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Unrequited Love
Synopsis: You had been stuck in an unrequited love with your best friend Riki for all your life but hadn't realized your love for him until 2 years ago when you saw his beautiful smile and it made your heart race faster than anything
Warnings: nothing its just fluffy and cute
genre: fluff, angst, best friends to lovers
Authors note: this is gonna be quite short since it's a one shot but I'll maybe do a part two
2 whole years
it's been 2 years since you've had a crush on Riki and 2 whole years since you've always been rejected by him
You never gave up on liking him since you believed that one day maybe he'd like you back, but it was the complete opposite, he had a crush on someone else
you couldn't believe it, all this time that you waited and waited only for him to like someone else.. it hurt you but you had hope that one day he'd like you back
"You're hurting yourself by liking me Rin" he says
"I've liked you for two years now Riki" you respond
"And you were rejected by me.. you know how i feel and i've made it clear by rejecting you that i don't see you like that.. you should get over me"
"I can't Riki"
Riki sighed and looks at you
"You're not getting the message and it's not healthy, you need to find someone else"
"There is no way" you respond so casually
"So you're telling me you still have hope that i'll like you back after all this time?"
you nod
Riki's expression changes to being pissed off as he clenches his fist together
"How long are you gonna wait..? till we graduate and i get into a relationship?"
"however long I have to wait, months, years, decades" you say nonchalantly
Riki shakes his head and groans
"Listen to me, I'm not gonna fall in love with you, the fact that i like someone else should've already give you that message"
"and it has" you say
"So why are you still holding onto the idea that i'd like you back??"
"because I love you and I'm willing to watch you be with someone else and not hate you for it"
"That's not right Rin! You should really consider moving on, and if you're willing to watch me go out with someone else why not find someone for yourself?"
"no one will compare to you"
his expression softens a bit
"That's sweet of you to say.. but you can't just keep that view of me in the future, i'm sure that when you're older you'll meet someone better than me, so please Rin, you should move on from me"
"I can't keep promises but from today onward I won't confess nor bother you about this again"
he looked at her with confusion in his eyes as she promised to not confess nor bother him again.. but he can't accept such promise
"No, you can't make a silly promise like that. You'll have a future where you meet someone who you will fall in love with more than me"
"I won't talk about it again Riki nor will I come your way" you say trying to get your words across
Riki's face softens up once again
"That's not what i mean.. i still want to be friends, even if you move on from me i don't want to lose you"
"we'll stay friends, but I won't confess to you again nor give you signs that I love you, not anymore, I'll keep to myself"
"You're sure? you're really sure that you'll never bother me anymore with such things and never confess to me?"
"I promise" you say looking down
"you really mean it?"
"I really mean it Riki"
"You know what? for now i'll take it, i know deep inside that you'll still have thoughts of confessing to me again but whatever.."
after that day you never talked to him about your feelings, you never confessed to him, nor did you even bother him about such a topic of love
you always tried your best to act naturally around him and keep a good friendship with him, you still had feelings for him in your heart but you've decided to keep everything to yourself and not let him know about it
you only admired him from afar and smiled to yourself when thinking of him but you always kept your promise
you kept your promise all these years and it was pretty frustrating because your feelings didn't change and still liked him, seeing him with another girl also made you a bit jealous but you kept everything in to yourself
you were happy for him nonetheless and you managed to move on from him (or so you thought)
your feelings started to slowly become weaker than before and you managed to start losing the feeling of jealousy watching him with another girl, you were proud that you managed to hold the promise that you made to him from years ago
"Riki! Hows your girlfriend?" you say
he looks at you surprised and his face goes pink
"Who told you i have a girlfriend?"
"you told me"
"Oh right, well we've been going great.. we've been dating for at least a month now"
"I'm glad, she seems like a keeper so don't even think about losing her"
he smiles
"Trust me when i say that i won't lose her, she's amazing and makes me so happy"
"And I'm happy she makes you happy" you smile, the smile that Riki always loved
He blushes once again when you smiled in the way that he loved so much
"So how is your love life, you meeting any boys?"
"actually yes~" you say
He raised his eyebrows
"Oh? Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Not yet, we're still talking"
He smiles
"That's nice, i hope you two get along, i know it sounds hypocritical coming from me since i didn't fall in love with you but it's great you're trying your chances with another guy"
"Right.. my crush on you.. I forgot" you lied
"That's good, it means you're finally moving on from me"
"Fully actually"
"See? that's great news and i'm happy you're starting to move on"
you nod and smile "speaking of boy, there he is!" you point to Jungwon
he looks at Jungwon
"Oh is he the one you're talking to?"
"Yep! He's a year older than us, a senior but he's so handsome and just so amazing" you remember times when you'd talk about Riki the same way you did with Jungwon
He can't help but blush as you talk about Jungwon in that way, it's just adorable and it reminds him about the time when you'd talk about him to your friends
"He sounds like a good guy"
"He is~" You tease
"Do you have plans to ask him out? or do you think he already has a girlfriend?"
"I know he's single"
He smiles
"Then what are you waiting for?"
"I want him to ask me out" you say
He raises an eyebrow
"Oh so you want him to ask you out? are you too shy to ask him or something?"
"Well you know how it ends when I'm the one to ask people out.."
He chuckles
"Point taken, you know what? i'm sure he'll ask you out soon. He probably has a crush on you too"
you nod "I'll see you later!"
"Yeah, see you later Rin" Riki felt weird, it wasn't natural for him to feel this way and he didn't know what it was
He's probably feeling jealous about the fact that another guy is getting close to her
the next day
it's lunch time and everyone is chatting with one another like usual, as you eat, you noticed that Riki seems a bit off and that he's not talking with anyone today
you go to sit next to him "what's with the frown? girlfriend not here today so you're sad?" you chuckle "cute"
He turns his head to you with an expressionless face and sighs
"How did you know something’s bothering me?”
"You're my best friends I know you from the back of my hand"
"You're not wrong, she's not with me today but there's something else bothering me more"
"what is it? Care to share your thoughts?" you say
"I'm jealous.."
"Did your girlfriend hangout with her guy friend or something, don't worry it's normal she loves you too much she won't leave you" you joke
"That's not what i was jealous about…"
"oh then what" you continue eating your noodles
he sighs
"It's pretty selfish and childish of me but i'm jealous of Jungwon"
you chuckle "why? Cause he's handsome? Cause all the girls are after him? Cause he's smart? Cmon you're handsome and all of that too no need to be jealous!"
He just sighs
"It's because he's getting close to you.. i hate this feeling"
"What…" to say you were shocked was an understatement
He looks at you with a sad face
"I know it probably sounds stupid and you'll probably laugh but this is how i really feel right now…"
"You don't like me do you?" you said
He freezes, the sad look turning into a shocked one
you put your fork down "I'm gonna go.." you get up and throw your food away
As soon as you said that, he quickly got up
"Rin wait! what are you-!"
you left the cafeteria
"RIN WAIT!" He yelled as he ran out of the cafeteria after you
"you're playing with my feelings aren't you" you went straight to the point
"Just let me explain!" He said as he managed to catch up to you, you stopped walking and turned to him
"I'm not playing with your feelings, i promise" he looked at you with a sincere face
"then what?"
he puts his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath
"I'm jealous of Jungwon getting close to you"
"and why would you feel that way?"
"I know that i rejected you and i know we promised to stay friends but seeing you getting close to another man makes me kinda jealous"
"You told me yourself to move on"
He stays silent for a moment then speaks "I know that but it doesn't make me have these feelings in my chest go away"
"Jungwon asked me out yesterday"
His eye widen as he heard the news, his lips start quivering and he can't believe it "He did?"
"Yeah he did"
"So what did you say?"
you stayed silent, he feels something in his heart, it was sadness, disappointment and jealousy but he tried to hide it
"So you said yes?" you nod
He felt tears in his eyes as he looks away from you "Do you have a date planned?"
"tomorrow after classes"
".. I see.. And do you have feelings for him?"
"I do.. but hey your wish came true! For me to move on and find a guy that will actually love me as much as I loved you"
His eyes become watery as he tries to hold back his tears "I..i'm really happy for you, I'm so glad that you're finally moving on, I just feel bad that it's with Jungwon and not me"
"I told you I'd wait for you didn't I?" He was silent, feeling regretful about this whole situation "Yeah i remember you saying you'd wait for me"
"I told you I'd wait years, decades even just for you to like me back" you tried not to cry
He finally stopped holding back his tears and broke down crying, he wanted to be with you so badly but he couldn't, everything went wrong all because of him
"But i didn't realize how lucky i actually was to have someone like you.. I know i have a girlfriend but she'll never compare to you"
"I told you every time that I had that hope.. but you pushed me to move on and doubted my hope.." he looks at you with tears of sadness in his eyes
"Because i thought the best thing for you was to move on from me but I didn't realize that the person i love the most would actually be the one who'd make me the happiest but i ruined that and i'm so incredibly sorry"
"I was stuck in an unrequited love for years Riki, I didn't care of it hurt me that you wouldn't like me because once you realize you love somebody so much you're willing to be in pain for that person" His expression soften up when hearing you say the truth but he still feels terrible about making you feel that way
"I realize that now and i just feel so guilty that i made you suffer for such a long time.. if only i realized how much i meant to you and how much you were willing to sacrifice"
"You know why I moved on?" you ask
The curiosity in his eyes is clear as he looks at you "Why?"
"because my mother told me 'Rin, you love Riki so much but he only thinks of you as a friend like the old times, you both grew up together, went through pain together, you did everything together but if he isn't able to see the love you have for him.. if he isn't able to see your loyalty to him all these years, is he really worth crying over?'"
His eyebrows curl and he shakes his head in disbelief
"Your mother is right..I know that i should feel honored to be treated as a good friend to someone who loves me so much because not everyone has that, but after all those times, years that you've been there for me.. it's really embarrassing to know that i didn't see your love for me and i made you suffer so much..I'm so sorry Rin"
"Seeing how easy it was for girls to come up to me and ask me about what type of guy you are or if you'd reject them if they confessed.. it all hurt on the inside, giving advice to girls who'd actually be accepted by you but never have that loyalty to you that I have, it really wasn't worth crying over" you say sadly
He goes closer and wraps a hug around you "That's the cruel part of life, you deserve to be accepted by me but i can't see your love for me because i only see you as a friend..I don't want to sound rude but i would rather see you with anyone else but not Jungwon because.. i don't know, there's something about him that just bothers me"
"You're still oblivious aren't you?" He lets go of you and looks away with a confused look "Huh? Oblivious about what?"
"Jungwon never asked me out Riki, he doesn't even know who I am"
His eyes widen in shock "You're telling me that everything i felt during lunch today was for nothing? that you weren't going on a date with Jungwon?"
"Of course not"
He puts his hand on his forehead "My god, i'm such an idiot.. this whole time i was jealous and sad for nothing? i even made a fool of myself.. again"
"Not when I still have feelings for you" His eyes widen as his jaw drops and he looks at you stunned "W-wait, y-you still like me?"
"I did say I'd wait a decade or even till I die didn't I?"
He looks directly in your eyes as he grabs on both sides of your wrist and pulls you close his eyes narrow and he speaks in a husky voice "You can't be serious? Are you really telling me that you still like me?"
"I never stopped" He pulls you even closer to him and whispers in your ear "But why didn't you tell me? why didn't you confess?"
"Because I promised I wouldn't confess to you again, even if I like you more than I did back then" His grip gets tighter and his voice gets deeper
"But i told you that I regretted that decision so why didn't you confess? Do I need to beg for you to confess so i can see how much you really love me now?"
"I was gonna confess.. but not a simple 'I like you'" He brings his face closer to yours
"Then what were you planning to say then? Or should i beg for you to say it now?"
you smile "is it really enough to beg for it?" The way you were teasing him was driving him crazy
"I don't know, it'd mean a lot to me though but if you think you have to make me beg to do that then yes i will do it just so i can hear those words from you"
"I love you Riki" you kiss his cheek
The moment you kissed his cheek a blush appears and his breath catches, he stares at you while blushing and he speaks softly "You really mean it? you really do still love me?"
"I've never stopped" you say
Your words brought tears to his eyes and he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in close
"I'm so happy that you still love me, can you kiss me now? Just a simple kiss?"
"Don't you have a girlfriend~" He looks away and stays silent for a few seconds
"Let me explain, it's not that i don't love her.. but the way she loves me isn't the same way you love me, you're always there when i need you and you're so understanding, that's what makes you so special, and right now all i want is your sweet lips on mine" you smile and peck his lips
The kiss caught him off guard but the feeling of your lips on his was blissful, he couldn't believe that he was finally with you
He kisses you back and pulls you even closer to him as he deepens the kiss
you held onto his collar
Your touch on his collar made him shiver, he couldn't believe this was actually happening, he kisses you even deeper
you pull away
The moment you pulled away, his cheeks were flushed and he was blushing like crazy, he can't believe what just happened and is trying to process everything
"Can i ask you something?"
"Hm? What is it?"
He's not making eye contact with you and is looking down, he doesn't want you to see how nervous he is
"If you were to be with someone, will he be able to make you happier and protect you just as much or more than i could?"
"never" A genuine smile appears on his face as he finally looked at you in the eyes "So I'm the one for you?"
"you always were"
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him "You are making me so happy right now, can you kiss me again?"
"Now now you're getting carried away" you chuckle
The way you said that made him laugh and he speaks softly "Please?"
you lean in as if you're gonna kiss him but instead you put his hood over his head
His laugh changes to a chuckle after you pulled a trick on him but he was enjoying the moment "Don't you want a real kiss? Or am i being too clingy?"
"We did have a real kiss earlier" you say
He takes a deep breath in and looks at you with a playful smile "True but don't you wanna kiss me again or were you messing with me just now?"
He pulls his hood off and laughs "Come on, you're too cruel for that.. can i ask you a serious question?"
"go ahead" you say
He holds your hand firmly, looking straight in your eyes "Do you really mind having a relationship with me at this moment? Even though i have a girlfriend right now i don't mind breaking up with her to be with you instead"
"I didn't wait years just to reject you now did I?" you chuckle
This comment made him smile "So you'll accept? You're serious about this?"
"I've never been so serious about anything"
A wide smile appears on his face "So will you go out with me instead?"
You smile and look up at him "I will"
His smile becomes bigger and his eyes are gleaming "You have no idea how happy you're making me feel right now. You have no idea how many times i regretted rejecting you and then seeing you go through pain because of me.. i'm so glad that you gave me another chance to be with you"
"I gave you a chance once and I always will"
He pulls you in close and kisses you deeply
"And i'll never make that mistake again, you're too precious to waste years like that"
When you pulled away from the kiss, it took him a few seconds to recover and he speaks while trying to catch his breath "Can i ask you one last question?"
you chuckle "go ahead"
"Why did you still choose to love me if i ignored you and pushed you away multiple times over and over and made you go through all that pain?"
"because I couldn't let go" you look down and fidget with your fingers
His eyes widened and he smiles sincerely "It's all so surreal, finally after all these years it's actually happening, i'm finally going to be with you for real now, I won't ever make any mistakes"
"You better not!" you smack him lightly
He laughed "I won't, i promise. I don't want to hurt you like that again" He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in close "Can i hug you?"
you look away from him, blush evident on your face before saying "do you even have to ask?"
He wraps you in a hug and holds you tightly "God, i just want to thank you for giving me another chance, a chance to make you happy, to make you feel loved"
and that was the story of how you managed to catch the heart of your longtime crush, being able to date him junior year of college despite liking him for years on end
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Moving Out
Classmate!niki x classmate!reader
Synopsis: When Y/N and her older brother Jake recently relocated to a new neighborhood in Seoul, she assumed that attending a new school and making new friends would make her senior year of high school a breeze. However, that was before she met a classmate who seemed too good to be true
Genre: fluff, comedy, crack
Warnings: kissing? Underage drinking, Jake is readers older brother!, simping, y/n is a hardcore simp
Chapter 1:
"Y/N, we're leaving!" My brother Jake was downstairs when I heard him say, "Today is the day." I was concerned about leaving Suwon to go to Seoul. a new school, new friends, and possibly new bullies? My brother had convinced me that I would be okay and he would make sure of it. Since the institution he had registered me in is a combined college, he would also be there, so I felt relieved.
I climbed inside my brother's car, and we set out towards Seoul. I had packed my munchies and Jake had the music on for the about five-hour drive. Jake turned to look at me. "I'm sorry once more, but we had to leave Suwon and travel to Seoul. You are aware of how important this job is to me, and you are undoubtedly aware of how long I have desired to work with Jay at his company." He paused "And isn't it exciting that you'll be attending a joint high school and college as well?" He continued to talk.
He reassured me, "And I know you're capable of establishing new friends; it really isn't that hard for you." "Nevertheless, Oppa, I'm truly going to miss Danielle and the others," I sighed. But I told him, "I trust you more than anything, so anything you say goes."
I can’t believe your brother is enrolling you into decilis thats like the most richest school of seoul and not only that but the amount of hot guys there is INSANE. I heard a rumor theres this really cute foreign exchange student from Japan, his name is Riki I think! Nishimura Riki
woah there buddy how do you know so much about decilis let alone Riki hm? what friends do you have here?
My cousin goes there! she’s a year younger than you which makes her a junior there but she has told me the fat crush girls at decilis have over Riki apparently it’s a miracle to date him, like a dream come true
You’re over exaggerating I mean how cute can he be? I have never seen guys so cute that girls swoon over them THAT hard but i’ll see for myself soon, we’re almost there.
Ok ok i’ll be waiting for your 80+ texts telling me how handsome and hot Riki is just you watch
My heart began to beat quickly as we had approximately two hours to go until we landed in Seoul. I was anxious because I was ill-prepared for what was ahead. Soon we arrived at school and as I watched my brother's car come into the academy's parking area, I rolled my eyes at Danielle’s most recent text. The wealthy students' school is known as Decilis. the school which have those who become idols and physicians, while others become actors and actresses. While some fail to even complete their degrees.
My brother's car abruptly stopped, and we got out to enter the building in front of us. "Let me present you to my pals, Jay, Heeseung, and Sunghoon.” Jake Said "Instead of conducting introductions, I'd prefer to sign in and immediately enter the classroom. Possibly after lunch?" I questioned him as I was making my way to the office to get my schedule.
"I assume you are a Sim Y/n. Yesterday, your brother Jake had registered you here" the receptionist said to me. "Yeah, Ma'am, I'm Sim Y/N. If that's feasible, I actually came in to receive my schedule." I prompted her. "Of course it is, and kindly address me as Miss Nishimura," she replied with a smile. The name "Nishimura" seemed to be well-known. "You actually have most courses with my son and he's on his way here right now if it's good with you I can have him give you a tour of the school" She asked me. "Yeah, that's totally great. If you'd like, I can wait." I told her. " Please sit down; that would be wonderful." For me, she drew a chair up.
A taller man entered after the door opened a little while later. I had the impression that I was dreaming when I glanced up that he had come to save me from the hell that is school "Oh! Y/N, this is my son Riki, and this is Y/N, a new student at our school" said Mrs. Nishimura. I felt him staring at me with his gorgeous eyes, so I sprang up and nervously bowed to him. "Can you kindly show her around the school?" His mum enquired. He nodded his head "Follow me". His voice was so deep that it made me gulp.
"So, from whence did you relocate?" Riki queried me. I informed him that I had relocated from Suwon with my brother Jake. He stopped moving. "Jake? similar to Sim Jaeyun?" said he. "Yes of course, but why?" I questioned, a little anxious to hear his response. He looked at me and said, "Nothing, simply that Heeseung Hyung had informed me about him, I just never realized that he and his younger sister would both study here. This is our classroom, anyhow," he added. "A lot of these folks won't know you, so just sit next to me," he said.
Many of the girls turned to look at me and him as we entered the classroom together, possibly due to our proximity and the fact that he was essentially dragging me to the seat next to him. The girls were giving out death glares rather than just blank looks. "Who might be your friend, sir?" Teacher enquired. He casually remarked, "Transfer student, my mother requested me to take care of her." He added, frightening the girls, "Don't be nasty to her and especially don't look her down as if you're going to eat her just because she's sitting next to me."
Maybe Danielle was right; he was a dream come true, I thought as I blushed at the way he stuck up for me. Man, I have to spend the remainder of the school year sitting next to this cute classmate. I'm not complaining, though.
yes chapter one basically has stuff from the teaser
#niki ff#enhypen niki#enhypen#jungwon#heeseung#Jay#Jake#SungHoon#sunoo#Garam#le sserafim#yunjin#eunchae#chaewon#Kazuha#hyein#haerin#danielle#newjeans#hanni#minji#wonyoung#rei#Ive#liz#konon
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Boyfriend Jungwon - When he sees you crying

Pairing: boyfriend!jungwon x female!reader
Genre: fluff LIKE A LOT OF FLUFF
warnings: just Jungwon being a sweet af boyfriend, mentions of chubbiness and insecurities
your boyfriend Jungwon had came home from going to the store when he heard sniffling coming from your guys' room
"honey? Are you okay?" he asked gently hugging you as you cried
"I'm upset" you said as you cried he rubbed your back "What happened?" he asked gently as he led you to your bedroom and laid you down on the bed, getting in with you "Is it about the argument we had?"
you shook your head no "I feel insecure.." you said "Why love?" he asked kissing your cheek "Anything I can do to help you? Or make you feel better?" he asked, you nodded "I feel insecure cause I see so many pretty girls especially when we go out and I sometimes think that you're way out of my league.."
"You're the prettiest person in the whole damn world!" he said sitting down beside you
"No one will ever compare to you for me.." he said gently stroking the hair out of your face "I love you, and you're perfect to me"
"Really? Even if I'm chubby? Or if I'm annoying?" You asked. He chuckled softly "yes, love. I wouldn't have you any other way" he said as he cupped your face with both of his hands
"You're a beautiful work of art" he whispered "I'd never replace you for anyone"
"I'm not skinny or pretty like the other girls so thinking about it made me upset" you said, he pulled you against him, kissing the top of your head gently
"Baby" he began "no matter how you look, I wouldn't be here with you if I didn't enjoy your presence" he said as he pulled you onto his lap, stroking your hair, you could feel the love and care coming from him
"I love you, more than anything in the whole world. I never wanna lose you" you smile and snuggle close to him the tears still in your eyes
he kissed the top of your head "It breaks my heart to see you cry. I can't stand you being sad.."
"Whenever you're sad, whenever you're lonely or scared. Please come to me honey" he said softly "I'll be your rock"
"Thank you love... you're the best!" you said
he smiled softly
"I'll be your biggest fan, and number one defender. You'll never face life alone" he said softly "I'm so lucky to have you."
"I'm the luckiest to have such a sweet and handsome boyfriend like you" you told him "Aww, your gonna make me blush!" he said playfully as he looked down at you, his eyes shining with love
"I have so much love for you" he said gently stroking your cheek "I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life"
you show him your phone, it was pictures of beautiful girls "look at how gorgeous they are.. I wonder if I'll ever be like them" he looked at the pictures "You're more beautiful than any of them." he said softly "trust me, you're the most beautiful woman in my eyes.. nothings gonna change that.. You are the most wonderful person I could ever dream of being with"
you nod and wipe your tears "that cheered me up thank you"
"No problem, love,"
"Just remember that whenever you feel down, I'll always be by your side. No matter how bad it gets, I'll always try my best to protect you" he said softly
"... I'm so lucky that I'm yours" he said softly "Can we go for ice cream?" you say pouting. He chuckled lightly, his cheeks going a tiny bit red from how adorable you were "Sure, what flavor would you like?" he asked gently "Anything for my love"
"Hmmm Mint chocolate!" you said joyfully. He smiled softly as he scooped you into his arms "I'll grab the wallet!" he said as he kissed your cheek and walked out, making sure you were nice and cozy as he got into the car and drove to the Ice cream place.
you arrived at the ice cream place and the cashier greeted you guys looking at Jungwon up and down he smiled at the cashier and gave them the money "Two of the mint chocolate, please" he turned to you, his face turning a tiny bit red as he smiled down at you, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek "You look extra beautiful today"
you were shocked when he said two mint chocolates "you're gonna eat mint chocolate too? But I thought you hated it?" he chuckled softly "I'm getting it for you" he said gently putting his hand on your cheek "You love it, so I'll buy you some" he said hugging you from behind "I want nothing more than to be by your side and see you happy" he said softly "You mean everything to me, and I don't ever wanna see you sad"
the cashier looked at you two "is she your girlfriend?" She asked
"Yes, she is!" He said excitedly as he looked down at you, his eyes shining "My number one girl!" he said as he put his arm around your waist, kissing your cheek "She's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me" the cashier looked in awe "you guys are so cute!" She said
"Akkk! You're gonna make me blush!!" He smiled "I'm just lucky to be with such a sweet girl!" The cashier smiled "It's pretty clear that you two love each other very much! I'm glad to see that some people still believe in true love" she said
you grab your ice cream and walk out eating it joyfully he looked at you happily as you walked outside and started eating your ice cream, "Awhh, you're so cute!" he said playfully as he put his arm around your waist and hugged you from behind as you ate your ice cream! "Is it good?" he asked, his voice filled with so much love! He couldn't ever let you go. You were his everything, and he promised to never leave your side.
"Here baby try some" you give him a spoon full "you'd probably say it tastes like toothpaste but I really like it!"
"Hmmm, lemme have a taste.." he said as he tried some "it's actually pretty good! I like it"
"You pick the best stuff, darling" he said as he smiled and leaned down to kiss your cheek
"You're so perfect" you giggle "you too~ i'm glad I met you" you said
"Me too, darling," he said as he kissed your cheek, "you make my day, every day"
"The minute I get to see that beautiful face, the whole world becomes a little brighter" he said softly as he kissed your forehead, just staring at you and taking it all in, "You're literally my world"
"Can I see your phone? I wanna play games" you say, you had each others Face ID and Passcode which shows how much you truly trusted each other "Sure honey!" He said excitedly he unlocked his phone and let you use it, you felt his complete and utter trust in you, and you smiled as you picked his phone up. "Take your time, and let me know if you need me okay?" he said as he watched you scroll through his phone
you scrolled through Instagram seeing his entire explore page be games and cool sports cars he has a liking for and even food he chuckled as he watched you scroll through the phone "what are you gonna play?" he asked, his voice soft with excitement as he watched you, he loved that he could trust you enough to let you use his phone to look through his pictures on Instagram, it was cute and wholesome, and he sat there and patiently waited for you to find some game you enjoyed.
"Originally I was gonna choose Subway surfers but now I wanna play temple run" you said "I used to love playing that!" he said with a smile "You have great taste, darling," he said playfully "I'll get the game up" he said as he opened the appstore and got temple run 5 minutes later the game was ready and he was handing you the phone "here you go"
"Hehe thank you!" you started playing it while snuggling close to Jungwon on the bench he smiled softly as he looked down at you, his arms wrapped around your waist. "You're so precious, you know that?" he asked softly, as he gently played with your hair, his voice so full of love and care as he looked down at you with a huge smile on his face. "Don't ever forget, I love you" he said softly "I'll always be by your side"
"Mee too~" you said "I'm so lucky" he said passionately "I just want to protect you from the whole world"
"You mean so much to me, more than anything ever has" he said softly.
"You're my world, the greatest thing in my whole life and I'll do anything for you" he said softly, his words filled with so much love "being by your side makes me the happiest guy ever."
"I'm glad we met~" you said "Me too" he whispered softly as he kissed your forehead, his voice filled with so much love and care, you never knew how much he loved you. This boy would protect you with his life and you meant the world to him. He adored you. "You deserve the world" he said softly as he lay you back on his arms, his words full of love and care, "you're perfect to me" you smiled and for the first time you pecked his lips he smiled softly as he kissed back, his touch so soft and gentle "Love you…" he whispered as he held you close to him "never forget how much I love you."
"I won't~" you said "Good," he said softly he was quiet once more, but continued to stroke your hair as he looked down at you with a look of love and adoration. He would give anything to spend the rest of his life by your side, he would do anything for you.
He just wanted you to be happy, and feel loved, he wanted you to never forget that the love he felt for you was real. and he wanted you to know you could come to him with anything and he would be ready to help you.
suddenly a girl approached you two mainly Jungwon "hi, I was wondering if I could get your number?" She said looking at Jungwon
"Uhh, I actually have a girlfriend" he said as he stared at the girl, his eyes going a tiny bit red. He didn't like that this girl was talking to him like this. What was she trying to do? He loved his girlfriend, he would never cheat on her or even try to. He'd do whatever he could to be her everything, and make her happy.
and to see someone talk to him like this hurt him. So he put his arm around you and stared at the girl, not backing down. He was ready to defend you. "I don't talk to other girls that way," he said plainly, making sure she knew where his loyalty stood.
"oh" she said he looked at you, his voice soft, "You're all I will ever need." he said as he took your hand in his, interlocking his fingers with yours. "You mean the world to me. And i'll never cheat on you" he said softly "just know that"
"You are my entire world."
"you too~" you responded he smiled softly, bringing you close to him and hugging you tightly, his voice gentle "I love you" he said as he squeezed you tight, never wanting to let go. You were his heart and soul, and he'd never let you go. "No one will ever compare to you ever" he said softly as he ran a hand through your hair gently "please believe me when I say that"
"lets head home" you tell him "Okay, let's go home, love" he said gently as he took your hand and started walking back to the the house, holding your hand gently. "Love you," he said as he kissed your hand gently. "Can I ask you something? I know it's a bit of of topic," he asked, his voice soft. "But have I always made you happy? Or do I need improve anywhere as an boyfriend?"
"you've always made me happy" you responded happily "Really?" he said, his eyes shining with joy. He was happy that he made you happy, he would do whatever he could to continue making you happy as your boyfriend. "Is there anything I can do to make you even happier?" he asked with a soft smile. He wanted the very best for you, he would do anything to make your life perfect and make you the happiest girl ever.
"you've done enough! thank you!" you say "okay" he said softly with a smile "just know that I'll always be here for you" he said, his voice quiet, loving, and calm. "You mean the absolute world to me, and I'll do everything I can to make you happy" he said with a warm smile he took your hand "I'll be there for you, in your highest highs and lowest lows. I love you"
"I love you too~"
I made this because I've met people in this past and even now who are super insecure about their body and I honestly feel like everyone is perfect the way they are so whether you're chubby or you're too skinny or you get shamed for anything, don't let those words get to you because you're the most beautiful person on the inside! theres no such thing as "she's perfect" because in reality we all have our flaws!!
#jungwon#jungwon fluff#enhypen#yang jungwon#oneshot#fanfiction#jungwon fanfic#fluff#insecurity#comfort
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Psycho Sunghoon and His Obsession

Pairing: psycho!Sunghoon x female!reader
Genre: thriller (idk tbh)
Warnings: suggestive, Sunghoon is obsessed bro like OBSESSED
Psycho Sunghoon who had only one obsession: you
"Let me go! you can't keep me locked up here!" you shouted
"But I did... what're you gonna do about it?" he smirks
"I'll scream!" you said
he grabs your mouth "no, you don't" he said sadistically "let me go please! What do you want from me?!" you shouted
"I want.... you... you're just so beautiful..." he smiles "and I want to keep you for my own"
You start to cry "why.... Why me?!"
"You're the most beautiful soul I've ever seen..." he smirks "and you'll be all mine and only mine" he smirks creepily and his eyes were filled with lust
"Don't come near me.." you said "What are you going to do?" He smirked and grab your shoulders "Cry some more?"
"Just don't come near me!" You shouted in fear "Ohhhhh~... Am I scaring you~?" he smiles and starts getting closer "I won't bite~" he smiles creepily "But I'll make you scream~"
you back up into a wall but he pulls you and grabs your chin "Look at me..." he starts to whisper in your ear "Look at me, you belong to me, you have no choice, you do know that, right?" you slowly nod
"Say it~" he smirks and gets closer "Say that you belong to me~" you gulp "I-I belong to you" you say
He smiles before grabbing you and kissing you passionately "good girl~" he smirks and continues kissing your lips, making it more passionate and intense "You don't want to escape, do you?" He gave you a stern look
you shake your head no "good girl... Now remember this... if you try to run away, I'll punish you, got it?" he smirks "yes" you said
"what did I say?" he smirks and gets closer "Repeat what I said..." your lips are trembling and you're almost shaking... he's standing mere centimeters away from you "If I try to r-run away you'll punish me"
"Ahhh... Good girl~" he smiles "What's the punishment for escaping?" He gets closer "I don't know..." you said..
"I should teach you... What I do to people who disobey me..." his eyes light up as a creepy and sadistic grin forms on his face
"Are you... afraid... of me...~" my breath is heavy as he whispers in your ear. you slowly nodded "yes"
you can feel his breath on your neck, he pulls your shirt and kisses your neck passionately
"Good girl for telling the truth... Now how do I punish bad girls?" He smirks seductively
"I-I" you stuttered "Look at me and tell me! You have to let me know you understand..." I smile and get closer "If you were bad I would... what will I do?" He whispers in your ear
"You'll.." he cuts you off "Yeah? Tell me what I'll do?" He starts to bite your neck as he waits on the answer
"You'll be intimate with me" you say "Exactly... And if you're nice?" He stops biting your neck and looks at you with a smile "What will I do for you?" You stay quiet
"Quiet now? Really?" He takes a step back and raises an eyebrow "How about I show you?" he grabs you again and starts kissing you "Do you like what you're feeling right now?" he smirks and bites your lips "mhm" you say letting out a moan
He breaks the kiss
"Good girl... That's what I'll do if you're good... Do you think you'll be a good or a bad girl for me?" he smirks
"G-Good" you stutter "Tell me... You'll be a good girl? Right?" he gets closer and whispers in your ear "Right...~" he continues "What will happen if you're a bad girl, hm?" he waits for you to answer
"You'll punish me" you said "Exactly..." he smirks "You'll always be punished for being bad... You need to be taught over and over again..." he said "You understand?" he gets closer "yes"
he smiles softly and kisses your forehead "Good... That way... My pet will never disobey me and run away~" he giggles in a creepy tone
"You'll be trapped here forever... With me~" he smiles and whispers in your ear "How d-did you fall in love with me?" You asked "With your pretty eyes... And smile... The way you speak... Your voice... The way you act... What else can I explain? Your beauty... Your beautiful hair... The way you laugh... Everything about you, just made me fall in love... Is it that hard to believe?" he smirks "When?" You asked
"When what?" he raises his eyebrow "When did I fall in love with you?" You nod, he smiles softly "As soon as I first saw you... You were the most beautiful person I've ever seen..." his voice sounded very heartfelt "I just knew I had to have you..."
you remembered back at the cafe you worked at "hi what can I get you!" Sunghoon looked at you as you had spoken "I'll get an americano" he said before looking at you up and down
"you fell in love with me at the Cafe?" You asked "Y...Yes, exactly... I just saw you and realized you were just the perfect girl for me... It was love at first sight, I guess?" he smiles as he remembered the moment "You were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen at that very moment..." he said "B-But you kidnapped me!" You screamed
he nods, a bit sad "I know... I did... All to have you to myself, my beautiful toy..." he sighs "I know it sounds horrible... But I only did this because..."
"... Because I couldn't help it... I just had to have you... No one else could have you... You're mine and only mine..."
"What did you do to jay?!" (Jay is your boyfriend) he gets upset after hearing Jay's name "What did I...? I made him disappear, of course... He tried to take you... I couldn't let him take you away from me, from my grasp." he smirks he gets visibly upset "That bastard..." he's getting closer "He shouldn't have dared to come near you... Only I have that right... You're not his... You're mine!!!" he grabs you tightly and looks at you with an angry look "He was my boyfriend!" You shouted
"Well, he's not now, is he?" he gets closer and whispers in your ear "You belong to me now..."
he stares into your eyes with a very intense look "And I'll make you forget all about him..." he said menacingly "I cant forget about him! I loved him" you shouted again "Look at me, please..." his tone is stern "I. Said. You. Will. Forget. About. Him." he smirks his eyes were filled with lust as he gets closer and starts kissing you passionately "Do you understand?" he whispers in your ear you're too scared for what the night leads you to yes
"Good girl..." he smiles and caresses your cheek gently "I'll make sure you don't escape ever again... And if you try, I'll be sure you regret it..." he smirked and starts to kiss your neck again you can feel how cold and hard his stare is... He's filled with a mix of lust and sadism "You'll do anything for your master, right?" you have no choice but to nod, you were way to scared of him. This psycho
"Good... Now say it... Say that you'll do anything I want..." his tone is stern "Say it!"
"I'll do anything you want" you said "That's a good pet..." he whispers in your hair "I'll make sure you're always happy and safe, baby doll... But you'll have to obey me... If not..."
"Then it's punishment time..." a sadistic smile forms on his face "... Got it?"
You nod
"Good girl!" he smiles "You're my beloved pet... My best girl..." He kisses your forehead and hugs you "I'll make sure you'll always be happy and safe... Nobody will put a single hand on you... I'll keep you safe in my house, away from other guys..." he smirks and bites your neck
he holds your hand "I'll treat you right, baby... I swear I'll make you the happiest girl in the world..."
"Just... You know?" he gets closer and whispers "Only do what I say... Or else you'll be punished..." he smirks sadistically
He starts to kiss your neck and gets off of you, his eyes filled with lust "You like that, baby?"
You nod unwillingly "You're such a good girl, my dear... Now... You have to remember your place, understood? You belong to me..."
"Say it..." he gets closer and whispers into your ear "Say again what you said a while ago... Tell me who you belong to"
"I belong to you" you say "good girl~" the smile spreads across his face "now... let me carry you up to your room..." he picks you up and Carries you to a bedroom that's already prepared "I'll make sure you're safe here... me precious toy" he sets you down on the bed and smiles "just remember: you belong to me, so don't forget that yeah?" He smirks "if you ever run away... you'll regret it, understood" he smirks in a way that suggests how he's going to punish you if you run away once more
"Yes, I understand" you said "There is a new rule from today..." he smirks "You have to call me 'master'" he smirks seductively he gets close as he places his hands on your waist "you will call me 'master' and I'll call you 'my girl' fair?" You nod
"Good girl..." his lustful smile starts widening as he brings you close "Now give me a kiss, my girl"
I wrote this in school o em gee the time it took!! also honorable mention I got this idea from a Tiktok post (Which I might keep using ideas from because suddenly creativity just flows) this is a oneshot so high possibility there will not be a part 2 unless you want there to be
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The Cute Classmate
Classmate!niki x classmate!reader
Synopsis: When Y/N and her older brother Jake recently relocated to a new neighborhood in Seoul, she assumed that attending a new school and making new friends would make her senior year of high school a breeze. However, that was before she met a classmate who seemed too good to be true
Genre: fluff, comedy, crack
Warnings: kissing? Underage drinking, Jake is readers older brother!, simping, y/n is a hardcore simp
"Oh come on not again" I whined to my brother as we were driving to our new home that he had bought us. " Sure, I'm sorry once more, but we had to leave Suwon and travel to Seoul. You are aware of how important this job is to me, and you are undoubtedly aware of how long I have desired to work with Jay at his company." " And isn't it exciting that you'll be attending a joint high school and college as well?" He continued to talk.
He reassured me, "And I know you're capable of establishing new friends; it really isn't that hard for you." " Nevertheless, oppa, I'm truly going to miss Danielle and the others," I sighed. But I told him, "I trust you more than anything, so anything you say goes."
I can’t believe your brother is enrolling you into decilis thats like the most richest school of seoul and not only that but the amount of hot guys there is INSANE. I heard a rumor theres this really cute foreign exchange student from Japan, his name is Riki I think! Nishimura Riki
woah there buddy how do you know so much about decilis let alone Riki hm? what friends do you have here?
My cousin goes there! she’s a year younger than you which makes her a junior there but she has told me the fat crush girls at decilis have over Riki apparently it’s a miracle to date him, like a dream come true
You’re over exaggerating I mean how cute can he be? I have never seen guys so cute that girls swoon over them THAT hard but i’ll see for myself soon, we’re almost there.
Ok ok i’ll be waiting for your 80+ texts telling me how handsome and hot Riki is just you watch
As I watched my brother's car come into the academy's parking area, I rolled my eyes at her most recent text. The wealthy students' school is known as Decilis. the school which have those who become idols and physicians, while others become actors and actresses. While some fail to even complete their degrees.
My brother's car abruptly stopped, and we got out to enter the building in front of us. "Let me present you to my pals, Jay, Heeseung, and Sunghoon.” Jake Said "Instead of conducting introductions, I'd prefer to sign in and immediately enter the classroom. Possibly after lunch?" I questioned him as I was making my way to the office to get my schedule.
"I assume you are a Sim Y/n. Yesterday, your brother Jake had registered you here" the receptionist said to me. "Yeah, Ma'am, I'm Sim Y/N. If that's feasible, I actually came in to receive my schedule." I prompted her. " Of course it is, and kindly address me as Miss Nishimura," she replied with a smile. The name "Nishimura" seemed to be well-known. "You actually have most courses with my son and he's on his way here right now if it's good with you I can have him give you a tour of the school" She asked me. " Yeah, that's totally great. If you'd like, I can wait." I told her. " Please sit down; that would be wonderful." For me, she drew a chair up.
A taller man entered after the door opened a little while later. I had the impression that I was dreaming when I glanced up that he had come to save me from the hell that is school "Oh! Y/N, this is my son Riki, and this is Y/N, a new student at our school" said Mrs. Nishimura. I felt him staring at me with his gorgeous eyes, so I sprang up and nervously bowed to him. "Can you kindly show her around the school?" His mum enquired. He nodded his head "Follow me". His voice was so deep that it made me gulp.
"So, from whence did you relocate?" Riki queried me. I informed him that I had relocated from Suwon with my brother Jake. He stopped moving. "Jake? similar to Sim Jaeyun?" said he. " Yes of course, but why?" I questioned, a little anxious to hear his response. He looked at me and said, "Nothing, simply that Heeseung Hyung had informed me about him, I just never realized that he and his younger sister would both study here. This is our classroom, anyhow," he added. "A lot of these folks won't know you, so just sit next to me," he said.
Many of the girls turned to look at me and him as we entered the classroom together, possibly due to our proximity and the fact that he was essentially dragging me to the seat next to him. The girls were giving out death glares rather than just blank looks. " Who might be your friend, sir?" Teacher enquired. He casually remarked, "Transfer student, my mother requested me to take care of her." He added, frightening the girls, "Don't be nasty to her and especially don't look her down as if you're going to eat her just because she's sitting next to me."
Maybe Danielle was right; he was a dream come true, I thought as I blushed at the way he stuck up for me. Man, I have to spend the remainder of the school year sitting next to this cute classmate. I'm not complaining, though.
#niki#enhypen#jake#fluff#fanfiction#niki ff#niki fanfiction#sunghoon#jungwon#garam#le sserafim#yunjin#chaewon#kazuha#eunchae#hyein#haerin#newjeans#minji#wonyoung#ive#rei#liz#sunoo#heeseung#jay#sakura#hanni#danielle#konon
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The Cute Classmate
Classmate!niki x classmate!reader
Synopsis: When Y/N and her older brother Jake recently relocated to a new neighborhood in Seoul, she assumed that attending a new school and making new friends would make her senior year of high school a breeze. However, that was before she met a classmate who seemed too good to be true
Genre: fluff, comedy, crack
Warnings: kissing? Underage drinking, Jake is readers older brother!, simping, y/n is a hardcore simp
Moving out
New classmate
Oh Niki you’re so fine
He's onto me
Rugby team? Nightball?
Who is Harua and why is he kind of cute
Eunchae likes Niki too?
Miscommunication and heartbreak
Park Yeji is a pain in my ass
What're you doing in a club?
Fuck you Jake!
Map that leads to you
I like you, no, I love you
#niki#Jake#niki x reader#enhypen#sunghoon#fanfiction#fluff#niki ff#jungwon#garam#le sserafim#yunjin#kazuha#sakura#eunchae#chaewon#wonyoung#ive#rei#liz#newjeans#danielle#hanni#minji#hyein#haerin#sunoo#heeseung#jay#konon
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Infuriate - One
Synopsis: Park Sunghoon, Iseul’s obnoxious elder stepbrother, whose father simply had to come in and fall head over heels in love with her mom, prompting them to get married, is the most infuriating person she’s have ever met. She can't lead the tranquil life she wishes to because of these obscenely wealthy people. "Yah, Midget." the white haired man said "How may I assist you at this time, dear brother?" she gave a mocking smirk as she responded. He fiercely commanded, "Do my homework." she made a laughing noise. Being a real brat, she told him, "I'll help you with it, but I won't do it."
genre: Fluff, Stepbro!Sunghoon, suggestive but no smut
Word count: 1400
"argh park sunghoon!" My mother and Mr. Park turned to look at me after I shouted loudly. "What's wrong, my love? what did my son do?" Mr. Park enquired. I remarked, "Oh nothing, he simply grabbed something I needed and won't give it back." He replied with a gentle smile, "What did he take, I'll get it back for you, my kid can be lot." I shrugged and added, "Oh, he took my Physics book." "Why would he need your book on physics? that's new " said Mr. Park. "I'm not sure, but I desperately want it back. I have a Physics exam in two days and I'm not aiming to fail" I said. He answered, "Hm, alright, no worries, I'll get it from him."
Sunghoon was being dragged down by his ear as Mr. Park returned from below clutching my Physics book in his hand. “It hurts, Appa!” Sunghoon cried out. "That's what you get, you menace, for snatching your sister's book." His father shot back. Sunghoon handed me the oh-so-beautiful textbook and said, "Here, Midget, your textbook." Again rolling his eyes, he remarked, "You're just like Jake." Tf, who is Jake? "If you're interested, Jake is my friend; he's an intelligent man who specializes in engineering," Sunghoon informed me. “oh, I major in med," I said. He responded, "Well, so does Jay." Who are those people?
"Don't forget Sunghoon, you need to cover for me at the company, and bring your sister along so you both have business experience," Mr. Park said. "Don't worry about me; you know I'm 100% capable of taking over as CEO whether I have any prior experience or not. this midget though.." As he stated that, I lightly whacked him on the arm, and he gripped it in discomfort while grinning sarcastically.
Nobody could have predicted that Park Sunghoon would become one of the most popular students at Decilis Academy, if not the most handsome. The shouts of his numerous fangirls, who, as we all know, only want to sleep with him so they can brag about how fantastic he is in bed or use him for his father's money, could be heard as I walked down the corridor with the young man. "Wanna have lunch with me and my friends?" When we arrived at my locker, Sunghoon questioned. I turned to face the group of girls who were ogling us. I shot back at him, "I'd rather not, your little fangirls seem to be throwing me death glares so I'd rather survive and sit alone as always." I said closing my locker.
Running behind me, I could hear Sungoon's footsteps. "Well come on I want to introduce you to my buddies" He said. "then what? murder me because surely if I don't die by you I die by those crazy delusional girls" So I told him. He winked and continued, "Well, lucky for you, you have your lovely step brother to defend you." I remarked, "You're not my brother... yet." "Still, one chance please? Neither one of them, I can assure you, is like me" He begged. When I arrived at class, I swiftly walked to my desk after saying "OK" to his request.
I heard someone say, "PSSST," behind me. "You know Sunghoon?" I rolled my eyes as she questioned. I said "Why? Do you want me to introduce you to him? the answer is no, and since I have no control over Park Sunghoon's relationships, I must say if you want to Fuck Park Sunghoon say it to his face. He prefers simple-minded women". The girl gave me a startled expression. " Yeah, I wasn't going to ask that, but since you seem to despise him so much, I think we are the same! I'm Wonyoung" she said extending her arm "and before you question how I know him, we used to work together in the past, but our contract ended, and we lived our normal lives after that." I grinned and shook her hand.
"What, you're 20 now?" I questioned Wonyoung. "Yes, I am. The only reason I'm in a Juniors class is because I performed better than expected on my examinations, which led to the decision that I needed to enroll in a Juniors class. It's very perplexing." With a shrug, she said. "So ask me if you ever need assistance. We've become friends, haven't we?" I smiled as I spoke. "Yeah!" Wonyoung clapped as she said "We have"
Sunghoon Park was simple to find because he and his pals were the only ones with dyed hair, so I went inside the canteen during lunch to hunt for him. "Yah, I'm here" I remarked to him and he moved over for me to seat down. "And who could this lovely woman be?" One of them spoke, He firmly warned, "It's my soon-to-be stepsister, and you guys better not hit on her." "Oh are you being overprotective to your baby sister" The same man said, his face looking like a dog. "Jake, you may be brilliant, but your word choice is bad, so I have to make sure you don't do something stupid to her or say anything stupid" he said.
Jake rolled his eyes as he carried on eating. Another of his friends introduced himself to me as "Jay" and extended his arm. "Iseul here; nice to meet you, Oppa." I grinned at the gesture. Sunghoon furrowed his brow. He retorted, "You don't call me oppa." I snapped back, "Well maybe because I think jay is a little bit more grown up than you and deserves to be called Oppa, you on the other hand can pass as my baby brother." He gave me an irritated face and made a punching motion.
"you know I mean, you guys fight a lot, and it's kind of sweet; I do it with my girlfriend. If you hadn't told me you were siblings, I'd kind of believe you were a couple." A boy with red hair added. Another boy growled, "Shut up jungwon, they are perfect the way they are, and they give off more sibling energy than you and your sister both." Jay yelled, "Just shut up guys you're making her feel awkward," and I appreciated him for saying it because I don't think I could take to hear them argue.
I can't recall exactly what happened next, but I do recall waking up to my teacher screaming at me in math class. "What's the solution, Ms. Park? because you intend to snooze in my class" Jake, who was sitting next to me, leaned in and gave me the solution. I repeated his words, "It's 556." "Exactly," responded Mrs. Lee. "Perhaps you are intelligent after all" she said. "You're welcome" Jake said. "Thank you Jake, genuinely," I chuckled.
Park wasn't lying; in fact, his friends don't even remotely resemble him. In contrast to him, who basically flirts all day and has erratic moods, they are more sincere and polite. He may be incredibly lovely one moment and a complete jackass the next. He experiences more mood fluctuations than I do when i'm on my period. With a sibling like him, how will I manage my life? I'll be barraged by his silly phony fangirls who want his phone number or even to set them up with him once the rest of the school finds out. Call me crazy but I can't believe why people swoon over him so much, I don't think of him much attractively then I had previously and he's extremely obnoxious.
The wedding of our parents is in a few weeks, and while I am pleased for my mother, I am not yet ready to assert that Sunghoon is my brother. After all, anybody could have been my brother; yet, it simply had to be him. He also had an uncanny resemblance to the man who beat up my crush in my dream for no apparent reason while promising me that it was only a dream. The Sunghoon I am familiar with is a spoilt rich kid who just cares about himself, which I suppose is a nice quality—but not when he has a large ego.
As Sunghoon and the guy both had a strong jawline and white hair, I kept questioning whether or not the man in my dream was actually Sunghoon. But it may have simply been a coincidence, right?
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Infuriate - Prologue
Synopsis: Park Sunghoon, Iseul’s obnoxious elder stepbrother, whose father simply had to come in and fall head over heels in love with her mom, prompting them to get married, is the most infuriating person she’s have ever met. She can't lead the tranquil life she wishes to because of these obscenely wealthy people. "Yah, Midget." the white haired man said "How may I assist you at this time, dear brother?" she gave a mocking smirk as she responded. He fiercely commanded, "Do my homework." she made a laughing noise. Being a real brat, she told him, "I'll help you with it, but I won't do it."
genre: Fluff, Stepbro!Sunghoon, suggestive but no smut
word count: 1252
"STOP It!" I watched the love of my life being beaten up by a man with white hair, I yelled. "S-Stop please," I repeated, feeling a little dizzy. He had an evil smirk on his face as he said, "I'm doing this for you my darling." I repeated, "T-This isn't the way; violence isn't the way." He scoffed " There is no turning back from what has already occurred, is there?" I shook my head "no." He grabbed me by the waist and said, "You know how much I love you; I would never do anything on earth to hurt you, but he did." The man with the white hair drew closer to me. He was about to kiss me when I heard my mother say, "PARK ISEUL GET UP."
My mother repeatedly struck me in the head when I awoke slowly from my sleep. "Eomma! Wae?!" I told her. She snapped, "You better hurry up and change young lady or we'll have problems. We have places to go today." I rolled my eyes and stood up to go to the restroom. I had an interesting dream, and as I was brushing my teeth, I wondered who the white-haired man was. Whoever he was, he was certainly attractive; he was even a dream come true. I shook my head because I felt like my head was playing tricks on me. But, why did the man appear so genuine? He appeared to be an angel sent from heaven virtually.
"Why do I need to dress nicely, Eomma? Where may we be going?" My mother, who was hurriedly preparing my breakfast, answered. "No time for questions, you are to wear your cute yellow top and your yellow skirt with a pattern, you'll see when we get there," Setting the table, she said. She is even picky about what I wear. However, I did as directed and put on the pair before applying my makeup and going downstairs. "I'm all set!" I informed my mom. She retorted, "You look beautiful," quickly grabbing her keys and leaving for the car.
Who would have guessed that my mother would take me to a five-star restaurant that was fancy or even just beautiful. "Why are we in this place? even if we can't afford it" I called my mother. She answered, "Don't worry about it, I'll explain inside." I nodded as we entered and were welcomed by an older man and what I believe to be his son. The man added, "Very delighted you two could come Eunseo, Oh, yes, this is my son Sunghoon," he said, pointing at the man who was absorbed in his phone and had one hand in his pocket. He spoke the word "Annyeong" emotionlessly. My mother introduced me, "This is my daughter, Iseul." I shyly bowed at the older man "Iseul, it's nice to meet you." he said with a smile
I turned to look at his son, who had white hair and a ridiculously sharp jawline. He was dressed in black combat boots, ripped jeans with a chain linked to them, and a button-up shirt with three buttons unbuttoned at the top that was tucked in. We made eye contact when he looked up from his phone. I could feel my breathing slowing down in response to his gaze. He gave me a vast look before grinning and extending his arm. " I'm Sunghoon, nice to meet you," he remarked with a smile. "Well, the kids are already getting along!" My mother applauded. She grabbed his arm and grinned as she turned to face Sunghoon's father.
Sunghoons father said, "Why don't we sit down." Sunghoon and I were seated next to each other because our parents appeared to have been too preoccupied exchanging admiring glances for me to move away from them. As my mum said, "We brought you two here to say that we're getting married," I spit out the liquid that was in my mouth." You're what?!" Others turned to face me when I yelled. I bowed down in apologetically. "Since we've been coworkers at my company for a while, I've developed feelings for your mother. We've been seeing each other secretly for a few months, and we've both decided we want to get married." Sunghoons father claimed.
I tightened up when I felt a cold touch on my thigh. Sunghoon had his hands on my thigh and was softly caressing it up and down when I looked down to see it. Sunghoon remarked quietly, "Dad, I'm not sure how I feel about this, but as long as you're happy I'm prepared to accept that you have another woman." I answered, "Same with me mom, as long as you're happy, I'm happy," and they both grinned. "Well, that's wonderful! We want to know whether it's okay for you two to be alone because we were planning to get married next month and depart for our honeymoon for a few months." my mother said With a beautiful smile, Sunghoon assured her that everything was fine.
His father said, "Wonderful, I trust you, Sunghoon, that you would take care of Iseul." Sunghoon put his hands higher on my thigh and added, "Don't worry dad, she's secure with me."
Mother and I ultimately spent the night at their home after returning there. Sunghoon's father suggested that he share a room with me. I took his nod and silent ascent of the stairs as a cue to follow him. Once more, he replied in an indifferent voice, "This is my room." I responded, snatching one of the pillows from his bed, "I-I'll sleep on the sofa." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down towards him on the bed before I could even reach the sofa. He said, his face mere centimeters from me, "Stick with me, I don't bite." he paused "Unless you specifically ask me to," he said slyly. I instantly backed away from him, my flushed cheeks showing.
I put a longer pillow on his bed that I pulled out of his wardrobe. I told him, indicating to sides, "This is your side, this is mine." "You're no fun, aw! I had the idea that we might just go without the cushion and sleep together" He spoke. My eyes grew wider. Then, he said, "You dirty-minded Midget, sleep together on either one of the sides without the pillow." He continued, tapping the area next to him, "Now come on." I complied quietly, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
When I opened my eyes, Sunghoon was lying next to me, his arms around my waist and his hot breath on my neck. I informed him, "S-Sunghoon, I must use the restroom." He muttered while tightening his grip on me. Sunghoon, who was now fully awake, peered at me as he turned me over to face him. I shook my head in perplexity as he said, "I need to shower, and I know you do too," after we had been looking at each other for a minute. " come shower with me" When he stated it, I gasped and stammered, "O-Or you may s-shower first and I'll do it later." He laughed at my stammering, then fluffed my hair and left for the bathroom.
I suddenly realized that my peaceful life was over because he was going to become my stepbrother. With an older brother like him, I might as well commit suicide, given the way his gaze or even a grin makes me feel.
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Infuriate - Teaser
Synopsis: Park Sunghoon, Iseul’s obnoxious elder stepbrother, whose father simply had to come in and fall head over heels in love with her mom, prompting them to get married, is the most infuriating person she’s have ever met. She can't lead the tranquil life she wishes to because of these obscenely wealthy people. "Yah, Midget." the white haired man said "How may I assist you at this time, dear brother?" she gave a mocking smirk as she responded. He fiercely commanded, "Do my homework." she made a laughing noise. Being a real brat, she told him, "I'll help you with it, but I won't do it."
genre: Fluff, Stepbro!Sunghoon, suggestive but no smut
"Even though I am aware of your hatred for me, we both have fears, don't we? While I am aware that all I have been is an asshole and a flirt and that I have ruined your life, I will under no circumstances permit you to suffer harm, whether it comes from that idiotic man or a pan catching fire." He paused "Even if we are step siblings, I want to take a chance with you because I love you so much, Park Iseul, and whatever happened that night at the party, I don't regret it," Iseul stared in shock at Sunghoon "Why?" She asked him.
"Because deep down I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."
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Infuriate - Park Sunghoon
Synopsis: Park Sunghoon, Iseul’s obnoxious elder stepbrother, whose father simply had to come in and fall head over heels in love with her mom, prompting them to get married, is the most infuriating person she’s have ever met. She can't lead the tranquil life she wishes to because of these obscenely wealthy people. "Yah, Midget." the white haired man said "How may I assist you at this time, dear brother?" she gave a mocking smirk as she responded. He fiercely commanded, "Do my homework." she made a laughing noise. Being a real brat, she told him, "I'll help you with it, but I won't do it."
genre: Fluff, Stepbro!Sunghoon, suggestive but no smut
Two (Release date: TBD)
Three (Release date: TBD)
more chapters are to be added!
This is a fiction I decided to post on tumblr that I have also made a draft of on wattpad! if my fic looks like someone else’s please let me know!
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