rickcourse · 6 years
lmao, why is riotlez so salty xD
theyre trying to make it seem like they’re the victim when theyre the one calling aces freaks 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ its okay, theyre just delusional. some people be like that
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rickcourse · 6 years
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your wish came true, congrats
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rickcourse · 6 years
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@riotlez is an aphobe and i found this funny
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rickcourse · 6 years
"#not trying to start drama" "#rickcourse"
i tag a lot of things with rickcourse because i know people have the tag blocked and don’t like seeing anything that potentially COULD start drama. you know, as a big-ish blog with eleven thousand people following me i have to make sure I’m careful about what people do or don’t see from my blog, because I don’t want to ruin their day or accidentally trigger someone :^)
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rickcourse · 6 years
scrolling around tumblr and other popular social media platforms that have a heavy fan population, one thing you notice is that… there’s like. a lack of fan made content for female characters. not that there’s none, just this weird lack of it. i see that a lot in this fandom, honestly. like its not that there’s no content for the females of pjo, you can find some. but youre more likely to find something for nico or percy or jason before you find a lone piper post, nevermind a hazel post.
and i think i know the issue?
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rickcourse · 6 years
this. this is the discourse the percy jackson fandom is really in right now,
idk if y’all remember but both pollux and castor (the demigods at chb, not the ancient heroes) were written as having violet eyes and i think that rick originally wanted to give them wine red eyes or some bs like that bc in all his brilliant logic that’s the colour you’d give to demigods fathered by dionysus right (god of wine and grapes and shit so like….. logic right hfdsjfd) and my guess is that he chickened out bc “hold up wine red is waaaay too unnatural a shade to give an actual human being even if they’re part god and i’m already stretching it with violet so better not rock the boat too much” but he regretted it ever since, i bet it ate him up inside not taking a chance at being so ~creative~ and ~original~ so when he came up with piper and hazel he said fuck it and boom, kaleidoscope and gold eyes be born bitch
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rickcourse · 6 years
it can be your headcannon lol but don't say it in that way as if saying everyone else that doesn't believe it is wrong or dumb everyone is allowed an opinion
listen b idfk how you think i was calling everyone dumb or wrong but you need to drink a glass of milk or something not gonna lie lol i deadass said “you can think want you want but this is my headcanon”
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rickcourse · 6 years
and its honestly ridiculous that you think just bc someone doesn't think a character isn't bisexual that they're biphobic lmao this isn't the same person who sent that but i'm just sayin and i'm bi too
I tagged it as “biphobia?” Because I didn’t know if it was the same person who said being bisexual was wrong because they were on anon. There’s a question mark there for a reason, so thanks lmao.
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rickcourse · 6 years
You are NOT Annabeth, because honestly, you have no idea how to be her. This is not a hate mail, it's just that you are... well, you. Awesome, but not Annabeth. She's a different kind of awesome, and I wish you'd stop comparing yourself to her.
my hair: looks like hers
me: i look like annabeth
you: flips shit
chill, anon. drink some milk. maybe take a walk. realize u are deadass sending hate mail (yes that’s what it is) to a percy jackson shitpost blog. find something better to do with ur time.
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rickcourse · 6 years
I bet that anon kins with Annabeth and didn't want a double
that might be true… like honestly “you have NO idea how to be annabeth” and you do??? have you read the instruction manual????? watched a youtube tutorial???
i have nothing against people who kin but at the same time dont be rude to me because shes a character i enjoy.
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rickcourse · 6 years
Fucking shut the fuck up GOD shut the fuck up you take shit to heart way too much stop whining like a little fucking baby because someone told you you cant be a fictional character . It was meant to be a compliment.
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rickcourse · 6 years
You are NOT Annabeth, because honestly, you have no idea how to be her. This is not a hate mail, it's just that you are... well, you. Awesome, but not Annabeth. She's a different kind of awesome, and I wish you'd stop comparing yourself to her.
my hair: looks like hers
me: i look like annabeth
you: flips shit
chill, anon. drink some milk. maybe take a walk. realize u are deadass sending hate mail (yes that’s what it is) to a percy jackson shitpost blog. find something better to do with ur time.
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rickcourse · 6 years
yo rick himself said that just because a character has interest in the opposite sex doesnt make them canonically straight. deadass. like the author himself wrote those words.
so them being straight is just as much as a headcanon as them being bi.
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rickcourse · 6 years
me: tries to avoid discourse on the Big Blog
someone: says some shit
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rickcourse · 6 years
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Hey guys I made some delicious tea:)
To explain further; some examples
1) “Reyna is a lesbian!!” “What a good day to remember that Jason is bi!” “I ship Nico with Reyna/Thalia!”
Honeys, Reyna likes men. Stated at least 3 times. Rick fucking told y'all it would be contributing to the “oh you’re a lesbian?? Some guys must’ve hurt you really bad:(” assumption and general shitty stereotype that if guys do something to you you can just ‘Turn gay’. Y'all are NOT gonna be out here ignoring her crushes on Jason and Percy. Not on my watch, not in my house, not wherever.
Jason shows no actual interest in men, he’s clearly an ally,, and some of y'all really go far. You can hc him as bi but don’t say it like it’s a fact.
Y'all,,, Nico is gay,, as in homosexual,, and in his whole storyline it’s a very important part of his life and development. He was born at a time that wasn’t nearly as supportive as the 21st century. In fact, not supportive at all. It was very obviously a difficult obstacle for him, and it took him a long time to accept that his feelings are valid. Even if there wasn’t so much struggle involved, don’t erase his identity,sexuality, the representation we have. It’s not the same as headcanoning a straight character as not straight because straight people have enough rep. Don’t disrespect him like that.
2) people drawing Sadie way too dark, with a different hair type and eye color
h o n e y s , their appearance is such an important part of their story!! The point is that they DON’T look like siblings,, that they don’t “look” mixed. (“Look” because obviously there’s no one way to “look” mixed. If you’re mixed you look mixed, end of.) Sadie has been described as looking like her mom, so pale skin, blonde hair (straight) , blue eyes.
Some of your guys’ errors ARE represented in RR’s books!! Emmie and Jo are a lovely old lesbian couple with a daughter, and both of them gave up the hunt for each other. Apollo is so very openly bi. Nico, the 1st lgbt+ kid in The Riordanverse is gay. Magnus is bi/pan, although not stated explicitly.
I hope you learned something new and are planning on growing as a person.
Don’t think I’m gonna debate w/ you about this.
Thanks for coming to my TED-talk.
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rickcourse · 6 years
okay im a little pissed so let me address something
saying theres no “proof” that someone is bisexual is not okay, especially if we’re talking about characters. saying theres no “proof” theyre gay is not okay. saying theres no “proof” theyre lesbian is not okay.
there doesnt need to be proof.
you dont have to prove someones straight. so why do you have to prove theyre bi, gay, lesbian???
if a characters sexuality is not explicitly stated by the author or in the text, that doesnt mean theyre automatically straight.
yes, you can believe theyre straight. sure. go ahead. but dont jump down someones throat if they headcanon them to be something other than straight. because guess what?
there aint any proof theyre straight either
p.s: i am so sick with hearing “well they have a girlfriend/boyfriend so they cant be bi”
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rickcourse · 6 years
How do you feel about hazel and franks relationship? Considering that hazel is like 13/14
i feel a lot of things about it. i feel like in this case scenario, franks a good guy and wouldnt do a thing to hurt hazel. that and hazel is very mature, mostly due to not being able to live her childhood and you know dying. so there isnt much of a maturity gap between frank and hazel. but on the other side of the coin, i do not support relationships between 13 year olds and 16 year olds. its only 3 years yes but theres a) the maturity gap and b) the fact that they can easily take advantage of their younger partner. i dont know where i stand im just. eh.
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