ripcaroline · 2 days
as if i don’t already have enough stuff to do, i’ve decided i want to make my own screencaps oop-
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ripcaroline · 3 days
Full offense but your writing style is for you and nobody else. Use the words you want to use; play with language, experiment, use said, use adverbs, use “unrealistic” writing patterns, slap words you don’t even know are words on the page. Language is a sandbox and you, as the author, are at liberty to shape it however you wish. Build castles. Build a hovel. Build a mountain on a mountain or make a tiny cottage on a hill. Whatever it is you want to do. Write.
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ripcaroline · 3 days
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S05E04 - For Whom The Bell Tolls
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ripcaroline · 3 days
send  “ only  one  bed. “  for  our  muses  to  be  in  a  hotel  room  where  they  must  share  a  bed.
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ripcaroline · 3 days
nonverbal memes
add + to reverse who does the action
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention  [ sleep ] for your muse to wake mine  [ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket  [ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.  [ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning  [ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair  [ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair  [ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine  [ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room  [ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer  [ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger  [ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s [ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying  [ eat ]  for your muse to offer mine food [ hit ] for your muse to attack mine  [ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance  [ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine  [ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap  [ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring  [ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually  [ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support  [ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm  [ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand  [ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did  [ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine  [ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap  [ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down  [ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away  [ dream ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare  [ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation  [ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury  [ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine  [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger  [ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine  [ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
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ripcaroline · 3 days
another kiss prompt
a kiss to make up for an argument
a dominating kiss to end an argument 
a gentle kiss to ask forgiveness 
a kiss against shoulder blades as arms wrap around from behind 
a kiss against the shoulder after waking up beside each other 
a kiss to distract
a kiss against tear stained cheek
a kiss on the brow 
a kiss where they’re both covered in blood
a kiss after one muse has killed for the other 
a kiss after one muse has injured the other 
a kiss between enemies who should be fighting 
a kiss between exes who meant to walk away 
a playful kiss to make the other stop rambling 
an adoring kiss because the other is rambling 
a kiss to end sexual tension 
an angry kiss 
a tearful kiss 
a kiss to prove a point 
a hesitant kiss 
a kiss from one muse who should be afraid of the other 
a kiss from a muse who the other should be afraid of 
kisses scattered along hardened jaw to try and sooth 
a kiss as if trying to answer a question 
a kiss between furrowed brows to try and comfort 
a kiss from someone the other didn’t think thought of them that way 
a kiss that says thank you 
a kiss on the corner of the mouth,  hoping for more but expecting nothing 
an exploratory kiss,  testing the waters between them 
a kiss on the forehead of one who is starting to fall asleep 
a kiss against the cheek after discovering the other is napping 
a platonic kiss just meant to express overwhelming emotion 
a kiss to comfort both parties
a kiss stemmed from relief 
a kiss to make the other believe professed feelings 
a possessive kiss to remind the other who they belong to 
a possessive kiss to show the world they belong to each other
a kiss stemmed from jealousy 
a kiss to make someone else jealous 
a biting,  passionate kiss 
a kiss against the neck which feels more like a bite,  teeth bruising skin 
a desperate kiss as if they are convinced they’ll slip through each other’s fingers 
a kiss to make each other feel alive 
a kiss stolen away in a corner,  ignoring crowds 
a kiss after being pulled into an alley to have a moment to themselves 
a kiss after grabbing the other’s arm and pulling them back close 
a kiss to convince the other to stay 
a kiss like they’re trying to convince the other to love them 
a hopeful kiss in the rain
a desperate kiss in the rain 
an angry kiss in the rain 
a possessive kiss in the rain 
a playful,  happy kiss in the rain 
a passionate kiss stemmed from previous heartbreak in the rain 
a kiss in the rain to make up like it’s a damn romcom 
a kiss in the rain filled with the foreboding of a goodbye 
a kiss to make the other stop being stubborn 
a kiss after treating a wound 
a defiant kiss 
a kiss between partners in crime in front of someone they hold captive 
a kiss to anger a third party 
an adrenaline filled kiss shared after committing a crime 
a surprise kiss just because the other couldn’t stop thinking about it 
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ripcaroline · 3 days
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑬 .    (   a  collection  of  texting  prompts .  receiver of the meme  is  implied  to  be  the  sender  of  the  text .   )
∗ o1﹕ a  text  sent  late  at  night . ∗ o2﹕ a  text  asking  for  advice . ∗ o3﹕ a  text  sent  out  of  worry . ∗ o4﹕ a  text  sent  out  of  excitement . ∗ o5﹕ a  text  sent  out  of  anger . ∗ o6﹕ a  text  containing  a  picture . ∗ o7﹕ a  text  to  get  back  in  touch . ∗ o8﹕ a  text  saying  goodbye . ∗ o9﹕ a  text  containing  a  confession . ∗ 1o﹕ a  cheesy  text . ∗ 11﹕ a  text  sent  from  across  the  room . ∗ 12﹕ a  text  that  wasn’t  meant  for  the  receiver . ∗ 13﹕ an  intoxicated  text . ∗ 14﹕ a  text  sent  while  half  asleep . ∗ 14﹕ a  text  that  was  never  sent . ∗ 15﹕ a  text  containing  advice . ∗ 16﹕ a  flirtatious  text . ∗ 17﹕ a  text  during  a  breakdown  /  panic  attack . ∗ 18﹕ a  threatening  text . ∗ 19﹕ a  suggestive  text . ∗ 2o﹕ a  text  containing  an  apology . ∗ 21﹕ a  text  to  a  group  chat . ∗ 22﹕ a  text  regarding  [ character name ] . ∗ 23﹕ a  text  containing  a  pick - up  line . ∗ 24﹕ an  angry  text . ∗ 25﹕ an  urgent  text . ∗ 26﹕ an  affectionate  text . ∗ 27﹕ a  text  after  first  meeting . ∗ 28﹕ an  embarrassing  text . ∗ 29﹕ a  supportive  text . ∗ 3o﹕ a  random  text .
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ripcaroline · 7 days
@ripcaroline headcanons time with rhys larsen forbes &. caroline forbes.
rhys likes to bring back gifts every time he went on a mission for work. it was hard for him not to bring anything when he missed her all the time. since he married caroline, he and she knew that he had to stop protecting her. even if, one does not prevent the other, that he would protect her until his last breath, when he went on missions, which sometimes could last for months, he could not help but bring back several gifts to compensate for his absences.
rhys loved to slow dance with caroline in their new apartment. feeling her against him was something he needed every day. especially when he was sometimes absent for a long time. it sucked that he sometimes missed important things, like important debates that she could have with her friends, missed time with her too. sometimes, he thought about stopping protecting people to live happily with her. it was selfish, he knows it but he can't help it. it is something that he think about a lot. especially when he saw the look on her face when he has to leave. maybe open his own bodyguard agency and stay at home to take care of his little wife. something that will surely happen soon when she whispers I love you's in his ear.
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ripcaroline · 7 days
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look, i didn't even like 17. and the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. it's a filler year. i'm stuck in a filler year !
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ripcaroline · 8 days
crying thinking about "you'll remember you got sick with the flu. you had a fever, chills and ickiness, but i made you soup and it was really salty. we bickered. you got better and then your selfish little daughter, who loves you no matter what, went right back to ignoring you and all is right in the world."
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ripcaroline · 8 days
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S05E04 - For Whom The Bell Tolls
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ripcaroline · 8 days
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ripcaroline · 8 days
↪  𝑴𝑶𝑶𝑵 𝑲𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 .   (   a  collection  of  sentence  starters  originating  from  season  one  of  marvel’s  moon knight .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .   )
maybe  one  day ,  right ?
i  still  wake  up  every  morning  feeling  like  i  got  hit  by  a  bus .
it’s  not  like  there’s  anything  in  there .
that  doesn’t  make  sense ,  cause  i’m  not  dead .  am i ?
are  you  asking  me  out ?
i  didn’t  know  you  had  taken  a  crack .
real  catch ,  you  are .
that’s  actually  crushing  to  hear .
get  out ,  go  …  away  from  me .
you  know  what  i  mean ,  yeah ?
i  will  see  you  on  the  flip-flop .
you’re  not  supposed  to  be  here .
don’t  just  stand  there -  RUN !
it’s  like  we’re  in  heaven .
i  strongly  encourage  you  to  return  that .
i  didn’t  do  that  on  purpose !
i  don’t  know  what  i’m  doing !
how  are  we  doing ,  [ name ] ?  you  sleep  alright ?
you’re  not  quite  right .
sorry ,  i’ve  got  a  date .
you  look  like  a  knob .
it’s  not  looking  so  good ,  is  it ?
calling  me  now ?
lose  my  number .
i’ll  tell  you  more  about  it  tomorrow .
you  can  have  some  sprinkles .
if  you’re  [ name ] ,  i’m  the  bloody  queen  of  shiva .
oh  my  god ,  you’re  alive .
i  thought  something  happened  to  you .
where  have  you  been ?
sorry ,  who  do  you  think  i  am ?
what  did  you  just  call  me ?
you  need  to  stop .
you’re  gonna  get  yourself  in  trouble .
someone’s  having  a  laugh .
stop  looking .
always the same ,  isn’t it ?
i’m  being  followed .
[ name ] ,  you’re  part  of  this ?
are  you  going  to  kill  me ?
it’s  maddening ,  isn’t  it ?
i  can’t  help  you .
i’m  trying  to  help  you .
there’s  chaos  in  you .
you  need  to  give  me  control .
this  is  real .  i’m  real .
oh ,  god .  i’m  gonna  die .
look  at  me .  you’re  not  gonna  die .
what  you’re  about  to  see  is  gonna  melt  your  brain .
that’s  not  me .
you’re  not  alone .
i  never  forget  a  face .
you  weren’t  supposed  to  see  any  of  this .
it’s  a  little  more  complicated  than  that .
i  can’t  have  you  interfering  in  what  i  have  left  to  do .
you  sure  you  want  to  know ?
oh  my  god ,  that’s  the  stupidest  thing  i’ve  ever  heard .
oh  god ,  i’m  having  a  panic  attack .
i’ve  gotta  go  to  the  hospital ,  i  think .
that’s  mental .
you’re  making  a  mistake .
stop  what  you’re  doing  right  now .
i  think  i’m  in  real  danger ,  and  i  think  you  might  be  the  only  person  who  can  help  me .
i  didn’t  do  that .
i’m  not  broken .  just  …  need  some  help ,  maybe .
just  remember ,  you  don’t  have  to  do  everything  he  asks .
i  am  real  justice .
i  can’t  help  you .
listen  to  me !  your  name  is  [ name ] .
where  the  hell  are  you ?  you  need  to  fight !
i  promise ,  you  can  do  this .
it’s  alright ,   it’s  alright ,  we’ll  find  another  way .
you  look  different .
it’s  always  been  you  eating  at  parts  of  my  life  like  a  parasite .
everything  you  touch ,  you  ruin !
i  don’t  trust  anything  you  say !
you  hurt  people .
you  know  i’ll  protect  you  with  everything  i  have .
i  don’t  steal .
not  so  innocent  anymore ,  eh ?
have  a  good  trip ,  love .
[ name ] .  [ name ] ,  that’s  enough .
what’s  the  worst  that  could  happen ?
aren’t  you  coming  with ?
is  there  somethin’  i  should  know ?
you  know  exactly  why  we’re  here .
take  action  now  before  it’s  too  late .
just  so  you  know ,  i’m  not  here  to  help  you .
you  could’ve  told  me .  you  know ?  what  it’s  been  like  for  you .
we  could’ve  handled  it  together .
never  really  been  able  to  just .  talk  about  everything .
let’s  get  our  story  straight .
i  hope  you  realize  you  need  no  excuse  to  drop  by .
do  you  really  think  i’m  an  idiot ?
buy  me  some  time .
i  remember  that  night .
you  were  right  about  [ name ] .
i’m  going  to  do  what  you  could  not .
i  owe  my  victory  to  you .
this  is  a  suicide  mission .
it’s  not  happening .  we’re  not  gonna  do  that .
we  could’ve  handled  it  together .
it’s  just  you  and  me ,  and  the  open  road .
yeah ,  i’m  not  sure  that’s  the  way  it  works .
i’ll  throw  us  off  a  cliff !
that’s  more  of  a  you  thing ,  isn’t  it ?
i  really  wish  you  hadn’t  seen  that .
oh ,  wow  …  look  at  you .
it’s  a  maze .
is  that  …  is  that  fresh  blood ?
let’s  keep  moving .
hide ,  hide !
run !  i’ll  find  you !
you  kissed  her .
no  way ,  that’s  not  right .  that  can’t  be  right .
you  handled  that  beautifully .
sorry .  i  couldn’t  be  more  sorry .
i  do  hope  you  find  closure .
i  was  supposed  to  die  that  night .
i  tried  to  tell  you  since  the  moment  we  met .
just  you ?
i’ll  share  it  with  you  this  time ,  i  promise .
you  can’t  keep  doing  this .
the  effects  will  wear  off  soon .
i  can’t  help  you  if  you  don’t  help  yourself .
you  shot  me .
you  stay  away  from  me !
i  know  what  you’re  feeling .
unlock  the  door !!
how  is  this  possible ?
what’s  the  last  thing  that  you  remember ?
we’ve  gotta  get  out  of  here .
this  is  all  your  fault .
let’s  try  it  your  way .
how  did  you  come  to  be  here  today ?
you  wanna  know  what  you  told  me ?
do  you  think  that  is  sense  …  or  nonsense ?
i  find  this  really  encouraging .
listen ,  i  am  not  your  enemy .
wow ,  these  meds  are  really  amazing .
we’re  insane .
i’m  not  crazy .
where  did  you  say  we’re  going .
so ,  how  are  we  supposed  to  do  this ?
my  memories  are  a  freakin’  mess .
you  try  taking  a  life .  see  how  quickly  you  forget .
open  the  door !   open  the  door !
[ name ] ?  get  back  here !
i  want  him  back .
i  should’ve  known  you  would’ve  done  something  like  this .
and  you  believed  that ?
what  happened  to  you ?
i  feel  the  pain  inside  of  you .
what  the  hell  are  you ?
please ,  [ name ] ,  you  have  to  help  us .
get  back  inside !
don’t  make  us  go  there  again .
you’re  about  to  lose  everything ,  do  you  understand ?
if  [ name ]  dies ,  it’ll  be  on  your  head .
no ,  i  won’t  do  it .  you  can’t  make  me .
what  you’ve  been  doing  is  so  difficult ,  i’m  so  proud  of  you .
i’m  so  proud  of  you .
there’s  only  one  way  to  know .
you’re  gonna  have  to  open  up .
[ name ] ,  i’m  sorry .
you  were  just  a  child .
it  wasn’t  your  fault .
[ name ] ,  they  don’t  look  very  friendly .
i’m  sorry  it  had  to  be  this  way ,  [ name ] .
sometimes  we  need  the  cold  light  of  death  before  we  can  see  reality .
who  wants  to  heal  the  world ?
clear  a  path .
i’ve  heard  wonderful  things  about  you .
this  doesn’t  need  to  happen .
this  was  all  so  avoidable .
do  not  let  the  pain  of  the  past  control  you .
as  you  wish .
i  don’t  care  what  you  can  offer .
[ name ]  didn’t  trust  you .  i  don’t  trust  you .
time  has  been  cruel  to  you .
i  cannot  allow  you  to  proceed .
your  journey  is  over .
it’s  so  quiet .
please ,  enjoy  your  peace .
i  need  to  go  back .
it  doesn’t  work  like  that .
i  don’t  know  if  you  can  hear  me .
i  survived  because  i  knew  i  wasn’t  alone .
i  couldn’t  protect  you .
you  didn’t  abandon  me .
there’s  no  way  in  hell  i’m  gonna  abandon  you .
tell  me  to  spare  you ,  and  i  will .
i  knew  you’d  miss  me .
[ name ] ,  i  need  your  help .
how’s  this  deal  gonna  work ?
hurry  up ,  idiots !
thank  god  you’re  okay .
what  if  we  believe  something  different ?
i  don’t  think  you  know  as  much  as  you  think  you  do .
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ripcaroline · 8 days
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .    (  a  collection  of  100  nonverbal  action  prompts .   mature  and  potentially  triggering  themes  are  present .   add  “ + reverse ”  to  swap  assigned  roles . )
∗ o1﹕ sender  tucks  hair  out  of  receiver’s  face . ∗ o2﹕ sender  offers  receiver  a  bite  from  their  fork . ∗ o3﹕ sender  places  their  feet / legs  in  receiver's  lap . ∗ o4﹕ sender  offers  receiver  an  earbud  to  share  their  music . ∗ o5﹕ sender  comforts  receiver  in  the  aftermath  of  a  nightmare . ∗ o6﹕ sender  gives  receiver  company  in  the  hospital . ∗ o7﹕ sender  wraps  their  arms  around  a  hysterical  receiver  to  calm  them . ∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . ∗ o9﹕ sender  falls  asleep  leaning  against  receiver . ∗ 1o﹕ sender  wields  a  [ gun / knife ]  at  receiver . ∗ 11﹕ sender  runs  their  fingers  through  receiver’s  hair . ∗ 12﹕ sender  invites  receiver  to  dance . ∗ 13﹕ sender  takes  a  [ picture / video ]  of  receiver . ∗ 14﹕ sender  places  their  head  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room . ∗ 16﹕ sender  pushes  receiver  against  a  wall  to  kiss  them . ∗ 17﹕ sender  and  receiver  cook  together . ∗ 18﹕ sender  comes  to  receiver  after  being  injured . ∗ 19﹕ sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 2o﹕ sender  lifts  receiver's  chin ,  invoking  eye  contact . ∗ 21﹕ sender  overtakes  receiver  in  combat . ∗ 22﹕ sender  finds  receiver  [ injured / bloodied ] . ∗ 23﹕ sender  straightens  an  article  of  receiver’s  clothes . ∗ 24﹕ sender  crawls  into  bed  with  receiver . ∗ 25﹕ sender  rolls  their  eyes  at  receiver . ∗ 26﹕ sender  lights  receiver’s  [ cigarette / joint ] . ∗ 27﹕ sender  is  caught  wearing  receiver's  clothes . ∗ 28﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  with  a  pillow . ∗ 29﹕ sender  writes  a  note  on  receiver’s  skin :  [ note ] . ∗ 3o﹕ sender  wraps  a  blanket  around  receiver’s  shoulders . ∗ 31﹕ sender  runs  and  jumps  into  receiver’s  arms . ∗ 32﹕ sender  shoves  receiver  out  of  anger . ∗ 33﹕ sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task . ∗ 34﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  somewhere  they  shouldn’t  be . ∗ 35﹕ sender  curls  up  against  receiver  in  their  sleep . ∗ 36﹕ sender  is  found  drunk  by  receiver . ∗ 37﹕ sender  throws  an  item  of  sentiment  bitterly  at  receiver . ∗ 38﹕ sender  joins  receiver  in  the  shower . ∗ 39﹕ sender  is  caught  following  receiver . ∗ 4o﹕ sender  traces  one  of  receiver’s  [ scars / bruises ] . ∗ 41﹕ sender  twines  their  fingers  with  receiver’s . ∗ 42﹕ sender  barges  into  receiver’s  home  unannounced . ∗ 43﹕ sender  kicks  receiver’s  shin  beneath  a  table . ∗ 44﹕ sender  aggressively  shoves  past  receiver . ∗ 45﹕ sender  kisses  receiver’s  [ forehead / cheek ] . ∗ 46﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  out  of  harm’s  way . ∗ 47﹕ sender  is  found  sobbing  by  receiver . ∗ 48﹕ sender  locks  receiver  out  of  their  room . ∗ 49﹕ sender  brings  receiver  [ coffee / tea ]  in  the  morning . ∗ 5o﹕ sender  rests  their  forehead  against  receiver’s . ∗ 51﹕ sender  plays  a  song  for  receiver  that  reminds  them  of  them :  [ song ] . ∗ 52﹕ sender  takes  a  [ punch / stab / bullet ]  meant  for  receiver . ∗ 53﹕ sender  buys  receiver  a  drink  at  a  bar . ∗ 54﹕ sender  needs  receiver’s  help  getting  in  the  bath . ∗ 55﹕ sender  and  receiver  cross  paths  in  the  kitchen  late  at  night . ∗ 56﹕ sender  twists  receiver’s  arm  behind  their  back . ∗ 57﹕ sender  winks  at  receiver . ∗ 58﹕ sender  is  found  collapsed  by  receiver . ∗ 59﹕ sender  prevents  an  injured  receiver  from  getting  up . ∗ 6o﹕ sender  claps  a  hand  over  receiver’s  mouth  to  silence  them . ∗ 61﹕ sender  cages  receiver  against  a  [ wall / the floor ]  with  their  arms . ∗ 62﹕ sender  storms  away  from  receiver  during  an  argument . ∗ 63﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  sleeping  in  receiver’s  bed . ∗ 64﹕ sender  [ applies / touches up ]  receiver’s  makeup . ∗ 65﹕ sender  throws  receiver  into  a  wall  during  combat . ∗ 66﹕ sender  dances  sensually  with  receiver . ∗ 67﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  across  the  face . ∗ 68﹕ sender  places  their  hand  on  receiver’s  leg  while  driving . ∗ 69﹕ sender  pulls  a  chair  out  from  under  receiver . ∗ 7o﹕ sender  catches  receiver’s  wrist  when  they  turn  to  leave . ∗ 71﹕ sender  leaves  an  intimate  mark  on  receiver . ∗ 72﹕ sender  beats  receiver  in  a  video  game . ∗ 73﹕ sender  and  receiver  stand  in  stunned  silence  after  a  fight . ∗ 74﹕ sender  cares  for  receiver  while  they’re  sick . ∗ 75﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  on  a  hike . ∗ 76﹕ sender  is  caught  snooping  in  receiver’s  things . ∗ 77﹕ sender  and  receiver  cuddle  while  watching  television . ∗ 78﹕ sender  throws  something  aggressively  at  receiver . ∗ 79﹕ sender  creeps  up  behind  receiver  to  scare  them . ∗ 8o﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  shopping  together . ∗ 81﹕ sender  helps  receiver  [ dye / style ]  their  hair . ∗ 82﹕ sender  draws  receiver  into  a  kiss  by  the  back  of  their  neck . ∗ 83﹕ sender  is  discovered  having  a  panic  attack  by  receiver . ∗ 84﹕ sender  accidentally  injures  receiver  during  sparring . ∗ 85﹕ sender  grabs  receiver  roughly  by  the  hair . ∗ 86﹕ sender  brings  receiver  to  their  knees  during  combat . ∗ 87﹕ sender  shows  receiver  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ∗ 88﹕ sender  winks  [ seductively / mockingly ]  at  receiver . ∗ 89﹕ sender  yells  at  receiver  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air . ∗ 9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound . ∗ 91﹕ sender  holds  receiver  as  they  cry . ∗ 92﹕ sender  silently  and  angrily  points  receiver  towards  the  door . ∗ 93﹕ sender  gestures  for  receiver  to  sit  down . ∗ 94﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  into  their  lap . ∗ 95﹕ sender  cradles  receiver’s  face . ∗ 96﹕ sender  tackles  receiver  out  of  the  way  of  danger . ∗ 97﹕ sender  has  hidden  an  injury  from  receiver ,  and  receiver  finds  out . ∗ 98﹕ sender  confronts  receiver  about  their  unhealthy  behavior . ∗ 99﹕ sender  proposes  to  receiver . ∗ 1oo﹕ sender  has  just  died ,  receiver  finds  out .
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ripcaroline · 8 days
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ripcaroline · 8 days
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pov: you're on ft with caroline
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ripcaroline · 8 days
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look, i didn't even like 17. and the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. it's a filler year. i'm stuck in a filler year !
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