robcakeran53 · 9 years
I'm imagining the next shot is of him trying to put out the fire on his tripod, completely ignorant to the fact that his feet are ablaze.
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
This is so beautiful... If only MLD was really like this.
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My Little Dashie the Movie
(dumb ideas form Aphex’s skype call)
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
One of the best lines in M*A*S*H. Carry on, Hawkeye.
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
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I thought this looked kinda neat. It's hard to see, but there is suppose to be a driveway out there somewhere...
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
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Fifteen minutes in. FIFTEEN MINUTES INTO CLEANING, AND ALREADY I'M ENTERING THE LABYRINTH. Sometimes, I wonder where I even get this stuff? Like, does my bedroom just absorb all the things that time has forgotten?
Anyway, the first pic is pretty self explanatory... that yellow book has a floppy disk dated 1994. The second pic is of the first Cartoon Network magazine, dated Winter 2002. Man, breezing through this right now... nostalgia... and the other book is for typewriting, which isn't as odd if you know me any. The third pic is a US Government book from 1968, and a VHS tape of a Bill Nye episode. Now I wanna get one of my VCR's going.
And finally, that last pic. That. Last. Pic. I completely forgot about that ketchup. I found that in my dads cabin up north last year, and brought it home to show off, then I lost it. Welp, there it is! Dated 2001, it is even still mostly full of ketchup! Yummy, brown, mushy ketchup. And finally my hair dryer... I've seriously been looking for that for months now.
I wonder what other horrors await me!
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
Room cleaning day!
So, I've been stuck home for the last few days... and I think it's time I cleaned my room. Since it's only been a year since the last time... and two or so years since I vacuumed last.. Well, lets see what weird shit I can find! Allons-y!
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
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I've had a few people asking me to post my "Wall of Shame" as I call it, so here they are! The first image is also just for a friend who I told I got an old writing desk, and she wanted to see it. Note too my old Westinghouse cabinet radio. Behind those two doors is a 78 speed turntable, which is ideal cause I mostly collect 78's.
Scary thought for me though is I've been cleaning...
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
Man, more schools closing here in Michigan, and collage tuition through the roof. Soon going to High School will be a privilege like collage is now.
Also, I guess they wanna raise the minimum wage here... wow, I can't even begin to express how bad of an idea it is, but why should I? People don't take the time to actually think about what they're doing, so why would they take time to read a person's opinion who disagrees with it?
So, I guess it's time to start stocking up on everything I can before it's so expensive you can't live anymore. Oh wait, we already barely are managing... right...
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
Asshole Tip of the Day
So people keep reblogging all these things about feminists, and racists, and sexists, and homo...phobo...sists? Anyway, so what? Why can't we all just agree that everyone hates everyone else? So what if someone doesn't like another person for who/what they are, fuck them. As long as you like you for who you are, then nuts to other people.
See, hating each other is a part of our species. It's how we live, how we thrive. We shouldn't be trying to stop it, we should be learning to adapt to it. Is it wrong to though? Maybe yes, maybe no. But you cannot change a person by saying angry things at them, or setting up protests about their ideas. We need to be taught that just cause people may hate you for your race, or your sexuality, doesn't mean that you have to feel the same way too.
When growing up, we need to be shown to hate someone for who they are, not what. If the person is an asshole, then he's an asshole. Just deal with it. If you don't like them, then ignore them or leave them alone. It's easier than most think.
I'm just sick of reading all this bullshit about people attacking others because of what they are. That's how people are though, so just deal with it! My family is barely surviving, and you don't see me going after snobby people who have too much money so they wipe their asses with it.
We have a right to hate each other, and we just need to accept that. Otherwise, we'll start to get offended every time something slightly negative is thrown our way. Then we'll start attacking them and repeating the same process they started in the first place!
Just remember that it's important to know who you are, not what. We're always being categorized, so don't let it get to you.
Also, I have no idea if any of that made any sense. I'm so hungover right now and I got work at my dads all day, cutting and splitting wood in -5 temperatures so that he can survive the winter, that all this other drama and petty bullshit everyone is having over stuff like "Oh my God, I'm gay and this person doesn't like it, MAN THE TUMBLR CANNONS!" is just... pissing me off. 
Just save yourself the time and accept that you hate everyone. Hell, I hate most everyone. Like the dumbasses who don't use turn signals, or the lazy ass who throws paper in the trash and it misses, but doesn't bother to pick it back up. Or even the bum that's jerking off behind a dumpster. Just hate everybody. It makes your life so much easier and less stressful.
... wow, I'm an asshole.
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
PK, you shouldn't have to stop feeling anything. It is perfectly okay to feel hurt, betrayed by someone in such an instance. It is a terrible thing to have happen, especially to you who have done so much for many of us, myself included. But don't let this kind of thing change you or effect you negatively. It is wrong that all of this has suddenly happened, how so many people who, I bet at one time, appreciated your art and enjoyed it.
It isn't fair that because of some post on the internet that now they are betraying and attacking you. This here is the bottom of the barrel we call our fandom. The liars, slanderers, and all out aggressors who think that being a bunch of mean doo doo heads is the only coarse of action against each other.
It is one thing to protect original artists from fraud, to call them out and have it rectified, but when you yourself had explained it, had posted it yourself, and been a reliable source of original work that proves you don't copy art for yourself, it's just sickening.
Just remember PK, that we're here for you. I myself, and I'm sure many others too, have seen too much good in you to allow some people hating on you to effect you so negatively. It's not fair, but it's also a part of life. Just be strong. We're part of that strength, so don't give in to the weight. Hopefully this will all blow over with time, but you just gotta hang in there until it has.
Now, keep up the art. Stopping, or even slowing down will only weaken you further.
There’s a DA post from a young girl who met me at Nightmare Nights. She had no money to spend and it was her first pony convention. But she was SO enthusiastic and so happy to be a part of it all, it was the kind of joy that’s bursting at the seems, impossible to hold back or hide.
I gave her...
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
Fic Peak: Bloomberg
So, I guess I'll start using this tumblr. Here's a sneak peek at a one shot I'm working on, called "Bloomberg." It's a first person POV in a Forrest Gump style narrative. Enjoy!
Mama always told me I were a special tree.
Not just ‘cause I were an apple tree neither. No sir. There were many other apple trees ‘round me when I grew up. But Mama kept tellin’ me that one day I’d be special. I liked it when she told me that. There were only one other thing I liked more than Mama’s nice words; her stories. All about trees before me that grew up like I would, and how they got big and strong and made her family proud.
That was a lot to take in when I were little, ‘cause I didn’t think I could be all that. I don’t ‘member much from when I were little, but I do ‘member I was a small, skinny little apple tree. I wasn’t even big enough to be in the ground when Mama found me. There were some sort of tradition she had ta do, somethin’ ‘bout pickin’ a tree to perform some special Apple family tradition. I weren’t real keen on the details, but I didn’t much care back then. When Mama picked me, I thought I were goin’ to heaven itself.
Well, I didn’t really know what heaven was until Mama told me ‘bout it. I didn’t really understand at first, but she told me about her mama and papa and how they were up in heaven with the angel ponies, and how much she missed them a lot but her granny told her they were in a better place. She cried that first night I were with her. I couldn’t do nuthin’ for her, so I just sat there, in my little pot, keepin’ her company.
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robcakeran53 · 10 years
Oh yeah...
So, I forget that I even have a tumblr thing, and that I can actually do stuff here. So, um... I guess if you wanna ever ask me a question, go for it. I may even consider posting WIP fic ideas/scenes here, to see what people think of my zany ideas.
Or, as a friend suggested to me, ask me about some of the random stuff I have in my bedroom... if you can even call it that.
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robcakeran53 · 11 years
Huh, my father has one of those rotting in his back yard. Been there going on twenty years now.
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Surprise!! I needed a daily driver, so I got another one. #firstworldproblems #firstworldsolutions #datsun #280z
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robcakeran53 · 11 years
Waaaait just a minute... that car, that perfectly intact looking car... is no longer "Road Legal"? It's not rusted out, full of holes, missing its hood, got a cracked window, a side window missing and a trash bag duct tapped on, a railroad tie as a bumper, been rear ended, got headliner half fallen down, half the lights not working, a bent and/or rotted out frame, fenders flopping in the breeze, more than one donut spare tire, missing all but one mirror, miss colored body parts, leaking/burning oil, coolant, trans oil or anything else liquid... AND ITS NOT ROAD LEGAL??? I'm dumbstruck, cause every single thing I listed is what 90% of the vehicles are like here in Michigan, and they are perfectly road worthy. My clunkers included. God I love where I live.
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Yesterday, the Punto took its MOT test.
It failed.
It is no longer road legal.
So can we have a moment of silenced for the most loved car in the UK Brony Community.
It photobombed the Manechester group shot.
It took us to Legoland.
It took us to Le Mans.
It chaufeurred artists to and from BUCK.
Reblog and show some love and support for the Manechester Punto.
Maybe even shed a tear, I know I did.
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robcakeran53 · 11 years
Ha ha, these are great. The "Sweetest mare around" one made me choke on my Sunkist.
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Rarity.  Holy shit.
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robcakeran53 · 11 years
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I humanized the Magic School Bus, since it’s Ms Frizzle’s TARDIS equivalent! I mean, she IS a Timelord right? And the cliche of overused references ensued!
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