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i could not be more agree with you about this because also i love malala and all the things she had done and well you expose my point of vew very well, i thing very similar like you
Malala came to Mexico and we as students of Tecnologico de Monterrey had to write our opinions about it.
Last week Malala came to Mexico. She was offering a conference in Santa Fe. When I was in high shool my teacher told me how brave she was and what an excellent example she was teaching us, but I never tought that she was going to be here.I did not had the oportunity to go but I saw the hole video. What I liked about her speech was not her message or her ideas. It was the confidence that she exuded everytime she said something. The reason why I admmired her is that she never stops, she is always trying to improve and even thought I had never been in Pakistan I know how it is when someone specially men assume that you are less important or intelligent just because of your gender. She never gave up even when she was ill, she undesrstood the impact that her actions could make and that is the reason why she won a Nobel Prize. She talked about how we can be the change that we want to see in the world. She encouraged us to use social media to raise our voice and be loud about our problems and necesities and to feel empowered without being resentful. That is the reason why she is so inspirational, she knew exactly what to say in that conference for me to feel a little more confident about my decisions and overall potencial.
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WOW I AM AMAZED ABOUT WHAT YOU SAID IN THIS BECAUSE IS THE MOST COMPLETE ACTUVITY THAT I HAD READ, i love your activity it was amazing and i cant be more agree with you in everything :)
We were asked to talk about how was Mexico many years ago and here is what happened.
At the dawn of January 10 in 1967 nobody thought that we would have a snowfall in Mexico City. This was the first and last time that we saw this magnificent phenomenum bringing joys and happiness to everyone in touch with the snow because no one could believe what they were seeing. Also this decade was important because Mexico had a huge in the internacional topics because of the wars Mexico was able to pronounce himself as a powerfull economic in the world. Nowadays we do not have any snow in our city, we are just trying to reconstrust what its left because of the recent earquake and we are positive, but this is not the best moment. Even in economics we are still growing as a potencial economic as 50 years ago but we are not seeing changes because of the poor management of public and private resources. That does not mean that we are working less or putting less heart in our projects. We are simply not learning of our mistakes as individuals, but more importantly as a country.
We also were asked to write about how diferent were our lifes in the past….
I was born in 1997 close to 2000´s. Some people would think that by that time we were as advanced in tecnology as we are now, but that was not the case we did not grew up playing in our iPad, we were able to still play games like escondidas in the street because what it seems dangerous now was pretty normal at that moment. I was going to finish High School in my old school, but again when the time came I was ready to change my plan and go to another school. What I am saying is that the last decade I was alive, I was thinking about toys and kindergarden stuff and now I am 20. I am feeling old and I am not even close to be a convincing adult. Everything changed super fast and now I am just hoping to know how to manage my life to be a more prepared and better person .
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i liked a lot all what you said and and i thing that is cute because my sister loves mulan and she is very smal and cute and what you said remember me to her :)
Listening: Labwork 3
We were asked to talk about any topic we liked. That is why I choose to talk about Mulan because it is my favourite movie in the entire world. Also I talked about one of my favourite songs played by Coldplay.
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it’s a little bit corridos how the smells are asocieted whit thugs don’t you thing? i have a quietion, the smell just the cigarette smell, what remembers you???🤔🤔🤔 i would like to know what the orange smell remember you, just curiously
Personal Story
I’ve got the chance to visit Europe many times, and although I have traveled through many countries, I always associate the smell of coffee and cigarrettes with some place in Europe.
Sometimes when I go to any coffee shop and there’s someone smoking or even if I have a cup of coffee on my hand and someone smokes nearby the thought of “Oh! It smells like France” just comes up.
Also something that happens a lot is that my memories come in images. So I have a really detailed image in my memory, and they sometimes come with smells or sounds, even specefic conversations or people.
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it is so interesting everything about your uncle because my aunt is also a pilot and i admire him so much because he is like very interesting all his story’s and things like that, but i am amazed because of your uncle, i like it so much
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i like your point of view about what malala said, i would like to know more about what you think, like what do you thing about the other things that malala an the feminism happen though the confernece.
Malala in TEC
Malala Yousafzai visited Tecnológico de Monterrey not too long ago. She said some interesting things that I agree with. As the time passed by and I got older, I started thinking why people just asume things base don how someone looks, and why it is seen as something normal. What I realized is that we are literally taught to do it, because as babies we learn by doing the exact same thing as our parents.
Malala stated in her conference that we shouldn’t discriminate against others, and that’s what I agree on. In my opinion, everyone can learn from each other, maybe they see things in a different way tan you, but that is in no way something bad. You can discover new ways of seeing the same thing. What Malala preaches is really important, I truely believe that, and her life is shocking, it is amazing how she actually goes to college right now, but I want to see her doing something for her people other tan just talking about experiences. Maybe when she graduates and is older, but for now, I think she’s just a girl, with an impressive background talking about her life.
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i love your story and well i like it a lot the thigs that you saud about texas but would you like some day to retour there or maybe to see your friends frome back then or no?
Throwback to Texas
It was about 4 or probably 5 years ago when I moved up to ATX to live for a while with my family. This place holds lots of beautiful moments for me, they are highly moving for me. I must say I did learn lots over there, and I believe that wherever you go even if it’s for a month or a year, there are certain scents that when you caught a glimpse of it, it takes you way back to that place, and that’s what happened to me. Even if those scents are either charming or on the other hand, disgusting. There is this fragrance in specific that reminds me of the bathroom of the department I used to live in with my family (not that it stank, it smelled pretty good indeed), there is this serum for the hair my mom bought once, when I opened it to put some on my hair, I smelled that grape scented serum, it took me way back to that department in Texas. And to be back at least for a second, I think people appreciate that the most (when a scent makes you think about some certain place or person) when they miss that place/person a lot. And that’s what happened to me, I loved it so much, luckily for me I lost the serum (: I can´t find it anywhere and it does make me kind of sad, actually, it really bugs me! because I loved the power it had of taking me back to one of my favorite places. Well, now I guess it will just live forever in my memory. Lately, I’ve been toying with the idea of coming back there, but, who knows…anything can happen.
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i could not be more agree with you and i like your pont of view about malala but i would like to make you a question, what thing do ou thig is the most important froma the things malala has done?
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Malala’s conference in Tec Santa Fe
What Tec surprised us with this time, was quiet lovely/amazing. Walking through the hallway of my school, I saw this huge banner announcing that Malala Yousafzai was coming to Mexico to give a conference the 31st of August at Tec Santa Fe and I immediately felt this warm feeling inside of me. At the same time you could see all the people lining up to get tickets to go see her. It was Malala who fought for her (and for women’s) education rights back in Pakistan, her life has not been easy at all but she has been an inspiration to us all. I just have to say it’s fascinating, despite of the pretty rough journey she had embarked on. What Malala talked about in the conference got me intrigued, she talked about her life back in Pakistan and how even though the Taliban people tried to shut her out (with a murder attempt) she did not lower her voice. Shocked by everything Malala had said, she could not stop receiving applauses and had a hearing from around 10.5 k people from Mexico. What really caught my attention was how young she is and how many things she had already accomplished. I also remember she said she was going to Oxford now (she’s off to college) and I could not be prouder, I mean, from going to Pakistan (where the education had been prohibited for women) to one of the best universities all around the world, it’s pretty big. Having been nominated for the Nobel Prize and actually won it, Malala Yousafzai with just 20 years, had really changed the world. Gladly, I got so see her, at least through a TV screen.
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i liked so much all what you said about mexico and the fous you gave to the topic, what i liked more is the part of death day i realy love that day and where i read about that i love it
How Mexico used to be 50 years ago to nowadays
“This, our city. Chronicles and images shaped up in the Cri-cri’s songs, photographs of famous characters, tv commercials and in the newspapers…” - Enrique García
The first broadcast of Televisa (a very well-known TV chain from the outset of its emergence) was first filmed in 1950, 67 years later, Televisa is still one of the biggest TV chain most seen in Mexico. You may wonder why is this important, but a lot of things has changed now, Mexico is different from the one it was 67 years ago and a lot of things that came along its way. From the outset, Mexico has been a very strong country, although Mexico has gone through a lot of tough situations, dates we will never forget dates like 1968 (Tlatelolco massacre), 1985(one of the biggest earthquakes), 2009 (Daycare ABC massive fire), 1984 (PEMEX explosion), 2017 (most recent earthquake). This are just some of the dates that are unforgettable for Mexico. 50 years ago Mexico was allegedly described as a colorful jungle that was about to be extremely known for the art of pottery (inspired in the Indian culture), street barbers, pottery art, public laundry, geography, Indian craft, pyramids, rope making, etc… most of them still prevails. Although lots of things has been introduced in this beautiful country, such as technology, new cars in the market, traditions, way of living/thinking, Mexico is still learning, after all… Rome isn’t built in a day.
I’m certain Mexico, in years to come, will continue raising, we’re at the verge of a better country. The heftiest question here is, when?
Source#1: (video could not be embedded)
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This is a video about the life story of a family member that his life experiences are interesting to me, in this case i selecct my dad because i really admire him, this is a video that was the result of the interview that i made to him.
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video of 2 topics, favorite clothes and movies
this is a video where i talk about the clothes and movies that i like it most and why, just touch the link
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How Mexico has change from 1950 to today
Well i saw a documentary that talks about Mexico in general more focuse in the educational topic, that documentary talks about a Mexico with diferent rules, the people back there were more revolucionist, the parents were more strict with the kids more with the men and the womem well moreless, in the documentary they mention that they belive that in upcoming years mexico will transform in a first world nation but until today we havent achieved but i believe that we are going to be a better nation in a few years maybe not tomorrow but in a few years and talking about the education of the childs i think that mexico has aimprove in that because today mexico is like more relaxed with the childs and there is less discrimination that back then
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Listening part
I chose this story because at first I was thinking that it was going to be like a football documentary or something but it turs out that it was about a kid that have a disease and can’t move his legs but he accomplish his dreams of play football and became the Capitan of the team and then what he made was awesome he made a TOUCHDOWN I was like omg that’s so beautiful and it was. A boy named Gabrel Mangu had a dream of play football but because of a disease that he has he can’t move his legs but he became part of a team a team that treat him like a family and doesn’t see him different as a human being then at the final game he made a TOUCHDOWN
I chose this article because I like the title, I was like curious about what could talk about this and well it wasn’t so wrong from what I was thinking it was very interesting because it talks about a couple that love the nature and they plant around 3000 to 4000 every year just because they want to put the land back to its natural state and they say “if we don’t help the wild life they can’t help themselves” I like it a lot this video because I am fascinating with save the nature
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Malala Report
The conference that malala had at Tec de monterrey was awesome well for me it was awesome because TEC receive a nobel price and let her open to the Tec comunity primarly, well while the conference was taking place many of topics call my atention in those the next ones that I am going to present, some are about a fact of her life that from my point of view made her who she is and 2 things that I consider was the most important in the conference
At first i would like to start saying the facts that i like about her life the first fact that i like it was when Malala said that her father was going to teach her in home, i like this because in her culture that a father have that kind of iniciative is dificult and becasue the desition of her father she is what it is now
When Malala start answering questions like “what do you think about Trumps plans for Mexico?” or her perspective about the equality of gender in Mexico and her answers were right, were acceptable but in one point I dont like that Malala start to say that women are better than men if she is talking about equality of gender, that is something that doesnt make sense
And the other question were “what is the advatage of a cutry with equality and what Malala answer to that was that she thing that it would be a great society a society with well economical support and with independence in his citiecents
To conclude i would lke to say that this interviwe that Tec had with Malala was more like a waste of time becase the mayority of questions were like insesary, they could made questions more important for a Nobel Price than the once they did
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this is a video where i exposed the 5 diferent genders of the cinematografy and the most popular of them
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What I select was a video about the immigrants I Mexico, the documentary bring information about numbers and facts that immigrants suffer in their travel to Mexico. After watch this short documentary I realize that the world is cruel, that for the majority of people (Immigrants) the life, just live one more day is hard; it was until I watch this documentary that I realize how hard the life of an immigrant is because you don’t know if you ae going to live to accomplish your dream at the next day or if your life will end because you die bay the conditions/because of the robbers/etc. But the thing that calls more my attention was the numbers because what they say was that many of the girls were raped, many of the girls that are immigrants were raped 6 o 10 girls, with that number I was in shook because more that the half suffer when they want to accomplish their dreams, and there a doctor says like “a girl of 1 years arrives with me asking for an anticonceptive injection” that think make me want to cry, to conclude with this I would like to say that I am very sad about the society because everyone are like “jeyyyy help others” “wuuu Mexico is the best” “we ae one” “girls support girls” but if they really think that, why people need to move to other country or why people suffer in this waysWhat I select was a video about the immigrants I Mexico, the documentary bring information about numbers and facts that immigrants suffer in their travel to Mexico. After watch this short documentary I realize that the world is cruel, that for the majority of people (Immigrants) the life, just live one more day is hard; it was until I watch this documentary that I realize how hard the life of an immigrant is because you don’t know if you ae going to live to accomplish your dream at the next day or if your life will end because you die bay the conditions/because of the robbers/etc. But the thing that calls more my attention was the numbers because what they say was that many of the girls were raped, many of the girls that are immigrants were raped 6 o 10 girls, with that number I was in shook because more that the half suffer when they want to accomplish their dreams, and there a doctor says like “a girl of 1 years arrives with me asking for an anticonceptive injection” that think make me want to cry, to conclude with this I would like to say that I am very sad about the society because everyone are like “jeyyyy help others” “wuuu Mexico is the best” “we are one” “girls support girls” but if they really think that, why people need to move to other country or why people suffer in this ways
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