20 years old. Indonesian. love fashion, dance, art, photography. can be found @ristyristyristy hey world! let's make friends! xx
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"Al-Khansa رضي الله عنها achieved what she sought, and her four sons went out seeking death in its most expected places. All of them were killed in a single day, and when that news reached her, she only said, “All praise belongs to Allah, who honored me through their being killed, and I hope from my Lord that He will unite me with them in the abode of His mercy.”
How great Allah made these women! They did not sit and cry, lamenting during the hours of hardship and tribulation. Instead, they carried the weight of the religion and the Ummah on their shoulders, helping a husband, inciting a son…
The Muslimah should take women like these as her role models. When times are tough and tight, she should remember their steadfastness and adorn herself with the fragrance of their conduct."
Rumiyah #2
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The reason for persistence in sin is heedlessness and desire, and heedlessness is not opposed except with knowledge. Desire is not opposed except with patience on cutting off the reasons which incite desires.
Some of them said: "Whoever is truthful in abandoning desires, and strives with himself for seven years will not be tried by them again." While another of them said: "Whoever repents from sin and becomes upright for seven years, will not go back to them."
[Purification of the soul | Imām Ibn Qudāmah al-Maqdīsī رحمه الله ]
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💫 Who are the best among you?
Ibn Abbas (may Allâh be pleased with him) narrated on the authority of the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him), who said:
"The best among you is the one who is best to his family."
خَيْرُكُمْ خَيْرُكُمْ لِأَهْلِهِ
[Sheikh Al-Albani رحمه الله graded it as authentic (Sahih).]
Shaykh ‘Uthaymeeen رحمه الله said:
● It is obligatory for a person, whether male or female, to treat their family members with the best conduct — their mother, father, spouse, children, and both close and distant relatives.
● A person should be a best friend to them, nurturing them with the best care and treatment. The family has the most right to be shown good conduct, more than any other creation in the world, more than any friend, no matter how close, or co-worker. The closer the family member, the more right they have to your good conduct and manners.
This is a sign of true faith.
This is why the Messenger (peace be upon him) said:
'And I am the best among you to my family.'
The sign of true faith is not only in your dress code or humility outside the home, but rather the true signs of faith and fear of Allâh lie in how you treat your family inside the home.
📕Explanation of Riyadh-us-Saliheen | 3/596
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“A believer can never be happy with disobedience of Allah and can never enjoy it. When he happens to commit it, his heart feels sorrow and pain. If a person's heart is free from this sorrow, and his happiness and joy are strong then he should examine his faith and cry over the death of his heart. If his heart was alive, it would have make him sad with the commitment of the sin, create anger in him and he would find it difficult to sustain it. But if the heart has lost feeling, then it is dead and there is no chance that the person will feel the guilt.”
| Tawbah | Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله |
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“If sadness is related to something that cannot be recanted then it is of no use, however if it is related to a religious matter then he should make it up with the aid of hoping for the Graciousness and Mercifulness of Allāh.
On the other hand if one has sadness in regards to worldly matters and whatever he misses from it, then that is an evident loss, a wise person should rid himself of that.”
| Discipling the Soul | Ibn Al-Jawzī رحمه الله |
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A Letter To Older Me #12
Assalamualaykum my dear Risty,
These past few days have been hard and rough, if you remember these days was the days we fight ourselves so much. However, I wish you are in the waaaay better state in the future both in your imaan, your healthiness, your mental situation, and your relationship with your family and people around you, aamiin. Risty, it feels so hurt, my eyes keep tearing, my legs feel numb, I don't know what to do. All I want is sit and talk to Allaah. I hope these days pass quickly. I hope Allaah heal me completely. I can not talk to anyone, but I don't even know what I should say. It's nothing and it's everything at the same time. I ask Allaah to make me ridha and may Allaah as well ridha with me and forgive me. Risty, I really really hope you are better even you are at your best now. I wish you happiness, peace and complete. See you in the next letter. May Allaah protect you always. Sincerely, Your younger self Jakarta, 17 Oct 2024 4.02 pm
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‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdu’l-‘Azīz said: ‘I have no happiness left except with the Divine Decree.’
It was said to him: ‘What do you love?’
He replied: “What Allāh has decreed.”
Al-Hasan said: ‘Whoever is happy with what has been decided for him, finds it sufficient and Allāh blesses it for him.
And the one who is unhappy with what has been decreed for him, does not find it sufficient will not be blessed in it.’
📖 Purification of The Soul | Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdīsī رحمه الله pg. 188
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“Tell all those who have delegated their affairs to Allah, that Allah will never fail them.”
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“Tell all those who have delegated their affairs to Allah, that Allah will never fail them.”
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A Letter To Older Me #11
Assalamualaykum dear Risty, how are you?
I have a lot to tell :D. 2023 has been great, alhamdulillaah. I am still in awe :')). Okay, let me summarize it:
We are going abroad for vacation during ramadhan. Kita sahur, buka puasa dan sholat tarawih di negara lain (read: Singapura). It was a wonderful experience!
Kita jadi doseeennnn!!!!! maa syaa Allaah, tabarakallah, Allaahumma baarik, laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah (well I have told the complete story before hehe). A little update, pengalaman ngajar ternyata sangat menyenangkan. Kita sangat meninkmati prosesnya. Kita belajar lagi, baca buku dan jurnal lagi dan membaginya ke teman2 mahasiswa. Alhamulillaah mahasiswa kita juga semuanya baik2, dan sopan. Sebagian besar dari mereka aktif di kelas untuk bertanya, menjawab pertanyaan dan berdiskusi, I am so happy. Semoga Allaah ridho dengan kegiatan dan kesibukan kita ini. Semoga mengajar bisa menjadi ladang dakwah dan ibadah kita, aamiin.
We start to paint, we have created lots of painting these past few months <3 (check them here). Kita juga sangat sangat menikmati melukis. Rasanya sesuatu di diri kita sudah aktif lagi setelah tertidur lama. Painting makes us feel more alive!
We start our hifz journey again. Setelah setahun cuti dan ngga pernah murajaah lagi, hafalan kita sudah banyak hilang, astaghfirullaah. Tapi alhamdulillaah karena rahmat, hidayah dan pertolongan Allaah tahun ini (tepatnya seminggu yg lalu 19 November 2023), kita mulai menghafal quran lagi. Semogga Allaah jadikan kita istiqomah dan mudahkan perjalanan kita menghafal, memahami dan mengajarkan quran.
(It just happened yesterday) We bought our first houseeee!!!!! Maa syaa Allaah, alhamdulillaah, laa hawla wa la quwwata illa billaah. Masih ngga percaya kesampean beli rumah sendiri, alhamdulillaah, nikmat Allaah begitu bertubi-tubi, sangat luas dan tidak pernah berhenti, فابي أييي آلاءي ربيكوما توكازيبان Allaah is indeed Ar-Razaaq, Al Mujiib, Al Mannan, Al Wahhab. Allaah kabulkan doa kita untuk bisa punya rumah sesuai yang kita mau, yg tanahnya cukup luas, aksesnya bagus, dekat pubilc transportation, dekat tol, maa syaa Allaah, alhamdulillaah <3 <3
Isn't it wonderful? I hope you are in the future reading this is in a much better, happier, healthier, condition. Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan dan rahmat Allaah dan selalu dekat dengan Allaah. Thank you Risty, thank you for believing in yourself and work hard toward it. Kalau bukan karena rahmat dan pertolongan Allaah, we wouldn't be here. That's it for now, i'll see (read: write) you again soon! Note: take care of your iman <3 Bogor, 25 November 2023
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A Letter To Older Me #10 - Mimpi yang diupayakan
Friday, 25th Aug 2023
Assalamualaykum dear Risty, how are you doing? I hope you are in a good health and highest state of imaan, aamiin.
I have been sick for a week, coughing but it’s getting better today. However life has been so wonderful lately, I would say since the beginning of the year. Our dreams one by one comes true!!!!! Alhamdulillah, Allaah is indeed Al-Mannaan, Al Mujiib.
Inget ngga tiga tahun lalu kita pingin banget ngajar jadi dosen? Tahun ini kita NGAJAAAARRR!!!!! Alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaan, ngga berenti ngucap syukur. Memang bener ya keinginan itu harus diusahakan. Awal tahun ini memberanikan diri untuk kontak salah satu kenalan kita yg bekerja di perguruan tingli di Bogor yang ternyata beliau adalah Wakil rektor perguruan tinggi tersebut. Walaupun ngga langsung diterima ngajar disana, tapi beliau ngasih kita kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dałam program Praktisi Mengajar. Sebenarnya tahun lalu kita sudah ikut program ini juga, tapi qadrullaah belum dapat tawaran kolaborasi dari perguruan tinggi. Tahun ini alhamdulillaah melalui pintu beliau terbuka lah peluang mengajar di perguruan tinggi.
Bulan Mei 2023 kita mulai ngajar, tepatnya tanggal 17 Mei 2023. Kita dikontrak untuk mengajar mata Kuliah English Learning Teaching (ELT) selama 12 jam atau 6 kali pertemuan. Apa Itu ELT? HAHAHAHA. Bener-bener bingung sih pas tawaran mata kuliahnya ELT karena ngga paham apa-apa, boro-boro paham, kenal aja ngga wkwk. Bapaknya ngajak kita ngajar ini karena beliau kenal kita di Toastmasters International dan beliau pingin mahasiswa di perguruan tingginya bisa aktif berbicara bahasa Inggris seperti di Toastmasters. Long story short, akhirnya kita ngajar dan ternyata pengalaman ngajar begitu sangat menyenangkan. Impian kita untuk bisa terus belajar sambal berbagi ke orang lain, bisa terealisasi. Walaupun awalnya ngga happy dan ngga PD karena bukan ngajar manajemen, tapi ternyata ada hikmahnya. Hikmahnya kita jadi belajar bagaimana cara mengajar karena ELT itu pada dasarnya adalah belajar mengajar. Pas banget timingnya, sebelum mulai lebih jauh jadi pengajar kita disiapkan dulu ilmunya seperti apa. Maa syaal Allah, Allaah memang paling tau yang terbaik.
Setelah selesai mengajar di Praktisi Mengajar 2, kita lanjut lagi di Praktisi Mengajar 3. Alhamdulillaah kali ini dapet tawaran banyak sekali sampai melebihi kuota ngajar 36 jam. Awalnya kita hanya mau mengambil 1 ajakan kolaborasi (12 jam) dan sudah dapat untuk mata kuliah Manajemen Keuangan, tapi kemudian datang tawaran-tawaran berikutnya. Tawaran kedua untuk mata kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran. Sebagai anak pemasaran, sungguh ajakan ini sangat tempting, jadi akhirnya kita terima juga, alhamdulillaah. Sudah dengan ajakan dua kolaborasi (24 jam) dan kita memutuskan untuk tidak menerima ajakan kolaborasi lainnya. Tapi ternyata masih banyak ajakan berdatangan dari beberapa mata kuliah di Jakarta maupun di daerah luar Jakarta. Ada seorang koordinator dari salah satu PT nelfon dan memo hon dengan sangat untuk kita terma ajakan kolaborasiyya. Awalnya tempat kita Tolak, tapi Karena mata kuliahnya menai yaitu Start up business dan jadwal perkuliahannya malam hari, tawaran tersebut akhirnya diterima. 36 jam ajakan kolaborasi kita terima. Bismillaah semoga Allaah mudahkan, mampukan untuk menjalaninya.
Selain mengajar, hal menyenangkan lainnya adalah MELUKIS. Yes, tahun ini kita mulai melukis. Salah satu hal yang kita senangi dari kita anak-anak, atas izin Allaah diusia kita sekarang ini kita mulai melukis lagi. Kali ini in syaa Allaah bisa istiqomah dijadikan hobi, syukur2 bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan baru, aamiin. Bulan Agustus ini kita bikin account IG Khusus lukisan, dan alhamdulillaah tanggapannya sungguh baik. Dalam beberapa minggu saja kita sudah dapat banyak followers (57 followers saat ini) dan likes, juga comment yang sangat encouraging. Beberapa bahkan menawarkan untuk membeli lukisan kita dalam bentuk print ataupun menawarkan kita untuk open commission. Belum ada yang kita terima sih, karena masih belum ngerti harus bagaimana. Belum paham teknisnya, masih bingung menentukan price dan ditambah mereka semua yang ingin membeli karya kita adalah orang di luar negeri. Kita belum niat untuk mengkomersialkan lukisan sampai saat ini, but I’m sure we will in the near future. Tell me from your timeline!
However, painting has been so much fun. We're loving it so far! It releases our stress, it becomes our therapy. It keeps us creative and most of all it makes us happy :).
Well, that’s a glimpse of life update lately. Gue happy karena akhirnya kita berani untuk melakukan hal baru. Hal yang sudah kita sering impikan, pikirkan dan sudah lama ingin kita lakuan. Hanya memikirkan mereka tanpa melakukan tindakan apapun cukup membuat kita stress. Apalagi mereka selalu dan selalu ada di kepala dan hati kita, anehnya impian dan keinginan-keinginan itu tidak pernah hilang. Dan kita memutuskan untuk mendengarkan kata hati kita dan alhamdulillaah it’s been all very good.
Jadi memang kalau kita punya mimpi itu harus diupayakan, dilakukan dan dikejar. Kalau Allah berkehendak, pasti semua akan terwujud. Semangat mengejar mimpi yaa Risty, bukan karena kita yang mampu tapi karena rahmat Allaah sungguh luar brasa.
Note: dipost tanggal 25 November 2023, diambil dari notes di laptop yg ditulis pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2023
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