rhythmologist · 2 months
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Body comparisons. 
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rhythmologist · 3 years
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There is one thing that truly fills me with rage; when people refer to Amy Winehouse as “a train wreck”, “A bad role model” or worse “just a junkie”.
Yes, she was eccentric, she was bold, she used drugs, she was open about her eating disorders and her behavior was boozy, messy and chaotic. She was damn rock star. She walked about in blood-soaked ballet flats, her beehive held high.
From Jagger, to Jimmi Hendrix, to Kurt Cobain, to Iggy Pop, to Lou Reed,  male stars  have used drugs, turned up on-stage drunk or high, got into fights, trashed hotel rooms, had ill-considered, public love-affairs, and made a great deal of chaos. Yet rarely has a female rock star indulged in this trend of chaotic living,  ’messiness’ of this sort has routinely spelt career death for any starlet! 
She was intelligent, self aware and a non conformist. She belted out her poetic lyrics with the strength and passion of a woman five times her size. Her lyrics were raw, honest and compelling. ’Rehab’ ends with a confession that brings an unexpected, raw emotion to anyone who’s ever tried to self-medicate for depression:
They said, I just think you’re depressed I said, yeah, baby, and the rest… It’s not just my pride It’s just till these tears have dried.
She was emotionally anarchic, self-destructive and an unashamed. She had personal demons and issues and she was open, honest and public about them.
Thinking any less of her because of her struggles, is simply an appalling disservice to not only Winehouse, but anyone who has lived/lives with addiction or mental health issues.
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rhythmologist · 3 years
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723K notes · View notes
rhythmologist · 3 years
I want to have sex to this
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rhythmologist · 4 years
The huge amount of pressure on young girls to let their boyfriends get away with everything and not to stand up for themselves, lest they stop being a ‘chill girlfriend’ and instead become a horrible, controlling harpy is such bullshit. Stop teaching young girls that demanding to be treated with respect and courtesy makes them shrill, over-emotional, or unworthy of listening to.
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rhythmologist · 4 years
My friend who is doing a science degree was telling me how we're MEANT to eat meat and how SHE WOULD KNOW because SHE STUDIES IT and she was being to condescending and urgh it was so frustrating. It's so weird that people think if you're taught something in a classroom it HAS to be true
Right? I was applying to study an Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine - but after enquiring and finding out that -
"In this course we do encourage and support animal products as part of the course, the reason we do is to follow the government guidelines set by the Department of Education."
This is what is taught because this is what is TOLD to be taught. This does not mean it is accurate or correct.
Our world is run for profit, not for health and happiness. We are raised in a brainwashed society doing what we are told to do / go to school, graduate, get a job, get married, have kids, repeat cycle with children, die - all while consuming animal products which from day one we’ve been told are “good for us”. In fact, they’re not - at all.
We are controlled by money. • the Government is in control of guidelines and advertising (consumption of milk/dairy, animal products) - they do not care for our health, it’s about money for them. So - in schools we are taught “milk for strong bones” (couldn’t be more incorrect) and “meat for protein!” (again, I’m laughing)• so, we eat more because “it’s good for us” and it’s what we are told.. but then we get sick, we have weaker immune systems and increased risk of illness/disease • hello Doctors!! 99% of doctors will prescribe you pills to mask (but not solve or target the initial problem) // not prescribe a change in lifestyle, a plant based intake (which has REVERSED illnesses) - so really, the issue has not at all been addressed. Habits need to change in order for health to change • which brings us to the Pharmaceutical Industry, a multi billion dollar global industry, ultimately the money maker here.
We are trapped within a cycle of control and manipulation to continue supporting these industries to continue to this money run society.
Break free - do your own research. Watch the documentaries, be blown away with how much it all makes sense. Live for yourself, not for society. What we are taught is not the truth.
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rhythmologist · 4 years
Hello Rosie! Just wondering, do you ever meditate? I'm very interested. I've looked into it a lot, and wanted to know if you have an opinion on it. I apologize if you already having something about it on your blog. Thanks. xx
I practice everyday mindfulness.
Mindfulness doesn’t really equate to ‘meditation’, as we think of it. Nor does mindfulness make the mad, bad and sad stuff just go away; it doesn’t protect us from things going wrong.
Mindfulness is simply a way we can calm the chaos both within us and reflected in our lives, so that we can live exceptional, exciting and extraordinary lives in spite of the challenges and obstacles we have to face. It is an effective way to relieve stress, improve attention and performance, enhance creativity, energise, identify and manage our extreme emotions, improve thinking skills, clear our heads… it is simply an enjoyable, useful and effective addition to anyone’s life.
Mindfulness uses only the tools already available to us through our senses and thoughts – so, it doesn’t cost anything; it doesn’t take long; you can do it on your own or with others; and, you can do it anywhere and everywhere.
Over time, by trialing some different techniques, you can develop your mindfulness in a way that is individual to you and your unique life and circumstances. Mindfulness is self-awareness. Mindfulness is when we really notice something about ourselves, our experience, our being. So next time you get stressed, tense, overwhelmed or irritable, start with the three basics…
Is it fast? Is it slow? Is it rapid and irregular? Are you breathing from your chest or from your diaphragm (which bit of your body rises as you breathe)? Are you breathing at all?? Mindful breathing is one of the most useful tools in relaxation!
Ideally, we should breathe from our diaphragm – meaning if you lay down on your back and breathe, your tummy should inflate, then deflate. A lot of stress, anxiety and demands in our lives can cause us to chest-breathe. Shallow breathing or chest breathing maintains and actually builds the stress and anxiety. But don’t worry, you can control your breathing, simply by focusing on the depth and the slowness of breath as well as where your breathing is situated at any given time.
Actively breathe, and be aware and mindful. Practice it at home, laying down. It can actually be quite difficult at first but you’ll get the hang of it! There is a free App you can download called “Breathe2Relax” – it’s nothing fancy but it does give you a visual for you to focus on to help practice slowing your breathing down. Once you’ve got the idea, try some slow breathing the next time you’re in one of those stressful situations! Try breathing in patterns and/or rhythms! Try a little mantra like:-
“Breathe in…Breathe long…Breathe out…Be strong”
Are your shoulders hunched ? If so, open them up, roll them back, and imagine a string coming out of the top of your spine being pulled up to elongate you and help your posture. Are any muscle groups tight or tense – if so tighten and tense them some more and then let go and feel the release of tension and the natural relaxed feeling return to your body.
Take control. This is your life, your body, your moment. Breathe, relax and take control of your mind. Choose to challenge your negative thoughts, remind yourself they are just thoughts – not facts – and let them go.
Our thoughts are very much like clouds. They linger in our mind, like clouds linger in the sky. But we don’t take much notice of clouds do we, the fact they are in the sky doesn’t monopolise our thoughts or intrude constantly on what we are doing. We just notice they are there, and continue with what we are doing. We don’t really notice the exact point when the clouds disappear, but they do, they just float away or evaporate into the air. If we don’t pay attention to our thoughts, they disappear as well. Choose to let the unhelpful thoughts float away, we don’t have to even consider them other than to say to ourselves “it’s just a thought, I don’t have to do anything about it. It will pass”.
Once you get to know yourself a bit better, start to recognise WHAT HAPPINESS OR CONTENTMENT FEELS LIKE INSIDE YOU.
Find those things that give you a little bit of internal glow; cuddling animals, cuddling humans, sunrises, sunsets, long walks, diving beneath the waves, singing, dancing, flowers, whispy clouds, rain on your skin, fresh sheets, curling your hair, making someone else smile, smell of the sea or fresh baked bread, the feel of your feet in a new pair of joggers for motivation, a melodic song, an engaging book, a friendly smile…anything that makes you feel happy; the feeling of grinning on the inside, contentment. Anything that makes you feel good – DO IT – and when you don’t have those actual things at hand, at least think about and remember the feeling, sensation, smell etc. associated with it.
Focus your thoughts, be mindful and aware, be calm, and allow the chaos to settle, releasing stress and re-energising your spirit.
147 notes · View notes
rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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Books on drugs. 1970s.
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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rhythmologist · 4 years
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