rockcollagejjpbey · 2 years
Hey loves, just a quick reminder!
If you're experiencing one of these emotions, try the option presented. 😘
Over thinking ----> write
Anxious ----> meditate
Tired---> power nap
Sad---> exercise
Lazy---> reduce screen time
Burnt out ---> read something
Black obsidian:
📍A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity.
📍It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment.
📍Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.
📍It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.
#emotionalstrength #crystalpendants
#soulwork #highestself #crystalshop #spiritualhealing #goalsetter #mindsetmatters #healingtools #crystalmagic #selfawareness #crystalsofig #reikisession #reikicharged #crystalreikihealer #crystaldecor #spiritualist #beinspired #shopsmallboutiques #mompreneurlife #listentoyourgut #wellnessjourney #healingvibrations #successminded #spiritualevolution #cosmicenergy #healyoursoul
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rockcollagejjpbey · 4 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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rockcollagejjpbey · 4 years
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Gautama Buddha. California Treasures Curriculum Workbook. 1980.
Internet Archive
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
simple money spell 💫
so you wanna get a couple extra bucks to get by? boost your chances of getting that call back from that job you want, saying you’re hired? here’s a small jar spell to boost your luck
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what you will need:
• jar
• green candle (associated with wealth)
• white candle (purity, use it while you work)
• alfalfa leaf
• rose hips
• lavender
• sesame seeds
• bay leaf
• sharpie
• shiny new penny
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what to do:
• light your white candle (mine was vanilla but whatever suits you best, use it)
• write your intention on the bay leaf in your sharpie, I wrote financial gain since im broke as fuck
• layer your ingredients however you want, but I did lavender, sesame seed, alfalfa, rose hip, basil, and penny.
• close that bitch up and seal it with your green wax. I let it drip all around the edge of the jar and then put the candle on top and kept it lit until it all turned into a thick goopy mess on top just because
• while the candle is burning/your wax is dripping, think about some possible ways that money could be coming to you, how thankful you’d be, what you’d use it for, etc. if you use a deity, you can ask for their assistance here, but i personally don’t have one.
• when you’re done with the green candle you can blow it out and blow out the white one, and keep the jar wherever you’ll see it most, or take it with you if its small enough. bonus points if you keep it with some crystals like citrine, green adventurine, pyrite, peridot, etc. I have all of these on my workspace but it isn’t required if you don’t have them
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now make some fuckin money 💚💚💚
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
to Thine Ownself be True Bath Spell
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Use this bath spell to revive confidence and imbue your life with a little more self-compassion.  It is also great for setting new goals!  You can either put the mixture in the bath by itself OR use a muslin bag/tea bag for a tea bath.
1/3 cup sea salt
1/3 cup epsom salt
½ cup dried lavender
½ cup dried rose hips, crushed
5-10 drops rose essential oil (make sure it is skin safe!)
1 tbsp of coconut oil (melted)
1 tsp of honey (optional)
Draw a warm bath and place tea in it.  You can also turn off the lights and light candles for atmosphere.  I am also partial to the Jazz Vibes playlist on Spotify, but I would recommend finding music to suit your tastes since this is all about you.
Using your hand, stir the tea bag or loose ingredients around.  Concentrate on the warmth of the bath water as it spreads from fingertips, to palm, to forearm.
Speak the following: Though road may make me weary, feet tired from walking, body sore from the storm, I will wash away traces of hardship and allow my heart to transform.
Using your hand that was in the water, annoint your opposite wrist (on the inside) with a heart shape.  Bring it to your forehead, press it to the center,  and speak: My mind be clear of worries.  My heart be clear of woe. My spirit be open to my inner truth.
Climb into the bath and soak until the water is no longer warm.  While bathing, focus on allowing your current stressors to dissolve.  Think of goals you want to achieve, manifest them in your mind’s eye, and commit them to memory.  These will be your new inner truths.
SALT WHC Creator, Administrator, BAMF @saltwaterwitchery (Tumblr & Insta)
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
Psychology Says… 9/21/18
There are 5 Love Languages. According to Dr. Gary Chapman who developed these in 1995 and went into detail in his book, “The Five Love Languages” these “languages” are simply ways individuals express and experience love. 
While the concept is very detailed, the premises is that each person has one primary and one secondary love language, according to this theory. Dr. Chapman states that your primary and secondary “language” reflect both how you give love and how you receive it.
1) Words Of Affirmation: Compasses verbal communication that is encouraging. Can include written as well such as cards, or letters, or notes. With this type of Love Language emotionally harsh words and undue criticism should be avoided.
2) Quality Time: This compasses, the ideal of putting an emphasis on the quality over quantity. Which can include spending time with significant other, running errands, trips, doing things together, talking. Quiet without interruption when being together, undivided attention is needed as well as one-on-one conversations. With this type of love language one spending too much time with friends could pose a problem, as well as isolation and long stretches of time between quality time interactions.
3) Receiving Gifts: Those who identify with this love language tend to express and feel love through giving of gifts, and possibly receiving of gifts. This can include giving gifts, giving small things that may mean something, remembering special occasions. Private gift giving is important as well as the expressions/behavior of the receiver. With this Love Language it is important to avoid forgetting special events, and ironically materialism. 
4) Acts of Service: Puts emphasis on selfless acts of service, helping your significant other out. For instance helping around the house, being helpful without being told/asked, exchanging chores which may be outside “normal” gender roles such as she takes out garbage, or he cooks dinner. With this Love language what you say matters, so perhaps saying “Do you need me to do anything?”, switch to “What can I do for you?” or, “Today I did __for you”, or even I’m going to get __for you.” With this Love Language it is important to never forget the promises that are made, do not say you will do something and then don’t, ensure you are able to do what you say you will and never ignore actions done or need to be done.
5) Physical Touch: The need for physical touch is a basic human psychological need. It goes back to infants and their proper fundamental and emotional growth and health. Touch is so important that we use it to communicate as infants, and it plays a vital role in social and behavioral development. With that being said, with this Love Language touch is paramount in creating and strengthening romantic relationships. This can include, hugs, hand holding, kissing, sitting closely, even sex but does not have to be predominant. Pleasant facial expressions are important, as well as your nonverbal communication. At all costs you should avoid bad touch which includes physical abuse, corporal punishment, neglect and definitely threats that would signify withholding of physical touch.
~~Fun Fact: You can have more than one, or even more than two Love Languages.
??? What’s your Love Language?
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
Major Components in Spells
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In order for a spell to actually function, a spell needs enough of these four things: Association, Energy, Intent, and Action
Association would be the attached meanings to any materials in your spell (and these don’t have to be physical materials). Most of the time, these are inherent properties in objects that have been long established throughout time. Properties are a result of the spiritual vibrations of a material
Energy is given off by the spiritual vibrations of a material.The effects of this energy is dictated by the vibrations of the material…these effects are…related to the properties, obviously.
Intent is the will one has to hone their energies and whatever other energies are present towards a result. It also ties to the goal, as in the “what is this spell trying to accomplish?” Without intent, there’s really no use for a spell. This may seem similar to action, however, think about it. You could have everything you need to do well on a math test, but without intent (effort), how are you going to do well? You can simply put random answers or guess (cont. in Action). Action in this case isn’t about doing what might work. It’s about doing what will work. Branching off the intent analogy, you can fill in random answers or guess on questions, and get some wrong, and maybe a few right. The same goes for action in spells. Action here represents directing the energy you’ve honed into your goal in a proper and successful manner, and is highly linked to intent. The two practically go hand in hand, and can sometimes mean very similar things. And, that concludes my Ted Talk. This is just my personal opinion on spellcraft and what works for me. If anyone notices any objective misinformation, or has alternative views they’d like to share, they can feel free to leave a reply or reblog. Happy crafting!
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
Tarot Cheat Sheet
The Fool: Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, free spirit.
Reverse: Naivety, foolishness, risk-taking
The Magician: Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness.
Reverse: Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents.
The High Priestess: Intuition, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind.
Reverse: Hidden agendas, listen to inner voice.
The Empress: fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance.
Reverse: Creative block, dependence.
The Emperor: Authority, father-figure, structure, foundation.
Reverse: Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility.
The Hierophant: Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs.
Reverse: Restriction, something to shake up routine.
The Lovers: Love, union, relationships, aligned values, choices.
Reverse: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values.
The Chariot: Control, willpower, victory, assertion, determination.
Reverse: Lack of control and direction, aggression.
Strength: Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion.
Reverse: Weakness, Self-doubt, lack of self-discipline.
The Hermit: Soul-searching, introspection, alone, inner guidance.
Reverse: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal.
The Wheel of Fortune: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point.
Reverse: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control.
Justice: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect.
Reverse: Unfairness, dishonesty, unaccountability.
The Hanged Man: Restriction, letting go, sacrifice.
Reverse: Martyr, indecision, delay.
Death: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition.
Reverse: Resistance to change, inability to progress.
Temperance: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning.
Reverse: Imbalance, excess, short term vision.
The Devil: Addiction, sexuality, materialism.
Reverse: Detachment, breaking free, reclaimed power.
The Tower: Disaster, upheaval, sudden (brutal) change, revelation.
Reverse: Avoidance of disaster, fear of change.
The Star: Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity.
Reverse: Lack of faith, despair, discouragement. 
The Moon: Illusion, vision, dreaming, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconsciousness.
Reverse: Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion.
The Sun: Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality.
Reverse: Temporary depression, lack of success.
Judgement: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution.
Reverse: Self doubt, self blindness.
World: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel.
Reverse: Incompletion. Lack of closure.
Please don’t promote yourself on my post ✨
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
Succulent Identification!1!1!
hopefully this helps with anyone trying to figure out what type of succulent they have! if you see a plant that looks similar to yours, try googling the name and you my actually find your plant! 
Cheridopsis denticulata
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Echeveria glauca 
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Echeveria ‘Lola’
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Echeveria runyonii
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Fenestraria aurantiaca ‘Baby Toes’
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Haworthia attenuata 
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Lithops optica ‘Rubra’
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Pachyphytum fittkaui
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Pachyphytum hookeri
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Sedum pachyphyllum 
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Kalanchoe rotundifolia 
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Kalanchoe thrysiflora 
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Pachyphytum glutinicaul
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Pachphytum oviferum 
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Senecio serpens 
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Agave ‘Blue Glow’
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Agave macroacantha 
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Aloe ‘Blue Elf’
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Aloe vera
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Sedum morganianum
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Senecio rowleyanus
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
6 Alternative Altar Inspirations for Witches that are Bored of Altar Tables
No matter what path you follow as in witchcraft are, chances are you have some sort of sacred space. If you are a witch whose practice is part of your religious beliefs, this might be a place to communicate with your deities. If you work with spirits, this could be a place where honor your ancestors. Non-religious witches like myself often use altars as a space where they can connect with their magical and spiritual sides. Even though we all share this desire to have a place all our own dedicated to our craft. 
That doesn’t mean we all need the same type of space. Whether you are a new witch who can’t show off your craft publicly (we’ve all been there) or just a witch who isn’t really into the more standard altar table setup, there are plenty of options for customizing and creating an altar space that meets your needs.
Window Altars
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One easy way to create an altar is to take up a windowsill. Depending on the arrangement of the room you’re using, your personal preference, and the space available, the size of this type of altar varies. 
This generally small altar space can be good for witches in the broom closet and green witches who like to keep their altars populated with plant friends. Because it is literally a window to the outside, these altars are also great places for charging things like crystals, spells, and water under the light of the moon. 
Good for altars that are heavily planted (hello, sunlight!)
Generally discreet
Keeps your altar space contained (for all us witches that do not know when to quit)
Garden Altars
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While pretty much any altar can include plants, there is something else to say for an altar that is almost completely plants. If you have some space indoors, why not design a witch’s garden that doubles as an altar space?
A small tray planted with succulents with offering bowls and candle dishes set into the soil and crystals scattered around can be a unique, and even moveable altar! You could also use potted plants so that you can change the arrangement or plants out whenever you need a refresh.
Deeply connected to nature and the earth
Pluck herbs for spells right off your altar
Generally pretty moveable
Bath Altars
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If you love bath magic as much as I do, you’re a water witch, or your bathroom is one of your most sacred places (self-care anyone?), a bath altar could be the perfect thing to give your craft a physical home.
We’ve all seen those pictures of wooden tray tables for baths surrounded by eucalyptus and candles. Add a statue of your deity (or a symbol of something important to your craft), some crystals (check how your crystals are affected by water and humidity first!), and some jars of your favorite things to mix into bath spells, and your bath altar is set.
The perfect place to combine witchcraft and self-care
Perfect for witches that incoroporate the water element in their craft a lot
Magic really does belong in every room in the house
Travel Altars
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If you tend to practice on a whim rather than waiting to be in a specific place or if you need to be able to stash your altar quickly, a travel altar is perfect. These altars can be fit into matchboxes, Altoids tins, jewelry boxes, and even hollowed out books! If you can carry it with you and find supplies small enough to fit, anything goes. (I’ve even seen locket altars!)
Some witches will create multiple travel altars for different purposes or focuses, but don’t feel like you need to collect them if that’s not your thing.
Small and discreet, it’s hard to make a mess with these
Very customizable (and easy to have multiples of!)
Perfect for witches in the broom closet
Virtual Altars
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Tech witches, I haven’t forgotten you. If you’ve been following me for a bit, then you might know that I threw out the idea a while ago about a altar lockscreen/wallpaper for your phone/tablet/etc. Now that I’ve talked to some tech witches, I know this is actually a pretty sound idea! 
Whether you commision an artist or design one yourself, a lock screen wallpaper for an electronic device (you could even go as big as a laptop with a touch screen!) could make the perfect altar for a tech witch. Even if you decide not to use it as a wallpaper, designing an image that serves as an altar and opening it in GIMP or Photoshop where you can create additional layers for placing other virtual elements could be useful.
Travel friendly
Can be synced across devices, so your altar is always with you
Easy to change and “redecorate” throughout the year
Paper Altars
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(This incredible paper altar was created by Stella Witchcraft! Please click here to check out their full post and their blog!)
Similar to a virtual altar, a paper altar is a portable, customizable altar. Many witches choose to include paper altar setups in their grimoires, but there’s nothing stopping you from making larger paper altars with poster paper that can be rolled up and stored away.
If paper altars are attractive to you, don’t be deterred if you aren’t an artist! Minimallism in paper altars is perfectly fine. You can always outline your altar with symbols or even words alone. If you’re happy with it, it is perfect. You don’t have to meet and requirements for aesthetic or any other witch’s expectations.
There you have it! Of course, there are so many more types of altars, and even table altars can be created to fit your own personal needs. If you’re attracted to more than one of these, why not try combining the elements that call to you to make something entirely your own? The possibilites are endless.
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
Essential Oil Correspondences
Amyris (Amyris balsamifera) ~ anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality
Angelica Root (Angelica archangelica) ~ exorcism, protection, healing, visions
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) ~ business success, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, lust, money, peace, prosperity, protection
Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) ~ banishing, exorcism, luck, psychic ability
Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) ~ purification, prosperity, attracts customers
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) ~ business success, happiness, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, protection, sleep
Birch Sweet (Betula lenta) ~ protection, purification, exorcism
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) ~ courage, physical energy, and protection
Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annuum) ~ water, Venus, immortality, youth, longevity
Cajeput (Melaleuca cajeputi) ~ purification, protection, dispel negative thoughts and energies, break habits
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) ~ celibacy, crown chakra, physical energy, psychic energy, purification
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) ~ love, lust
Carrot Seed (Daucus carota) ~ grounding, fertility
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) ~ cat magic, love, beauty, happiness
Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) ~ blessing, health (maintain), heart chakra, meditation, money, protection, psychic energy, purification, self-control, spirituality, unhexing
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita & Anthemis nobilis) ~ meditation, peace, sleep
Chili Seed (Capsicum annum) ~ protection, exorcism, fidelity, hex-breaking, love
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanii / cassia / zeylancium) ~ astral projection, base chakra, business success, health (maintain), luck, lust, magical energy, meditation, money, physical energy, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness, purification, spirituality
Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus / winterianus) ~ exorcism (exterior use), health (maintain), purification, unhexing
Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) ~ vivid dreams
Clove Bud (Eugenia or syzgium aromaticum) ~ balances chakras, business success, courage, divination, exorcism, healing, heart chakra, love, money, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness
Coffee Bean (Coffea arabica) ~ grounding, Earth magic, Mars, ritual stimulant
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) ~ longevity, healing, comfort, protection
Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) ~ mental and psychic ability, spiritual balance, solar plexus chakra
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) ~ healing, health (maintain), protection, psychic energy, purification
Fir Needle (Abies sibirica) ~ mind clearing, memory, communication, purification before ritual, , protection, hex removal
Frankincense (Boswellia serrata / carterii) ~ blessing, consecration, courage, exorcism, meditation, protection, purification, solar plexus chakra, spirituality
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens / x asperum) ~ happiness, protection
Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) ~ attraction, business success, courage, love, lust, magical energy, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, purification, sex
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) ~ purification
Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) ~ creativity, intuition, invoke spirits, scrying, channeling, awareness, calm, patience
Ho Wood (Cinnamomum camphora) ~ cleaning, banishing, subdue sexual desire, celibacy, chastity, psychic power, dream work
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) ~ purification, protection
Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) ~ protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism, health
Lavender (Lavandula stoechas / angustifolia / latifolia / hybrida) ~ balances chakras, business success, celibacy, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, health (maintain), love, peace, protection, purification, sleep, third-eye chakra
Lemon (Citrus limonum / limon) ~ balances chakras, health (maintain), love, physical energy, purification
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus / flexuosus / schoenanthus) ~ psychic awareness, psychic energy, purification, spirituality
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) ~ physical energy, protection, purification
Litsea (Litsea cubeba) ~ energy, rejuvenation, letting go
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) ~ celibacy, happiness, peace, sleep
Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) ~ moon, divination, lucid dreaming, prophetic dreams, protection
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) ~ astral projection, attraction, balances chakras, blessing, consecration, crown chakra, exorcism, healing, meditation, protection, psychic energy, spirituality, unhexing
Myrtle (Myrtus communis) ~ love, good luck, fertility, and Venus, feminine and water aspects
Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia) ~ purification, healing, protection, clearing negative energies, aura cleansing
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) ~ luck, magical energy, meditation, money, physical energy, psychic awareness
Opoponax (Commiphora guidotti) ~ death/resurrection, divination, Pluto, Scorpio, change
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) ~ happiness, tranquility
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini) ~ healing, love
Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) ~ luck, air element.
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) ~ attraction, banishes negativity, growth, love, luck, mastery, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, sex
Peppermint (Mentha arvensis / piperita) ~ conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), protection, purification
Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium) ~ conscious mind (stimulates), protection
Pine (Pinus sylvestris) ~ exorcism, grounding, healing, health (maintain), magical energy, money, physical energy, protection, purification
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) ~ conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), heart chakra, longevity, love, protective, remembrance, third-eye chakra, vitality
Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) ~ Mars, Moon, Venus, spirit element, fire element, intuitive health, beauty, divination, scrying, healing rituals, maturity, wisdom, femininity
Sage Dalmatian (Salvia officinalis) ~ conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, money, purification, wisdom
Sage White (Salvia apiana) ~ cleansing spaces and magical objects, banish negative energy
Sandalwood (Santalum album) ~ anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality
Spearmint (Mentha spicata) ~ comfort, healing, sleep (for protection)
Spikenard “Jatamansi” (Nardostachys jatamansi) ~ good luck, fidelity, and health
Star Anise (Illicium verum) ~ psychic power, luck
Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) ~ balances chakras, divination, happiness, joy, love, luck, magical energy, money, physical energy, psychic energy, purification, sacral chakra
Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) ~ magical energy, purification
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) ~ purification
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) ~ conscious mind (stimulates), courage, health (maintain), purification
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) ~ purification, protection
Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis) ~ love, sleep, purification, protection
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) ~ love, lust, mental power
Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) ~ divination, exorcism, love, money, peace, protection, unhexing
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) ~ protection, healing, hex-breaking
Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) ~ love, lust, peace, sex, throat chakra
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
Some observations 💫✨
• Capricorns (especially Cap suns) are extremely protective and defensive of their siblings and close friends.
• Leo influence gives individuals a heightened sense of perfectionism.
• Taurus generally have a very pleasing and dependable vibe to them even if they aren’t the nicest people.
• Gemini’s tend to have very lean bodies. The ones I’ve encountered are naturally very slender and tend to be towards the lankier side.
• Virgos can be very opinionated. It’s either their way or no way.
• Aquarians are blessed with pretty eyes omg they always have that sparkle and look otherworldly. Same goes for Pisces.
• Sagittarius can dish it but cannot take it.
• Libras like Taurus are so aesthetically pleasing. Libras along w Gemini’s are blessed with pretty lips.
• I’ve found that Sidereal astrology can be a lot descriptive and give further answers to an individual’s personality due to its varied yet rigid approach. However, it can be difficult to study thoroughly unless you’ve been doing that since the beginning.
• Aries suns love debating for fun.
• You’re likely to attract a lot of people of the same sign as your moon.
• Cancers are very emotional even if they don’t wanna admit it. Can also be quite manipulative if we’re being honest…
• Scorpios tend to be very honest but not in a way that Sagittarius’ or Virgos are, they’d likely expose something of yours that is hidden or unbeknownst to you. Very good at making judgments too tbh.
• If you want someone to give you good and realistic advice, I’d say go to someone who shares your mercury, moon or to a lesser degree, mars sign. They’d get where you’re coming from far easier.
• Lilith’s influence especially if it aspects your sun/moon/rising can make you quite self-destructive. Lilith really does intensify your life on a larger scale if it’s placed in a cadent house.
• Capricorns and Aquarians tend to be very good at teaching.
• Leos love being in relationships even if the person isn’t good for them. I think they like the attention that their partner provides them so in return they stay.
• Earth moons can be nit picky and brutally honest at times.
• Fire moons tend to be quite hardworking and resilient. They really possess the drive to keep moving forward.
• Libra moons tend to embody the perfect child that their parents want them to be.
• Your moon sign can also indicate how your parents view you.
• Aries influenced individuals have incredible personal style. I know style is subjective, but their outfits are always on point.
P.S : These are just my experiences and how I’ve observed the people with these signs around me. If you found that these are wrong or that I’m generalizing, then I’m really sorry.
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
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When I look at you, this is what I see.
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
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10 Daily Steps for Less Stress
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
And what are the benefits You definitely want to start with a 10 but what are the benefits of both Well, they both have an internal energy feel so , Qigong is better to do it because it’s more basic for everybody.
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rockcollagejjpbey · 5 years
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