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"If you don't, can't, or won't understand me, then you're just going to have to trust me."
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rkbxlla · 4 years ago
     @rkbxlla​  is performing (for the charisma event!)
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     a friend-for-friend taxi service was how it was pitched to donghyuck. she would pull up, he would get in, and she’d drive him home for a fraction of the cost of a normal taxi. he went with it, of course, because the deal sounded fine.      he waited on he corner with his backpack and robot. the little thing was roughly the size of a furby but with thrice the intelligence.      at least a couple, possibly empty, taxis passed by him before a new car pulled up. it parked right on the side of the road. without much thought, donghyuck approached the car and tried the handle. it was unlocked for him.      he slid inside and closed the door behind them. he wiggled his backpack off himself. the friction between the seat and the bag made it impossible to move.      “hey, i’m donghyuck.” he said, not looking her in the eyes.
She was exhausted to say the least. Having just ended almost a full day’s worth of training and prior to which she attended class earlier that morning. Yet despite that she was still wide a wake, which resulted to her taking up a job offer from a good friend. Bella has been doing this gig for about a few weeks now, where she becomes a personal uber driver for her friends and their loved ones. Sure she could have actually be an uber or even connect with one of them private taxi agencies. But that would mean sharing the profit and having to deal with strangers, while here all of the passengers were her friends or vetted by them. 
“Hello, Bella,”  Introducing herself as she smiles at him as she waits for the young man to settle, “you can move the seat if you want.” Bella shrugs as she watches him struggle with his bag, silently observing Donghyuck. “Neat robot-” gesturing at his belongings. “So where is it exactly did you want again?”
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 being home 」
With a hand covering her chest, Yoorim can still feel her heart beating as though in danger. She then lets out a heavy sigh when she finally calms down, and when she realises that nothing terrible is about to happen—it’s only Bella, it’s only the babes. With another whine, she can confirm the elder female’s assumptions, all while childishly inviting her into the bed with open arms. “Yeah… I must have…”
She blinks a couple of times in attempt to wake up, then she yawns loudly whilst nodding her head. It isn’t very informative, so she understands the need for elaboration. “Food sounds nice. I’m not sure when I ate last—what time is it, now?” Instead of waiting for a reply from Bella, she searches for her phone that has somehow managed to slide underneath her duvet, but forgets to check the time.
Her gaze softens at the adorable sight of her friend, who she genuinely wants to coy. Bella can't wait till her younger sisters arrive from Japan, she would love for them to meet Yoorim. Someone who can be a good influence and role model for her younger siblings. Bella is not delusional enough to think she’ll be that sort of influence over them but she would definitely go out of her way to make sure they have one. 
Shaking her head from such deep thoughts, perhaps when she’s alone later she can dive into them but for now, Bella refocuses at the beckoning Yoorim. Wrestling their kids together, she flops down next to Yoorim, leaning against the headboard yet managing to place a chaste kiss on the younger’s cheeks before finally settling in. “I could honestly do with some chicken and jajangmyeon right now... or like a greasy cheeseburger with fries, what do you think? want anything specific, little one?” she teases, despite the fact that Yoorim is a hell of lot taller than her. 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 hot stuff 」
sometimes, when taehyung goes out for wings alone, he likes to picture himself as a guest on hot ones. he never understood how the world’s greatest chef known to mankind, mister gordon ramsay himself, needed to down his entire glass of milk by the end of an episode. what kind of world renowned chef can’t even handle the last dab. 
pathetic, taehyung always thinks when he rewatches the man nearly die on camera, i could do this in my sleep.
but here taehyung is, sitting in a chicken shop in korea with not much of a name for himself rather than traveling around the world and being adored for his cooking. he did end up bothering to invest in the array of sauce line ups through the seasons, but because he really wanted to fuck up his taste buds today, taehyung decided to bring the highest scoville sauce he had: the last dab xxx.
of course, true to the sauce’s own name, taehyung only saved the last dab for the actual last dab. he wasn’t that big of an idiot — there was no humanly possible way that anyone could eat a whole bottle worth of 2,000,000+ scoville units in one sitting, and he certainly didn’t want a trip to the hospital today.
“oh, uh,” he’s suddenly caught off guard, hands covered in wing sauce and the lining of his lips a mild tinge of pink from the sauce’s residue. he finishes swallowing and gestures to the sauce next to him. “you can… but… it’s seriously hot.” he doesn’t think he’s the best at emphasizing his point to others in korean, especially when saying something is hot in korean cuisine never really is taken seriously by anybody, especially by a stranger who’d just approached him for his bottle of hot sauce. “i mean, you can definitely try it, it’s awesome. but you can’t hold me responsible for anything that happens to you.”
This is not the first time she was warned or almost seems like threatened with hot sauce. Now, what does that say about Bella may be alarming but not surprising at all. If this was any other time she would have taken him up on his threat and further inquire about it. But her protective nature comes first when in the presence of her younger sister, who was adorably watching the scene from the corner of their booth. 
Glancing down at the hot sauce that she was asking about, it definitely did not look like the standard one that every chicken shop had. Except of course some of the restaurants preferred making their own sauces but there would be that one standard one on the table regardless. “Isn’t that the point of ‘hot’ sauce, is to be hot?” Smirking down at the man who’s hands were soaked deep with some sauce and chicken, how she envies him right then. 
The bottle looked eerily familiar but for the life of her, Bella could not pinpoint where she’s seen it before. “Alright, tell you what I’ll give it a try since you said it’s awesome... but mostly because I can’t eat chicken without hot sauce.” Snatching the bottle from his table, quickly glancing back down at it again, tilting her head to the side as she studies it. “This looks...” could it be!? no way, she hasn’t seen that brand around except on youtube, this is definitely a fake. “oh shi- no no no... oh this would be good.” grinning at him challengingly as she excitedly makes her way to back to the table. 
Making sure to keep her eyes at the cute looking stranger who was nice enough to tell her to share the last dab with her, be it the real deal or not. Bella puts some on the corner of her plate and waves of her younger sister’s hand, telling her to let Bella check it out first to make sure it isn’t too spicy. Just in case. 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
fish in the water
nodding his head, he sets his tray down and takes a seat across from the new trainee, taking his time to make himself comfortable and reply this one message. maybe this is something he should start doing often, because despite the slight worry that he would be bothering someone and sounding inconvenient, it didn’t really hurt and he could find new friends in his fellow trainees. baby steps, he thinks before eating a spoonful of rice. 
“mhm, i like checking new artists online and youtube recommended your videos last year. those were pretty good!” he responds with a grin; this should answer her other question. to be honest, he didn’t know if she had other videos that were not of her songs. “so how did you end up here? did they contact you because of the videos?” he asks, always curious about it. “me? ah, it’s been six months. can’t really be considered a senior trainee yet, i guess." 
in silence for a few seconds to eat his lunch, seunghun suddenly remembers something. "wait… you were also at the mbc gayo opening stage, no?” he is surprised he only remembers her from that day now, but it makes sense since his memory from that week was a bit blurry considering he was too nervous about the stage to give himself permission to interact properly with the other dancers taking part in the performance.
Did he aspire to be a producer, she thought silently as she observes him under a genuine gaze. It made sense, they were all musicians, after all, even those who might have been scouted due to their dance or attractiveness, eventually becomes a musician via the training that TRC has gruelling embedded into their trainees’ schedules. Nonetheless, Bella still found herself a bit awestruck and suddenly bashful at this revelation. 
“Oh wow I never would have thought I’d show up in anyone’s recommends page for music of all things.” She chuckles sheepishly, Bella is known for gaming and through she was solely making a name for herself in the scene, the musical side of youtube was the last place she expected to be recognised from. “But yeah, thank you. I really should post something soon, now that you’ve mentioned it. No actually, would have been insane if I was, but I got cast during at the Royal’s game cf that I was apart of a few months back. Was approached by one of them scouting people, honestly didn’t even think that TRC would have a representative there considering it was  Royal’s gig y’know.” 
Taking a bite out of her own meal, she nods as she listens to him attentively. “Six months does sound fairly recent although long enough to have some opinions on this place.” Bella gestured around them, clearly hinting that she wants to know what he thought of their infamous company. “Wait-” blinking rapidly, since he did look familiar but she only assumed it was because they probably have crossed paths in the hallway before. “you were in the gayo too? is that where you were scouted?!”
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 pop’n some… 」
normally, sicheng saved his movie theater trips for his ‘not dates’ with siyeon, but when she was busy, he didn’t want to miss out. he wasn’t used to going by himself anymore, but it used to be all he knew. it forced him to think back on past memories, and it was a lot more peaceful than he remembered them being. however, maybe that’s due to the fact that he is choosing to be alone, and it’s not because he has no one that could go with him. his peace is disturbed when another attendee tries forcing their way through the seats, not even attempting to be careful. next thing he knows, his popcorn is everywhere. it sucked.
he was visibly upset, a frown now on his face and his eyebrows furrowed. “what the—” he stops himself from finishing his statement, but his tone is annoyed. he is surprised when the girl next to him urges the person along and sets her own popcorn in his lap. immediately, his expression shifts and he turns to look at her, clearly confused. “… are you sure?” but, apparently she is, because she is demanding money from the one that caused all of this to buy herself more. what’s even more surprising is that she later returns with yet another snack for him. this isn’t the treatment he’s used to. “oh… cool. thank you— for this, and for the popcorn. why not keep it for yourself, though?”
She is well aware that she comes off unconventional in more ways to count for. But Bella has stopped caring about confirming into anything, even the law at times when the risk is losing herself and identity. Biting back a smirk at the boy next to her who’s gaze was nothing short of surprise and confused, she simply shrugs and throws a glare at the stranger who technically caused the scene. Before returning her attention back to the lad beside her. 
“There are some booty actions that are uncalled for.” Heavy on the pun as she staged whispers loud enough for the offender to hear in the dark movie theatre. There was a snigger behind her that only fueled Bella’s vindication further. “Besides he didn’t just cause your popcorn to spill on the floor but half into my bag too, so fucker was bound to get it anyways. Better now than later for when the movie is done, then I’d have to jump in some back alley or something.” Her dark humour is not for everyone, especially when there is some eerie truth in her words. “We had the same popcorn flavour right?” Glancing at the snack on his lap, the one she shoved there rather unceremoniously than back up at the darkening screen ready for the production names to pop up.
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 not those shots… 」
starter for @rkchay
chaewon doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s nervous. as a little kid she used to run around the room screaming in terror when the doctor would come at her with a needle. her mother had to hold her down just to get her to stay still. since then she’s gotten better at putting on a brave face - a lot better - but that fear still exists, deep down.
she glances over at the stranger who spoke to her and she can’t help but pout. “yeah. you too, hmm? isn’t it a bummer?” chaewon huffs, looking up at the flatscreen that’s displaying a looping stream of health information. eating a healthy diet is important, who could have guessed. “i’m really not fond of shots, but who is? pain is not my idea of a fun afternoon. they don’t even have any good magazines here.”
Oh, how she could sympathise with the girl beside her. No, this was not her ideal afternoon either, in fact, Bella does not know who exactly would consider taking a flu shot a pleasurable pass time. Perhaps the nurses and doctors who have to administer it, for the simplicity of the actual procedure. Not to get her wrong, she fully appreciates the professionals more so when they have to do something so mundane to the layman’s eyes. 
“Yup and yup.” Chuckling under her breath as she offers the other girl a knowing smile. Her gaze following the information screen, making Bella instantly wonder if they had any of those ‘good food’ back at home. Biting her lower lip as she suddenly realized she doesn’t actually remember the last time she did grocery shopping. 
“Some pain comes with pleasure.” Bella instantly wincing as soon those words slip her lips because good God her filter has evidently left her the moment she entered that clinic. Another reason why she doesn’t fancy the place at all. “Sorry about that,” clearing her throat, “but suppose you’re right there are definitely better ways of spending the afternoon. I remember seeing some health brochures by the reception, reckon it’s worth a look into?” 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 right here… 」
He snorts, loudly as a drunk person would do when insulted. They are friendly, of course, so he does not take any offence, but that does not mean he will not make a little fuzz about it. “You barely ol’ enough to work here,” he then states. Waving away the issue, though, he glances around the bar to see who is here tonight—surely enough, he notices some familiar faces.
“Ya��� know what? Surprise me!” It has ultimately gotten boring, the usual order, and Dongmin figures it’s time to try something new. Who better than to make him a new cocktail than his favourite bartender? As he knows she has officially quit the job, he has to take the opportunity when he can manage to catch her around. “Somethin’ nice, yeah?” He asks, grinning.
She’s heard enough about her appearance and age to know when its time to throw the towel on that banter and move on. However, they were close enough to take no offence in each other, at least Bella hoped so. Rolling her eyes, she twirls a glass expertly in one hand before placing it on the countertop. “You don’t look old enough to be here either, shall I ID you?” Absolute bullshit, no one gets ID’d in the underground scene, precisely because it’s a hidden property with a lot of illegal shit going on. 
Pulling back a bit she gives him a curious look over as though assessing by just observing him she would know what to make. Which she did. “Alright.” Quickly going to work with his drink, hands moving quick and graceful in practised movements as she continues to chat with him. “So what’s the plan tonight, big guy?” Her own gaze roaming around the club, a busy night like most evenings- she knew for a fact there would be a cypher battle followed by a race later on, so this place would be packed. They probably wouldn’t mind and even be glad that Bella is helping out behind the bar, “have you ever raced?” Asking out of curiosity, mostly because she knew someone who did, Seokwoo might end up there tonight. “Long Island, sir.” Sliding a strong mixture of alcoholic beverage towards him, barely any ice tea on it just to see how Yuno would take it. 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
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@.B_ELL.A: Time for a change.
❤  527 ⇄ ★ 45 mins ago ✍ 308 comments
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 being home 」
starter for @rkyurim
Yoorim didn’t necessarily mean to fall asleep immediately upon returning home, when lying down on bed she simply intended to relieve her sore feet after a long day with training. The distant barking isn’t what forced her back to reality, however, but the low sound of someone grabbing onto the handle of her bedroom door makes her shoot up in bed in pure panic. Considering she has three dogs present in her home, she should know that it’s probably Bella, and not some burglar.
That knowledge isn’t near enough to calm her down though, her heart skipping several beats at the mere sight of Bella—to be fair, she did fall asleep unintentionally. “Oh my GOD! Unnie, you scared the shit out of me!” She whines and hides underneath a pillow when realising who exactly has entered her bedroom, her housemate holding Hyuk in her arms whilst Kwan and Yujin is running after in-between Bella’s feet. As the ‘fight or flight’ mode leaves her be, she peeks at the other.
A startled snort escapes from her in an utterly unladylike manner. There was nothing funny in the frightened expression of Yoorim except for what brought in on. For someone who was related to a dickwad like Seokwoo and who literally lives with a psychopath, family issues is not even the tip of the ice burg, like herself, Bella assumed that Yoorim would be more chilled in a constant state of alert. 
“You alright there, princess?” Bella teases as she brings Hyuk closer to her smiling face attempting to hide her amused expression. “I didn’t mean to scare you, were you asleep?” Glancing over the other girl’s room in order to catch a glimpse of her clock. It was relatively early, but perhaps Yoorim had a long day which is something Bella could totally relate to. “Have you eaten? Want me to order food?”
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
fish in the water
nodding his head, he sets his tray down and takes a seat across from the new trainee, taking his time to make himself comfortable and reply this one message. maybe this is something he should start doing often, because despite the slight worry that he would be bothering someone and sounding inconvenient, it didn’t really hurt and he could find new friends in his fellow trainees. baby steps, he thinks before eating a spoonful of rice. 
“mhm, i like checking new artists online and youtube recommended your videos last year. those were pretty good!” he responds with a grin; this should answer her other question. to be honest, he didn’t know if she had other videos that were not of her songs. “so how did you end up here? did they contact you because of the videos?” he asks, always curious about it. “me? ah, it’s been six months. can’t really be considered a senior trainee yet, i guess." 
in silence for a few seconds to eat his lunch, seunghun suddenly remembers something. "wait… you were also at the mbc gayo opening stage, no?” he is surprised he only remembers her from that day now, but it makes sense since his memory from that week was a bit blurry considering he was too nervous about the stage to give himself permission to interact properly with the other dancers taking part in the performance.
There was something about him that was both casual and straightforward. People were often too polite to go directly to the point that Bella often found herself having the read between the lines if not having to pull nail and tooth for further information. As she grew older her rapid curiosity extinguishes when faced with such types of people and suddenly she becomes the rude party in the conversation. 
“Well thank you! I haven’t been posting much for very long and honestly don’t know what the policy right now regarding as trainees. I just know I can’t publish my own music at the moment.” Pushing some kimchi further into her plate thought she does not take a bite. “Urm... Got scouted over the kt game cf. I’m a gamer you see, in fact you’ll probably find more videos of me gaming than the ones up on youtube that you’ve already seen, so it felt sorta alright to audition for it but I didn’t expect to be casted as an idol much less with...” Waving the chop sticks around them conspicuously. 
She nods at the information he was willing to share, but before she could ask about his casting with TRC, her eyes grew wide at the realisation that yes he is rather familiar to her. “Yes! Was that where you were casted?” Honestly, she was so preoccupied during that time with fixing the schedule with her friends, work and university, that she barely remembered that night as a whole. Despite the memorable stage and event that it was held in. 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 da talk… 」
starter for @rkjyoo
“ pornhub teaches you the wrong way of doing things. you need to learn safety. “
how she got to this stage is a mystery. an innocent joked deemed her as the mother of their friend group but she has fully embodied it. especially when it comes to the youngest. part of it may be due to the fact that she’s an only child and has always dreamt of having younger siblings. in a way, she’s using them to fulfill that desire.
but no one said she was going to be a good older sister.
“ listen—we’ll go back to that in moment cause the fact that you know that worries me—but, i’m doing this to benefit you. you’re going to ‘wow’ your partners with knowledge. you’re going to skip the embarrassing mistakes everyone makes the first few times because they’re too shy to be educated. or learn by porn. “
Her expression distorted as she scrunches up her nose due to the response that she got from Jeongyeon. Her friend is obviously taking this lesson seriously and that honestly worries Bella. Is there really something about sex that goes beyond that isn’t already common knowledge. Yet again, she is reminded of the fact that sex is represented differently in media than in real life, or at least that’s what she thinks her friend is getting at. 
“God above, who put you up to this?” Bella gasped aloud, although she is thankful that she is not having this conversation with her older brother. Jeongyeon giving this talk doesn’t seem to be too far of the mark either. “I swear to fucking god, if someone in the group put you up to this, I’ll kill them. Please stop talking, please for the love of God.” Whining as she hides her reddening face into her palms.
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 right here… 」
It’s safe to say that Dongmin has had quite enough to drink already, by the time he reaches Olivia’s old workplace he has been unable to text properly for a while—honestly, it’s a wonder how he was allowed into the premises. Despite being in good company of friends, all he wants is to meet up with his favourite bartender, who he generally understands has resigned a few months prior.
In fact, he has been complaining and whining about her absence ever since—well, from before arriving. A whole bunch of text messages later, Dongmin finally hear her voice and he strictly must remind himself not to fondly cup her cute little face. He is helped along the way when she chooses to continue to tease by disrespectfully referring to him as ‘kid’. “Yah! Who ya’ calling a kid, huh?”
“You.” She says with a straight face and cold dead stare. Sometimes patron was smart enough not to bother her when she gives them that stare, which works wonderfully for Bella when she was still working behind the counter. Other times, when the nights were dull she often relishes on moments when someone would be foolish enough to approach her nonetheless. 
Although she holds back from placing the insult upon her friend, Yuno is definitely one of her favourite patrons around, it meant the night would get only interesting from here. “So what’s your poison?” Even though she knew his regular order, there is nothing wrong from making anyways, just in case he was feeling a little bit adventurous that night. 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 loaded… 」
starter for @yuzurk
it was nice to see the gang slowly coming together one by one. at least those who had been interested to pursue in that field. for now only irina and jyoo were missing but with this pool party being a perfect opportunity to hang out at least a little with her fbg nerds. equipped with a watergun she knows this could very well end up with her being suplexed into the pool by liv but it’s a risk the mischievous female is willing to take.
a wide, innocent smile on her lips as she twirls the gun she just used around her finger, she beams back at her fellow gamer friend. “perhaps?” the sassy reply is spoken nonchalantly. “maybe I also just wanted to say hi,” the streamer says instead, offering another watergun to liv as an offer for truce. “how’s trainin’ been at trc? havin’ fun? ain’t killed no one yet, I’m hopin’,” she jokes along, still twirling her own water gun restlessly. 
Rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms above her chest, she stares at Yuzu unamused. Her friends often exploited the fact that she was a soft spot for them such Jeo-chan would walk into her house unannounced and even Seokwoo stuck his younger cousin into her care. Make no mistake, she would not hesitate to cut a bitch for Yoorim. Now, this. Honestly, it was rather unbecoming for Bella. 
“So you thought you’d get me wet.” She states in a matter of fact manner. Playing with words is the same as breathing for anyone who took up her artform. Swiftly taking the water gun off Yuzu, she kicks upwards causing to splash some water off the pool and successfully at her opponent. Keeping in mind that unlike Bella, Yuzu happens to be on the smaller side of the scale. 
She doesn’t bother checking her water gun, knowing full well that it’s almost empty perhaps she may be able to get a shot or two out of it but nothing more, remaining near the disgusting water she smirks at Yuzu. “TRC is alright, couldn’t be better actually. People tend to keep by themselves, met a few more people around Samsung that’s for sure. How’s it looking at your end? Aren’t you in that new experiment group by Royal... no, Sphere right?”
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 chop chop 」
starter for @rkjyoo
So it has come down to this. With the summer heat and working over time, that’s the excuse Bella would tell everyone once this deed is done. In reality, there is a deeper meaning to her chopping off her hair. No, its not about a break, although she has recently experience one, everything had been amicable and utterly mutual. 
This is about finally seeing her younger siblings again. Subject to countless discussions and heated debates, Yoonseok and Bella finally decided it would best to bring their sisters to Seoul and come live with Yoonseok. It’s been five years since she’s last seen them and Bella wanted them to see that she’s changed, for the better this time. She would be a better person to be around with. 
Waiting for Jeongyeon to come back with scissors, Bella scrolls through her phone for a picture they can model her new style too. This would have probably been better than at a salon, but its been a while since she’s done something DYI. So why not tag one of her favourite friends to it. 
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
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ELRIS Summer Dream - Bella Concept Teaser 🌴
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
「 being home 」
starter for @rkyurim
There were plenty of things currently going on in their lives right now. Which is exactly why Bella not only misses Yoorim, but is genuinely worried about the younger girl. After living with her and their puppies, yes at this point she would totally claim for parental custody for those two fur balls, Bella completely considers Yoorim as another younger sister. She knows she would have to fight off Seokwoo for this claim, but she’s not afraid of that lanky tree. 
Sounds of small paws and high pitched barks greets her first when she enters their home. Gathering Hyuk up in her hands, she ushers the other two further into their apartment. “Alright you three, is your other mom here?” Rather than going straight to her room, Bella finds herself making her way to Yoorim’s room.
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rkbxlla · 5 years ago
-- shoutout fc flip! a change from son hyejoo (olivia hye) to choi yoona (bella) has been made! took this to do a little revamp, mostly includes expanding her background  (profile) and her age for about a year. since those are minor changes for the muse, all her plots should not be affected ^-^ 
with that said, still working on stamina and thanks for everyone who got back to my earlier plotcall! I’ve written up all the random starter and if you guys are still interested in plotting hmu! 
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