3K posts
A place where I reblog cc I like. Feel free to follow. Main blog is  
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richantsimreblog · 22 hours ago
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Beer poses 2.0.
Hey! I've been practicing pose making and I wanted to remake this previous pose pack because the poses were too static and not very expressive, so I improved them. It includes 9 poses and the last one is a bonus! Hope u like them.
You need this beer by @simmerberlin
tou: don't claim as your own, don't steal and don't put them behind a paywall
Download on my patreon (free)
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richantsimreblog · 2 days ago
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Sage and Levi promised each other that once Sunny was born, they would not give up their dreams of traveling, so now they travel with their little one <3
Poses [x][x][x][x][x]
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richantsimreblog · 3 days ago
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Read together posepack
A pack where two sims read together but get distracted and talk. This pack includes 8 couple poses. These poses require book accessories for both sims.
Download here
These poses need this book accessory by Melbennett that can be found here.
Note: These previews include an recolor of the book acc by @electricwhims as a cameo to their story, which is not available as a swatch on the acc I have included here.
Place the teleporter in the center of any bench or couch.
What you need: Andrew's Poseplayer, Teleport Any Sim
Consider tagging me on my Instagram if you use these.
Let me know if you have any issue with these poses!
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richantsimreblog · 8 days ago
Rabid Rodent Fever Ghost Override
Requested by @nefarrilou. Those ghosts do indeed look less terrifying now!
This mod isn't really complex, it just overrides one buff and swaps out the others, so that these ghosts aren't wearing that rodent costume that's probably someone's sleep paralysis demon. Instead, they'll wear this cute shoulder hamster.
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You need Lot51's Core Library and @j3lly-fish's Hamster Accesory for this to work.
Enjoy, all!
[Simfileshare Download] | [Mod Masterpost] | [Send Weird Mod Requests]
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richantsimreblog · 12 days ago
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Infant Resize Preset
Are you sick of using demon toddlers? Do you want newborns that actually LOOK like newborns? Well you came to the right place cause one night I had a midnight thought that I turned into a reality and it was to make those toddler resize presets but for INFANTS!
The proportions look so much more newborn-like, eh? I tried my best to use real newborn references for an accurate scale!
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DISCLAIMER: THIS PRESET IS FOR POSE USE ONLY. It kind of works with gameplay, but it doesn't give you any new gameplay features for newborns. They will act like infants
STEP 1: Equip preset in CAS
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The preview looks like this! And is located under body presets!
-Note that you CANNOT go back to a regular size infant without defaulting their genetic body type. So I recommend making a CAS backup just for the infant!
STEP 2: Get you some poses that work with this preset! (I have a launch day list at the bottom of this post!!)
-Resized toddler poses WILL NOT work with this preset.
-Regular sized Infant poses will work with the preset, but it may require T.O.O.L to fix the positioning.
STEP 3: Pose as normal!! If you're having trouble with positioning, see the known issues section of this post!
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To make poses using this preset, you must use the special rig provided in the download section of this post! It's exactly like posing with resized toddlers.
-You must NEVER use the reset rig button. That defaults the rig to regular infant size. To undo changes please use alt + R and alt + G
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Infants are notoriously glitchy and for some reason when they're small sized, they act just a little bit crazier.
-If your teleporter is throwing last exceptions, your small infants may become misaligned with their caregiver's. This is easily fixable with T.O.O.L.
-When posing on an incline, the infants WILL MOVE OUT OF PLACE. These kinds of misalignments can't be fixed with T.O.O.L. I recommend only posing on flat terrain.
-This is not an issue, but more of a suggestion. If you're posing with some kind of bed, these babes are tiny and hard to click on. I recommend downloading a camera mod such as this one to get down low under the beds.
If you have any other detrimental issues, please let me know! I'm happy to help troubleshoot! You can reach out on here, but I respond faster on my instagram!
Free poses you can use right now!!
Thank you SOOO much to my amazing friends @truecolorssims and @herecirmsims for making 100% free poses to release alongside this launch!! Ya'll are INCREDIBLE and I couldn't have done this without you!!!
Cold Welcome by Me -Birth poses with complications
Newborn Singles by Me
It's Your Dad by Me - NICU visit poses
Safe in My Arms by Me -Sim being handed a baby and cuddle sesh.
It's So Hard by Me - Sim crying by a crib and being handed a baby
Complete by Me - Polyamorous throuple with baby
Isn't Mommy Awesome? By Me - Breastfeeding/Bottlefeeding with toddler and both parents.
Hold This by @herecirmsims - Couple and trio poses handing off a baby!!
Emotions With A Newborn by @herecirmsims - like the title suggests!!
Teeny Tiny by @truecolorssims - Family portrait poses with newborn!!
There was also supposed to be a preemie size variant of this preset but for some reason I couldn't get it to work!! Maybe one day when I have more time to troubleshoot I can release that, but for now, I didn't want to put this off any longer!
I put a LOT of hours into this preset and all the poses to go along with it and I'm releasing them COMPLETELY FREE So I feel a slightly stricter TOS is warranted.
-Do not reupload
-No poses made with this preset are allowed to be perma paywalled PERIOD. Early access is allowed if it is released for free in a timely manner (2-3 weeks)
-Do not include the preset in your post. Please link back to this post!
If you use it, please tag me on here or on Instagram @electric.whims Not a requirement, but I do want to see!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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richantsimreblog · 17 days ago
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Make sure your child sims are wearing the lates Spring fashion with the Honeydew CC Pack! Here we have 32 colorful items with all sorts of animals, bugs, foliage, fruits, plaids and stripes. I found a lot of these designs on pinterest, but all of the icons are drawn by me. I also use MadamRiaSims4 plaid psd on some of the items. Highly recommend if you make your own cc and need custom plaids. Hope you enjoy all of these colorful creations, and if you post any screenshots please tag me, I'd love to see them. 😊🌼
32 Items
10 Bottoms
10 Tops
1 Dress
3 Overalls
4 Shoes
4 Socks
If you play on PC make sure you remove the "_macosx" folder
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richantsimreblog · 18 days ago
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valentine's day favorites ‪♡
01. vinyl heart 02. candle - wrapped chocolate bar - chocolate bar 03. strawberries - heartshaped cookies 04. purse - love potion - perfume - lipstick - heels 05. rose bouquet - chocolate strawberries 06. lingerie 07. champagne - champagne glass 08. box of roses 09. strawberry bag - heart tray
thanks to all the cc creators!
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richantsimreblog · 18 days ago
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The Seamless Collection
This collection is inspired primarily by that satiny buttery fabric Victoria's Secret used to use in the early to mid 2010's. I don't know if they still use it to this day, but I remember being obsessed with it when I was an au pair in Virginia in 2012. For this collection I wanted to create a variety of essentials for both females and males.
A total of nine pieces - 2 bras, 4 panties, and 3 boxers/briefs
10 earthy neutral swatches
Default CAS replacements for each item, comes in white & black at the moment but let me know if you'd like any of the other colors as defaults as well.
Default replacements are compatible with WW, but defaults can be finicky. See previous post here for tips & tricks.
Not allowed for random
Custom thumbnails
Let me know if there are any issues! This was a big collection and I have gone over everything what feels like a million times, but my anxiety always tells me I must have missed something.
Download here (Patreon) Public access: 15/02/2025
⋆⁺₊⋆ ━━━━⊱༒︎ • ༒︎⊰━━━━ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Terms of Use:
Do not steal.
Do not reupload.
Do not link behind adfly, reupload to Simsdom or anything like that.
Recoloring is allowed, but make sure to link back to my original creation and do not monetize my creations by early access or permapaywalling.
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richantsimreblog · 18 days ago
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Sunday Morning Collection
Happy almost Valentine's Day! Enjoy this collection of matching family pajamas for your sims <3
BGC | I-E | Custom Thumbnails | All LODs
Thank you so much to my older (and new!) supporters. Always feel free to let me know if there is anything you'd be interested in seeing from me :)
DOWNLOAD (FREE on Patreon)
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richantsimreblog · 18 days ago
lap reading for infants & reading while infants nap on laps
download on patreon (early access) (public release - 02/28/25)
this mod adds two new interactions with infants:
sim reads a book to an infant sitting on their lap;
sim reads books and boosts skills while an infant naps on their lap.
requires the xml injector base game compatible
here's a look at the full animations:
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male sims have the same animation, with a slight adjustment in leg position. both actions require a nearby couch, bench or living chair.  I didn't make the page-turning animation. i hope you don't mind — it would have made the process 10 times harder...
the books appear automatically. this is what a children's book looks like inside:
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the adult book features cover art by illustrator daniel stolle. the children's book's exterior texture is artwork by ekatamandalIllustration. the children's book's inner texture features artwork by e. bauman and a. arinushkin.
lap reading
to start "lap reading", go to the "friendly..." -> "activities".
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after the activity, both the adult and the baby gains increases in their "social" and "fun" stats, plus the following buffs:
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reading while infants nap on laps
for this interaction, head over to the "baby care" menu -> "give baby a nap while reading...". you'll find several options here.
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the "give a nap while reading fiction book" option only adds 'fun'. the other options add a smaller 'fun', but they help develop various skills (skills are only from the base game). the baby gains increases in "social" and "energy" stats.
after the action, both the adult and the child receive the following buffs:
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note that if an infant has the 'hates being carried' trait, they will not receive the buff. similarly, an adult sim with the 'hates children' trait will not receive the buff.
i tried to make the action work for toddlers too, but i haven't figured out how yet. these interactions, like my previous mod "take a nap with infant", are based on the "give infant a nap" action. adapting them for toddlers requires deeper modding knowledge. i hope that either i or someone else in the modding community will figure out how to make it work in the future.
please let me know if you run into any issues while using the mod. i'm always happy to help, and your feedback is incredibly useful for fine-tuning it 🤍
i'm really proud of this mod! it's not perfect, but i'm happy with how it turned out, and i hope you find it both useful and fun.
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
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Couple Poses Redux
I finally updated my very first posepack! I had a lot of requests asking to do so and I was able to get around to it! I hope you guys enjoy the updated poses!
5 Poses
Custom Thumbnail
Andrew Poseplayer & Teleport Any Sim or Wicked Whims *18+* or Wonderful Whims (For better position)
iPhone 13 Pro Max or  iPhone 12 Pro
Phat Blunt by Frxsk0
Ebonix Red Cup Accessory (Stigmata Update Included)
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DOWNLOAD (Blender)
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Do NOT Steal/Claim as Your Own!
DO NOT EDIT MY POSES! (You may edit them for RENDERS if there is clipping)
Any issues please DO NOT hesitate to message me! Tag me if you use them on IG or here I'd love to see your photos!
@sssvitlanz @ts4-poses @theblacksimmer
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
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Patterned - Lovestruck Tiles - Sims 4 Custom Content by SimLicy
see all 30 swatches in gif
requires Lovestruck
public release 9/08/2024
💜 download on 💜
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
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New pose pack!
✦Set includes 6 group poses 19 poses in total, 6 poses for f1 have two options:
Holds baby's head
Holds the baby's back
✦You will need: - Stroller - Andrew pose player and Teleport Any Sim
✦Download: - SFS (free) - Boosty (free)
Place the teleport in the center of the stroller The pose is height adjusted (f1 is higher and f2 is slightly lower) DO NOT use with growth slider I would like to note that character f2 can be pregnant in any trimester (nothing should fall through the textures, but if this happens, let me know!) Do not pass it off as her, do not steal, do not re-upload! For personal use only! If you have a question about the poses, send a link to this post!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc @simmisstrait
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
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[evieduraine] Male Poses
This pack contains 5 single poses (3 standing and 2 seated).
You need:
✖ Pose Player and Teleport Any Sim
✖ Please don’t claim as your own, don’t re-upload or re-edit.
Tag me if you use them, I want to see your creations. 🖤
DOWNLOAD (patreon, free)
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
Me watching this campaign coverage.
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
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The Pops
Why call that older sim Grandpa or Dad, when you can call them Pops? Show off that older gentleman vibe and have your sims wear The Pops!
Custom mesh
Facial Hair category
24 swatches, Maxis match
Disabled for random
Download here! (SFS/No ads)
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richantsimreblog · 4 months ago
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Hello! For November and December, some very talented posemakers will be sharing family-themed posepacks free for you to enjoy. I'm super honoured to have been asked to take part! Thanks to @theserenadeofshadows for hosting!
You know I love my angst, so I decided to parcel up these comfort poses that I made for my story. They were made for a romantic couple (and sometimes, that's all the family you have...), but I think they're fairly platonic and could also be used for a teen and parent (remember: there's no difference between teen and adult rigs! Adult Sim poses will also work on teens).
Pack contains 8 couple poses plus all-in-ones for one Sim pacing while talking, and then being comforted. Height difference included; these will not work with height slider mods. Poses were made with masc frames and as always there may be clipping or floating depending on Sim body type, hair, and clothing.
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Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon
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TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Bluesky, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️
You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Want to commission me and help support my work? Details here! Want to leave a suggestion for poses you'd like to see? Form here!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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