ringgitmy-blog · 2 years
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ringgitmy-blog · 2 years
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ringgitmy-blog · 2 years
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
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us vogue // lover music video (insp)
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
English Proverbs from the 1000s
Not every cloud you see threatens rain.
A boy is consumed by envy, an old man by anger.
A reasonable sufficiency is more righteous than dishonorable riches.
One does well to distrust a stream, even one that is calm.
Sometimes an old dog growls the truth.
It is a hard cheese that the greedy man does not give to his dogs.
He who cannot conceal, ought not to become a thief.
Whose bread I eat, his songs I sing.
All the gold that a king has does not equal this rain.
No thief will be hanged, if he himself is the judge.
What earned this one praise gets that one a beating.
Smoky things appear by day, and fiery things by night.
The living husband is incensed by praise of the dead one.
A stupid person who is corrected, immediately hates his admonisher.
It is not the lowliest of virtues to have placed a limit on your wealth.
No mother-in-law is pleasing to her daughter-in-law unless she is dead.
A frog on a throne quickly gives up the honor.
When you trade one fish for another, one of them stinks.
Whoever hates his work, surely hated himself first.
To a man hanging, any delay seems too long.
from Egbert of Liège’s The Well-Laden Ship
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
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I came here to gaze at the horizon and well it didn’t show up    by tougs
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
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The true sizes of countries on the globe versus their “Mercator Projection” size depicted on standard world maps, created by Neil R Kaye.
The Mercator Projection is necessary to display a spherical globe onto a flat image, with land masses furthest away from the equator being the most exaggerated.
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
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Messier Objects
M64 - Black Eye Galaxy
At 17.3 million light years from our Sun, the Black Eye Galaxy (sometimes called the Evil Eye Galaxy) resides in the constellation of Coma Berenices and is visible with small telescopes.
The galaxy shows a great deal of gas and dust, which gives it the dark clouded look, and has a very high rate of star birth. 
It is theorised that the galaxy may have recently merged with a orbiting galaxy or has collected a huge amount of gas from the intergalactic medium, as the galaxy itself is fairly isolated. 
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
Hello Tumblr 👋
Today, Tumblr’s owner, Verizon Media, announced that Automattic plans to acquire Tumblr. Automattic is the technology company behind products such as WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, and Simplenote—products that help connect creators, businesses, and publishers to communities around the world. 
We couldn’t be more excited to be joining a team that has a similar mission. Many of you know WordPress.com, Automattic’s flagship product. WordPress.com and Tumblr were both early pioneers among blogging platforms.
Automattic shares our vision to build passionate communities around shared interests and to democratize publishing so that anyone with a story can tell it, especially when they come from under-heard voices and marginalized communities.
We look forward to continuing to create products that empower your self-expression and sense of community and that build a better, more inclusive internet. 
We’re excited for our future together!
<3 Tumblr
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ringgitmy-blog · 5 years
What a beautiful short. Space never ceases to amaze me.
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Bright Jupiter and LDN 1773
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