pas peur
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rochey1010 Β· 4 months ago
really hope Cynthia doesn’t get the same treatment Charithra got both due to stupid fans editing posters. We all know how toxic birdgerton fans are. Y’all gotta try to rein it in
Still trolling. Just keep talking. The louder you are. The more you put a target on your back. πŸ‘ you’re being watched. Just remember you exposed yourself with your own toxic nut job behaviour. πŸ‘πŸΌ
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rochey1010 Β· 4 months ago
nice try, keep playing dumb about doxxing yourself. Everyone knows Kanthony fans have beef with each other. Just know that your time is up and your up address has been captured by me. You better look up the legal laws in your country because you’re about to be held accountable for bullying and online abuse
You are embarrassing. Truly
Good luck trying to dox me you utter clown. And I suggest you learn about framing someone before you send them evidence of you trying to frame them. But thanks for the proof. You’re a gem. πŸ˜™
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
Kanthony fans are so weird. Y’all will bully and doxx each other then blame it on Sapne, Polen, QC, Benophie stans. Like maybe stop bullying everyone in Simon and Jb’s name? Y’all have this parasocial relationship with actors that you don’t even know. Actors who would be straight up embarrassed that you’re fans. It was toxic enough that you wished JB wasn’t gay so he could date Simone, but now y’all are doxxing each other online and blaming others. Y’all made the fandom so toxic and ruined it for so many of us
There’s only one doxxer here and I’m talking to the lunatic. Play dumb all you want. We’ve all passed around who you are. You think you’re smart but the more attention you seek trolling? The more you expose yourself.
So keep it up. Keep giving us ammunition. Also I suggest you look up the legalities of your behaviour. Because if I were you? The doxxing you like to do? The professional trolling you like to do? Well all I say is that you are creating a difficult future for yourself.
But that is your choice and ya know what they say? You reap what you sow. Good luck. πŸ‘
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
Is pas peur β€œpiss poor” in French?
Google translate is your friend. If that was supposed to be an insult? I suggest working on your material because that was failure.
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
imagine having 4.1 million fans and choosing to post naked pictures of yourself instead of standing up for people who are dying. Especially when your β€œbest friend” who only has 6000 followers is proudly standing up for them. Kudos to Roxy tho, she’s great
I know she’s stunning. It must kill you. Sucks to be you I guess. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
I mean I wouldn’t consider being naked on magazine covers a β€œtalent” but sure.
Are you still talking without saying nothing?
You know everyone knows who you really are right? That doxxing stuff you pulled recently was your big mistake though? Because now you’re public enemy number one. And everyone is saving all your bullshit.
I suggest you watch your back. Because the future is not going to be comfortable for you. Take that whatever way you want.
And FYI; remain obsessed with Simone who continues to live her best life while she circles round your disturbed head 24/7.
Lastly you made a big mistake hounding my blog. You’ve just met your worst nightmare. πŸ‘‹πŸΌ
And I’m also now saving your online bullshit. And I’ll pass it around to the others for record. So thanks for continuing to give me material. πŸ‘πŸΌ
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
Simone is extremely beautiful, seems really sweet, but she stands for nothing and has seemed to do everything and anything to move away from her identity as a Tamil person up until the point she started making money off of being an Indian poc.
Disliking her for not standing up to fans who bullied Charithra, Golda, Shelly and Adjoa doesn’t make us racist. Not to mention she posted once about Gaza and called it a day, while her own BEST FRIEND Roxy Faridany who has 6000 followers posted non stop about Gaza.
The fact that she claims to represent brown women but stands for absolutely nothing is embarrassing. Tamil women are so strong. We’ve overcome centuries of British colonisation, genocides and famines. Simone β€œAshley” does not and will never represent us.
If you are indeed a Tamil woman. Gotta say I am freakin embarrassed for you. Get some therapy for your parasocial fixation with Simone.
It’s not her job to police her fanbase or make you feel more inclusive of your culture. She’s an actress and she doesn’t have to wave the Tamil flag for anyone especially you. So I’ll tell you what. How about you sort out your own issues and why you need Simone to be the focal point of Tamil issues and why you need her to β€˜mommy’ her fans when she is barely online, does not have parasocial attachments to her fanbase and only uses her online presence for work related things. And then stop being a hypocrite and call out yourself and other golda, charithra, Shelly, Adjoa fans for all the abuse their fans give Simone and how not one of them has done what you expect Simone to do. Huh funny that how she’s always the exception not the rule? πŸ€”
Also good thing you are in a minority with your BS about Simone and that she does not know you exist. Nor cares and continues to be beautiful, successful and talented.
Now get the hell off my blog and obsess over who you do actually Stan. Because that’s what it’s all about. Holding Simone to standards you don’t hold others too. And we all know why that is don’t we toxic Charithra fan. But we all know Charithra is only your weapon to bash Simone with, don’t we? You would not give 2fcks about her if she wasn’t associated with Simone. So don’t try to pretend I’m falling for your concern for poor charithra, Shelly etc.
Don’t play me for a fool either. Because there’s one looking right back at you…you’ll see it in the mirror.
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
I speak perfect English and have an English degree. Me disliking Simone for not standing for anything and having no values doesn’t mean I’m the anti Benophie Stan. Kanthony fans are so fcking dumb
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
what is your point on supporting a woman like simone??? do you think thats good??? woman power??? who is gorgeous yes but like t make every other woman feel less by flaunting it.
Talented, beautiful, sweet, supportive. I mean there are many reasons to support her in the industry.
What are your reasons to obsess over her? because you’re delusional as hell and only target her because you can’t grasp your parasocial fixation with Nicola C. And are jealous on her behalf over her not having Simone’s body type. That is a YOU issue so your garbage projections are YOUR issues. And now you start targeting Yerin too. Interesting that this is also another Asian WOC. Want to confess something here about the racial implications with both women?
You’re just a jealous little attention seeker. You must have choked when Nicola complimented Simone at Glamour and presented her award to her. You’re nothing but an attention seeking troll. But you are being watched with your β€˜baby reindeer’ shit. Let that be a final warning to you.
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rochey1010 Β· 5 months ago
you dont have to sick therapy for thinking that of a poor sister being tame by the sister who claim to love her?' even if you think kate is a wonderful sister, didnt them BOTH make mistakes ??? edwina didnt pay much attention to kate and let her alone carign for the family but kate SHOULD TELL HER WHAT HAPPENED WITH ANTHONY!!! are you really so stupid and evil you can`t at least accept this??? SHIT, awful person. I hope you donpt have sister. if a sister f ours made a mistake or be immature, will you trash her and not forgive her?' because for what you said you are glad she is not in tuch them anymore
Stop, just stop. You’re a parasocial mess that has an unnatural fixation with a plus sized actress that does not know you even exist.
And you project this fixation the other way onto a nothing but sweet and supportive WOC but a WOC that minds her own business. And a WOC that also supported and complimented your favourite that you stan and obsess over.
You have no life and you need to get yourself to therapy to work out your numerous issues. But word of warning here. You can hide under all the pseudonyms you like but everyone knows who you are. You are being watched and your behaviour is being noted by other fans that don’t have issues. Your stalker bullshit with Simone was also noted. So be careful about what you do and say because online harassment translating to physical harassment is a crime. Have a good day. πŸ‘
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rochey1010 Β· 10 months ago
hi!!!! πŸ‘‹ you can't answer because you know everything i said it the truth. Its not toxicity
I love to being right about what awful people you all are
I’m gonna keep calling you a toxic embarrassment. Let me know when you get tired of wasting your life. And seek therapy for whatever the hell your issues are too. πŸ‘
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rochey1010 Β· 10 months ago
also when a fandom is toxic and pittiful matter when it if kanthony. When it is polin you can hate on them and actor anythibg you want
You again. πŸ˜‘ can you take your toxic ass off my blog. Don’t contact me again because I’ll just delete your ask and that will be you wasting your time. Bye. πŸ‘‹πŸΌ
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rochey1010 Β· 10 months ago
you are the bad person ranting about edwina on reddit but when someone call out simone arrogant you call all racist. What you did to edwina, CC is not racism babe?????
and you also hate on nicola!!! OMG!!!
Oh the Simone stalker troll is back. Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ
So what? Your psycho ass didn’t get enough attention annoying other blogs? So you decided to annoy mine?.
I have only 3 things to say to you. First is that I am indifferent to Nicola even on my good days. I do not care about her or talking about her even a little. That’s your parasocial asses job not mine.
2 is that I will always criticise Edwina and how she treated Kate as a sister. It has nothing to do with CC and her skin colour.
And lastly. I think You are an embarrassment and I suggest you seek therapy for your obsession with Simone Ashley that doesn’t even know you exist. Now like I told you on Reddit, I’m done giving you my attention.
Now why don’t you slither back to the rant sub where you can be delusional there. And don’t bother trying for more attention. You won’t get it here. Take care πŸ‘
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rochey1010 Β· 3 years ago
Hi, I saw your interactions with that idiot heller, defending Nancy. I was laughing at that heller the whole time!!! That’s exactly how they are, hypocrites who have no thinking skills 🀣🀣🀣🀣 you have a new follower and friend πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
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rochey1010 Β· 3 years ago
😘 got your back girl.
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rochey1010 Β· 3 years ago
You are all disgusting creatures!!
Wait i'm genuinely excited here. My first hate ask from a heller. πŸ₯° oh hellers never ever change. Your behaviour not only is deliriously entertaining but just reflects to the entirety of the social media platform your toxic heller playbook. Once again, another con, and another heller meltdown. But next con right. Next one it'll totally going to happen for you hellers right. πŸ€žπŸ˜„
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rochey1010 Β· 4 years ago
ALSO I 100% fucked up and meant to say that I DO agree w your breakdown of canon vs fanon in one of my replies just so you know
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