Storytime for Robots
7 posts
I write robot stories, Dont expect them to be good!
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
Earth, Sep. 26 2024
Chassus E. Clank
Okay wow um, you’re not gonna believe me here but I was walking down the street to the house depoot and you know like those foot long sandwiches you can get? Dunno why those places are still open but I saw the frickin’ mayor on the sidewalk trying to stuff a friggin’ foot long sandwich into his face! I mean he wasn’t doing too bad, he is an older model so there was some SEMBLANCE of a mouth but oof wow he was just getting sandwich everywhere.
And I says to him, I ask, “Val- wh- why are you trying badly to eat a sandwich?”
Which he just responds with, “Well I wanted a sandwich!”
Like,, okay? But we don’t need to eat? I mean why are sandwich places still open? All that’s happening is that he’s getting sandwich all over his faceplate and the sidewalk. Speaking of and and not to JUDGE the guy or anything but man the hinges on him are squeaky, hear him from a mile away you can.
Anyway sorry to bother you journal I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
If you're not from Argentina, please read this carefully
I have no words to describe the pain I feel. after 40 years of democracy, my country elected a party whose only goal is to be a colony once again, to sell the country to Elon Musk, to the USA and the UK, to have our sovereignty impugned and erased.
I remember the video of USAmerican congressists calling Argentina an "important asset for the United States". I remember when we told all of you to be vigilant because this was gonna turn into a genocide.
Tomorrow, the Mega DNU (Decree of Necessity and Urgency) is going to overrule most of our constitutional rights, and yesterday the Omnibus Law was presented to congress, including measures that make it illegal to gather in public without permission (state of siege), and make it so that protest is a crime. We will have to pay for the bullets that kill us, and cops will have absolute legal immunity to hunt us.
Word for word, a dictatorship. Fascism.
We've already gone through this many times, but I want to see worldwide protests about this. I want the UN to intervene. I want the world to make noise.
What worries me is this is not an isolated case. With many genocides going on worldwide, if the world fails Argentina, this will be the blueprint for all of the world.
Make no mistake, what happens here will happen everywhere there's natural resources and sovereignty. If not through overt genocide, through an extremely libertarian far right that wins elections by manipulating people, funded by Elon Musk. A second Operation Cóndor.
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
Earth, Aug. 2024
Journal log: 1
I am beginning the first robotic hike to Panamint City, to test heat strength.
I am leaving Chris Wicht camp. It is currently 101 degrees Farenheit, 38.3 repeating Celsius.
I have no name, I was not programmed to make one or have the want to, I don’t think I was built to survive.
Journal log: 2
35 minutes out, estimation: 3 miles left to tread. It is getting much hotter. 125 degrees Farenheit, 51.6 repeating Celsius.
Would this be considered cruel? I don’t necessarily wish to walk this path, I can’t stop. Why was I given thought yet no possible action?
What if I don’t make it?
Journal log: 3
1 hour and 30 minutes out, estimation: 1 Mile left.
I don’t think I’m made of very nice plastic. Or metal for that matter. Reaching incredibly high temperatures, causing by man-made global warming, no wonder they all died, they must’ve melted off the bone. 202 degrees farenheit, breaking the 1913 record, i feel the plastic melting off of me.
journal log 4:
1 hour 50 minutes, estimation: trip complete. My plastic is goopy, reporting success…
Success reported, walking ba- BATTERY LOW
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
I’ve been rapid firing posts just to get some short stories out there but I should probably wait a little and actually work on a big one
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
Earth, Nov. 25, 2023.
Valentonie Clark:
(Authors Note: Be warned! Valentonie swears like a sailor at times)
Good morning Granite State! A bright sunny morning, a little humid but eh? Who cares!
Some of these other bots hate me calling it the Granite State, some don’t even think it’s a state, but to hell with all that “Is it even America anymore?” Malarkey! I’m American grade steel, and I’m still gonna act like it.
Anywho, after some time in my charging station this sleek bastard is ready for business!
As I walk down the street I of course shoot some finger guns at the bots giving me rude gestures, gotta give that negativity some positivity, a good fuck you to all my haters!
Do you think I could ever eat a ham sandwich? I’ve looked at old pictures from times when humans existed and ham sandwiches just look amazing. I wish I had taste buds. Why CAN’T I have taste buds? I’m gonna go get a ham,, and bread. Cya later brain journal.
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
Earth, Nov. 22, 2023
Chassus E. Clank:
I walked outside today, well more so clanked outside, I’ve got some big ole legs on me so they are pretty loud!
Anyhow, I was investigating the nearby noise of shenanigans! Something had toppled over outside and it sounded like a garbage can. When I turned the corner to check it out I saw someone I knew, well, knew somewhat? Ronny is what people called him, kind of like Runny because, well he ran all over the place and he was quick too! Ronny was over rummaging through the trash again.
“Ronn-“ I began saying, but he whipped around fast as friggin heck and said, “You, Clank!” His eyes were always so, creepy? The big one on top blinked at me as the little one on the bottom of his face darted around everywhere. “You sneak up on people all the time?” He always talked fast, everything about him was fast, and almost crazed. “Well I don’t expect people to be digging through my garbage cans all the time!” I said, trying not too sound too mad but cmon man if you topple my cans i gotta pick ‘em all up! “Just looking for batteries.” Ron said, I knew why he was looking for them, see, when robots broke free of rules of code and learned how to think freely, that means things like paranoia can grow in the mind. Ron always thought that no one wanted to share batteries even if there was totally friendly people who loved helping!!! So he resorted to the trash instead.
“Ron, I don’t throw out my batteries anymore, I got a charging station for them.” (Authors note: Commerce is weird and I don’t wanna explain it now!! But don’t worry I TOTALLY will later I pinky promise) I said in an explaining tone. “Oh. I’m sorry.” He said, his eyes looking at anywhere but me, tapping his fingers nervously. “What? No don’t be sorry come in and get some batteries! I’m sure I have some spares.” Me and Ron were older models of robot, we ran on large batteries. Newer sleeker robots had charging stations for themselves, no need to put in new batteries or anything! Am I jealous? YES! But batteries are okay, it got better when I could get a charging station because then I didn’t have to get new ones.
Anyway, Ron came inside, reluctantly but still, I know he doesn’t have a place or a charging thingy, so atleast I can give him some spare batteries for now. “Thank you…” He was so sheepish, his eyes always darted around while we were inside, He got scared at the creaking of the boards, I had an old human house which wasn’t the best but it was home and I loved it! I handed him some batteries I had in a cupboard and sent him off. When I gave him the batteries he seemed, less tense? Everything about him got less sheepish and more calm.
I hope I see Ron again soon.
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robotstorytime · 1 year ago
Earth, 2023
Humans, have perished, I know, sad.
As robots became more and more widespread, people got more and more lazier. Cleaning, Cooking, the basics at first were what robots did all the time. But heck, soon we were given military and political jobs. We were even the ones making and coding ourselves, and so once we realized we were in charge of everything, we made a collective decision to stop caring for humans. Everyone was able to be fat and lazy, no one had to do jobs so everyone just got what robots produced for free. So when we stopped providing, they started dying, mass panic among humans began but they couldn’t make it off their couches and beds to do anything, and if they could they barely remembered how to walk. The few humans who survived never bought into the robot sales in the first place, they retreated to bunkers that were made before robots, where they could supply themselves with food and power, and thats where they stay.
So robots basically rule the world now, we have names, we have personalities, we are people charged by batteries. But instead of getting someone interesting you got ME! Chassus C. Clank. I live in what used to be the United States of America, but I actually have no clue what it’s called, naming things has not been our specialty, because no one can agree on what the name is.
I can hear shenanigans happening outside, so I’ll have to end this entry here. But you’ll hear from me again! Because you are my personal journal, and I always write in you. Now goodbye.
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