rhysthenarrator · 1 month
Prologue of SYNC
Village of Shadozin
"They deserved this"
That’s what the only soul left in Shadozin recited to himself as he stood over the piles of bodies that colored the powder white snow at his feet a heavy red.
"They deserved it"
His mind raced and filled with the pain and mistreatment that his family had brought him.
"its not.. my fault"
With the adrenaline escaping him now, the reality of what he had done flooded his psyche, thrashing his brain to mush with the vivid remembrance of each and every one of their faces dying to his hands.
"how, did this… why…"
The screams haunted the boy. As he pondered the minutes that lead up to this moment, his own shadow began to take a physical form.
"we did this child. Just as you asked, I granted you the power you desired"
Flashes of family and faces he had come to know being torn apart filled his mental, forcing him to carry the weight of what he's done. Falling to his knees, the smell of gallons on gallons of blood spilled across his nose, causing the boy to retch.
"kill me please"
"we are one boy there is no turning back"
The shadow wiped the mess of innards off the boys face and lifting him to stand again.
"this is the price of the peace you desire, you are stronger now. Its your responsibility to rid this world of the scum that poison it"
As these words were considered, the boy began to feel his body become overwhelmed with power, and the screams dampened.
"…… How do I keep others from suffering like I did."
"open your heart to me and we will change everything."
"… … ok."
And with that the shadow reached out with a dark tendril through the boys chest pulling out a heart warped by darkness.
It began to beat in pace with his breath, sending a wave of violet energy through Shadozin and the mutilated bodies leaving a fading light.
"what's happening!"
The heart began ripping itself open releasing a slime that slammed to the floor.
"calm yourself, and you'll see your potential."
Taking a deep breath , the hearts beating slowed. Reacting to the boys calmed state, the slime sprung into action, stretching and latching onto the limbs and pieces of the deceased and dragging them towards the two and into the heart. The boys vision became overlayed with the final memories of his victims, the fear in their eyes, the shock, and utter hate. That terror he felt quickly morphed into a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Lifting his head high, he let out years of trauma with a howl that rang through the sky like an animals dying cries. masking the sound of limbs bending and breaking as they enter his heart.
"These will be the messengers of our will. Their spirit will be the fuel for change."
"take the lead… show me …"
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This is a piece of an original story by RhysTheNarrator. All art credits to Og artists
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