ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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Zen Fishing
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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Palouse Fall
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
“For many years now there has been strong interest in expanding oil drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, both on land and offshore. Many have considered the Arctic landscape a barren wasteland or a flat, white nothingness.
I take these sentiments as a personal challenge to document an extremely remote and mostly unknown area of North America — for a public that otherwise might never see it. It’s true that at first glance some areas may seem desolate or barren. But those same areas may be teeming with life just days later, with tens of thousands of migrating caribou, or wolves or grizzlies.”
— Wildlife photographer for the upcoming Braided River title, To The Arctic, Florian Schultz
Read the full story on NPR The Picture Show
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
I just saw an awesome story on Richard Black’s blog about protecting Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest from the Northern Gateway pipeline project. With it has come the discovery of the International League of Conservation Photographers and their Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition (RAVE) campaigns. I think the concept of conservation photography is a beautiful thing. While you’re at it, this Brazilian condoms story is another good read :) full post @ conversation on conservation :)
International League of Conservation Photographers
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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ricpeterson-blog · 13 years
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Ruby Beach Sunrise
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