rockcandysystem · 15 days
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rockcandysystem · 16 days
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My source self would support everything behind this quote. The future is plural indeed! I love this art my wife made of my source self.
~ Balan
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rockcandysystem · 16 days
[pt: #seventy-three]
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rockcandysystem · 18 days
hello!! i am looking for some endo-friendly blogs to follow at the moment! please interact with this post or follow me so i can find some supportive blogs, and maybe make some mutuals. ^.^/
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rockcandysystem · 22 days
Trying to prove a point here
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rockcandysystem · 24 days
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rockcandysystem · 25 days
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rockcandysystem · 29 days
oh wow this is a long post uhh Rock/Red: Teal, Yellowjackets, Cotton Candy Candy: Purple, pigs, Cookie dough
Xen: Red/Pink, Spiders (is that cheating?), Apple pie we uh. can't really think of anyone to tag
A person's favorite color, favorite animal, and favorite flavor of ice cream can say a lot about them when considering the answers as a whole. Some prime examples I've heard are:
~ Silver, Artic Wolf, and Mint Chocolate Chip.
~ Pink/Yellow, Putu Bird, and Cotton Candy.
~ Light Brown, Tree Kangaroo, and Rum Raisin.
~ Green, Pig, and Cookie Dough.
Mine are:
~ Burgundy, Fox, and Moose Tracks.
Tag some friends and get a sense of who they are! :)
@notable-bumblr @persistentchaos @enterfandomreference @valerietompson @paper-crowns-and-tiaras @ironxprince @acecuddle @angst-dealer @hey-you-i-just
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
I'm curious :0
'anti endos'/sysmeds/fakeclaimers DNI or we will block you, we aren't endogenic but we support them heavily, thank you for respecting our DNI. 'mdni' blogs DNI as well- we are bodily underaged, thank you. -W;🐺
[plain text: 'anti endos'/sysmeds/fakeclaimers DNI or we will block you, we aren't endogenic but we support them heavily, thank you for respecting our DNI. 'mdni' blogs DNI as well- we are bodily underaged, thank you.]
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
rerun because i wanted to see
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
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𓏹 ‌ ⠀⠀⠀𓈒⠀made by me , credit if using    ⠀˙⠀⠀⠀。
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
are your friends mostly plural: all/almost all are plural, most of them are plural, even mix, a few are plural, all/almost all nonplural (or any other options u wanna add)
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
In your head, how do your headmates / alters appear to you? A- Hyper realistic B - How they do in source C - Cartoony artstyle D - Anime. Thats it. E - Other (Put in tags) (Sorry if this has already been done! I am kinda new here HJDFKF)
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rockcandysystem · 1 month
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rockcandysystem · 2 months
poll rerun. read the note below poll
- no you cannot turn it off or choose when it happens. it just happens. yes you can put on clothes over top, if you have clothes that fit the fronters form
- nobody will notice you've changed apperence! even if you turn into a biblically accurate flying squirrel, they won't notice you've changed apperences (even if they're looking at photos of different apperences. theyll just be like "oh thats you" even if it looks nothing like the current form. don't question my tumblr poll magic.) also other forms of masking don't just dissappear!!! like, people won't know you're plural and will have the same reactions they actually do in present reality if you unmask. apperence changing is just unrelated
- if you're cofronting you're just like.... handcuffed to each other or something. or holding hands. youre stuck to each other you get it. if you're cocon, the non-fronting alters apper as shoulder demons (even if theres like 47 of them)
maybe thats too many notes but whatever. my poll blog, my tumblr polls enabled curse (/joke), my rules.
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