rocketrising · 4 years
Hello! I'm doing the part where you fight the fossil pokemon after the Safari Zone and I'm trying to get to Pewter/Viridian but the game won't let me enter Mt. Moon. When I try to enter I end up in the door, it plays a text box where its roughly "I should avoid the police by going into the shadowy areas" but doesn't put me inside the cave.
The link was updated April 2020, should fix that Mt. Moon issue for you. 
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rocketrising · 4 years
hey, im not sure if this blog is still active, but im stuck bc i skipped through the dalogue on accident. how do i get to the power plant?
Head Right out of Cerulean, and you’ll eventually get to a river. A Rocket there will send you down the river to the power plant. 
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rocketrising · 4 years
Are there any secret endings that you need to do certain things for?
Nope! I am not really a fan of big ‘missable’ stuff. So all recruits and endings and so on are available no matter what. The game is usually very clear when you’re hitting a “make a big choice” kind of moment. 
There are small secrets scattered about though! You can stumble into the Lieutenants or your Rival occasionally if you look. 
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rocketrising · 4 years
There this house with a bunch of holes in it that you can fall through. There's a puzzle and a password that I can't seem to figure out. It's a 3-digit code. How does it work? (Also what is the code?)
There are plaques on the walls that you unscramble to tell you the number!
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rocketrising · 5 years
Is there a record for fastest time? Because I just became the champion with level 30-32s and 16 : 45 hours of playtime.
Whoa. Nice! 
I’m not sure anyone has been keeping track of fastest records, so that’s pretty fast!
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rocketrising · 6 years
Do you know where or at what point youre supposed to get the mutagen items for your pokemon? :o I'm at the point where I'm a lieutenant in the game.
You can get 1 Mutagen from Redra as long as you don’t break both fossil cases. There are also mutagens hidden in the Cinnabar Lab, the Viridian school, and you can buy one at the Rt. 4 PokeCenter for 5000. 
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rocketrising · 6 years
i just can't find out the mansion password
Hello anonymous! The mansion password can be kind of tricky. 
If you’re trying to get INTO the mansion, use the word “key”. 
If you’re trying to get into that basement area, try the word “Ghost” or “Bug”. 
That should get you through the mansion password stuff. 
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rocketrising · 6 years
Koga’s Gym
It uses an invisible shocking wall, which can be frustrating. To get past, all you have to do is follow this picture! If you’d rather do it by trial and error, that works too!
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rocketrising · 6 years
I can't get past Koga's invisible barrier or into Safari Zone. Could you do a walkthrough somewhere to be downloaded for those who don't mind being spoiled or something? ^_^;
The Safari secret entrance is to the right outside of Fuchsia, near the tree line. Look closely for grass behind the trees, and you’ll find it!I’ll upload a picture of Koga’s gym on how to get past. 
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rocketrising · 7 years
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Team Rocket is at the Pokemon League, Indigo Plateau. 
Expect an update sometime in the next month! 
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rocketrising · 7 years
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Batch number six. Only three more of these to go, hang in there. 
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rocketrising · 7 years
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Batch number 5. We’re also running a new update (still fairly buggy) on the Rocket Rising Pokecommunity thread, so if you want to help with that, drop by!
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rocketrising · 7 years
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Batch 4. Magikarp and Gyrados especially need some cleaning up, but I really like how Cubone and Marowak turned out. 
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rocketrising · 7 years
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The third batch. I’ll probably shift Weedle or Kakuna’s color so there’s more of a progressing color scheme. 
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rocketrising · 7 years
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An idea of what the second batch of Mutated Pokemon will look like. Of these, Zubat and Golbat are most likely to change still. It’s hard adding features to a Pokemon that’s 90% mouth. 
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rocketrising · 7 years
2nd Floor Lab Box Super Level Glitch
“So after I finished the Pokemon Tower and was told to go to the 2nd floor to help with testing I think I found a glitch. I went up the lone box that was near the science guy and clicked it.
My Gastly instantly jumped from level 15 to 30 and learned every move possible. My Ratatta jumped from level 14 to 29 and learned every move possible.
Repeated clicks leveled my pokemon up to 100! I had saved before clicking so I reverted and just ‘warp leveled’ them once. Is this a glitch?”
I leave things like that around to help me test stuff, and sometimes forget to remove them. So it’s not a glitch exactly, just a testing shortcut!
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rocketrising · 7 years
Where can I find the coin case? And how do I find the name of the kid in Saffron that locked his door?I entered all houses and no one told me.
You get the Coin Case by recruiting Izabel in the Viridian Forest. (It’s probably easiest to get there by going through the cave next to Vermilion) She’ll start working at the Casino, and give you the Coin Case the first time you talk to her. 
You can find out Pippi’s name by going to the house a few doors Right of her. The old man inside will try and make sure you’re a good person, but he’ll tell you either way. I’ll color her name in the next update to make it more noticeable. 
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