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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Fluffy Drabble Time!~
Below the cut is 20 drabble prompts to get you in the mood for Valentines!
Send me a word or a ♥ (for a randomised drabble)!
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Valentines Meme!
Send one of the following for a starter drabble from my muse.
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
When Roark collided with Riley once again, this time his lips pressed to his, he knew the exact reason Roark was here. He couldn't help but smile against the man's kisses. He had been waiting for this for a very long time. But he wasn't going to let Roark control this moment. No. That's not the way Riley worked.
Continuing to kiss Roark, he walked him backwards towards the living room. He had his hands firmly on his partners hips and bit lightly onto Roark's bottom lip. "Not so fast, lover boy." When they reached the couch, Riley pulled off of Roark and pushed him to the couch.
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"Now talk." Riley was being pushy, but he needed answers. "You can't expect to throw yourself at me, and me just understand completely." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Why now?" He pulled his jacket off and sat down next to Roark. With one swooping motion, he moved Roark to his lap, one leg on each side.
Keeping his hands on his thighs, he was prepared to listen to Roark. He tried to make himself seem as calm, cool, and collected as possible, but on the inside, his character was breaking. When he needed someone, no one was there. And now. Now that he didn't need anyone, someone suddenly wants to be there. He didn't know how to take this.
This Beautiful Life || Roark & Riley
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
so I understand that I haven't been on lately. due to the fact that i've become obsessed with supernatural. But I promise today that I will be replying to Roark, and posting a starter on this account and Lucie's. I will also be revamping her character to give her more to work with.
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
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This is so embarrassing…! Ankle, heal quickly!! What if someone sees me like this…? Oh my… [blushes heavily] 
400th post by the way, lol~
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Riley smirked at Roark's tongue tiedness. Roark had a way of keeping things interesting for Riley. He knew that Roark had been doing things other than Gym related stuff. Roark spends every second outside of the Gym down at the mines. Riley watches intently as Roark goes on shaking and trying to form words.
Have you been seeing anyone?
That was the only thing that Riley heard come out of Roark's mouth. Of course he hadn't. He had been hiding away on this island to make sure that he didn't see anyone. Riley could see that that was not what Roark had meant but didn't say anything. He just stared at the man.
Riley lifted his arms to the table, and folded them slightly. He was trying to keep proper form, trying not to anticipate what Roark what was trying to get at. Riley had gotten good at ignoring what he couldn't help as a child. The only thoughts right then filling the room were his own.
Roark had spoken too fast for Riley to comprehend at first, but soon he had understood. Roark just wanted to see him. No one wanted to see Riley. If anyone came out here, it was because they wanted something. Not see to him. Everyone who came out here tried to fix him. They didn't understand that being here was what he wanted.
Riley didn't hear his question and wasn't snapped out of his trance until he felt a temperature change in his hand. He didn't make a deal of it, as it was just water. The only thing that made Riley wince was feeling Roark's hands grab his. Roark's hands were warm, soft, comforting. He looked up at him as he frantically tried to dry his hands and keep them warm.
He listened to Roark ramble on, not really making any sense. This was Riley's turn to flip the cards and take charge. He flipped his hands so that he was the one holding Roark's hands. He looked him in the eyes before dropping his hands. One hand slowly moved to his cheek as his lips moved in fast to Roark's. He let his lips linger there for a moment before pulling back.
"Now," he stroked the man's cheek. "What is the real reason you're here?"
This Beautiful Life || Roark & Riley
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
I feel... um, WARMLY towards you. N-Not that I have a crush on you, or anything! H-Here! Take this! Just t-take it! --> ❤
2. After nursing you back to health, thinking you were on your death bed.
Riley held Roark's hand in his, resting his head against the man's thigh. It had been almost two days since Roark had opened his eyes. Roark had been staying with Riley for a couple of days when the two decided to walk around the island of a bit. They started down a hill, a rocky one at that, and Roark stepped in the wrong spot and he went falling down the hill. Riley ran to his rescue, only to reach an unconscious Roark. He rushed him to the nearest PokeCenter. Nurse Joy had taken him back into a room, telling Riley he could not see him right now.
After about an hour, Nurse Joy said that Roark was stable enough for him to come back, though he was still unconscious. Riley didn't know how to react when he saw the oxygen hoses wrapped around Roark's nose and mouth. He stood in silence before walking over to the boy's bed. He had spent a day and a half holding Roark's hand, never leaving his side. Every once in a while he would mutter, Wake up, Roark. I need you.
Today, as his head was pressed to his thigh and his hand in his, he felt a squeeze on his hand. His head shot up, making his hat fall off of his head. Roark's eyes were fluttering open, he heard a groan. "Roark!" Riley stood up and pushed Roark's hair back. "God, I love you. You've had me worried sick."
"Y-you just s-said you loved me." Riley didn't respond but instead pressed his lips to Roark's forehead.
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Leave 'Letters From You' in my askbox.
And I will generate a number between 1 and 20 for a letter. 
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Send me a "❤" to see how/when my muse confesses their love!
Numbers from 1-14 below the cut! Reblog without looking if you’re brave enough!
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
The look on Roark's face was understood by Riley. Riley having his own house after wanting to live on the island was irrational for how he behaved about moving to the island. He had made it very clear that he wanted to be on his own, away from civilization. For the longest of time, Riley had lived in the wilderness of the island, with the Pokemon and all. But he soon realized that he needed at least a house. Lucario was tired of the other Pokemon running around where he was trying to eat or sleep.
With Roark's arm hooked on his, he started walking towards his house. "I built it myself, you know." He was talking about the house, his house. Lucario came up behind him and nudged his arm and let out a cry. Riley cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak again. "Of course, with the help of Lucario. I don't think I can do anything without him."
After following the path he and Lucario help shape, he pushed the door open. He didn't bother to have a lock on the door, since no one ever came to the island. It was a rarity that he had visitors, but his parents did visit sometimes. He let go of Roark's arm and slid his jacket off of his shoulders and hung it on the rack. The house was like any other, completely furnished and lavish. Riley had spent several days sorting through stores looking for the perfect furniture. He believed that if he was going to go through the trouble of having a house, it was going to be grand.
Walking into the kitchen with Roark following behind, Riley pulled out two glasses from the cabinets. He set them on the island and looked at Roark. "I have iced tea, water, or lemonade. Which would you prefer?" Once Roark responded, Riley poured the drink and sat down across from him. He sipped the drink lightly before standing back up to get a snack for Lucario. He tossed him the treats and returned to his seat.
"So, Roark, what have you been up to lately? What made you come see me?"
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This Beautiful Life || Roark & Riley
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
"You’re not being fair."
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"Oh, honey. You wouldn't know fair if it hit you in the face."
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
"Get a grip of yourself... that is, if it's okay with you... senpai."
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"Roark? Is there a problem? Why do I need to get a grip of myself?"
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Send a ⌘ for an AU drabble revolving around a randomly shuffled song
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
"I don’t think I ever loved you."
"You never loved me."
"You’re not being fair."
"This is the right thing to do, and you know it."
"There’s nothing you can do about it now."
"I just wanted to be your first pick…"
"Did I ever matter?"
"You weren’t meant to get…
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
tell me something u dig about me on anon
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rickrackriley · 11 years ago
Riley was taken back, and stumbled backwards, when he felt Roark's body slam against his. Roark's rocky scent bombarded Riley's nose. He hadn't felt Roark's body against his in such a long time, that he forgot how great of hugs that he gives.
Once the shock went through him, he wrapped his own arms around the man pressed against him. When Roark said he missed him, he didn't know what to think. He didn't think that people actually missed him. His parents didn't of course. They thought their kid was a freak, that was the reason he spent so much time on the island.
"Of course. I miss you too." And he didn't say it just because Roark said it. He said it because he meant it. After how much time they had spent together in previous years, Riley wasn't just going to forget about Roark. Roark meant too much to him to leave him in the past.
Even though Riley's brain was still trying to process the event that had just happened, his heart was glad that Roark was in his arms. "It has been too long." He finally was able to speak again after Roark lets him go. He straightens up and fixes his hat. "Why don't we go back to my place?"
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This Beautiful Life || Roark & Riley
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