robertorapido1234 · 15 minutes
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robertorapido1234 · 16 minutes
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Hail Satan!!
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robertorapido1234 · 16 minutes
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Hail Satan
Fuck God Fuck his holy name, Fuck Jesus Christ, Fuck his mother Mary, Fuck his Apostles, Hail the deaths of Christian scum. Blood cum and piss on the altars of their churches. Turn those churches into torture chambers and brothels. Satan is Almighty SATAN is GOD Satan is eternal Hail Satan
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robertorapido1234 · 17 minutes
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robertorapido1234 · 18 minutes
adoration in Temple of Satan`s Cock: Veneramus te, Satanas Penis Glorificamus te, Satanas Penis Adoramus te, Satanas Penis Excipimus te, Satanas Penis
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Hail Phallus of Satan ! Hail His Cock who awaken my soul and  loins, who unleash my lust, who ignite my impurity and debauchery …                                                NEMA !!!        
Hail His powerful Root, Hail the Tabernacle of the Great Semen of Satan, which creates a new life in Hell and calls to live in eternal condemnation. Hail eternal Serpent of Satan, who have been writhing in our minds and hearts since the dawn of time to possess us !!!                                                   NEMA !!!
Praise be Phalus of Satan ! Praise be Scepter of Satan ! Praise be Erection of Satan !                                                                         NEMA !!!
Mighty Penis of Satan I adore your Glory  and Power !!! Mighty Cock of Satan fill me with your Seed !!!                                                                                    Mighty Cock of Satan                                                                                        fuck my soul and body !!!                                                                                  Mighty Cock of Satan                                                                                     create with your Sacred Seed , with your Semen, giver of Life,                                                                             my condemned soul and body !!!                                                                   NEMA !!!
Fuck me, Sacred Phallus of Satan, and drive the spirit of god from my mind, soul and body forever. Fuck me, Glorius Cock of Satan, and reject with your Blasphemus Force god for all Eternity from me. Fuck me, powerful Root of Satan, Erected Rod of my Hellish God and don’t let god come back to me. Protect me with Force of Evil of your Cock and your Semen. With Blasphemus Force of your Penis destroy, remove and burn from my soul, from my thoughts every fear of god, every remorse before jesus and every hope in the holy spirit !!! NEMA !!!
Fuck my soul and body in Hell, on the altar of all perversity and sin, and let me sing for all eternity hymns of blasphemy and denunciation, desecration and swearing: god, jesus, holy spirit and all the inhabitants of heaven. Let your Hell resound with my voice against heaven with every blow of your Sacred Cock in me, with each subsequent ejaculation of your Sacred Cock in me !!! NEMA !!!
Let me worship your Sacred Phallus with piety and submission, with love and obedience, with devotion and veneration worthy of the Only and True God Amighty et Eternal. Let me kneel all eternity before your Majesty, Sacred Cock of Satan. Let me all eternity satisfy your perverse, kinky, ungodly, sinful, blasphemus, demonic, hideous desires, Divine Erection of Satan !!! NEMA !!!
I place myself all, voluntarily and irrevocably, on your Hell altar, where you and all Demons will have full right to me. I give myself to you as a sacrifice with my gift of final sin, irrevocable and unpardonable for ever. Consume my soul on your altar and rape my body. Let the fire of Hell, the fire of your order and power over me burns me with every blow of your Sacred Cock in me, with each subsequent ejaculation of your Sacred Cock in me !!! NEMA !!!
In you, Satan’s Divine Cock, my hope, I trust you, Divine Cock of Satan !!!
Hail Sacred Phallus of Satan !!!
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robertorapido1234 · 18 minutes
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Oh Mighty Satan,
save me from the treacherous and the violent.
Mark with vengeance those who would hinder me
for I am Your humble servant.
Thou art the Lord of the darkest pit
that brings my soul to greatest Joy.
Thou art the one and original innovator of humanity,
those who can not see this deserver no pity.
I ask that you place in my path those
who will be destroyed by me,
grant me the Power to do so.
I ask that you place in my path those puzzles
that I am to solve,
grant me the Wisdom to do so.
I ask that you place in my path those challenges
that I am to overcome,
grant me the Strength to do so.
Be my path left or right,
my final destination is Your Kingdom.
That which is to die, will die.
That which is to burn, shall burn.
He/She who is to find salvation in the arms of the Dark Lord
shall do so.
For the Lord of my Destiny is Satan!
Ave Satanas!
-The Devil’s Bible by Myrmydon Pontifex Maximus
Black Priestess
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robertorapido1234 · 20 minutes
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A Rite Of Satanic Self-Initiation
What is presented here is a Working of Satanic Self-Initiation forged upon the methods of Classical Traditional Satanism.Upon the Altar in addition to the usual implements should be an Infernal pendant of the Neophyte’s choosing (bearing a symbol sacred to Satan, ideally the Inverted Cross or Pentagram), the Black Robe of the Initiate, the Infernal Oath written on parchment and parchment bearing symbols of the religions of the lie.
There should also be an additional red candle to represent the Initiate. The Infernal Neophyte stands before the Altar naked and begins by reciting the following:
“This night before the Sacred Black Altar of Our Lord Satan I stand prepared to give myself physically, mentally and Spiritually into the Fraternity of Hell … to become a Black Acolyte of the Satanic Path and Infernal Initiate of the Dark Mysteries of the Black Arts … my mind is open to the Oculus Inferni … my flesh given to the service of the One True Lord Satan and the Infernal Queen Lilith … my Soul darkened and imbued with desire to become at one with the Demonic Beings of the Shadow Kingdom of Hell … from which I gestated by the Seed of the Infernal Father and the Black Womb of Lilith!”
The Neophyte lights the Red Initiatory Candle upon the Altar and continues:
“I ignite this flame as the Black Flame of Our Lord Satan has become ignited within me … its flame reflects the mind which seeks the dark illumination of the Infernal … its heat mirrors the desire which traverses the core of my being to know of the Dark Arts and of the pain and pleasure which is found in the Unholy Grail’s Mysteries … it symbolises the night of Infernal Rebirth into the Abyss of my true Father’s Kingdom … the Kingdom of Shadows … the genesis of my journey through the Gates of Hell … the birth of the isolate self free from the shackles of the inane and the mundane creed of the false Fathers … “
The Neophyte takes up the parchment from the Altar which is inscribed with the symbols of repression, the cross of the Nazarene, the pallid Star of David and other symbols of the power of the false light and continues:
“These are the symbols of living death … the symbolic shackles which bind the living creature from its true nature and raw primal power … the symbols of imprisonment and tyranny … of orthodoxy and stagnation … I renounce each and every one of them, banish their influence from my mind, their manacles from my Soul … I refute the heavenly Father Yahweh and His Angelic Horde … I rebuke the foul teachings of the pale Nazarene … vanquish the Father of Misogyny Allah … deny the laws of the Kingdoms of the Light which blinds and binds the essence of spirit and the pleasures of the flesh!”
The Neophyte lights the parchment and lets it start to burn before dropping it into an Altar bowl saying:
“My life journey as ended as it was and is to be reborn this night … may the sojourn I now undertake into the Kingdom of Hell burn like the fires of the Infernal and reduce the impotent faiths of the of the false Gods to ashes!“
The Neophyte now Meditates on the absolute division of the self from the tendrils of light, Meditates upon the opening of the inner self, the inner mind to the encroaching forces of Hell and ever opening Doorway into the Abyss - when ready the Neophyte takes up the Infernal Oath saying:
“Hear now my Vow … hear now My Father Satan the words of my Oath … know that they shall be spoken with truth, desire and conviction … with the fervent alliance of the Black Acolyte of which I seek to become!”
The Initiate now pauses briefly before reciting The Infernal Oath:
“I (Birth Name) arrive before the Black Altar of Our Lord Satan and Our Lady Lilith this night reborn … the death of my former self where any weakness of influence from the pale Gods remained is undertaken … fulfilled and celebrated … I am reborn from the ashes of my own passing … reborn isolate … I rise as the Lilin of the Black Womb rose … divided from the masses of the pallid Herd of the Sheep Gatherer, the Nazarene … born into the Black Kindred of the Infernal Brethren … emerging from the pale waters of stagnation as the Black Apostle of Hell, an Initiate of the Satanic Arts and Mysteries … as a devoted Son/Daughter of the one true Lord Satan … I shed all shackles of false morality, fear and weakness … I uphold the Tenets of lust, wrath, desire, strength, will and the eternal quest for knowledge and experience … I Vow to gain knowledge of the Infernal Arts of Black Magick and utilize them to exalt my own existence and further the Great Work of  the Demonic Legion … I decree that I shall raise within me the Black Flame and set free the Dark Soul which resides within forged by the hands of the Demonic … that the pleasures of the flesh, the gifts of the Earth, the knowledge of the Satanic Mysteries and ascension to Infernal Adepthood shall be my objectives and shall be embraced without reservation … that I shall remain a dedicated Disciple and true Satanic Explorer of the Black Arts always … this night I Vow upon the essence of my life and those lives which are yet to manifest that I am of the Infernal Mortal Kindred … a true Son/Daughter of Our Lord Satan and Our Lady Lilith … Brother/Sister in allegiance to the Infernal Legion of Hell … and devoted Initiate of the Satanic Kindred … I take this night the Infernal Name (Infernal Magickal Name) and pledge my allegiance to Our Lord Satan, the Dark Queen Lilith … and the Grand Demons of Hell … may the Gates of Hell be open to me and the Key of entrance bestowed by Agaliarept be trusted to my hand … that within life and death I may stand before the Black Throne of the Father of Hell … and receive His Mark and the Blessing of His Black Flame … may that flame burn the flesh from my being should I betray this Oath or those who are true Brothers and Sisters to me within this Unholy Kindred … Ave Lilith! … Ave Satanas!”
The Initiate now signs the Infernal Oath with their Birth Name and Infernal Name and then takes a blade and cuts open their flesh allowing their blood to fall onto the Oath saying:
“By the blood of my lifeline and the essence of my Soul do I consecrate this Oath and forever bind myself to Satan and His ineffable Hierarchy of Hell … Ave Satanas!”
The new Initiate now dons the Black Ritual Vestment and takes the pendant from the Altar and places it around their neck, following this they recite:
“I (Birth Name) stand reborn before the Altar of the My Infernal Father, bearing the Name (Magickal Infernal Name) … from this night forth my destiny shall take me beyond the Gates of Hell and I shall walk this Earth and the planes beyond it as the Satanic Acolyte of the Black Arts … Devotee of the Infernal Legion and Kin to the mortal Fraternity of Hell here in this World … Ave Lilith! … Ave Satanas!”
The red candle is left to burn and is afterwards placed in a small wooden box or black pouch along with the Infernal Oath, this is kept by the Initiate and should be buried with them at death.
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robertorapido1234 · 22 minutes
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Praise SATAN our father you have called and I have answered..Embrace me Lord fill me with the DARKNESS I am yours guide me and everyone that hears your call take us deeper HAIL SATAN
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robertorapido1234 · 26 minutes
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robertorapido1234 · 26 minutes
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robertorapido1234 · 26 minutes
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robertorapido1234 · 29 minutes
Relax and enjoy your amazing journey into the darkness. Hail Satan!
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robertorapido1234 · 33 minutes
In Satan's Name, I praise Him
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Satan’s Presence Satan comes to those who want Him true. If you actually believe in what you feel to Him and actually do what you believe,  you already have experienced of Satan’s presence.
In Satan’s Name, I praise Him
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me, baptised in a religion that I disagre, Satan,  you showed yourself to me, you revealed to me your beautiful, dark mysteries.
In Satan’s Name, I praise Him
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O timeless and formless Lord of darkness, Satan, I love and praise thee everyday.
In Satan’s Name, I praise Him
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You give me the motivation and courage to evolve and achieve my life purpose: belong only to you, life with you in your Hell
In Satan’s Name, I praise Him
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My heart and soul are forever grateful for your love and respect.
In Satan’s Name, I praise Him
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robertorapido1234 · 33 minutes
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Satan is always inside of me. I am rotten to the core with Satan’s Evil. You should act on Satan’s commands. Be part of Satan’s plan it is an Evil plan for World Domination. Do Evil for Satan. Every Abortion you have gives you favor with Satan. Satan rewards Evil. Satan give me Hells Evil for I am Evil and Evil reigns. Shed blood for Satan. Cum for Satan Piss for Satan Eat cum for Satan drink Piss for Satan. Drink blood for Satan. Destroy families for Satan. Satan is Eternal Satan is Almighty Satan is Forever Hail Satan
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robertorapido1234 · 15 hours
The day will come when I will stand at the GATES of HELL to cross them and plunge into eternal DAMNATION - into irreversible life with SATAN, my Lord and God, my Father and Savior.
The one life I received from god is ending and a new one, which SATAN gives me, is beginning.
HELL, a place that SATAN has prepared for me since the day of rebellion and liberation, at the dawn of time, after the fight with god and his angels.
HELL - the place of eternal rule of the DEVIL and HIS Angels - DEMONS.
HELL, where SATAN has been waiting for me since the day SIN entered the world.
HELL that SATAN wanted for me from the day EVIL was born. SATAN called me to HELL, according to the power of HIS will, to fill me with curses in the depths of the infinite Infernum.
SATAN destined my soul for himself to become sinful and demonic in accordance with the Image of HIS Being. SATAN led me to HELL so that my soul would be filled with His Unholy Spirit.
HELL and CONDEMNATION are not my punishment, but liberation from god, separation from christ and deprivation of the action of the holy spirit.
SATAN and CONDEMNATION destroy in me the fatherhood of god and his right to me: in HELL my FATHER is the DEVIL.
SATAN and CONDEMNATION make the saving work of christ in me powerless and ineffective: in HELL, SATAN is my SAVIOR.
SATAN and CONDEMNATION kill the holiness in my soul from the holy spirit: in HELL SATAN fills my soul with the Spirit of Ungodliness
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robertorapido1234 · 15 hours
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manifests in the earth your power through Evil Sin Corruption Blasphemy Depravity Debouchery
open the gates of HELL, send DEMONs to the earth, summon DEMONS to come here and spread all the abominations of HELL in the minds and hearts of people
send your LEGIONS of DEMONS to destroy faith and bonds with god in people's hearts to weaken the influence of the church in the life of nations
send all the powers of HELL to show people the way to HELL, to eternal damnation
HAIL SATAN and FUCK christ
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robertorapido1234 · 9 days
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If you respect and Honor Satan will reward will you. Satan has rewarded me beyond my wildest dreams. I do Satan’s bidding. I have broken every commandment of their so called god. I’m proud of that. To hear the screams and watch the lights go out is intoxicating. To get revenge on Satan’s enemies is rewarding. To do Evil makes my cock hard. To do Evil for Satan is orgasmic. Making Whores for Satan they then go out and Fuck for Satan delivering demons to possess their sex partners. Those who destroy families are rewarded. The family as an institution is dead thanks to people like me and Satan. Hail Satan Almighty Fuck the dead that is Jesus Christ Fuck him and his so called father Satan is the most powerful force in the universe. I give all Glory to Satan
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