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Midlife pagan from Minnesota
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
Friendly reminder to all as a few major pagan holidays are coming up very soon:
You don’t have to drink/offer alcohol to participate/celebrate.
I personally recommend tea as an alternative if you need to make any ritualistic toasts—but it certainly doesn’t have to be any of mine! Pick something that’s comfortable, accessible, and feels right for you.
🍂 🍵 🌾 ☕️ ✨
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
autumn is really like. i brought you some sunlight from when you were 10. didn't the world feel so bright to you then? i'll drench your hands in syrupy nostalgia, so everything you make is stained bittersweet. i'll ruffle your hair with an ice-kissed breeze--it'll be the kindest touch you've had in years. you finally feel like a part of something grander. i'm the last warm hand you hold before winter surrender.
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
Norse Gods (And Other Deities) List
Having seen various incorrect, incomplete and inaccurate lists of Norse gods circulating Tumblr, I have decided to write my own and also include common terminology alongside. I will also include other beings who exist within the old lore and modern traditions.
I have opted to include the names in Norwegian, with translations in parenthesise after, along with a brief summary of some of the associations given to some of those gods. Be aware that, as an overview, brevity is necessary here and the individuals should not be oversimplified to basic aspects in your practice!
Æser (Æsir, Male Gods)
Balder (Baldr, Baldur) - Light, purity, rebirth
Brage (Bragi) - Poetry, eloquence, wisdom and music
Delling (Dellingr) - The new day, dawn
Forsete (Forseti) - Justice and reconciliation
Frøy (Freyr) - Vaner, virility, fertility, the sacred religious position of royalty, prosperity, good weather and sunshine
Heimdall (Heimdallr) - The senses, premonition or foreknowledge
Hermod (Hermóðr) - Bravery, spirit, possibly a former mortal hero/king elevated to the Æsir
Hjuke (Hjúki) - Man, lunar activity, lunar phases, moon craters, brother of Bil (the Scandinavian children in the moon)
Hod (Höðr, Hodr) - The blind god, darkness, rebirth, second chances
Høne (Hænir, Hœnir) - Survival, sense/spirit, beauty,
Lodur (Lóðurr) - Blood, warmth, life, 
Loke (Loki) - Change, creativity, ambiguity, impulsiveness
Lyter (Lýtir) - Premonition, foresight, prediction, prophecy
Magne (Magni) - Strength, development, son of Tor
Meile - Son of Odin, brother of Tor
Mime (Mímir) - Wisdom, knowledge, memory, advice
Måne (Máni) - The moon, the night sky
Njord (Njörðr) - Vaner, the sea, harbours, ports, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth/prosperity, and crop fertility
Od (Óðr) - Madness, fury, eagerness, excitement
Odin (Óðinn) - Father, war, battle, victory, death, wisdom, runes, magic, poetry, charms
Tor (Þórr, Thor) - Thunder, lightning, storms, rain, strength, protection, hallowing, healing, fertility
Ty (Týr, Tyr) - Law, sacrifice, heroism, glory, war
Ull (Ullr) - Skiing, archery, hunting, weapons, shields, personal combat, oaths
Vidar (Víðarr) - Vengeance, atonement, preparation, survival, silence
Vilje (Vili) - Will, willpower, moderation, the middle, wit, intelligence, touch, sense, motion
Ve (Vé) - Countenance, appearance, facial expression, speech, hearing, sight
Våle (Váli) - Revenge, bravery, daring, marksmanship, survival, rebirth
Åsynjer (Ásynjur, Female Gods)
Bil - Woman, lunar activity, phases of the moon, sister of Hjuke (the Scandinavian children in the moon)
Eir - Help, healing, protection, mercy, grace, calm
Fjorgyn/Jord (Fjörgyn/Jörð) - Earth, the world, nature, greenery
Frigg - Mother, love, fate, prophecy, marriage, birth, midwifery
Frøya (Freyja) - Vaner, fertility, love, passion, sex, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, magic, war, death
Fulla - domesticity, cleaning, housekeeping, listening, confidant, secrecy
Gersemi - Precious, beauty, blonde hair
Gjevjon (Gefjun) - Virginity, plowing, female independence 
Gnå (Gná) - Messenger, errands, crossing planes of existence, travel through land, air and water
Hnoss - Treasure, beauty, brunette hair
Idunn (Iðunn) - Youth, vigour, apples, love
Ilm - Fragrance, aroma, smells
Irpa - Guardian goddess, Hålogaland
Lin (Hlín) - Weddings, domestic sphere, flax, onion, fabrics
Lovn (Lofn) - Benevolence, kindness, gentleness, consolation
Nanna - Loyalty, empathy
Njorun - Soil, the land
Rind (Rindr) - Princess/goddess/giantess, mother of Våle from the East
Rån (Rán) - Sea, protection from drowning, fishing
Sigyn - Loyalty, burden, sadness
Siv (Sif) - Fields, wheat, fertility, family, wedlock
Sjavn (Sjöfn) - Love, sex, desire
Snotra - Wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, appropriate conduct
Sol (Sól) - The sun, warmth, daylight
Syn - Refusal, denial, speaking out, legal defence
Såga (Sága) - Seeress, all-seeing, companionship, drinking partner
Torgerd Hølgebrud (Þorgerðr Holgabrúðr) - Guardian goddess, Hålogaland, heathen shrines
Var (Vör) - Honesty, awareness, caution, carefulness
Vår (Vár) - Oaths (and punishing oath breakers), pledges, agreements, betrothal
Jotner (Jötnar, Elemental Giants)
Aurvandil - Star, planet, Orion & Big Dipper constellations
Bauge (Baugi) - Farmer, money, wages
Dag (Dagr) - Day, light, rides Skinfakse
Fornjot (Fornjótr) - Ancient giant, ancestor, original, owner
Frosti (Jökull) - Cold, winter, frost, ice, icicles, glaciers
Fårbaute (Fárbauti) - Hitting, striking, cruelty, danger, violence
Geirrød (Geirröd) - Entrapment, cruelty, aggression, violence
Gyme - Hills, Mounds
Helblinde (Helblindi) - “Hel Blinder”, “All Blind”
Hyme (Hymir) - Brewing, cauldron, thick skull
Kåre (Kári) - Wind, scathe, howl, sails
Loke (Loki) - Change, creativity, ambiguity, impulsiveness
Loge (Logi) - Fire, wildfire, 
Mime (Mímir) - Knowledge, wisdom, memory, counsel, Mimes Brønn (Mímisbrunnr)
Mokkurkalve - Clay, life, innocence, childishness
Norve (Narfi) - Narrow, oppressive, closed in, difficult birth
Rungne (Hrungnir) - Strength, brawling, fighting, whetstone
Snø (Snær) - Snow
Surt (Surtr) - Fire, heat, burning, blackness
Suttung (Suttungr) - Mead of poetry, orphaned, eagle
Tjaste (Þjazi, Thiazi) - Abduction of Idunn
Torre (Þorri, Thorri) - Black ice, frost, cold, winter
Trym (Þrymr, Thrymr) - Uproar, King of Jotner, 
Vale (Vali) - Unlucky, wolf, murdered his brother Norve
Vavtrudne (Vafþrúðnir) - Riddles, weaver of tales
Utgards-Loke (Útgarða-Loki) - The outer places, magic, illusion, beyond society, an alternate plane
Yme (Ymir) - The big bang, primordial, birth, the ancestor of all, elemental
Æge (Ægir) - Sea, ocean, sea creatures, protector of sailors
Gygrer (Gýgr, Elemental Giantess)
Angerboda (Angrboða) - Grief bringer, sorrow, Iron Wood
Aurboda ( Aurboða) - Gravel, mountains
Bestla - Mother to Odin, Vilje and Ve.
Driva (Drífa) - Snowfall
Fonn - Snowdrift
Gerd (Gerðr) - Beauty, light, fertility, earth
Grid (Gríðr) - Greed, vehemence, violence, impetuosity
Hel - Death, Helheim (the underworld), Náströnd (“Corpse Shore”)
Hyrrokkin - Fire smoked, smoke, strength, wolves, serpents
Jernsaksa (Járnsaxa) - Iron knife, mother to Magne
Lauvøy (Laufey) - Needle, slender, weak
Menglød (Menglöð) - Lives in a castle guarded by Fjölsviðr
Mjoll (Mjöll) - Powdered snow
Natt (Nótt) - Night, darkness, nightfall, counting time, rides Rimfakse
Skade (Skaði) - Damage, archery, hunting, skiing, winter, mountains
Vetter (Vættir, Beings) & Other
Alver (Elves) - Light/Dark/Black, personification of nature
Andvare (Andvari) - Dwarf, “careful one”, waterfall, fish, wealth, magic ring called Andvaranaut
Ask og Embla - The first humans, ancestors of humanity
Diser (Dísir) - Female protective deities/spirits, fate
Dverger (Dvergar) - Dwarfs, metallurgy, wisdom, smithing, mining, crafting
Einherjer (Einherjar) - Honoured dead, fallen in battle, sent to Folkvang or Valhalla
Fenrisulven (Fenrisúlfr) - Death, destruction, rage, the end of times, fen-dweller
Fjolne (Fjölnir) - Swedish king, Vaner, son of Frøy and Gerd
Gullveig/Heid (Heiðr) - Volva, seid, enigmatic, “Lust For Gold” or “Golden Drink”
Kvase (Kvasir) - Wisdom, knowledge, skaldship, poetry, mead, blood, juice
Midgardsormen (Jörmungandr, Midgard Serpent) - Sea serpent, poison, self-reflexivity, cyclicality
Norner (Norns) - Weavers of fate, Wyrd, destiny, birth, death
Sigurd Fåvnesbane - Stag, hero, wisdom, prophecy, speak to birds
Starkad (Starkaðr) - Jotun, hero, great warrior, many arms cut off by Tor
Troll - Isolated natural landmarks, strength, slow, dim witted, 
Valkyrjer (Valkyries) - Choosers of the slain, Odin’s maids, spirits, ferocity, death, ravens, wolves
Vanlande (Vanlandi) - Hero, Swedish king, Vaner, “Man from the land of the Vaner”, 
Vedfinn (Viðfinnr) - Father of Hjuke and Bil
Vetter (Vættir) - landvette, skogsvette, husvette, vannvette, sjøvette, havvette, hulder, nøkken, draugen, nisse, troll, huldrefolk, deildegasten, dradokke, trollkatt, basilisk, krake, utburd, lyktemenn, varulv, marmæl, lindorm
Volund (Völundr) - Blacksmith, magical powers, sword maker, hero, alvedrotten (Chieftan of elves)
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
reblog if you remember what it felt like to walk into blockbuster
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
This is going to be a fast paced, intense month. The illusions are dissolving and our intuitions are getting stronger.
With Thursday’s New Moon in Scorpio, we move into yet another major phase of knowing, understanding, and trusting our divine destiny.
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
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riverpagan67 · 3 years ago
I am a 54 year old pagan living in the Midwest with my cat.
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