𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐬
12 posts
take me home to the place i belong
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
rkseungwoo · 5 years ago
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snoopwoo  678-999-8212
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rkseungwoo · 5 years ago
  /     𝗸𝘆𝘂𝗹𝗸𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗴.
she doesn’t know when to stop talking, when to stop eating, when to stop coming back to the same stall every time she gets hungry and is in the area. but as always, she continues those bad habits and allows them to fester - no matter how much of a pig the people at the noodle stall may think she is. in all honesty, there isn’t an inch of her that cares but her concern about others’ image of her is still a nice thought to entertain. 
she stumbled upon it on mistake, her usual go to on the run snack closed for the evening and she was devastated. but that was about a week ago when she thought it was still the best stall in the area and boy, was she wrong. kyulkyung began to frequent the little stall - speaking out of boredom to whatever ears that were listening. and more often than not, it came to be the man who she had come to know as seungwoo. 
“hm. someone’s acting weird today.” the woman speaks freely as the line is nonexistent after herself. placing an palm flat on the tiny platform of the stall, kyulkyung tilts a head as she watches the man prepare whatever she had ordered today. pursing her lips, dark eyes follow seungwoo’s movements.  “stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”     ❪    ✽ .  —  SEUNGWOO  ,    ❫
        the marketplace is usually a bustling place,  one that never allowed much time to essentially breathe,  and being related to the owner did not have perks in the han family.  instead,  seungwoo would swear the pressure to do well and work fast only increases tenfold with his aunt’s watchful eye on his back as he usually stands ready to check on the mandu with the knowledge the act of berating lingered closely behind if he were to mess up.
       yet,  it’s the odd hours after a busy lunch and too early for dinner,  are the loud crowds traded in for conversations with regulars that were well-versed in optimal time to join the scarce line-up  --  that’s his favourite part of the job.  usually.  at least until angry customers transfer their rage unnecessarily with ugly remarks and foul the mood of others  --  seungwoo would consider himself a victim of just that this fine day. 
       luckily,  his aunt knows him well,  and thus.  if there’s one thing seungwoo loves most,  it’s gohyang kalguksu.  something about the act of cutting the noodles by hand,  an art he still works to perfect,  but it’s calming in ways he can’t explain.  another perk to the dwindling lines at this time,  his aunt actually letting him take the mantle for a short stint in the spotlight,  also serving as a silent apology that wasn’t hers to make for having to deal with the ugly part of customer service.  clearly though,  the encounter has yet to wash off his expression,  and he chances a look in the direction of the regular,  giving kyulkyung a half-assed attempt at a smile. 
       “that better?”  he asks,  dry edge to his tone as he focuses his attention towards towards preparing the final touches to the bowl,  adding the garnish to the top of the noodles.  he takes a second’s pause to sigh,  eyes brushing up quickly with an apology in his gaze.  “sorry,  rough day.  which reminds me  --  have i ever told you you’re my favourite regular?” 
       a satisfied look replaces the grumpiness as he serves the bowl,  making a gesture towards it.  “your order is served~”  he relays in a sing-song voice,  remaining in place as he awaits the first taste.
little talks
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
   /     𝘄𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗼𝗸.
( . . . )
wooseok hums contemplatively. “if i am, promise you’ll let me know.” he turns his head, offers seungwoo a faint smile. “i want to support you too.”
he’s gotten used to drowning. maybe it’s too late to learn how to swim.
      sometimes he wonders how transparent he’s been over the years.
      does wooseok know? really know? he’d argue he’s made it more than obvious since he himself awoke to the realization he’s been harbouring feelings untold for his best friend for as long as his heart can remember, if not earlier  --  greasy comments twinged with some truth, often unable to stay away long enough for the time apart to make a significant impact, and entirely clingy to a clear fault. 
      yes, seungwoo would say he’s been a little too obvious since the wake-up call was registered and the organ in his chest sent out a 911 to all his senses and alerted him he was in trouble, so much trouble, way too deep to get away now.  too late, they haunted him in a sing-song voice, little sugarplum fairies dancing around his thoughts.
      love, a fallacy better left for those that could afford to cling to romanizations of being true and honest to a person, despite what they had or lacked to offer them. seungwoo could give wooseok his entire essence, would willingly present his heart on a silver platter with a cursive “wooseok’s <3″ carved in red icing below it to match, beg to a god for something requited written in the stars for this fate of theirs --  but there’s that fear that never lingers too far.
      it’d never be enough. 
      maybe the wakeup call came at a time too late for them, when woosoek laid in a hospital bed and all seungwoo had were his thoughts marred with indiscretion and a pain in his shoulder that became a constant companion through the storm. with the difficult time was a sense of stubborn comprehension  --  wooseok was the only one.
      could be the only one; is still the only one.
      how pitiful, the demon in his mind reminds him, as he offers a bemused smile at wooseok’s words but fails to conjure the words to reflect it. sad love life? he’s right, isn’t he? failing to familiarize himself with the idea of commitment longer than a couple dates at most on average, his longest relationship, aside from his blood family, currently stands at his side, but replace relation with friend and maybe a definite consensus could be reached on what they were; what they’d bitterly always be at this rate.
      “i’m always good company,” he jests, a spring in his step as he follows wooseok out the door, locking up behind them, “meaning thank you wooseokie’s wallet for my inevitably delicious mint chocolate chip.”
      maybe it would’ve always been too late. no matter if the aforementioned wakeup call came at a time they could afford to be foolish and naive, the end would perhaps follow like death to a shadow, a countdown till things bid a messy farewell. not saying anything is safer, and safer is better. 
      his shoulder taught him that, wooseok taught him that.
      maybe this pining that sits too heavily in his bones is all he can afford himself.
      “interfering?” he chuckles, almost disbelievingly. his heart aches at the words as they repeat themselves in his ears, eyes focused on wooseok’s form as he reminds himself how to walk, though he’s not entirely sure he can pinpoint why the pain grows. 
      “you’re so dumb,” he says, albeit a little quietly though the hint of humour is hard to miss as he reaches out and takes wooseok’s hand into his own. clearly foolish is his middle name, but it’s easy to pretend it’ll never pass the point of no return, if they don’t face this stifling tension they’ve been caught in with quiet wonderment, maybe it could be okay to be allow innocent intentions to be swallowed in the process.
      it’s not like he can say yeah, wooseok, you’ve pretty much interfered with all the plans i had in store. it’s not like he can tell him the only thing really interfering in everything is this unquenchable thirst for so much more that haunts him every time they meet gazes, paired with a sense of inadequacy he wears with a bitter frown, one he can’t seem to shake nor move forward from.
      “you’re never inferring,” a momentarily pause, “well, aside from when you won’t let me slack and watch naruto instead of doing actual work or whatever, cause then you’re really inferring,” he jokes, a haughtiness in his actions as he huffs dramatically, but the seriousness lingers regardless, as he looks to the other with something almost fierce in his eyes.
      like feet in swallowed up by a layer of cement, maybe seungwoo’s been stuck in this place for some time now. maybe he doesn’t know how to even attempt the act of moving on.
      “but stop -- acting like you’re not the most important person in my life. supposed to be you and me against the world, didn’t we promise? you can’t get rid of me that easily.” i’m in it for the long-run, he wants to say out-loud, in a slightly desperate sense to convey something he won’t be able to take back. 
      so instead, he squeezes wooseok’s hand until they’re out on the street, for seungwoo’s tragic flaw continues to be this leniency towards his selfish desires when it comes to wooseok. 
      the neighbourhood is filled to the brim with familiarity one can never shake off, which is exactly why seungwoo enjoys leaving the apartment, such as his daily routine of a jog around, bidding a good morning/day/night to those out and about, the familiar faces that helped make the area feel like a home. 
      or maybe it’s rather the idea having a place just for him and wooseok felt like an unearthed fantasy come to life, one better left unexplored in the depths of thoughts that sickened him with how much he craves something domestic to define what they’ve made of their new circumstances. truly, entirely, sincerely him and wooseok against the world.
      he wonders if wooseok would leave him if he knew how he felt. 
      “do you wanna go to the arcade beforehand? though i doubt my self-restraint when it comes to actually getting out of there in time for you to get proper meal,” he follows up, a look in the other’s direction pinpointing his obvious disappointment at the lack of care wooseok directed upon himself. 
      the twinkle is quick to return, however, as his thoughts catch on an idea. “but i could win us snoopy dolls!” even now, something inherently selfish lingers in the request.
      wooseok’s hand feels warm in his hold, and he wonders, waiting for wooseok to perhaps pull away with bated breath, when the other will stop letting him get away with so much.
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
 /     𝗷𝗶𝗻𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗸.
( SMS ➝ noodle hyung )
( ✉ ) are u really going to pretend like the whole world isnt in love with u ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) my heart? but its urs already //_// ( ✉ ) ㅋㅋ ( ✉ ) its greasy here now ( ✉ ) how am i supposed to prove that to u…  ( ✉ ) cant you just believe in me ♡.♡ ( ✉ ) i never said i wanted you ( *deleted! ) ( ✉ ) hm… i dont think i should answer that ( ✉ ) but i dont want to exploit u… maybe we can meet for coffee sometime?
sent eight minutes later…
( ✉ ) ur really unfair hyung
𝗦𝗠𝗦:  wei  🥰  ✉  INCOMING  ( 10 07 )  NEW MESSAGES !         ☇  image_attached       ☇  that’s cruel  delete?  y/n       ☇  how long have i  delete?  y/n       ☇  why am i still affected  delete?  y/n       ☇  i’m honoured . . . and unworthy       ☇  i’ll cherish it well  ㅎㅎ       ☇  the heart eyes . . . cute         ☇  just like you  ♡.♡        ☇  name the time and place any time, and i promise i’ll be there ! !       ☇  oh? unfair how? what did i do now ㅋㅋ
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
    /     𝘄𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗼𝗸.
(  . . .  )
wooseok looks up from the dark screen of his phone, expression neutral, though the slightest trace of a wry smile remains. “i’ll try to be a good date too,” he says, and the way his heart clenches confirms his suspicions.
it’ll never be easy to breathe around seungwoo. 
        in his dreams,  wooseok usually drowned. 
       he knew the thought was fallacy,  when they have spent almost no time in the water since their daily routines were replaced with something more mundane.  but the denial comes at the simple fact that he himself wouldn’t allow the other to go in the muted ways his mind conjures up when he least expects,  when he finds himself entangled with the very essence of dread itself.  the thought fills his chest with ice,  and seungwoo can never look wooseok in the eyes for too long when he wakes up in cold sweat and feels as if he were the one to see the surface closing over his head.
       the aforementioned dread seeps from his fingertips those nights,  when he shifts to redirect his attention towards finding his roommate’s presence,  whether if he were only centimetres away or a whole room and seungwoo has to shuffle out of bed and seek him out.  it wells as he strokes the other’s hair back out of his face and familiarizes himself once more with the peace that overcomes wooseok’s entire being when he sleeps,  something the other has come to lack when present and alert. 
       the ill feeling lingers,  but seungwoo will always fold it up and tuck it into the deepest corner of his core,  where he can find the strength to conjure a tone that bridges upon whiny and shakes the other awake to keep him company.  wooseok may drown in his dreams,  but out in the real world,  seungwoo is the one sinking deep into the unknown every day he awakens. 
       to say seungwoo has some persisting issues would be an understatement.
       “hmm . . . your mom does have a special soft spot for me,  i’m just saying~”  he jokes in a sing-song tone,  nose crinkling at the thought regardless.  his mind jumps from various points at the idea,  reasons varying for why that remark made with a degree of teasing ever so present in the words sits wrong inside him,  twists and turns and reminds him of things he can’t even mention out of a place of fear.  “hyung just loves you,”  he says,  channeling that annoyingly sweet voice he often relies on as he shoots wooseok a makeshift smooch from puckered lips.
       he feels sick.
       swallowing,  he chooses to ignore how right the words felt,  weighed down by how wrong it all was simultaneously.  wooseok’s next words didn’t do much to remedy the situation,  instead looking away to avoid the possibility of the truth being transparent if he happened to lock eyes with the other.  “yeah,  she had other plans.  a pity,  but it is what it is,”  he laughs awkwardly,  scratching his forearm as he stares to something in the room but also nothing at all. 
       he doesn’t mention how his date tonight had been a sight for sore eyes,  someone he could channel faux bashfulness for if he had the chance to bring her home to his family  --  she was cute,  and the interest felt mutual but he doesn’t know how to phrase his hesitation when the moment came and passes,  how to express that no matter how beautiful his dates were,  they could never hold a candle to who wooseok was inside and out.
       “thanks though, haha.  i appreciate the support,  especially since it’s from you,  wooseokie.”  truly sickening,  isn’t it?  how the fake laughter tastes like plastic upon his lips,  how attached he is to these feelings for his best friend,  a bitterness evermore forged out of the knowledge it could never be something more.
       but the thought probes itself to be further analyzed  --  never to be,  huh.  is it really impossible?  his mind supplies when he leasts expects it,  gaze caught up upon wooseok’s petulant expression when he reads,  the way he chides him for his bad taste in romance films,  how he knew him better than seungwoo could ever hope to know himself  --  he’s long since accepted the fact these feelings refused to fade from where they resided in that wooseok shaped hole in his heart,  ever growing. 
       so why do they remain so doused with fear?
       “yeah,”  he says,  after a moment of silence.  he shuffles around,  picking up his books from earlier in the afternoon and making a pile to take back to his room.  it’s a welcomed distraction his hands and mind both have been craving,  and he licks his lips,  suddenly feeling a little parched,  before he looks back to wooseok with his eyes crinkling into their own crescents.  “yeah,  okay,  we can go out.”
       i’ll go anywhere with you,  remains unsaid in his thoughts,  the ghost of a whisper taunting his movements as he turns back to his books,  and places drifting houses at the top of his pile.
       it comes to him again  -- my best friend treats me like i’m glass.
       he holds back the need to laugh,  something that’s sure to sound more harsh and unfiltered than he’ll mean it to,  evidently in the way he feels he’s suffocating where he stands as he pauses at wooseok’s next few words.  life with wooseok sometimes feels like a cruel fate he’s been subjected to by laughing angels with horns growing upon their heads,  akin to muted torture.  he sighs,  eyes leaving never the other’s despite himself,  and lets the laugh be pulled out of him. 
       “you’re always a good date,”  the sick feeling rises inside him,  and he pats himself to ensure his keys and wallet were still on him,  “besides,  no matter how many dates i go on,  you’ll always be my one and only,  my number one.”  bro,  he should say here,  my number one bro,  but he doesn’t.
       the words are cheesy,  and if he were closer,  he’d reach forward and pinch the other’s cheek with overflowing affection in his actions,  pretending he’s only teasing,  that’s all it ever was.  however,  he doesn’t trust himself in the moment,  and instead simply tilts his head from where he stands and motions towards the door. “go get ready if you want,  and we can leave.”
       perhaps seungwoo dreams of wooseok drowning,  a fact as sure as the summer breeze that beckons them out,  but in that moment,  the tsunami of emotion roaring in his ears,  seungwoo wonders how long he can last before he too is washed away by these violent desires.
       how long,  indeed.
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
  /     𝗷𝗶𝗻𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗸.
( SMS ➝ noodle hyung )
( ✉ ) u make it sound so ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) how can i forget u ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) ur right… new phone who dis? ( ✉ ) jk jk i remember u •ㅅ• ( ✉ ) the handsome one… the heartbreaker… super athletic for no reason… as tall as me!! //_// ( ✉ ) i used to be ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) im tons of fun! im the most fun person u will ever meet ( ✉ ) what do u want to do with that tongue 👁️👅👁️ ( *deleted! ) ( ✉ ) i feel so special ( ✉ ) i dont know if i can stick around… think it might be against company policy ( ✉ ) maybe if wooseok isn’t there ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) what would we talk about anyway ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) i’ll think about it! or maybe u can make me an offer i cant refuse ( ✉ ) ㅋㅋ dont play dumb ( ✉ ) sometimes i like to be sweet talked so i’ll accept it
𝗦𝗠𝗦:  wei  🥰  ✉  INCOMING  ( 09 08 )  NEW MESSAGES !          ☇  athletic,  sure,  but heartbreaker?  ㅋㅋ         ☇  that would imply having the hearts to actually /break/ and ha...ha...         ☇  besides the only heart i’ve ever cared about is yours 👅        ☇  did you know  delete?  y/n        ☇  fun is more about showing rather than telling,  so prove it to me            someday soon,  yeah?  i’ll be the judge of that  👁️        ☇  hey . . . i’m offering myself  😌  what can be better than that  ㅎㅎ        ☇  or maybe we can plan something? your pick, hyung will pay ~~        ☇  because i mean it,  jinhyuk        ☇  i’ve missed you
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
   /     𝗷𝗶𝗻𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗸.
( SMS ➝ noodle hyung )
( ✉ ) is that it ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) guess so ( * deleted! )
six minutes later…
( ✉ ) oh… are we… ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) image_attatched ( ✉ ) it is! for u ^^; ( ✉ ) ㅋㅋ maybe i will! idk if she remembers u tho   ( ✉ ) havent seen u in a long time so ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) but pls dont use the tongue emoji when ur talking about my mom? ( ✉ ) long time… yeah ( *deleted! ) ( ✉ ) hyung~ ( ✉ ) i hope u know this is what we call… an Abuse Of Power ( ✉ ) order from us sometime and i’ll give u the employee discount ( ✉ ) if you miss me why ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) you have ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) i missed you t ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) ur still a sweet talker, huh? 
𝗦𝗠𝗦:  wei  🥰  ✉  INCOMING  ( 11 09 )  NEW MESSAGES !         ☇  yeah i guess it has been a while haha       ☇  no reason to remember me        ☇  do you even  deleted !       ☇  ahh you’re still no fun i see ㅋㅋ        ☇  but it’s okay i can reserve the tongue emojis just for u 😜       ☇  hmmm . . .  okay you got yourself a deal i’ll order sometime soon       ☇  only if u promise to stick around for a bit afterwards        ☇  we should talk       ☇  that sounds so serious ㅎㅎ  i meant we should catch up ! !       ☇  idk what u mean by sweet talker, i’m just being me  😌😌😌       ☇  is it working  deleted !
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
    /     𝗷𝗶𝗻𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗸.
( SMS ➝ noodle hyung )
( ✉ ) image_attached ( ✉ ) wha ( ✉ ) is this seungwoo hyung ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) this is not ur booty call (* deleted! ) ( ✉ ) pretty sure ur underwear wouldnt even fit me ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) seriously… after all this time… this is what u ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) sorry idk what ur talking about ( ✉ ) sharing undies is so unsanitary tho ㅋㅋㅋ ( ✉ ) was this supposed to be for w ( * deleted! ) ( ✉ ) hope u find ur panty thief!  ( ✉ ) and i think i will call my mom anyway~  ( ✉ ) so thanks for the reminder ^ㅂ^
𝗦𝗠𝗦:  wei  🥰  ✉  INCOMING  ( 03 )  NEW MESSAGES !      ☇  oh .     ☇  image_attached    ☇  well! !
six minutes later
𝗦𝗠𝗦:  wei  🥰  ✉  INCOMING  ( 09 06 )  NEW MESSAGES !      ☇  this is embarrassing, haha ! !    ☇  first text in ages and it’s  deleted !    ☇  on the bright side? ㅋㅋ  at least you’re talking to m  deleted !    ☇  haha tell her i said hi too 😉😜    ☇  wow i mi  deleted !   ☇  so jinhyukie   ☇  long time ! !   ☇  how’s it going! !  what’s the point of having connections if they won’t        bring hyung some chicken time to time huh .  . .    ☇  jk ㅋㅋ  but i miss u 🥺
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
𝗦𝗠𝗦:  wei  🥰  ✉  INCOMING  ( 05 )  NEW MESSAGES !  @rkjinhyuk     ☇  AREU WEARING MY UNDERWEAR/???????     ☇  ???????????????????????????????     ☇  image_attached     ☇  also your mom called     ☇  call her back,  Fool
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
     /     𝘄𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗼𝗸.
( . . . )
9:02 PM
the door clicks and wooseok stirs again from where he’s burrowed himself into the bend of the sofa, rubbing absentmindedly at his eye beneath the lens of his glasses. his gaze flickers from the floor to the door as it creaks open, drowsiness seeping from his every movement as he pulls the blanket closer. 
“hi,” he murmurs, finally focusing on seungwoo’s presence. good, wooseok doesn’t say aloud as he reaches over to shut the laptop perched open atop the coffee table. maybe i can sleep comfortably now. “how was the date?” 
        he’s become accustomed to the sensation of drowning.
       or rather,  he’s been forced to forsaken a life under water for a number of years now,  the time short in retrospect but ages when he looks to the community pool on his way home from the gym,  how longing aches in his bones during visits to the beach and the salty air intermingles with the bitter taste of regret,  or alternatively even when he forgoes taking a bath in place of a shower  --  it’s the little things that pile up to cohesively create the effect of growing self-condemnation. 
       take one.  his ears feel as though they’ve been muffled,  and momentarily he’s reminded of time spent sitting under water in his bath tub before competitions,  letting the pressure relieve his body as he resurfaces and take a giant gasp of breath.  
       take two.  he’s snapped out of the dream-like state with an expecting but patient look from his companion for the night.  the question is promptly repeated to him and he quickly comes to the realization they were still in the middle of ordering drinks,  and he fumbles,  offering a hurried apology.  he’s waved off with little regard,  but he makes an effort to be more involved as the night goes on,  senses on alert.
       (  date,  his mind supplies.  he subsequently overlooks the correction.  )  
       he misses the notification that pops up on his screen as a result.  
       take three.  this night,  his thoughts long to stray towards his roommate as they often do.
       it’s when he’s almost home,  only minutes out does he actually pull out his phone.  he disregards the one missed call,  as well as most notifications that were just alerts he had turned on for various different things.  he ignores the messages in a high school group chat trying to formulate a date for a reunion,  instead swallows back the emotion in his throat and focuses on the update he’d missed from earlier,  notifications on for all posts for this one specific user.
       he can’t say what possesses him to start typing the second he’s done reading the post,  only half paying attention to his surroundings as he lets his feet lead the way  --  except,  yes he can say exactly that.  
       (  take four.  mind wandering to time spent in a room too white,  at the bedside of one in recovery for something that never should’ve been his problem,  hands clutching the bed sheets in pain never spoken about aloud  --  the memories associated with this are instead pushed down to a spot he doesn’t acknowledge.  )
      ZIMZALABIM  at  8:53 pm
      maybe your friend is also suffering quietly and doesn’t know how to act around you.  they probably care about you a lot and maybe this is how they find themselves showing it?  if you find you’re frustrated,  reach out!  let them know you’re okay,  but don’t push them away.  give them some time.    
       he’s projecting.  jesus christ,  it’s so obvious how intensely he’s projecting his own feelings onto this virtual stranger he’s exchanged too many messages with over time,  so much so he can’t bring it upon himself to edit and make the reply sound more like his zimzalabim persona.  but seungwoo can only stare at his newly posted reply before shoving the phone back into his pocket and pointedly staring at the cracks in the sidewalk instead as the distance to home is almost nonexistent.
       coming home is an experience best defined in that moment,  the way wooseok’s voice greets him before he can call out out the words on his tongue,  how his eyes settle upon the other’s form and lips rise into an easy smile he can never deny his best friend.  does that mean wooseok is what it means to come home?
       “fine,”  he says,  short and simple as he slips off the light jacket he’d worn on top.  the way the weight on his heart is extinguished the moment he’s back in wooseok’s presence is perhaps a distinction he should pay further attention to,  but instead he only shuffles closer towards him.  
       “she was cute,  but i don’t think we’ll meet again.”  insert an obligatory shrug at the word,  paired with a smile that reads what can you do?  before he reaches down to ruffle the other’s hair.  cooing softly,  he holds back the urge to chortle at the sight  --  “aren’t you a cute sleepy baby?  yes,  you are.”  
       the teasing tone drips from his voice like honey,  and seungwoo ignores the sensation that travels through his insides.
       (  take five.  what he doesn’t mention is how his date had been more than just cute,  a breathtaking beauty like his friend had described,  with the charming personality and laugh to match.  he thinks once,  mid-conversation as his gaze lingers on her smile,  he could see himself settling down with someone like this,  someone who seemed akin to the personification of warmth itself.
       so when the night ended and she asked for his number,  hope glistening in her gaze intermingling with a coyness entangled in her request,  he smiled and said i’m sorry instead.
       strange,  he’d thought as he watched her expression fall at his words,  the question already on her lips,  a flush growing high on her cheekbones and all he can do is watch.  that’s not what i planned to say.  
       oh.  she’d ended it on that note,  and seungwoo watched her go with an apology interwoven into his very being but he doesn’t stop her,  simply watches her go.  and then he went home.  )
       he swallows then,  entertaining the thought of taking it too far with the affectionate act he maintains with little shame,  snuggling up against the other like he’s done countless times before growing up and letting the world disappear around him.  just him and wooseok,  and nothing as arbitrary as  feelings  that left much to the imagination.  
       this time,  he holds himself back and user wooshin’s forum post comes to mind.
      my best friend treats me like i’m glass
       he retreats then,  back straightening and hand falling at his side while the other comes up to brush his own hair out of his eyes once,  then twice.  he looks towards the kitchen instead.  “you hungry?  we can order in or something,  or i’ll rummage around in the fridge.”  a pause.  “which reminds me,  actually,  we should get groceries soon.”
       thinks of the sleepiness ever so present in wooseok when he walked in,  and tilts his head.  “or do you wanna get ready for bed?  you look like you’re half way into the sandman’s embrace anyways.”
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
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     hello late intro is late,  but we’re finally getting a start on things, whew.  this is seungwoo,  tl;dr former swimmer,  literature student @ snu,  helps coach an elementary level soccer team,  and is literally taking life one day at a time now.  i have his profile and background pages up,  but please like this post if you’re interested in getting something pre-established/anything at all going and i’ll roll into ims.  i’ll list some details + plot ideas below,  lmk if anything stands out to you!
born 2 parents not ready 4 kids thus a few years after he’s born, taken 2 s.kor n handed off to be raised by grandparents, ultimately the best decision bc he grows up well loved
finds a passion for swimming n wants 2 pursue professionally,  scouts have been waiting for him to finish high school so they can recruit,  eventually becomes captain of swim team but bc of health stuff,  ends up having 2 drop out of it all and then gives up on it all  --  cause of much regret
luv for music comes from grandparents who taught him everything he knows  --  violin & piano focus which he’s considering picking up again,  otherwise atm goes 2 karaoke to sing sad songs 2 vent via music 
helps out aunt who operates noodle stall at gwangjang market,  basically would risk it all for family and it shows
after taking time off for physical therapy, student @ snu majoring in literature,  basically reads random anything,  tries 2 sound poetic with his wording and 9/10 times fails
falls in love way 2 easily its sickening
plot ideas!
give him childhood friend he grew up alongside and slowly they found themselves unable to separate
school mates that always run into e/o and has resigned to the idea that fate clearly wants them get close
his grandmother knows u somehow and thinks youre the most perfect person for seungwoo, bent on setting the two up and it’s so awkward but also grandmother doesn’t accept failure  --  you two bear the consequences of that
let’s go exes that ended kinda messy and seungwoo pretends he’s not that affected by the ways things ended but spoiler alert: perhaps he’s still a little devastated 
met in the hospital a few years ago when his shoulder started getting messed and from there you never lost contact, have established good r/s?? were there for him while he went thru shit and it was easier for him to open up (a LITTLE) since yall were virtually strangers but it built up a stable friendship from there
your sibling/cousin/someone is in the soccer team he coaches/is close friends w his young cousin, so you see e/o quite often... (???bonus????: said sibling/cousin/other thinks yall crushing or dating or smth n told the whole team that and even tho u say No, they dont believe it)
regulars @ his aunt’s stall so you can see him there time 2 time helping tend to the guests / do menial tasks,  eventually u both decide to walk thru n try everything from the market slowly 
fellow swimmers that were either in his high school team!!! or were his rivals until he disappeared one day and now u finally run into him in the street or smth and its time for answers
both of u had a rivalry going on except seungwoo thought it was all for fun / never took it srsly and he’s annoying for it
old ppl luv him.... he helps ur grandparents out w stuff and u fail to understand y he’s becoming a regular in ur household bc of it  
you two were close as heck when seungwoo had his life together but slowly and surely he leaves remainders of his old life before when he finishes hs, you included, isnt that awkward!
there’s a couple discount viable somewhere and yall are desperate enough to go for it.... cue fake dating au for a couple hours (or it becomes a thing every time an event as such pops up, how fun)
like the lil sibling hes never had, showers w sm affection, is annoying abt it
he has adopted u... u are now his child 
idk anything plz come @ me!!!
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rkseungwoo · 6 years ago
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