the daily rush, we may be too busy to notice the little signs that indicate our wardrobe needs renovation. Ask yourself these questions to help determine whether you need to make some wardrobe updates.
Does your wardrobe décor contrast sharply with your room décor?
Are the door handles looking like they could be featured in an antique show?
Do the doors have scratches, marks, chips and/or wood moth?
Is it painted at all?
Do you often feel indifferent or depressed whenever you see or open your wardrobe?
Are you ever reluctant to allow someone else into your bedroom because of the state of your wardrobe?
Do you feel particles of wood on the floor and/or door?
If your answer to any two or more of these questions is yes, then you may have to seriously consider updating your wardrobe. You may have even been thinking about updating it lately but you’ve got a tight budget; don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. There are several cost-effective options that can give your fitted wardrobe that elegant look you desire.
Great Cost-Effective Options to Consider When Updating Your Wardrobe
Innovative and decorative designs are ever increasing because demand for a comfortable, elegant looking room is also on the rise. We all want the maximum possible comfort from our homes. You don’t always have to spend a lot to on an expert designer to achieve this. Same goes for that old fitted wardrobe you wish to renovate. Here a few suggestions you could work on:
Apply New Paint
Re-painting your fitted wardrobe could make so much difference. That dull-looking wardrobe of yours can be brightened with just a painting makeover. All you need is just the paint, paintbrush and paint roller.
In choosing your paint, ensure you choose one that is scentless so that the scent won’t affect occupants of the house. Also, choose one that won’t peel easily since your wardrobe gets used daily. Before you begin painting, ensure you spread some newspaper on the floor because of paint splashes.
Change the Door Handles
You simply need to take a look at the varieties of simple, stylish, elegant door handles that exist on Amazon. You’ll fall in love with several! I believe your department store should also have great designs to offer you if you feel like going there. The trick is that changing that old looking, outdated door knob can go a long way to giving your wardrobe a stylish look, particularly if you add new paint to the mix. You don’t have to change the whole door before you achieve elegance. Changing just the door handle and painting the wardrobe may be all that’s needed to achieve that great look.
Do Away with the Door
Another great idea to renovate your fitted in wardrobe is to remove the door completely. Removing the door completely and baring it all can be a game changer for your wardrobe’s appearance. You could cover your wardrobe partially, with the curtains concealing parts you wouldn’t want to be seen. This would add a soft element of style to your built-in wardrobe.
Replace the Door
If you’ve got a bit of cash on you, you could opt to change your door completely to another one. It is common knowledge that through technology, new, better, elegant and durable products keep emerging in the market. Why not hop down to the closest store to you and opt for a new door that would definitely be much more elegant, stylish and better looking.
You could opt for a sliding door if you need more room space, thereby saving the space taken up by swinging doors. You may also consider a glass door which gives the room more light through reflection.
Having an elegant, up-to-date wardrobe is an essential feature of every bedroom. Updating a built-in-wardrobe can be very challenging. Therefore, I have suggested a few promising options that are cost-effective in giving your wardrobe a totally new look. They are summarized below:
Paint your wardrobe a different color.
Change that ancient door handle to a stylish, trendy, new one.
Do away with the door completely and bare it all or use a fashionable curtain.
Replace that dull looking door with another that matches the design of your room.
The post How Do You Renovate an Old Fitted Wardrobe? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-do-you-renovate-an-old-fitted-wardrobe/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How Often Should I Open My Windows?
If you are like me, you may not be the open window type. I either survive off my heat or my air, but to be honest, it’s important to open your windows every now and then in order to ventilate your home. But how often is every now and then? That’s what we are going to find out, with the help of DS Brothers Ltd, a company of builders in London.
Opening your windows benefits you and your family in more ways than you probably realize. Not only does it remove any stale odors, it also provides chemicals and other impurities with a way to escape, which helps you and your family stay healthy.
What Happens If I Don’t Open My Windows?
I understand not wanting to open your windows, especially in the middle of winter or summer. It lets your heat or air out, makes it either cold or hot in your home, and in turn may cause your electric bill to go up.
However, the risks that come along with never opening your windows are more serious than an electric bill that is slightly higher than last month’s. According to The National Post, never opening your windows:
Allows toxins to build up in your home.
Causes condensation, which leads to mold.
Causes dust, smoke, bacteria, and viruses to build up, which causes health concerns for you and your family.
You can avoid all of this by having a window opening routine. Have a certain time of day you open your windows and set an alarm, so you don’t forget.
How Often Should I Open Them?
Now that you understand why it’s so important to open your windows, you’re probably wondering just how often you should be opening them to avoid the risks.
Winter is the time when ventilating your home is most critical. Since cold and flu are rampant during the winter, it is important to open them at least once a day, (no matter how cold it is) in order to cleanse the air of germs and viruses. The cold air not only kills them but also freshens the air in the process.
In the summertime, it’s effortless to ventilate your home. If you have kids, they ventilate it for you while they are running in and out all day. If not, just open the door or raise a few windows to let the fresh air in and the old air out.
There’s no need to do this for longer than necessary. 10-15 minutes tops is all it takes per day to keep fresh, clean air in your home as opposed to stale, germy air.
When Should I Ventilate?
According to Holmes, ventilating your home year-round is important since there are always toxins lurking in the air from our everyday hair routine, air fresheners, and smoke. If we don’t smell it, we don’t think about it, but it’s still there until it has a way to escape. This is where ventilation comes in to play.
Time of Day
It’s smart to set up a certain time of day to ventilate your home daily. This helps you stay consistent as well as pick the perfect time to do it.
Maybe in the early morning when everyone is asleep. That way, no one else will be affected by whether it’s too hot or too cold, only you will know.
Another great time to ventilate is at night after everyone is in bed. Open the windows and let the fresh air take over your home, but be sure to close it before going to sleep if there are any safety concerns.
For Smokers
If anyone smokes in the home, the best thing to do is open a window close to them while they smoke each time they smoke to keep the toxins down.
Other Pollution in the Home
Some appliances in the home need special ventilation, such as the stove and oven. Always use the fan to vent pollution out of your home. According to the American Lung Association, the ventilation above the stove is used to carry the air outside to avoid redistributing pollutants from cooking, inside the home.
How Do I Ventilate Hard to Reach Rooms?
It’s simple to ventilate the living room and bedrooms because of doors and windows, but what about the hard to reach areas like the bathrooms, closets, and hallways that are prone to condensation buildup?
The best option for those hard to reach rooms is to use a fan. Using a fan helps get the fresh air around the whole house, which includes any hard to reach rooms as well as all the cracks and crevices.
Fans also come in handy right after a shower to help dry out the air and help prevent mold growth.
Ending Thoughts
Ventilating your home is extremely important. Now that we know what kind of unseen dangers are lurking around our homes when we don’t ventilate, it should be a lot easier to open those windows for 15 minutes every day.
True, it could possibly raise your electric or gas bill, but that is so much less serious than family falling ill from breathing contaminated air. If you aren’t already doing it, start today so you don’t risk you or your family’s health.
The post How Often Should I Open My Windows? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-often-should-i-open-my-windows/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How to Turn Up the Hot Water Temperature in the Shower
It is obviously desirable to have a functioning shower water heater that provides constant hot water. But sadly, the heat temperature is commonly found to be inconsistent or faulty in most showers. Sometimes, as a result of the current weather conditions, your shower water temperature might give you the exact temperature you do not want. That is, your shower has warmer or even hot water in summer, while you can’t just seem to get it warm during winter. It is normal for homeowners to find it disturbing when they can’t get their desired water temperature at every point in time. Also, aside from the joys of a sweet hot bath, hot water temperature kills bacteria that might be in your water. As West London Plumbers, a plumber in West London, points out, it is actually necessary to get your shower temperature fixed perfectly.
The Perfect Shower Temperature Varies Between Different People
Actually, getting your hot water mostly just requires adjusting the temperature carefully so as to get that perfect setting. You don’t want it too hot, so you must avoid getting scalded or burned by mistake. The perfect degree for that is usually set at exactly 120 degrees Fahrenheit. However, you should know that this level of temperature might not be suitable for everyone. Others in your home such as young children, elderly people or sick people might find this temperature too hot for them. So you might need to adjust the settings. This is probably why faucet manufacturers make their products in a regulated manner, restricting the maximum temperature that your shower can be.
How Do I Adjust the Water Temperature in My Shower?
Turning up your water temperature is really something that you can handle yourself. In most modern bathrooms, all you have to do is turn up a valve to the required temperature. However, in some other shower types, the setting is kept away from the surface, to prevent mishandling or accidents. So in such cases, you might try and still get little result. Even when you’ve tried, and seem to have gotten to an unsatisfactory limit of hotness from your shower, there are still ways you may get your hot water up and running. It is usually an electrical issue that needs to be reset.
What Do You Need to Turn Up Your Heat Temperature?
Your specific faucet type might have descriptions on how you can go about it in the manual. However, the process is basically the same in most cases. You don’t really need to get the services of a technician to do this. Neither do you need to be an expert yourself to sort it out. As long as you can recognize the basic circuit in the valve system, which is fixed beneath the faucet, then it is quite easy. In fact, you might not need anything besides some screwdrivers and your keen observation. You can simply use the following steps:
First, turn off the water heater by flipping it off at the circuit breaker. This is a safety measure against electrical accidents.
Look for the panel that covers the temperature dial and use a screwdriver to remove that panel.
There will usually be some sort of insulation behind the panel cover. Remove this insulation and you will see the temperature setting properly.
Then simply adjust the temperature setting a bit. Then you are done!
Make sure you replace the insulation and the panel cover properly.
You can then turn on the heater and enjoy your hottest bath.
However, you might still need to readjust it for an appropriate mixture of hot and cold water. You honestly wouldn’t always want hot scalding water even if you want a hot bath. This would mean you have to adjust the Rotational Stop Limit (RSL) within the valve, so as to control the mixture of hot and cold water. There will be an indication of what direction would be used to adjust the RSL, whether clockwise or anticlockwise.
In case it feels difficult to turn either way, you can pull out the cover a bit so you can adjust the RSL in the right direction. This process would help you get a fine mixture of hot and cold water. If this doesn’t do the trick, then you can simply repeat the process and turn the RSL a bit more. Most times, when your faucet is new, it might be set to give you cool water, and would need you to turn the RSL much more to get it properly warm.
Finally, you might have some issues if you cannot locate your faucet manual. You might have to call in the services of a plumber. This way, you can adjust too hot or too cold water temperature once and for all. To get it done by yourself, you can get further directions by watching YouTube videos.
The post How to Turn Up the Hot Water Temperature in the Shower appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-to-turn-up-the-hot-water-temperature-in-the-shower/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
What Is the Difference Between Tuning Diesel and Petrol Vehicles?
Before you buy a car, it is important to know if it is a diesel-powered vehicle or a petrol-powered vehicle. This will enable you to know the price differences, the individual specifications and the maintenance needs for both types. Also, it would help you know what is required in terms of tuning the vehicle. As a result, you know what to expect beforehand, and also decide which is easier and more suitable for your use. Cranbrook Cars, which does car diagnostics in Cranbrook, has shared some of the key things to know about car tuning.
What Is Vehicle Tuning?
When we talk about vehicle tuning, it basically means the process of modifying the performance or appearance of a vehicle. This involves working on the internal combustion engine of the vehicle. That is, the part of a vehicle known as the Engine Control Unit (ECU) gets adjusted to perform better or improve in some functions. Of course, it is a job done by qualified engineers, or skilled mechanics who are very versed in the technical adjustments involved in the whole tuning process. Tuning a vehicle mostly results in increased speed or output. Sometimes it basically involves some specific calibration for some specific purpose required by the owner. In fact, the results attainable from vehicle tuning are endless and can do interesting things to a car.
In order to understand the difference between tuning a diesel-powered car and petrol-powered car, you need to be aware that the engines for these two types are very different. Diesel engines are sometimes tuned in order to enhance their performance
What Does Tuning a Diesel Engine Entail?
Most diesel engines that are old models need adjustments to their engine parts to suit today’s demands. The vehicle’s power might then need a boost or a higher fuel charge into the cylinder. These modifications to a diesel engine require an expert who understands how a diesel engine works and what is needed to upgrade the individual one. Although it might cost quite a lot to tune, you get to expend less fuel and enhance power output by at least 30%. So, while you might have better power output and a better driving experience for even less fuel, some other aspects of the vehicle might enjoy less efficiency.
Also, tuning a diesel engine in these modern times has a lot to do with the electronics system, by adjusting the Engine Control Unit (ECU) chip. The ECU chip controls basically everything in the electronic system. And this in turn makes it possible to tune a diesel engine vehicle.
What Does Tuning a Petrol Engine Entail?
A petrol engine is mostly regarded as a more regular alternative, and thus tuning it for better performance is more common. However, this doesn’t mean tuning a petrol engine is easier. It also requires the services of an expert. It mainly entails adjusting the amount of air and fuel to improve its performance. It mostly requires resetting the ignition, as well as more boost from the turbo, in order to achieve a more powerful combustion, thus creating more power output.
As we can see, tuning the engine of both diesel and petrol-powered engines are aimed towards the same result: better performance. However, the differences between the two can help you make a choice before buying either. It would also help you to decide which vehicle to tune, based on what modification you require at the time. Here are some specific differences between a tuned petrol vehicle and a tuned diesel vehicle;
Tuned diesel vehicles mostly require less fuel when it is modified. Tuned petrol vehicles, on the other hand, might require more fuel for better performance.
Tuned diesel vehicles become less rugged in the kind of fuel that can be put into it. Poor quality fuel, even just in slight amounts, would have an adverse effect on the vehicle. Tuned petrol vehicles usually don’t have such demands.
Because a tuned diesel vehicle requires less fuel, it usually requires more frequent servicing for better performance.
Diesel tuning involves igniting the vehicle by pressure and not by spark.
The diesel tuned engines are regarded as stronger than petrol tuned vehicles, but are sometimes more expensive to maintain.
The diesel engine is tuned mostly to improve the performance of commercial vehicles or trucks.
Lastly, petrol cars are usually considered smoother to handle when they are tuned well and more air is added. If airflow is increased through different and the right amount of fuel is added, extra power would be created, thereby giving it a noticeable improvement. This is on the basic level of tuning. The main procedure is usually more in-depth than this. However, for diesel engines which originally expend more fuel for greater performance, the basic tuning procedure is to lessen the fuel intake and still improve performance.
Finally, note that tuning your vehicle affects its warranty cover, so you need to ensure it is the best choice to embark on before doing so. Sometimes it might be better to take it to the manufacturer to get some expert advice before resorting to tuning, which is usually a nearly permanent and very serious process.
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from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/what-is-the-difference-between-tuning-diesel-and-petrol-vehicles/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How Much Is It to Replace a Fuse Board in the UK?
When your fuse board or consumer unit looks battered and old, or when it gets damaged, it becomes necessary to replace it. Most of the fuse boards you find in a new house or property are usually decades old, so it could malfunction. It is really a bother when you have your fuse board trip off, interrupting your electricity, and then being unable to understand how to fix it. This might mean you require a modern fuse board, which would be safer and more efficient. In fact, when upgrading the electrical system or wires in your building, GVA Electrical Limited, an electrician in London, recommends that you replace the fuse board altogether.
Replacing an old fuse board with a new one is really a smart idea, because modern ones have an improved design which makes them trip off faster at the threat of an overcurrent. Thus, it prevents accidents such as electric shock or fire outbreak.
How Do You Replace an Old Fuse Board and Install a New One?
Now that you see the benefits of replacing your old fuse board, what do you need to go about it? Well, a fuse box or consumer unit might be basic to understand for any amateur. However, replacing or installing one is strictly to be done by a qualified electrician. You shouldn’t attempt to remove parts or change the fuse box by yourself if you are not one. Why do we say this?
Aside from the fact that it’s not safe to meddle with electric parts, you simply might lack the required skills needed. Besides, you need to be issued an Electrical Installation Certificate by a certified electrician whenever a new fuse box, new extension, or new circuit, gets installed. This is a regulation that applies in the UK.
What Do You Need to Replace a Fuse Board?
First, be aware that you require the services of a qualified electrician to install a new fuse board or consumer unit.
You need to know how many circuits are in the building, so as to be certain that everything works fine at the end of the day. There are circuits in sockets, lights or other outlets for electric power. We must know that the fuse board serves to control the electricity current that runs to other units within the building. So, having a faulty replacement might affect one room or part of the house. Also, knowing the number of circuits within the building or property will help you know how much materials you need to buy. This helps you figure out the cost needed to replace the fuse board.
The cost has to cover the price for the new (quality) fuse board itself, electrical materials, and the cost of service, as well as the fee for registering your repair with the Local Building Control and the certificate issued. The addition of all these costs would sum up to a total of how much you need to replace your fuse board.
It is advisable to employ the services of a trusted electrician to help out with all these purchases. The electrician can also recommend the capacity of fuse board which you need. It takes a few hours to successfully replace a fuse board and test if it is working perfectly; at least four hours in all.
The cost of the full replacement (purchases and service) should be about £500 in the UK. It might be more than this, depending on the size of the property and the number of circuits required. It might also be less (about £300 to £400) if the house doesn’t have too many sockets or circuits, and also depending on the hourly rates charged by the electrician.
Is It Better to Repair or Replace a Fuse Board?
Rather than seeking to repair a faulty fuse board, it is usually better to replace it totally. Despite the cost of replacement, making a repair would not be effective in the long run. This is because the old fuse board might be unable to support the current load in all the various appliances being used. A repaired fuse board might soon start showing signs of overload or overheating. This shows that it is much more beneficial to take your time and do the replacement when necessary to be on the safer side.
However, note that sometimes an old fuse board might pass the electrical inspection test. This would be indicated in your Electrical Installation Condition Report. In this case, there would be no need to bother replacing the fuse board with a new consumer unit. However, if the existing fuse board does not have RCD protection, or extra capacity for additional circuits, then you have to replace it.
Also, If you’re within West Midlands, Worcestershire, Oxfordshire, Bucks, Berks, Surrey, Greater London and nearby areas, you can get in touch with certified electrician in the UK to book an appointment for fuse board replacement.
The post How Much Is It to Replace a Fuse Board in the UK? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-much-is-it-to-replace-a-fuse-board-in-the-uk/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
DIY SEO? Can I Do SEO Myself?
So, you want to attempt to do SEO on your site by yourself. Maybe you want to save some money compared a professional who’s willing to charge you up to $500 per hour for something that is not guaranteed success. Whatever your reason is, if you are willing to put in the time and effort to figure out how to optimize SEO on your site, you may be able to DIY your SEO. Caseo LTD, which does SEO in Toronto, Ontario, has shared some tips on how to get started.
The worst thing that can happen is paying more than $500 to a company or an individual for them to do your SEO and later finding out that all the money you paid was for nothing. Hiring someone with little to no experience can cost you more than researching, studying, and maybe taking a course before trying it yourself. But is SEO really that hard?
Whether you are a small business owner or a marketer, it’s useful to know SEO anyway. It’s a big leverage and especially in this day and age, learning a bit more of SEO can help guide you in staying relevant in search engines but also help you know that you’re always staying relevant and producing content.
Things to Know When DIYing Your SEO
According to Allie Decker from Monitor Backlinks, there are seven ways to do SEO on your own. Know your audience, understanding keywords and research, build your site with keywords that fit your niche, build authority, create a social media presence, understand Google, and read blogs about SEO to stay up to date. Allie stated that as long as you keep relevant and stay up to the trends, everything else should fall into place.
What Should You Do on Your Own?
According to Vinny La Barbera from Imforza, there are many aspects of research a person should be doing to learn more about SEO, such as taking SEO courses, joining forums and talking to other people that are at the same experience level or higher experience levels to gain experience, and much more. He also said that learning the core of Search Engine Optimization could result in a better understanding for your brand and business.
Plan Your Keyword Research
Planning your keywords is important how people online see your site. The keywords are there to target your audience as they search on Google for advice, blogs, shopping, or articles to read. Search engines like Google are there to use the words that are have put in the search bar to find relevant articles, blogs, or shops that are close to or the exact thing the person is looking for.
Planning keywords that match your niche or audience can help you find the right readers, clients, or customers to sell your site to. If your site is about baby clothes, putting keywords as bakers or chefs in your description would not help target the right audience. Which in this case would most likely not help you grow and achieve your full potential.
Use Social Media Consistently
Consistency is the key to everything in life, but especially in the world of SEO and the internet. Being consistent on your site, blog, and social media can help you gain more loyal followers, as they will always have something new to look or read at. Being consistent also means being relevant, which is a big key in reaching the higher ranks in Google but also being in the top SEO industry for your niche.
Optimizing Your Page to Its Full Potential
While you may be busy with blogging, adding things to your shop, or on social media, you may want to first optimize your home page to its full potential. Gaining traffic and leading your viewers to your site gives you great potential to grab leads. But if your site is not appealing and pulling your viewers in, then it’s no use going the extra mile if they are not actually going to be considered a potential client, viewer, or customer.
This involves making sure that your website is first optimized for every device that is currently out in the world. Another thing is to note that the keywords are desired for your audience in order to reach the max potential traffic to rank high in the search engines.
How to Make Your Site SEO Friendly
In order to make your site SEO friendly, Google needs to know what your site it about. Writing about different subjects can be a downfall, as Google will not know what your site is about as everything has to be related and relevant. Keeping it simple yet innovative for every device can bump you up from your competitors that are only optimized for one device rather than all of them.
So, should you DIY SEO before hiring a professional or company? Yes, it’s a perfect way to learn and maybe in the end it will save you a lot of money by paying a random person who might not even be good at SEO and in the end might even scam you into paying more for a terrible job you are not happy with. Taking points from this guide could help you learn which topics you need more help with or need to be more consistent in.
The post DIY SEO? Can I Do SEO Myself? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/diy-seo-can-i-do-seo-myself/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
The Cost of a Loft Conversion: What You Should Know Before You Start Building
So, you are thinking about doing a loft conversion. Great idea! It will provide you with more space to live and breathe. But before you get started, you may be wondering how much it will cost. Carai Lofts, which does loft conversions in London, explains that there are many factors that affect the cost, such as the size of the loft and the extent of the renovations. Let’s look more closely at the details.
Do You Have Room to Do the Conversion?
First and foremost, you need to measure the space where you will be doing the renovations. Nothing is worse than not planning ahead and having to start back at square one. Finding out if you need to raise the roof, walls, or windows is just what needs to be thought out before getting into a project.
If you don’t have the room, there are ways to make more space. Before renovating the building, start by raising the roof, adding windows to be able to breathe, and having more room to stretch out. After the roof, then you can work on the next piece, which could be the floors, stairs, or room itself.
According to Homebuilding & Renovating, “Before considering a loft conversion, make sure your home meets current eligibility criteria, so you don’t find yourself building illegally. As long as your loft has a height of 2.4m+ (approx. 8ft), it’s eligible for conversion.” Making sure your loft meets the requirements are very important before starting the project.
How Much Will a Loft Conversion Cost?
The costs of a loft conversion depend on what you are willing to spend on your project, and what you are converting. Whether you are raising the roof or adding more windows, the project can vary in cost depending on what kind of materials you are using. Another thing to consider is the contractor you are hiring to do the loft conversion. This can also be affected by where you live, as labor costs can vary as well.
According to Real Homes, “As an average, loft conversion will usually cost between £30,000 and £50,000.” This is just an average and may be more or less than what the whole loft will cost you in the end. If you are just doing one room it will cost you much less, but it may be cheaper to do the whole loft instead of just doing one room at a time.
When you are thinking about doing a loft conversion and looking to see what appeals to you, it may be in your best interest to see which loft conversion is more suitable to your needs. Different builds, such as a Velux or Dormer, could vary depending on costs but can fit within your budget for your project.
Who Should You Hire to Do the Loft Conversion?
Knowing who to hire before building your loft can help you save time. Whether your hiring a plumber, engineer, painter, or builder to help you with your project, it is a good idea to set aside a budget for the different tradesmen you may need to hire to help you finish your project.
Hiring these people can help you, as they know what they are doing and can get it done more quickly than you can. Take the time to find the best solution and quotes to help you with your loft conversion, as some of these tradesmen can vary in costs depending on the work, the time spent, and the size of their workload.
How Long Does a Loft Conversion Take?
The length of time depends on how many people you are willing to hire to get the job done more quickly. The more tradesmen you hire for the project, the less time it will take. It also may depend on the season, as doing the project during seasons such as fall or winter when people are off from work on some days could prolong the length of the build.
It also varies depending on what kind of loft conversion you choose t0 build. According to Household Quotes, “The Mansard, for instance, is the largest and can take up to two months from start to finish. With a Dormer you’re looking at a timescale of from four to six weeks, while a double Velux should take around a month.”
In the end, building your loft conversion is a great investment for not only selling your home in the future, but also having more space to create new memories with you and your family. It makes space for new adventures and creating a more livable environment.
The post The Cost of a Loft Conversion: What You Should Know Before You Start Building appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/the-cost-of-a-loft-conversion-what-you-should-know-before-you-start-building/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How to Find Keywords That Fit Your Niche
Algorithms are always changing, and so is Google. Nothing ever stays the same, and with the internet constantly changing from one day to the next, you need to find new ways to stay relevant as a business owner or someone who owns a website. Although keyword research has stayed the same, how you go about doing the research and finding the keywords hasn’t. Foster SEO (https://fosterseo.ca) has helped us explain the most important things to know about SEO research.
But before you dive in, you first have to know what is keyword research and why it is so important for a company wanting to expand to the digital world.
What Is Keyword Research?
According to Rachel Leist from HubSpot, keyword research is about finding certain words that people enter into search engines. For example, a pet store would want to identify relevant keywords such as “best chew toys to buy”. The research is about finding the content strategy or marketing strategy that would work to draw visitors to their site.
But how do you know which SEO keywords are right for you? You really don’t; a lot of times it comes down to trial and error. See what works, and if it doesn’t then move on to the next. But there are ways to narrow your keywords down to find the best fit for your website. Start by making a list of the topics that are relevant to what you know about your business
Making a list of five generic topics that can help you narrow your SEO keyword search. If you blog, then stick to mostly what you talk about all the time, whether that is dogs, makeup, clothes, etc.
The same goes for a realtor, doctor, or any other profession out there. Figure out what topics you talk about and come up with 5 to 15 generic keywords. Figure out what types of topics help people find you. Your most popular finds are the keywords you’ll be wanting, as you already know they pull in visitors. Deepening the keywords can drive more traffic to your site while bringing you sales or a loyal fanbase.
Using Keyword Research Tools
If you can’t think of 15 generic keywords or want a easier and quicker way, there are tools out there to help you out. According to WordStream, keyword research helps people identify potential keywords and uncommon keywords to help drive traffic and sales. On their site they have a free keyword research tool that may help give you more keywords to use.
Research Local Keywords Before Anything
According to ThriveHive, “In order to rank higher in Google for local searches, you must first figure out what people are searching to find your business in the first place. Once you know what you’re ranking for, you can optimize your website and blog posts to rank for other related searches.”
Find local websites that are ranking in Google searches to know where to target your keywords. If the website is best dog clothes in California and you have something similar to that topic, then use specific keywords to rank as high as your competitor.
Staying Within Your Topic
Always try to stay within your topic. You don’t want to come up with keywords that are about baby clothes if you sell dog clothes. Make sure your keywords are generalized for your website/content. Another great point WordStream had was, “Keywords are only as valuable as they are relevant to you: you don’t have to adopt every suggested term, but you should be aware of them.”
That statement is 100% true because if your website is about selling high-end fashion clothing, then stick to keywords that fall within high-end fashion, like fitted to your body, 100% silk, best fabrics, etc.
Are Your Topics Competitive?
If your topics are competitive and a lot of people are writing similar content, then using the same keywords that have been used over 600,000 times may not be best, because you would be competing with 600,000 people.
If you do, your keywords are not going to help drive you traffic because there are so many people constantly using the same keywords, your content would be listed below everyone else’s. Finding the topics that are less common could be worth it, since no one else would be using the keywords and your company and website could sky rocket.
Remember That Algorithms Are Always Changing
Algorithms are always changing, so your keywords should constantly be changing as well. Being able to keep up with the algorithms could be difficult at first, but knowing when they would change could help you on Google. Google loves algorithms and keywords, so if you don’t do both then your site is not being seen and will being pushed to the bottom of the last page.
  The post How to Find Keywords That Fit Your Niche appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-to-find-keywords-that-fit-your-niche/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
What Does an Electrician Do?
Whether you are thinking of becoming an electrician or are just curious what their job entails, you probably want to know what types of electricians there are and what exactly it is that they do. It may seem pretty cut and dry, but there is actually a wealth of things that go into the job. What are all these things, you ask? Midas Electrical Ltd, an electrician in Essex, has helped shed some light on this profession.
In general, electricians install and maintain all electrical systems for homes, businesses, and factories. They usually fall under one of two main categories: construction electricians and maintenance electricians. They both have slightly different jobs, which you will learn about in this article.
Construction Electrician
A construction electrician installs wiring for new homes and buildings. They are the ones who do the initial wiring when new construction is being done..
This is usually done once the building is partially built, so they must learn to follow blueprints and wiring diagrams to make sure they are wiring accurately.
Responsibilities of a Construction Electrician
A construction electrician has many responsibilities, including but not limited to reading blueprints, installing wiring and electrical controls, following state and local building regulations, and training other electricians in the making, as well as possessing mechanical, math, and troubleshooting skills.
Steps to Wiring a New Building
Since the main job of a construction electrician is wiring new buildings, I will go over the steps with you.
They run conduit (metal tubing/pipe) inside the walls and ceilings.
They then pull all the wires through the tubing.
Once this is done, they attach the wires to outlets and switches.
Finally, they solder or screw wires to the fuse box, circuit breakers, or transformers.
Note: According to StateUniversity.com, it is required that all electricians follow state, county, and municipal codes in wiring due to safety reasons.
Maintenance Electrician
A maintenance electrician is just what it sounds like. They maintain electrical systems by using testing devices to test wiring, fixtures, and other electrical equipment for problems with existing wires. When problems are detected, they then replace or repair the defective elements using hand tools. Depending on the job, he/she could work solo or as a part of a team.
The key difference between a maintenance electrician and a construction electrician is that a maintenance electrician maintains the electrical wiring while a construction electrician is the first one to install wiring in a new building.
A maintenance electrician has more job security than a construction electrician, especially when the economy is down because there aren’t as many new homes or buildings being built and people tend to hold on to their older buildings, which need electrical maintenance.
Responsibilities of a Maintenance Electrician
Perform routine maintenance procedures and repairs that are due to normal wear and tear.
Use problem-solving skills and experience to diagnose issues in electrical systems.
Perform necessary upgrades to existing wiring.
Use deductive reasoning to diagnose the root cause of an electronic malfunction.
You may see a maintenance electrician replacing breakers, switches, and wiring.
Job Opportunities
There are many job opportunities for a maintenance electrician. Some of these include working for property management, home repair services, or in an industrial setting.
Electrician Training
Training for both types of electricians typically involves all the same things, and there are a few routes to becoming one.
There is the option of apprenticeship, which means they learn from other master electricians in an apprenticeship program (usually through a union or trade organization), and there is on-the-job training, which means that you get hands-on experience and training from a licensed and experienced electrician. You can also go to school and get a degree for it.
The most popular form of training is a formal apprenticeship. During this apprenticeship, apprentices learn applied mathematics, wiring layout, electrical theory, electronics, and blueprint reading.
Most areas require you to earn a master electrician license, which you receive once you have passed a test on knowledge of the trade and the National Electric Code, as well as state, local, and municipal building and electrical codes.
Final Thoughts
Electricians are the sole reason for our entertainment and comfort in our homes, since without them we wouldn’t have television, heat, air conditioning, lights, or any of the other electrical amenities we are used to.
Now that you know everything an electrician’s job entails, you should have a better idea of whether it is something you want to pursue or not. One thing is for sure, an electrician’s job is never done, so job security is guaranteed no matter which field you choose to take.
Keep in mind, training and requirements will differ from area to area, so it is important to find out what is required where you live or plan to work.
The post What Does an Electrician Do? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/what-does-an-electrician-do/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How to Begin Decorating a Room
Decorating a room is one of the most exciting parts of moving into a new home. After all the boxes of big and small clutter have been stowed away, you can move on to your next project: planning the aesthetic and functional design of your room. The Painting Specialist, a company of painters and decorators in London, has shared some details on the most essential elements of room decor to be aware of before you get started.
Understand the Psychology of Room Décor
Did you know that how you decorate your room, your choice of colors, its lighting and such can influence your mood and behavior? An article published on Apartment Therapy explains how we experience a room in five ways:
Through our senses—sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste
Through time and by movement through space
Through reasoning or thought, memory or imagination
Through emotions
Through anticipation or expectation
Decorating a room is more than just picking out paint, furniture, drapes and accents; it also entails an understanding of how these elements play together and its effects in your daily life.
Plan Your Room Color
Our sense of sight plays a vital role in how a room affects our mood. Color is a dominant element of room design, so when picking out a color, it is important to decide on which feeling you most want to highlight when you enter a room. In an article posted on Color Meanings entitled “Psychological Effects of Color in Interior Design”, author Jacob Olesen explains that each person responds to a particular color differently, which is something to consider when decorating a room.
When planning the color of your room, think of what emotion you would want to evoke. If it’s passion, go for red; warmth, go for yellow; fun and energy, go for orange; tranquility, go for blue; freshness, go for white. Don’t hesitate to color each room differently, as every room has a purpose and must have its own character. In common places such as the kitchen and living room, it is ideal to pick out a color that envokes a neutral feeling among all family members.
Plan Your Furniture
Planning your furniture works hand in hand with planning your room color. Determine what vibe you want in your room, and from there, work out a color scheme. Having a color scheme does not mean color-matching your decor, but having a color palette that works together to give the vibe that you desire.
When you’re done working out your color scheme, you can move on to choosing the pieces of furniture. A common mistake that homeowners make is buying furniture without any solid plan on where to place it and, even worse, not having measured the room and its spaces. Before you make a trip to the furniture store, plan the layout of your room by assigning purposes to spaces and their allotted measurements.
Let Your Personality Shine
As you begin to decorate your room, here’s a thought to ponder: you will spend about 1/3 of your life in your room sleeping, and a little more time doing some “you stuff”. That is a lot of time, so you better be comfortable and satisfied with how you decorate your room. Online lifestyle magazine Bustle recommends personalizing your room by adding artwork, memorabilia, and other small trinkets that evoke happy feelings and reflect your personality.
Decide Whether to DIY or Hire a Professional Decorator
Both going the DIY route and hiring a professional decorator have their advantages; choosing between the two will mostly depend on your decorating skills, budget, and how far you are willing to go for the room of your dreams
Going DIY is much easier these days, thanks to the infinitely deep well of the Internet and sites such as Pinterest and Etsy. Online, you can scout inspiration and source furniture pieces from as far as the other side of the globe. The great thing about DIY is that you get to move at a pace you can afford. You can shell out cash for an antique leather chair today and then wait for the next payday to get those covers you’ve been eyeing.
People still subscribe to the idea that hiring a professional decorator is only for the rich and famous, but the truth is that it’s for the practical homemaker who wishes to save time and effort in achieving his/her desired room. A professional decorator will help you decorate your room impeccably, without having to waste money on mismatched furniture and pieces.
A professional decorator, especially one who has already established his/her network in the home industry, will know where to source materials at the best prices, can steer you to the store with pieces that match your personality, and will let you know if you’re committing a home décor faux pas. Hiring a professional decorator can also increase the value of your home, which could potentially offset or even exceed the cost of hiring one in the first place.
The post How to Begin Decorating a Room appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-to-begin-decorating-a-room/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
Is Physiotherapy Covered by Medicare?
Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a vital part of treatment for many medical conditions, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic back pain. It involves the treatment of diseases, disorders, and injuries through physical methods such as massage and exercise. Medicare will generally cover costs such as public hospital stays, eye tests, and other minor medical procedures, but many people are unaware or unsure of exactly what Medicare is and its benefits. With the help of Southport Central Physio (https://southportcentralphysio.com.au), we will explain to what extent Medicare covers physiotherapy.
What Is Medicare?
Medicare is a publicly funded healthcare program aimed at giving citizens free or subsidized medical and healthcare services. Operated by the Department of Human Services, Medicare is the primary funder of healthcare for all Australian citizens and permanent residents.
Citizens can claim a Medicare rebate for treatment from registered professionals such as midwives, doctors, and other legal health professionals who have been issued a Medicare Provider Number.
Can I Claim a Medicare Rebate For a Physiotherapy Session?
The short answer is yes. Medicare does cover physiotherapy sessions and obtaining it should be a simple process, but claiming Medicare isn’t always so straightforward.
To claim Medicare rebate for physiotherapy, you will have to pass a few criteria and you will likely come across the word “chronic” more times than you’d like. This is because according the Department of Human Services, Medicare is reserved for “people with chronic conditions and complex care needs”.
They define a chronic condition as “an illness that has been or is likely to be present for six months or longer such as asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and stroke. There is no list of eligible conditions. However, the CDM items are designed for patients who require a structured approach and to enable GPs to plan and coordinate the care of patients with complex conditions requiring ongoing care from a multidisciplinary team. Patients have complex care needs if they need ongoing care from a multidisciplinary team consisting of their GP and at least two other health or care providers.”
It all sounds very complex, but it simply means if you have a broken finger or a slight fever, you might want to forget about Medicare, as the chances of your general practitioner giving you a Medicare referral are next to none.
The first step to getting Medicare is seeing a general practitioner for approval. Once your general practitioner approves your eligibility for Medicare, he gives you a referral to a specific hospital or medical professional who will then render you free or subsidized treatment, physiotherapy included.
How Many Visits Does Medicare Cover?
The referral from your general practitioner entitles you to five consultations per year under the Medicare program to any health practitioner recommended by him. These visits could cover anything from physiotherapy to speech therapy, podiatry, exercise physiology, etc.
How your five visits are carried out fully depends on the recommendation of your GP, who could recommend three physiotherapy sessions and two podiatry sessions or three physiotherapies, one podiatry, and one speech therapy session depending on your condition.
Your five Medicare-covered visits are renewed annually, but you’ll be subject to new review and approval from your GP to get a fresh Medicare referral.
How Much Does the Medicare Rebate Cover?
Medicare rebates don’t always cover the full cost of your physiotherapy treatment. The rebate for a physiotherapy consultation is currently $52.95 per treatment. The amount of money which you will have to pay yourself (usually 15% – 25%) of the general cost is known as a gap payment’.
For example, a doctor’s consultation fee might be $50 for one standard session, and your Medicare rebate will likely be around $36.30, leaving a gap payment of $13.70 for you to pay. For physiotherapy, the gap payment will largely depend on the practitioner you see and how much they charge.
How Is a Medicare Rebate Claimed?
Claiming your Medicare rebate is one of the simpler parts of the entire process. Here’s how it works:
You pay the full physiotherapy consultation fee upfront from your debit card.
They swipe your Medicare Referral Card on their registered machine and enter your general practitioner’s provider number and a few other details.
They process the payment which links directly Medicare and accesses the rebate for you.
They swipe your debit card, which returns the $52.95 rebate back into your bank account.
Although the process of getting Medicare is sometimes strenuous, the good news is that, yes, Medicare does cover a sizeable portion of your physiotherapy bills.
To successfully register and claim Medicare Rebate for your physiotherapy sessions:
You must be suffering from a chronic illness.
You’ll need a referral from a general practitioner to a licensed physiotherapy clinic.
The referral gives you a rebate of $52.95 for up to five visits a year
You must renew your referral with your GP annually if you want to continue using the Medicare program.
The post Is Physiotherapy Covered by Medicare? appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/is-physiotherapy-covered-by-medicare/
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rockhillcityguide · 5 years
How to Find a Builder in the UK
Not all home improvement projects are created equal—some call for a little DIY magic and some inspiration from the Internet, while the more elaborate ones can be entrusted only to the hands of a reliable builder. Finding a builder doesn’t have to be intimidating; the key is knowing where to look. Kst Building Services Ltd, a company of builders in London, has shared some important tips to help you get started.
Be Wary of Cowboy Builders
Hiring a cowboy builder may seem like an attractive idea, with fees up to 50% lower than professional builders. Cowboy builders are able to charge less, as they did not receive any formal training, have no professional license, and have to proposition themselves as a viable option to licensed builders. However, the money you save on this cheaper option will eventually catch up with you by means of substandard work, which, in reality, could mean even more expensive repairs in the future.
Turn to the Internet
Finding a builder in the UK is made easier with reliable directories published online. Leading news and media organization The Guardian has published a list of websites that not only serve as directories, but also display real client reviews with both good and negative feedback.
Such sites allow homeowners to post jobs, to which builders can send their bids. This feature allows both parties to prepare for the project by being able to negotiate the cost and evaluate the scope of work required. Having access to a wide database cuts homeowners’ research time and almost always guarantees good results.
Shop Around for Recommendations
Ask for recommendations from family, friends and neighbors, as you will more likely trust the recommendation of your peers over that of strangers from the Internet. The great thing about this is that not only will you be able to secure contacts, but you can also inspect previous work. Some of the questions you can ask when getting recommendations are: 1) kind and scope of work done; 2) duration of the project; and 3) possible issues encountered with the builder.
Pro tip from Homebuilding & Renovating: ask your designer for help. People in the construction industry, especially those who have been in it for a long time, have already built their network of who’s and who’s not, and would gladly recommend other contractors with whom they have had a great working experience.
Treat It Like a Job Interview
Treat your search for a builder the way a company would if they needed to hire an employee. The person you are looking for will do the extremely important job of building/rebuilding/remodeling your and your family’s house, after all.
Make a list of the traits that you are looking for in your prospective builder, write down the job requirements, and get ready with your offer. When you meet your candidates, don’t be afraid to ask the important stuff, such as where they received their formal training, how long they have been in the home building industry, what tools and equipment they use and their completed projects. This encourages your builder to treat the project as important to him as it is to you.
Prepare to Wait Four Months for a Good Builder
In an article published on House Beautiful in 2017, Federation of Master Builders chief executive Brian Berry explains that there is such an incredibly high demand for building work that about 50% of the time, builders won’t be able to start on a new contract right away and require four month advance notice.
“The workloads of builders have been rising steadily over the past two years and there’s no shortage of work. That’s why we’re urging home owners who are keen to crack on with their build or renovation projects to start getting in touch with prospective builders as soon as possible. Otherwise, they risk disappointment delaying their projects or worse still, working with a dodgy builder. So many building horror stories start with a client approaching a builder who’s free to start work sooner than the more professional builder who is really busy,” Berry explained.
Look at the Paperwork
In the same House Beautiful article, Federation of Master Builders shared the alarming findings of their research: 90% of builders report that most homeowners do not ask for a written contract; 80% of builders report that homeowners do not ask them for an agreed payment schedule; and less than 10% ask about pertinent insurance policies.
As a homeowner, you should not hesitate to ask builders for the necessary paperwork, as it will serve as your protection against substandard jobs and fraudulent contractors. Another pro tip from Brian Berry: “These protections really are essential to helping clients weed out the cowboys and mitigate against any issues that could crop up during the build. A quality builder will insist on these things and if they don’t, consumers ought to question why.”
The post How to Find a Builder in the UK appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/how-to-find-a-builder-in-the-uk/
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rockhillcityguide · 6 years
When to Get a Lawyer for an Auto Accident
Car accidents are a regular occurrence in the U.S. According to Owen, Patterson & Owen, a Santa Clarita accident lawyer, there are an average of over a thousand every week across the States, and the immediate aftermath of a car crash can be a testing time for all parties involved.
Automobile accidents are time-consuming and expensive to deal with, and come along with a host of questions such as: Who was at fault? Who pays my medical bills? Will insurance cover the damages? These are just a few of the many questions one will likely face after a crash, and hiring a legal practitioner may be the best way of protecting your interests.
When You Might Not Require an Attorney
While it is advisable to seek legal (and medical) advice after every accident, sometimes it is not always mandatory due to the nature of the crash, and hiring a lawyer won’t make a significant impact on the situation. For example:
If physical injury was minor, such as bruises or slight pain.
Your injury didn’t require extensive treatment and expensive bills.
The other party in the crash didn’t suffer severe physical damage.
There was no significant damage to the vehicle(s) involved.
In these cases, you might not need legal assistance, as there is no expensive medical bill or insurance claim. Even with such a minor accident, it is still advisable to seek legal advice to ensure the entire situation is handled appropriately.
When to Get an Attorney for an Auto Accident
In direct contrast to the examples above, any road user in a severe auto accident should contact a lawyer immediately. Victims of serious car accidents should not hesitate to seek medical and legal attention as soon as they can. Situations that require attorneys include:
Serious injuries: The more severe the injuries sustained by both parties, the more money is at stake. Severe injuries may require lengthy medical treatment, which may keep you out of work for a long time and coupled with medical bills, represents a significant financial outlay. An attorney will ensure you get a full settlement for economic and physical damages.
There is a “blame game”: Finger pointing can quickly put your settlement amount at risk. If a driver were at fault for an accident in which you sustained injuries and damage to your property, you would be entitled to compensation. If you are partially at fault for the accident, it means your share of blame will reduce your compensation. Insurance adjusters often assign fault to victims to pay them as little as possible, and a lawyer is your best way of ensuring you are treated fairly.
Expensive bills: Accidents are often costly, and an attorney is your best way of ensuring your bills are adequately covered. Most auto insurance companies include medical payments coverage, which pays for physical injuries sustained by you and passengers in your car, as well as pedestrians and anyone else who was injured in the accident.       
Death: If there is a fatality in an auto accident you are involved in, you should hire a lawyer immediately. Whether you’re a surviving loved one or one of the drivers in the accident, seek an attorney’s advice immediately.
You’re being sued: Often, a second or even third party can sue you for damages in the most minor of accidents. Some people see accidents as a means of obtaining undeserved compensation and if anyone, including insurance companies, hires an attorney to dispute your case, hiring a lawyer of your own is your best chance of fair treatment.
What Does the Attorney Do?
Your attorney will be responsible for negotiating compensation with your insurance company to guarantee you get a fair settlement. Insurance adjusters will try everything they can to give you as little money as possible, and an attorney is your best chance of negotiating a suitable deal.
Insurance companies are all about financial profit. The insurance adjuster will be adept at negotiations and will do everything in his power to limit your claim, even to the point of denying its credibility altogether. If you do not have experience with negotiations, it’s nearly impossible to achieve a fair settlement without an attorney.
The attorney also takes over all legal concerns, leaving you to focus on your health. The lawyer collects all the evidence and organizes your case to ensure you are well prepared to defend yourself against any false claims. Your attorney does all the leg work of interviewing witnesses and collecting evidence relevant to your case, making sure your claims and defense are in order.
Auto accidents are a common occurrence in the United States and worldwide. Failure to hire an attorney after an accident is a common mistake people make. and while not all accidents require a lawyer, an attorney should oversee more serious accidents involving physical damage to you or your property.
Insurance companies will often try to dispute your claim to financial compensation, meaning a lawyer is a must-have, as he knows the relevant laws surrounding insurance claims. Once you are involved in a serious accident, do not hesitate to contact a personal injury attorney, as they are your best chance of obtaining a fair resolution to your case.  
The post When to Get a Lawyer for an Auto Accident appeared first on Rockhill City Guide.
from Rockhill City Guide https://www.cityclubofrockhill.com/when-to-get-a-lawyer-for-an-auto-accident/
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