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Riley is the name of my subconscious. She is aggressive and gets what she wants. (This is my side blog so I might not be able to interact with posts from this blog. Main: roxiearth )
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rileysloa · 5 hours ago
Yes, Im Back
Here it is you guys, this is going to be the clearest and most simple explanation I’ve done so far of manifestation and your identity as conciousness and what that means for experience & the world unfolding. Don’t worry if you’re new to this, this will help!
So around 7 years ago I started stepping into the world of what people typically call manifestation. I went down the rabbit hole of Subliminals, Law of Attraction, Law of assumption, NonDuality and finally to where I am now, the unlabeled.
I want to preface by saying, I have been through an unimaginable amount of turmoil, and growth while on my journey to understanding reality and the way the world appears.
I’ve spent all of my time from back to when I first found out about this side of reality, to today while I’m writing this post, constantly looking at a multiplicity of teachings and teachers to figure it out, except until the very end. I really want you to know this because it’s very important to not brush this off as if it’s not possible for you, as if you have to adapt a technique or secret. This isn’t something that’s to be exhausting. With that being said, let’s move forward.
We all want things, we all have ideas of a life we hope to live, we want to fill it with all the experiences and specific details that match our taste. But this is actually, where the problem begins.
The way manifestation is taught is inherently wrong, I’ve fully stopped watching and consuming content that has anything to do with manifesting all together, because no matter what it is, Law of assumption, Law of attraction, all of the other ideologies that promise your desires, they all have a fundamental flaw, identity.
They usually all entail a similarity: methods, techniques, specific things you can do and ways you can act to make an outcome happen. All the while throwing in a random “because you’re the god of your reality”. And instead of focusing on the phrases that relate to the center of all of it, YOU, it’s simply just brushed past.
And not just the typical “your source”, “your operant power”, “you are the manifestation,
We get it but wtf does that actually mean, and why should you care??? Well, let’s get into this, because once you start from point A, everything else makes sense.
What all these teachings of the world get wrong is the idea that you can want things and desire, as source. Fundamentally this is a paradox, you can’t exist in desire and want if you are the source of reality. It’s not to say you aren’t, but it’s to say, you don’t ACTUALLY want and desire, but the illusion of being separate from the world is what makes you want and desire.
Let’s break the illusion.
Ask yourself this for me. “Am I aware”.
The answer will always be yes. Undeniably. And no matter how many times you repeat this, the answer is always yes, no matter a feeling, no matter a pleasant or unpleasant experience in the world, no matter any circumstance, you will always say yes.
Why is this so important to explore?
Because you are able to see from direct experience what source is.
When you asked yourself that question, did you notice something weird that happened? It’s almost like everything paused for a split second and your attention went somewhere to find the answer, and a response came from there. Look closer, ask yourself the question again, and this time try to find where the answer is coming from.
You’ll find that it comes out of nowhere, and if you try to trace it as far back as you can, to even before you answer yes, there this empty space of knowing that the answer conjures in.
This is consciousness. This is you.
Whether you name it consciousness/awarness or knowing, it doesn’t matter, it’s all interchangeable. But the important thing to note is, this thing doesn’t ever go anywhere. That is your true identity, the starting point of all ideas, the starting point to anything that can possibly be known. Every decision is from here, every expression comes from here, everything leads back to knowing. When there is emotion, it is known, when there is idea, it is known.
You being able to know that you are aware comes from this. This is the unseeable, the thing that can’t be perceived in any way, this is origin, its source, and its you. Take a shot at it, try to see what knowing looks like, its weight, its shape, its color, its dimensions, what its favorite color is, what it doesn’t like or does like. You’ll be left with nothing, as in no descriptions, but definitely knowing that there is a presence there that never goes away. Now try finding its name, its age, its skin color, its voice. You cant, and yet, from this very nothingness comes your undeniable answer that you exist and you are aware of your existence.
You don’t need and feelings to know, you dont need sight, sound, and sense of perception, you don’t even need to acknowledge the body in any way, but you know you “are”.
At some point when there were no worlds and universes, there was an unseeable, dimensionless plane from what everything came from, does this sound familiar? Before there were things, there was no-thing, a presence yes, but no objects. And from this, reality was expressed, but source can’t go away, the fundamental key to everything there is today, has to remain, or else everything else would not exist.
Concouisness is what you are. And it IS the origin.
Now how tf do you live you dream life???
By understanding that the world is also just an expression of source, conciousness/you.
I need you to understand something that I thing we can all agree on, if everything has one source, it would only make sense for everything to be the extension of that thing that gives it life. The world is no different, and trust me I know this without a reasonable doubt. I’ve spent closer to a decade trying to figure this out. Everything exists in/on the field of consciousness/you.
I need you to trust me, because no matter how far you have been in your journey and how tiring it might have been like it was for me, I promise you, this is worth it all.
Step away from the ideas of wanting and needing, put on your neutrality glasses and perceive the world as 2 simple things, conciousness and conscious expression. These are the only 2 things that drive experience itself.
Understanding that you are source, more things become clear. Where do all the stories of all the unfavorable problems in your life activate from? Where does the idea of good events activate from? Where is it that any form of knowing come from, you. Whether it’s about struggling with money, or about someone loving you, the story or ideas, conjure from you.
We already know that we are conciousness, but now let’s acknowledge the second mosy important part, reality begins at us, draw yourself into something that you don’t really like, something you’d like to change, now notice where it activates from.
From knowing. Knowing the idea or story is its creation
Now when we see it casually, as just another thougt about something the world is showing us we brush it off and move on with our day, until we have to face that thing, but, what if this was actually in reverse?
Because if everything is an expression of source, doesn’t that mean the world is too? It would have to be. Doesn’t that mean, anything registered by the senses has to abide by its source? And doesn’t that mean, that the world is not truly something of its own will?
The short answer is yes absolutely. And I can tell you, this is it. THIS WILL BE VERY F$&#*NG IMPORTANT.
Admitting to the idea that there is one source for everything is literally acknowledging that everything can only show up IN ACCORDANCE AND RESPECT TO WHATEVER ITS SOURCE IS.
THIS MEANS, the the world is a PROJECTION of source, IT DOES NOT STAND ALONE. It does not OPERATE ON ITS OWN.
The world is the projection of consciousness.
Following me??
Like a hologram, like a school projector QUITE LITERALLY a projection.
From us, an infinite array of stories and ideas come, and they only become activate or exist if we allow them to, if we give permission to this thing to exist.
That story that you’ve had about SP (Specific Person) or Money or Success, has always been activated by you. TELL ME WHERE ELSE IT STARTS. You can literally even prove this to yourself right now. WHERE DOES THE STORY BEGIN.
And because the world is just an expression/extension of its source (YOU) it is ONLY GOING TO BE WHAT SOURCE IS. Because it is source, just with senses and perception. It is coming face to face with what you are aware of.
The way the world shows and all of its details are projections of whatever you decide to activate. How do you activate something? BY KNOWING IT.
How do you know “red apple” ? By knowing it. That is the origin for this idea. And you can run this test for every single story you play on loop, find its source, it will always be you.
Now, for the important steps moving forward. Stop treating this like an on and off switch, truly stop caring about a feeling, stop letting yourself get so swayed out of understanding your identity as the source, do NOT give up this beautiful opprotunity just because it seems or feels different.
You’ve been taught for so long that the world has to be struggle, so that’s all you know, you’ve been told that things don’t always come easy, this is all you know, take the time, take the days and weeks you need to break out of this useless cycle of exhaustion and understand who you are as source
Do not double down on doubts, double down on the truth, regardless of how you feel, take your time to feel, take your time to be, but never allow yourself to slip back into the brainwashing of the world.
Moving forward you need to understand the world objectively, not with the ideas of wants and desire, but for what it is. Source can’t want, you turn it into desire by creating a sense of divide for yourself. You pretend the world is something to change, drop this. You pretend that the body is all you are, drop it, you pretend that there has to be more to this but knowing, DROPKICK this into the damn ground.
This all is very simple. Everything being the expression of source is only projecting what source (You) are. The world is a direct projection of conscious activity. Whatever is know is given permission to exist, it’s given life. It’s created. THIS. IS. IT.
Whether it be blue butterflies, getting a free coffee, or changing your eye color, it all is just knowing. And this isn’t something that turns off. This is reality, this is you. Start noticing the random things the world shows up as when you were just thinking about it the other day or a few hours ago. It is not a coincidence I assure you.
That friend you were thinking about calling you? Yeah.
That song you were thinking about suddenly popping up? Yeah
That “problem” you were thinking about suddenly reappearing? Yeah
It is all the same, yes it will take getting used to, but please understand me when I say this, it took me a painful amount of time and effort to finally see this as the truth, the amount of months I’ve spent isolating from content and other teachings allowed me to take ONLY personal experience, I tested it day in day out and this IS it.
Currently I expand my comfort on how seamless existing is, and I can assure you, if I can come to this conclusion, you 100% can because it has NOT been easy for me, and it almost didn’t want to accept it. But the moment I did, and kept seeing it to be true time and time again, I knew I had to go fully in.
You create the idea of wanting by doing this.
“I really want Sp to text me”
This is what you’ve given permission to exist, this is now activated, it now is conscious activity, and because the world is source projected with senses the world IS this.
You treat it like an absolute, but when it comes to something like this:
“Sp loves texting me”
You treat it as effort, and something to do and wait on. Now tell me, does that make sense? Does the idea of waiting, wanting, desiring, changing, even make sense with the knowledge you have up to this point? Nope.
You need to understand. The world is not a story, it’s projection, and it can only be projecting you. Stop turning to the world as if it can make statements, as if it’s feeding you ideas, when you’re the one activating them. You NEVER actually change the world, it’s you that activates a new idea. THATS IT. It exists because you know it. A feeling cannot stop you from knowing, the world cannot stop you from knowing, ONLY YOU can stop yourself from activating a story. A story can’t exist if it isn’t known.
So, don’t you think it’s about time you see past the illusion of wanting and see for yourself what you are?
Don’t you think it’s time, to wake up.
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rileysloa · 5 hours ago
Can y'all stop applying "physical world rules" to your inner world pls? Like it's different😭
"how can I put efforts in my manifestation/shift"
"do i need to work harder? Am I not doing enough?"
"can you give me tips for this very unique situation (😃)? Can YOU tell me what to do?"
Like stop ㅠㅠ it's not the 3d world hustle bustle work hard do 21 day challenge be successful course thingy 🤡 IT'S YOU, YOUR INNER WORLD, YOUR CREATION. Like when tf is it gonna click for y'all? 😭 Stop asking silly questions like no you don't need to work "harder" like wdym by that? You want me to tell you to AFFIRM WITH YOUR CHEST UNTIL YOUR HAIR FALLS OFF AND JUMP AROUND AND ROLL LIKE A WORM AND THEN START FLYING??? What's working hard in loa bro MAKE IT EASYYY
If you think you have to work harder/you're not doing enough THAT'S AN ASSUMPTION
If you assume you're doing something wrong YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG (spoiler alert; assuming that you're doing something wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️)
AND STOP asking anyone else than yourself to answer your questions cuz like no ask YOURSELF. Loa can apply to ANYTHING it's all the same. Do y'all ever ask yourself the questions you ask bloggers? "How will this happen even tho this is the case?" "I wanna be this but I'm so baaaddd 😫" like? Can you see you're doing the opposite of what we're telling you to? You're asking how and blah blah. You're assuming the opposite of what's in your favour 😭😭😭 start applying
Like i hate to repeat this line but it's your fault no one else is getting anything good or bad if you think in your favour or you don't. Literally. THE ONLY PERSON GETTING AFFECTED BY YOUR ACTIONS, WORDS, THOUGHTS IS YOU AND ALWAYS WILL BE YOU.
Does it sound harsh? Not to me cuz it's the opposite of what we've heard that you can't control anything, you have to work for it, no pain no gain. No! it sounds so comforting to me that YES! IT'S ME. I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL SO I CAN CHOOSE FOR MYSELF.
When are you gonna start choosing for yourself?
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rileysloa · 1 day ago
hi guys! i've been getting some dms and asks, and since there seems to be some confusion about what the law of assumption is, i wanted to make a post clarifying some things. so here are some things you need to know:
1. the law is not a mystical thing.
it is not magic. its not foreign. it is not a superpower. it is simply making assumptions. not praying, not wishing, not hoping, not affirming. making assumptions. manifestation is about accepting things as true without any proof, the proof comes later. once you've successfully completed this step.
2. you didn't create life, you created your reality.
there is a difference. i remember this one tumblr interaction where someone sent an ask, believing that since they're the creator of their reality, then they also created every tv show they watched. and no, you obviously did not. anything that you obviously didn't physically create in your life, you didn't create. the only thing you are responsible for in your life is how things operate in relation to you.
3. you don't get what you want, you get what you are.
there's a reason why you're told by neville to stop desiring, why you're told to state your desires as a present tense fact. its because no amount of wanting, no amount of desiring, is going to change anything. if our assumptions (what we believe is true without proof) have so much power over our lives, what do you think desiring implies? what does wanting say about you? if you had your dream job, would you be wanting your dream job, or would you already have it and no longer desire it?
it should be obvious that we as human beings are conscious enough to realize certain things. we have the freedom to change our own minds because we are autonomous human beings. therefore, you are completely capable of making the conscious decision to believe something without proof.
4. you are a human being. other people around you are human beings too.
i've noticed that a lot of people within this community seem to be out of touch with reality. i find this very concerning and it's why i no longer say things like "the 3d isn't real" or "you are god", because they can be blown out of proportion. while yes, you are the cause for everything in your life, this is still your life. the 3d can be as unreal or "fake" as it wants to be, but it's all you've ever known. it's all you will ever know. why? because regardless of any material you've ever consumed, we are human beings living a human experience. nothing can change that.
you still need to take care of yourself, you still need to live your life, you should still enjoy your life, you should still be kind to others and treat them with respect. don't neglect yourself and others around you. the 3d is real, it's just not as absolute as we're made to believe. that's all. the 3d is real, but its authority over you is not.
5. again, the law is not magic. it's a natural process.
once you assume something, it's not going to just magically fall into your lap. the law is meant to be a natural thing. while manifestation is instantaneous, there is still the bridge of events that unfold to lead you to what you decided has already happened. and while things can still happen in an infinite amount of ways, the "how", regardless of what i've just said, is still none of your concern. your job will always be to decide it's already done and stick to that.
also, please don't take my words out of context. i'm not saying that manifestation is a process or anything like that, this is simply the way our world works. for instance, if you wanted to manifest a free vacation, the tickets wouldn't magically appear in your hand right that second. you'd decide you were already going on/already on that vacation first. then in the next couple minutes/hours or the next day or that same week, a relative of yours calls or visits and mentions that they won a trip to your desired location, but they changed their mind, so they ask you if you want to go.
this is what i mean by a bridge of events unfolding. there is no process, just events that lead you to where you already assumed you are. your physical reality is a mirror that reflects whatever you tell yourself instantaneously. things will always unfold in a natural way.
that's all for now. i hope this helps. 🩶
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rileysloa · 4 days ago
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manifesting an SP is so easy, what do you mean??
I'm not saying this as a mind saturation thing. I genuinely believe, know and can explain why manifesting someone is easy because I've done it before and it's just too funny girl.
here's the link to my manifestation success stories.
R E A L I T Y C H E C K : :
here is some education before you jump into manifesting an SP. thought transmission / telepathy is real and happens to us all the time. have you ever noticed that there seems to be a universal experience where you can talk to someone and feel drained or have the random intuition that someone cannot be trusted despite nothing happening between the two of you?? you are picking up on their energy, especially the energy of what is inside their minds. have you ever witnessed a person being so magnetic for some reason?? but have you also observed a person at rock bottom and saw their repell?? have you noticed how different your social experiences were when you were confident VS insecure?? this all counts as thought transmission, alignment and telepathy.
It doesn't even have to be for people. people can attract money into their lives too. money should be seen as an energy, because the physical object of money is just green paper but money's place in the world is basically the amplifier of who people are. people can save lives or pay to destroy it. so money is not evil, stop fearing and rejecting the attraction of money because of this!! are YOUR intentions evil?? no. so you deserve the money wtf!? same goes for your crush. are you desperate?? needy for his valuable time for the self-absorbtion of your own scarcity?? no? so you'll get him. stop over thinking.
one time my first and most hopeless crush messaged me for HOURSS even if I already transferred schools this year, and he said some sweet things and one of them was a confession that he liked me during the 1st and 2nd month of school. I liked him during the 2nd to 4th. and I didn't even know why I liked him. so he just got me the moment he detached. lmao.
M A N I F E S T H I M !!
do the inner-work.
once you like someone, just acknowledge it. don't be so afraid of admiring someone because how are you supposed to attract them? let yourself be giddy, happy and excited that you know them. be so detached in all of this that nothing is scary. why TF would it be.. I also did shadow work where I would find out things about myself. my most recent SP, I tried to talk to them once but then found something off about it and then reflected on an "independence" quality I had in myself that came from my household. damnn. so I prioritized my self-concept with it.
then, you can put them off the pedestal and put yourself on it. how I navigate it: I basically wonder WHY I like this person and find qualities about them that I am fond of. psychologically, you are attracted to someone because of their polarity, or the things about them that you are missing in yourself. so I figure this out and incorporate this into my own self-growth. if it weren't for that stupid SP I had once, I would probably stay a homebody instead of a socialite. this is a link from angelwxnny about it btw. this aligns me to my desires.
law of assumption.
then, in the meantime, I'd do the conscious manifestation. I can glance at them, and start visualizing a scene in my head that would make me feel loved. my most recent SP is him just saying that he loved me over and over until I felt satisfied. the whole key of manifestation is just being satisfied in the 4D that you're content in the 3D and it'll all gravitate towards you.
You can also affirm what you see and feel in the 4D. you should affirm gratitude a lot. when you keep thinking about him for some reason, go switch the narrative and think "ohhh he must be thinking about me right now because why am I thinking of him!?" trust me. one time I entered a room with a clear mind but then got heavied with the only thought in mind being someone's name. this guy was talking about his crush and it was me.
law of attraction.
I keep talking about self-concept all the time. please, it's the best frking thing in the world. I use my SPs as leverages for my self-concept even. since I use them as inspiration to grow, I already feel as if. I had no wavering at all because the momentum of liking someone is really active that I kept getting confidence boosts here and there. it's easy, and honestly so much fun y'all.
And then I manifest!! easyyy!!
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rileysloa · 4 days ago
Claiming someone to love me like this 🙌🏻😏
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rileysloa · 4 days ago
Think about it. If you assume everything is favorable to you, you will subconsciously assume that your face looks a certain way (ideal face), your life is a certain way (ideal life), and everything is favorable to you (everything “goes your way”). Once you make an assumption, it’s been made, you don’t need to keep making assumptions. You don’t even have to affirm if you don’t want to. When the assumption is made, it’s made. It’s done immediately. It already happened. You have nothing else to do, stop inventing actions to take when there are none. You just need to persist, but by following doubts and wavering and wondering if you have it or not and “trying to assume,” you are making an assumption that EVERYTHING IS UNFAVORABLE.
Consider this— once you make the assumption, don’t keep trying to make it. It’s done. Any positive thoughts that may come up as a result are just a manifestation of this assumption. (This is something I experience personally).
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rileysloa · 5 days ago
*ੈ𑁍༘⋆ I know some of you are scared in the back of your mind *ੈ𑁍༘⋆
but you don’t need to be, STOP RACING AGAINST THE CLOCK
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some of you are gaslighting yourself to into persisting while still being scared. You’re persisting in that new body but, in the back of your mind you’re scared that it won’t come before summer because you aren’t doing anything in the 3D, what if this is all for nothing. You’re persisting in your good grades but in the back of your mind you’re like “what if this is all for nothing, i need to study to get good grades”. So you’re scared, you waver and you start to believe that you’re nothing to change your reality.
And why is this
Because stupid society has told you that in order to see a result in absolutely anything, you must work for it. In order to get money, you MUST work. In order to pass you classes you MUST study. In order for your skin to clear up you MUST do skincare. You need to do something in the 3D to set things in motion is what they tell us. And because of that you think you’re being lazy, “what if i can’t actually manifest money and actually have to work for it, what have been doing this whole time?” So you panic and start wavering. And because of that it never comes. Because you’re SO skeptical of the fact that we don’t need to even touch our 3D to get what we want. You’ve been so conditioned to think another way you can’t fathom what’s right.
But what you need to realise is that creation is finished, done. There is nothing you need to do. at all. And it doesn’t take days or weeks to adopt this new mindset just know that in this moment, creation is finished. It takes a second to flip your thoughts you just need to persist. Why are you anxiously awaiting the deadline you’ve given yourself in the back of your mind? Time isn’t real, the 3D isn’t real. The 3D doesn’t determine your experience it’s your mind
for example
if you try and persist in a new body before summer and you’re anxious that you won’t get and believe that you just “should’ve worked out” → you won’t get what you want.
if you work out but you believe that you’re “not doing enough” → you won’t get what you want
so whether you did or you did not it didn’t matter, same outcome when your mind isn’t with isn’t with it.
i’ll use good grades again as an example
Lora said she persisted in her good grades fore her exam, she tried staying strong however the scary exam talk from the teachers and other people around her got in her head. In the back of her mind she’s scared that it won’t work and that “she should’ve studied”(affirmation btw). She panics and wavers and then she doesn’t get what she wants.
This is because she couldn’t understand that creation is finished. The second she wanted those good grades they were hers, if only society didn’t constantly tell her she needs to work for a result. I have many friends who study and still don’t feel confident so they fail and re affirm that “they’re just dumb”, so it doesn’t matter what you do in your 3d because it isn’t real.
Creation is done, stop being scared. “what if is all for nothing and i fail?” (affirmation) you’re allowed to feel. but counter that by telling yourself what’s true. Your innerman doesn’t experience the 3d so it doesn’t matter what you do. Saturate your mind into believing what’s true.
Your innerman doesn’t experience time, there are no deadlines to be afraid of, it’s already yours.
stop thinking you need to persist for a certain amount of time for your manifestation to be valid. You only got your head in the game and started persisting in your dream life, “i should’ve been doing this for longer” time is not real, persisting in a fact for 60 seconds is the same as persisting in a fact for 60 days.
Let’s say both Luna and Lani are both trying to have their dream body bride summer break in June. Luna started persisting in January, and Lani after months of wavering decided to persist in the last week of May. Time isn’t real so, it doesn’t matter how long theyve been persisting for, both of them get what they want.
Stop panicking it’s yours. Idc what’s going on your life, even if you’re backed up against a wall it’s yours. It’s okay to feel upset and panicky but don’t indulge in those feelings anymore let them pass, cast them out with psych k, or simple visualisation and tell yourself it’s already done.
If you hop on a train from london to paris, it doesn’t matter if you’re going to eat loads of food on the train, sleep or do an exercise in the middle of the isle like a crazy person, it’s still going to end up in paris. If you persist, no matter what, you will end up having what you want. Affirm to yourself “no matter what happens, everything is done”
don’t be afraid, creation is done
there’s nothing to do, and i mean this, you don’t have to meet in the middle with the 3D. EVER
there. is. nothing. absolutely. nothing. you. need. to. do 👏👏 it’s happened already
you have that face, body, house, car, you’ve induced pure consciousness, no. matter. what.
Why would you clean a house that’s already squeaky clean, why would you need to work for something THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE. If you were 8 months pregnant would you be scared that “it’s all for nothing” and that your baby won’t come when it’s due, that you’ll wake up and your stomach just disappears?
be serious
🌺🍯 stop feeling scared that something isn’t coming. you already have that thing.
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rileysloa · 6 days ago
The only post you'll ever need for LOA. Literally.
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It's so easy to manifest literally so easy once you do this. JUST SIT BACK AND RELAX, BE IN RECIVING MODE INSTEAD OF CONSTANTLY FEELING LIKE YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. Yes sometimes it can be hard when you feel panic that you have to manifest as fast as possible but trust me once you TRUST, it'll all fall into your lap at the snap of a finger! Literally. You'll even feel better and happy instead of worrying and feel like waiting forever. The universe/god/your higher self, whatever you believe in is telling you or teaching you that the way isn't through worry, stress, pain, suffering. The way is through ease, love, trust. Once you understand this you'll ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be able to manifest without any effort. Yes, no need for that 21 days challenge, no need to set a reminder for every hour to affirm, no need to try hard to visualise every teeny tiny detail. Just have this inner knowing and relax. That's the cheat code. How easy is that? You literally have the cheat code and it doesn't require ANY effort outside and the most minimal effort inside.
Now let me explain all the manifestation techniques in more detail.
Every manifestation technique has one goal:
Think about any technique. Affirming, visualising, scripting,etc. All of these are for what? To remind you, you have your desire. YES not to get something. That's why Neville said feel it real is very powerful technique. Cuz that's what happens when we receive something right. But what we do in loa is we feel it rn and get it rn, and because the 3d is in the past, yes it's our past assumptions, that's why we say it's not real. So when we feel it real we already have our desire in the present, but the 3d is not in the present. So don't react to it. Just remember that. And after a few days of having our desire we don't get THAT excited, do we? So when you think about it again you don't have to feel anything or do anything cuz you already have it. AND THEN WE JUST SIT BACK AND RELAX. Again the same conclusion. Cuz that's it!
Decide what you want. And feel having it.
Remind yourself that you have ___ either saying it in your head, writing it down, etc
Whenever you think about ___ always remember you have it. And think naturally. How would you think having ___ cuz you do now.
Remember the 3d is a product of your past assumptions. Just like how we see the stars 8 years later of their actual form. Just like it takes 8 minutes for sunlight to reach the earth. If you remember this you won't ask "where it is" you know it is here. And yes u can manifest Shifting too.
Allow it to come to you. I don't chase i attract.
Yes that's what it means. And I am the living proof for that 😌💅🏻✨ I am literally living my dream life and bestie you are too. That's all you need to manifest (aka yourself). It's very simple but if you have any questions feel free to comment and keep me updated on your manifestation journey and success stories cuz I'd love to read them and know if my post helped you 🤭🥂 (atleast you can do that for me, right? ;p)
Love, ... redkittyjellyfish? Wait i need to change my user name 💀 (ps. I changed my user from redkittyjellyfish - Krystella-Shifts (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) )
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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rileysloa · 8 days ago
Ok so I’m going through some major life changes and started worrying about money and stuff but like literally I was on my last amount of money that would get he through today and I didn’t even leave to spend the money and I had and I received twice more the amount. The way I want to get money is by my own job and stuff but I got this money as a gift from a reliable source, and it made me realize I don’t need to manifest money a specific way, I am provided for by any means. It was money that I was ok accepting and there can be millions of acceptable (legal) ways of getting money, you don’t HAVE to get it through a specific job by a specific way! Maybe holidays come up and so many people gone you gifts! Maybe you get a free coffee or free food that saves you money! Maybe your employer gives you a special bonus, who knows!!
Basically what I’m trying to get at is that I don’t need to worry about a certain path and worry about the certain path! Like l just need to know that I’m fulfilled and every time I need money I have enough! I tend to focus on getting a manifestation a SPECIFIC WAY! And that’s NOT it dude, be open and flexible and fulfilled!
So many people say it but this instance made it click for me and remind me. Be open minded, don’t try to force a specific way of getting your manifestation, just focus on the end goal.
So yes I am abundant, I am fulfilled I am taken care of!!
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rileysloa · 9 days ago
∘˚𖦹you must remain in your favoured state𖦹∘˚
or you’ll never get all that you desire
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what do you desire?
to get that dream face and body
to induce pure consciousness
to get those good grades
well you need to remember to stay in your favoured state. I was watching miss sammy ingram today and she said something so eye opening:
“If i’m in the US, it’s impossible for me to climb the Eiffel Tower because it’s in France”
what does this mean?
if you are in a state where you don’t believe you can manifest your desires, they will never come. At all. You will never be able to climb the Eiffel Tower in the US because it doesn’t exist in the US. You will never be able to get your desires because they don’t exist in a state where you don’t believe in them.
The timeline where you get your desires doesn’t exist in the state where you don’t think you can get them. The outcome of you inducing pure consciousness doesn’t exist in the state where you “just can’t do it” and do feel powerful to the point where you’re desperately begging others to do it for you. If you’re in a maths lesson, you’re not going to randomly see an literature text for you to analyse. You’re not going to randomly get your desires if you “try hard enough” in a state where you don’t believe it. where you keep wavering
If you get put into a room where everything is green you’re not going to randomly see a red object. The outcome where you induce pure consciousness and live your dreams won’t happen in a state where you have the assumption that you can’t get past symptoms.
There are things that just aren’t natural in certain places is what i’m trying to get at. It’s not possible to see a whale when you’re in the sahara desert in the same way that its not possible to see your desired body when you’re in a state where you believe you’re body is horrible.
It’s not possible to see a car in an aeroplane in the same way that it’s not possible to induce pure consciousness when you’re in a state that you don’t believe that you can do it, in a state where you “try”
See, when us bloggers say “if you don’t learn to live in a state where your desires are fact, you’ll never get what you want” we’re not just tryna scare you into applying, it’s just the truth. It just isn’t possible
There is no trial and failure for a god, you either have your desires or you don’t, you’re either a void master or you aren’t at all, there’s no building up to these things, it’s not a process you choose a state and you stick to it. As a god there’s no such thing as a a journey, not with your manifestation and not with the void, it’s a thought and then you’re immediately at your destination, you just have to choose to be a god in that sense.
Hint: failure does not exist in the state where you don’t believe in failing, the same way an opportunity of seeing the empire state building in person doesn’t exist if you’re in london
🧇🫐 stick to your favoured state and have it all!!
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rileysloa · 11 days ago
I manifested a text from a friend who I thought I was losing and felt like I wasn’t important/friends enough with any longer! 😭😭🙌🏻 I feel so relieved and happy omg
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rileysloa · 12 days ago
So i’ve been manifesting many things along my life, and some have worked and also some do not, many of which has worked are something i don’t really mind having or not, but i’ve also noticed that when i’m not thinking too much, i’m not expecting or even forgot about it, they manifest in my 3D, but the others don’t, i’m trying to find a pattern in them so i can manifest a lot more, recently i’ve been less anxious about it and not having the feeling of desire, but even with this some do not manifest, sometimes i think a lot about it so i can know that i already have it and to not care about the 3D but even with this it doesn’t work. I’ve thought why is that, if is because i’m avoiding seeing the old me in the 3D, if i’m thinking trying to believe, or thinking too much, or i’m obsessed and idk, i’m sorry if this looks confusing i have a lot of trouble trying to understand my feeling and i don’t really know if i’m actually believing it, assuming that i already have it or i’m just forcing it and idk
Why Some Manifestations Work Effortlessly:
1. Lack of Resistance:
When you don’t care too much or forget about something, there’s no resistance or attachment. You’re naturally in a state of “having it,” even if unconsciously, because you’re not doubting or obsessing over it.
• Manifestation tip: When you care less, you allow the energy to flow freely.
2. Detached Focus:
You’re not micromanaging the “how” or constantly checking the 3D. This creates a space for your desires to align with your assumptions and materialize.
Why Other Manifestations Don’t Seem to Happen:
1. Overthinking vs. Believing:
When you’re thinking too much about your desire, trying to “make” yourself believe it, or “forcing” the assumption, it comes from a place of lack. True belief feels natural, calm, and effortless.
2. Resistance to the Old Story:
Avoiding the old you or the current 3D reality can unintentionally keep your focus on what you don’t want.
• Key: You don’t need to fight or fix the 3D—just accept it as a reflection of past assumptions and shift your focus back to the reality you do want.
3. Attachment to Outcomes:
Obsession, checking for results, or analyzing the process can signal doubt. When you believe something is already yours, you don’t feel the need to constantly confirm it.
What to Do Now:
1. Simplify Your Practice:
• Decide what you want.
• Assume it’s already done.
• Persist in this assumption without obsessing over the details or the “how.”
2. Cultivate Trust:
Shift your focus from “trying to believe” to simply deciding it’s true. If you feel doubt, acknowledge it, but don’t dwell on it. Trust the process.
3. Let It Feel Natural:
• Spend a few moments daily imagining your desire as real and already in your life. Feel how natural and normal it is to have it.
• Then let go and go about your day.
4. Relax Into Knowing:
Remind yourself: “It’s done. It’s inevitable. My 3D reality will catch up.” Treat it like ordering something online—you don’t obsess over whether it’s coming because you know it is.
Key Takeaway:
Your mind and emotions don’t have to be perfect. Manifestation works when you trust and decide it’s already yours. The less you overthink, the more natural it feels, and the faster your desires show up.
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rileysloa · 12 days ago
i apologize for the really long ask but i really wanted to share my thoughts and i would make my own loa blog but i dont have it in me to deal with anons so i fear i will dump them all on you 😔 first off i want to say THANKKKK YOUUUUUU you literally changed my manifestation journey i used to be really into manifestation back in 2021/2022 and i was trying to manifest my dream face but it never happened no matter how much i affirmed or listened to subs or anything so i was just like fuck it this manifesting stuff isnt real imma just move on with my life and thats how i went about my life until you popped up on my dashboard a month ago and usually i would click not interested on any loa content but i was like you know what lemme give this stuff a chance again bc i did try the non manifesting route and it didnt work out bc when i tell you my life went DOWNHILL i used to protect myself from negative experiences by having the belief that i was simply the exception to terrible stuff but the moment i left the loa behind and was like no thats unrealistic anything can happen well guess what!! so many bad stuff happened in my life the last 2 years its genuinely crazy. so i was like lemme try this again and i went through your blog and really tried to materialize everything you were saying and read it with the attitude that what you are saying IS real instead of the doubting attitude i had towards loa advice/info back in 2022 and things really shifted for me.
so the first thing i learned is that MANIFESTATION IS REAL and more importantly NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE what i went through these past two years was proof to me that manifestation is real because once i adopted that negative mindset and dropped any positive beliefs i had my life became a nightmare and all those terrible thoughts manifested right before my eyes. for example i used to believe that i always looked pretty no matter what, this was just something part of my belief system but when i abandoned the law and everything i told myself no thats crazy i cant mAniFeSt looking pretty its unrealistic if im not pretty then im just not and bro when i tell you i was at my lowest appearance wise I WAS AT MY LOWESSTT my classmates at school would come up to me and tell me i looked so different and so dull even my mom would say the same stuff to me and tell me i changed i also noticed a difference when i looked in the mirror. the reason why i felt like manifestation wasnt real was because it just seemed really crazy to me, i felt like things materializing out of nowhere and appearances changing drastically was just like something fantastical and just not possible here in the real world. well i am here to tell you that is NAWT THE CASE! the world is not logical and im gonna tell you why. most of us here have grew up religious, and whats more illogical than religion? there are so many stories in the bible where illogical stuff happen like youre telling me some guy can turn water into wine? doesnt that sound like something out of a fantasy movie? but it happened, right? you believe in the bible so you believe in all the stuff that happened in it even the magical stuff. and another thing with growing up religious is that we always hear stories about miracles where for example a neighbor who was really sick suddenly woke up completely healthy. and we also were taught that we can ask god for anything and that god can make anything happen. i remember when my dad would teach me about religion he would say that god can make the grass is purple if he wanted to. it isnt just in religion but also in another spiritual communities and stuff they also have their own stories where things that dont really make sense logically happen. this goes to show that the world and humanity were never logical and that illogical things can happen, they've been happening since the dawn of time. people just came up with their own explanations. so get that thought that you cant change your entire face because its too crazy out of your head because it isn't. anything is possible. we literally live on a rock and we somehow move and speak and talk and somehow atoms exist so pls get with the program aint nothing logical in this life and the sooner you come to terms with that the better. nothing is too crazy because existence itself is crazy.
the second thing i learned was that MANIFESTATION IS NOT A PROCESS. i used to hear this all the time back in 2022 and it never made sense to me i was always like what tf are yall talking about???? my understanding was that manifestation is the act of trying to get something, but i was so so wrong. everything changed for me when i started approaching manifestation with the attitude that i was reminding myself of what i have, not trying to get what i want. basically stop thinking of manifestation as manifestation if ykwim. to really understand this im gonna have to talk about the whole "decide that you have your desire > affirm that you have it > keep presisting" thing and break it down.
so what do people mean when they tell you to decide that you have your desire? does it mean saying out loud "i have __" and then a few seconds going "alright wheres my ___?" no. it means you in your mind decide that its ALREADY YOURS and that you ALREADY GOT IT. i dont know how to word this any differently because its so simple its literally in the words. im gonna try an example. im assuming that youre reading this with your eyes so you have eyes. are you trying to 'manifest' having eyes? when you say "i have eyes" are you using an affirmation to get eyes? is having eyes a desire youre trying to 'manifest'? no because you literally already have eyes bro how else are you reading this with your bootyhole??? so when you say "i have eyes" you arent manifesting via affirming, youre just saying it to remind yourself because well you have eyes. you arent trying to manifest eyes because you already have them. thats what it means to decide that your desire is yours. it means to stop treating what is yours as a desire because its literally yours. stop seeing it as something youre trying to manifest because you already have it, wtf do you need to manifest for? do you get it? don't think of doing this as you tricking your mind into thinking you have your desires because AGAINN you arent tricking anything you literally already have it. when you say "i have eyes" and you have eyes are you trying to trick gour brain? no. that sounds silly. im sorry that this is so repetitive but its literally that simple idk what everyone else is doing complicating the most simple thing ever.
and now, what do people mean by affirm that you have it? does that mean using affirmations to manifest your 'desire'? (i put desire in quotations bc you already have it since you decided you do) no. it simply means reminding yourself that you do. ill go back to the eyes example. if you were to say "i have eyes" right now would you understand that as some woo woo manifestation affirmation technique? no because you already have eyes. what youre doing is simply stating a fact and reminding yourself of it for funsies. you arent trying to manifest anything because you already have it. affirming doesn't mean tricking your brain or your subconscious that you have your desire or whatever, its just you reminding yourself.
and finally, what does it mean to persist? does that mean fighting for your life trying to convince yourself that you have your desire? no. because you already have it. it simply means that everytime you ask yourself "oh why isnt this showing up in my 3d?" you tell yourself "bro what tf are you on about were not manifesting anything we already have it are you crazy?" that's all. going back to the eyes example, you know you have eyes, so if someone came up to you rn and was like "hey did your eyes come in yet?" you'd probably think they hit their head or something because your eyes are literally right there its how youre seeing their dumbass. that's the same attitude you have to have towards your 'desires'. stop thinking of your 'desires' as desires, stop thinking youre trying to manifest anything, stop thinking you have to wait for anything to show up in the 3d or that the 3d is lagging behind or whatever, stop seeing manifestation as manifestation, stop imagining yourself sending in success stories asks when you get your desires, basically just stop dawg. you already have it. "dont contradict yourself" (although again you arent contradicting anything bc you already have it im just running out of ways to simply something thats already so simple). thats what it means to manifest instantly.
anyways thats all i wanted to say. im so sorry for the horrendously long ask i would make it even longer by talking about my success now but i think you would beat my ass if i did. bye bye love u
!!!!! you ate this whole thing up. y'all better come read this.
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rileysloa · 13 days ago
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Well what do you know 🌚
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rileysloa · 15 days ago
ೄྀsome of you STILL don’t understandೄྀ
you must get comfortable in your god state to really succeed
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To get comfortable in your god state you need to understand that it is you ALONE that manifests. Stop consuming and spreading misinformation, you don’t have to “meet in the middle”with the 3D for your manifestations.
“If you want your dream bod to be manifested you have to stand firm AND workout”
“If you want to manifest clear skin, it’s good to visualise but you should also be focusing on skincare”
“If you want to manifest good grades you can affirm but you actually have to study”
“You can’t expect to manifest when you aren’t bothering to do anything in the 3D”
bullshit. absolute bullshit
although it’s important to still take care of your necessities, there’s no such thing as meeting halfway for your desires. If you think that you don’t understand what manifestation is. And with the assumption that it is, means that you don’t understand your full potential. As soon as you think of a desire it’s yours, no negotiating needs to be done with the 3D. All you have to do is stand firm.
Why are you making deals with the 3D?, “okay, okay if i workout in the 3d and manifest my dream body in my 4d it will come” that just isn’t needed
“okay but it does help things move faster” “it does help things become a little easier” nope, still wrong!
you don’t have to lift a finger for something that’s already yours. never. same goes for inducing pure consciousness, you don’t have to spend hours saturating your conscious mind in order to shift. You can have the worst day and still induce pure consciousness because that’s all it is: a state of consciousness.
To get comfortable in your god state you must also understand that you’re doing it all right. Stop asking dumb questions, you’re doing everything correct. The fact that you rely on bloggers to tell you if you should do this or that as if they’re your god shows that you don’t truly understand (and it’s getting really frustrating).
“will i still be able to induce pure consciousness if I lay on my side rather than in a starfish position?”
“do i have to affirm?”
“what if i don’t do this one blogger’s method to the minute details, does this mean i won’t shift?”
asking stupid questions like these confirms that you still don’t understand the extent of your power, you still don’t understand who you are.
And if you don’t understand, you will never progress, treating this like a chore that you have to perfect is where you go wrong. As a god, everything you do is correct, you could even induce pure consciousness by standing straight up and singing heavy metal at the top of your lungs, because what ever you say goes.
Stop sitting back up after minute 5 of it “not working” to check if you’re doing that method correctly. Why does you living your dream life depend on other people’s rules, are they the gods of your reality or is it you?
And you do know this still counts as you putting the void state on a pedestal? There are people who find out about pure consciousness and induce it that same day. Get your head in the game.
1: You don’t have to lift a finger for your dream life
2: You’re doing everything correct, you are “I AM” trust that and you’ll induce in no time
Both of these things, negotiating with the 3D and asking if your doing it right in YOUR OWN reality are signs that you don’t trust yourself enough. Learn to actually trust yourself and accept your fate as a god and you’ll have everything you dream of
🍵🪷To understand and succeed you must trust yourself
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rileysloa · 16 days ago
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ೄྀ𖦹 ིྀ☼ See the 3D through the 4D.
╰ "Did they answer my messages?"
𖦹 Check your phone in the 4D, you'll be amazed with the nice things they told you.
╰ "How does my body look now?"
𖦹 See yourself in imagination. You look gorgeous btw.
╰ "I want to see more posts..."
𖦹 Here, revolutionary and awesome texts from the 4D... Nothing new, you already knew all of that anyway.
╰ "How much money do I have again?"
𖦹 See it inside your head. Spoiler: the perfect amount for you.
╰ "Am I manifesting this the right way?"
𖦹 Duuuhhhhhhhhh
╰ "When will it manifest?"
𖦹 What do you mean? It's right in front of you...????????
╰ "Can I really manifest this?"
𖦹 Ms. Imagination says yes. Absolutely. Listen to her!
✶༅⊹܀˙∘ ིྀ∘˙܀⊹༅
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rileysloa · 17 days ago
i think a lot of you guys aren’t understanding that you don’t view your desires from the goddamn 3D because thats the goddamn outer man seeing limitations. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO VIEW YOUR DESIRES FROM THE GODDAMN 4D BECAUSE THE INNER-MAN IS LIMITLESS AND THE 4D IS THE REAL REALITY OMGGGGGGGGG
again!!!! manifesting is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A PROCESS!!! just assume, give it to yourself in the 4D, and accept the damn 4D as final, then creation is done!
same thing with the damn void state or whatever the hell you call it. MAKE THE ASSUMPTION YOU ALWAYS INDUCE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS EFFORTLESSLY!!
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