King of Sherwich
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
Yo, is anyone still around?
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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i'm your new king, bow down
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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“and for every king that died, oh, they would crown another”
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
OOC - Hi all! I’m Em and I play Rhysand (King Kong) and @alayastellar (Flawless)
Please feel free to like this, message me, reply to this, reblog this, whatever!
Let’s plot!
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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Rhysand Farleigh ⚜ 33 âšœ King of Sherwich âšœ FC: Torrance Coombs
“To be a good king, you have to be the servant of all.”
+ Devoted & Kind
- Arrogant & Hedonistic
Rhysand handles things with a certain level of casualness, courteousness and grace that is as savage and dangerous as it is beautiful and remarkable. But most of this is just a mask. Under it, he’s a kind, generous and humble person. 
His predecessor and father, King Malcolm, was a very stoic man who gave off the impression that he would be around forever. Despite the illness, Rhys believed that his father would recover, so his death came as a shock.
Things happened so quickly after his father’s death and Rhys found himself being crowned as the new king before his father’s body was even cold in the ground. He has become so swept up in his new duties as king, that he hasn’t properly processed or grieved over his father’s death yet.
Before he became king, Rhys was something of a â€˜party prince.’ He loved to have fun and indulge his every whim and desire. He got a lot of it out of his system in his twenties (although he does still give in to temptation when the mood strikes him) and took his role as heir to the throne seriously after that, but people have long memories and now that he is king, people are recalling his wilder days and Rhys is struggling to earn the same respect and devotion from the people that his father had.
Rhys is torn between trying to follow in his father’s footsteps and act as he would have, and forging his own path. It’s why he has made the decision to call all houses and pirates together to hash things out - he wants everyone to have a chance to voice their opinion, and he intends to listen. He doesn’t want to blindly continue with the treaty that his father created if it is not in the best interests of the people. However, he also doesn’t want to dissolve a treaty that has kept the peace despite its disadvantages. At the moment, he is in favour of the treaty as he is still getting used to his new role at king and is following in his father’s footsteps until he feels prepared to make his own decisions, but his opinion could change after hearing what the people have to say.
Wanted Connections:
― rhysand farleigh , our torrance coombs faceclaim , is currently searching for their best friend . they should be between the ages of 28-40 , and have the faceclaim of toby regbo, henry cavill, natalie dormer, up to player . please insert any extra information: this could be a male or female connection, but they are basically Rhysand’s best friend who he used to go out partying and drinking with all the time in his wilder days, but they are still close. For extra angst, they could be working class and so people disapprove of their friendship, but this isn’t mandatory. the mun asks that you DO NOT contact them prior to applying, but can!
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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get to know me: 3/20 male characters ♡ sebastian de poitiers (reign) “If I die of boredom while hearing my people’s grievances, am I playing into the queen’s hands?”
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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Rhysand Farleigh ⚜ 33 âšœ King of Sherwich âšœ FC: Torrance Coombs
“To be a good king, you have to be the servant of all.”
+ Devoted & Kind
- Arrogant & Hedonistic
Rhysand handles things with a certain level of casualness, courteousness and grace that is as savage and dangerous as it is beautiful and remarkable. But most of this is just a mask. Under it, he’s a kind, generous and humble person. 
His predecessor and father, King Malcolm, was a very stoic man who gave off the impression that he would be around forever. Despite the illness, Rhys believed that his father would recover, so his death came as a shock.
Things happened so quickly after his father’s death and Rhys found himself being crowned as the new king before his father’s body was even cold in the ground. He has become so swept up in his new duties as king, that he hasn’t properly processed or grieved over his father’s death yet.
Before he became king, Rhys was something of a â€˜party prince.’ He loved to have fun and indulge his every whim and desire. He got a lot of it out of his system in his twenties (although he does still give in to temptation when the mood strikes him) and took his role as heir to the throne seriously after that, but people have long memories and now that he is king, people are recalling his wilder days and Rhys is struggling to earn the same respect and devotion from the people that his father had.
Rhys is torn between trying to follow in his father’s footsteps and act as he would have, and forging his own path. It’s why he has made the decision to call all houses and pirates together to hash things out - he wants everyone to have a chance to voice their opinion, and he intends to listen. He doesn’t want to blindly continue with the treaty that his father created if it is not in the best interests of the people. However, he also doesn’t want to dissolve a treaty that has kept the peace despite its disadvantages. At the moment, he is in favour of the treaty as he is still getting used to his new role at king and is following in his father’s footsteps until he feels prepared to make his own decisions, but his opinion could change after hearing what the people have to say.
Wanted Connections:
― rhysand farleigh , our torrance coombs faceclaim , is currently searching for their best friend . they should be between the ages of 28-40 , and have the faceclaim of toby regbo, henry cavill, natalie dormer, up to player . please insert any extra information: this could be a male or female connection, but they are basically Rhysand’s best friend who he used to go out partying and drinking with all the time in his wilder days, but they are still close. For extra angst, they could be working class and so people disapprove of their friendship, but this isn’t mandatory. the mun asks that you DO NOT contact them prior to applying, but can!
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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Fangirl Challenge: [23/40] Male Characters » Bash de Poitiers
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
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rhysandfarleigh · 5 years ago
― TORRANCE COOMBS , 33 , CISMALE. introducing rhysand , the king of house farleigh . they are known in court to be very devoted & kind , yet others say , arrogant & hedonistic . tales told of them often include the quiet scratching of pen against parchment, finely aged wine surrounded by old leather books and the crashing of waves against a rock that threatens to crumble . they are currently for the treaty , and are feeling worried about the gathering in the capital . ✎ as loved by em , 24 , she/her , gmt .
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