rhynrnmph · 2 months
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Summer is for Dorne: Modern AU Elia Martell
After a scandalous divorce The People’s Princess Elia Martell is thriving, dating a certain ceo Lannister and raising a future King and Princess
(Nod to @lostchildofthenewworld for the Gerion Lannister idea 😉)
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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| Elia Week 2024 | Day 2: Elia + Her Brothers, Reunion Summary: As soon as her feet touched the sand, she wept.
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The sky was a vibrant canvas, painted in a mosaic of yellow, orange, pink, and red, casting a warm glow over the horizon. 
Elia, who had only known the desolation and despair of King's Landing for the past few years, was now witnessing a beauty she had never imagined. This beauty momentarily erased the harsh realities of her present. 
The boat was small and rocky. She hadn’t been on a sailboat this small since Ashara Dayne had snuck her out to the Torentine River in her youth. 
Her children were huddled and bundled in the corner of the boat. Surprisingly, Balerion remained calm throughout the journey as he entertained her two small babes. He was one of the few things she had brought back from King’s Landing. She left most of her clothes and jewels gifted by Rhaegar. She only took her favored mementos of Dorne and her family. 
The captain of the small ship was a tiny man with gold teeth and tan, withered skin, a figure shrouded in mystery. Ser Jaime was an acquaintance of the man. She found it best not to ask for details. Ser Jaime was already risking getting her to safety, and she would rather not know the details, adding to the sense of impending danger and uncertainty. 
Yet, she had to trust Jamie that she would get to safety. She found it amusing that the man her mother wanted her to be betrothed to was the one saving her. Now, her family was in debt to the Lannisters. Gods, she could only imagine Tywin’s face once if he ever found out what Jaime did. 
Elia looked out to the horizon. 
She greedily sucked in the air of the sea. It was cleaner than King’s Landing. She could smell the salt and fish. She could smell her freedom. The thought made her smile - a true, genuine smile in years. 
However, her eyes caught on a figure on the shoreline. And even in the distance, she recognized the shapes of her brother. It took her willpower not to jump out of the boat and swim to shore. 
However, her restraint did not apply, especially to her younger brother. As the boat neared, he was halfway into the water, and she met him halfway. 
She didn’t know if she was crying or laughing as she swept into her younger brother’s arms like a wave. His hold is solid and reaffirming, and she knew after this, her younger brother would probably never let her out of his sight.
“Are you okay? Are you alright?” Oberyn asked as he pulled back and looked into her deep brown eyes. 
“I am now,” she assured him. It was the truth. If she had her way, she would never have left Dorne again. 
She kissed her brother’s cheeks, eyelids, and forehead. He returned the greeting, and she inhaled the scent of florals. Eventually, he let her go as the boat with her children neared and helped bring it to shore.
Her dress clung to her legs as she emerged from the shores, and her toes gripped the earth. 
She stumbled on the hot, white sand. She fell to the ground, and she wept.
She was home. 
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Rhaenys’ and Aegon’s laughs provided a new type of music in the halls of the Old Palace. She was worried the kids would be scared and timid in a new place. However, with their cousins - family - surrounding them - all the stress from the last year seemed to have melted. 
Elia watched with a smile as Oberyn and his girls played with Balerion and Rhaenys while Aegon was in the lap of Arianne, who was playing with a new toy his uncles had provided. 
Elia was back in her traditional Dorne wardrobe. A wardrobe not altered to appease the Northerners in King’s Landing. 
She sat beside her older brother Doran, who shared a cup of red Dornish. 
“When Jaime Lannister sent word of an escape for you, I could not believe it,” Doran admitted. He gripped her hand tightly. “We will owe him a great debt.”
Elia nodded her head and returned his firm grip. “Surprisingly, Jamie turned out to be the best of them.”
Doran nodded. “You and the children never have to go back there. Never.”
“It was hard trying to find the sun there. It was so dim there,” Elia whispered to her brother. Though now everything is brighter, she thought. 
“Muna, come play with us,” Rhaenys called from the floor. 
For the first time in months, Elia moved up from her chair, and she didn’t feel an ache of pain. 
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Links: AO3
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Doran & Oberyn: I had a sister
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
Elia Week 2024 day 2: Elia and her parents/brothers
If ruling Princess Aria Martell of Dorne and Ihsan Jordayne, her Prince Consort, had aimed for more power and influence north of the Red Mountains, it would have been natural to seek the crown of a future queen for their only daughter. 
“No way in all the hells around the world. Not in that pit of snakes and hidden daggers aiming to kill.” 
Ihsan nods in agreement to what his wife says, where he currently is holding said infant daughter to his chest so Aria could sign some needed paperwork. 
“And not to a husband who are the fruit of two generations of incest between siblings who share the same set of parents. Ugh…It is still daylight out here with perfectly nice weather and yet I shiver in fear from feelings of nightmares just thinking of our poor, possible grandchildren with such an unhealthy father!” 
And that is what Aria loves him for, with how Ihsan uses his love for books and old lore to get knowledge that others may not have really understood.
“Sweet, dearest Elia,” Aria whispered to the baby girl he holds so tenderly, “we will do our best to prevent that sort of marriage for you, I promise. Right, Ihsan?” 
“Of course, my steel-spined Princess.” 
Being the only girl, and outnumbered by her two brothers, does not bother Elia that much. For this is the only life that she knows. Yes, there could have been other siblings of both genders playing with them as well here in the Water Gardens, but those were lost from the womb of their mother early on, or in the cradle. 
“Doran, here we come!” Oberyn warns, and the older Martell sibling, ten years his senior, are pushed into the pools by them together. 
At least Elia is mindful of catching his book before it joins Doran in the water, because both Doran and Ihsan would be very cross if the book was ruined. 
“So you want to play, huh? You better be ready!” 
For all of that Doran is a legal adult by law, he can still be a little childish as well at times, and yet prove himself a good big brother. 
“Water mooooonster!” Oberyn teases, leading the chase between the marble pillars with Elia right behind after quickly laying the book neatly on the ground. Muttering for himself in both annoyance and amusement about how they would team up against him like this when they wanted to make him of him in a harmless way, Doran follows them. 
Daughter of the Sun, chapter 4: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41246904/chapters/103543749#workskin
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Doran recalls it all as vividly as if it were yesterday.
The sun shines amid a cloudless sky, the raucous sounds of children's chatter fill his ears and the cold water wets the hem of his robe with a splash each time a child dashes by. I might as well be a father, he thinks as he watches his little sister playing with the other children in the Water Gardens —as is the duty given to him by mother.
"Hey little sister, what is it you wish?" was one of my short fics for the pre-elia week challenge and here I leave it for all of you that have not read it or wish to read it again! --> on AO3
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Raluca Enea
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Day 02 of Elia Martell Week: Elia Martell and her brothers
“I was the oldest,” the prince said, “and yet I am the last."
trio of siblings who never fail to make me cry
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
Elia and her brothers/parents:
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art cred: owned and created by @yosb <3
Parents headcanons
They were very attentive to her health flunctuations ever since she was a babe
The Princess felt so guilty but her Prince would constanly reassure and support her
"We'll do our best for her... Do not worry. This one will live. I know she will!"
They coddled her a lot
Elia was a fussy baby
Septas and milk mother had to shoo him away because he was overlooking everything
Princess Elia was often sick and the first five years her parents had sleepless nights
Silently staring at the night skies hoping to not have to bury yet another babe/child
But Elia fought each and every one
Elia was always clear vocal and could express herself very well ever since she was young
Having no issues to express an idea or feelings
So much she was the only one to "pacify" childgremlin!Oberyn
She always had the right words to say to soothe him
The Prince had maesters and foreign physicians come from far to examine their daughter to see if she could be healed
But each would fail and send him into a black rage
Against everyone the maesters, physicians and the gods
His little "sundrop” his only daughter was suffering of an ailment
And no maester, physician or even the gods were answering his prayers and pleas
Elia obviously her daddys apple eye
She takes her kind temper after him
He was a cunning witty but sweet man
but since she was her mothers only surviving daughter you can say she was also a mommys girl
One time Rhaenys got really sick everyone thought it was the end that night Princess Loreza and the little Princess were saying affirmations like a prayer
It gave her the litlle bravery she needed thus every night since then Loreza would recite those affirmations to her
Her and her father would have afternoons of fun telling each other jokes and reading books to each other
Since she couldn't leave the castle walls her father would bring books, maps, parcments and paintings of places all over the world
Just so she could see them from her sickbed (I'm sobbing while typing this)
Prince Quentyn (yep their father) would stay hours after Elia fell asleep. Just to watch her breath, just watch her little chest raise and fall in peaceful bliss
He wished to burn this image. Their first daughter, alive, breathing in bed. Fighting every bit of her sickness she could through her frail body
The Prince was heartbroken each time Elia would moan that sh'e in pain
If he could take all her pain to himself he would have...
Prince Quentyn would forsee her political education while his wife was running the Kingdom
On namesdays they would have the best actors and singers of the 7 9 Kingdoms or from the world come for Elia
Elia loved circuses and grandiose performances and magic
So her brothers and parents would have them come every year just so see her smile and laugh
Just to see her eyes twinkle in wonder and joy 😭
Prince Quentyn would cry every year thankful to have such a gorgeous sundrop
He would get frustrated with Oberyn because he had the fancy of kidnapping his sister to "adventure"
Elia didn't mind at all, those escapes were her only chances to see the outside world
Once he passed (some years right before her marriage) Elia had terrible time reading to herself
Her sweet reading companion had departed...
She promised herself to do the same with her children
After his death Elia prefered people reading to her or reading to people
Reading alone always feels empty... but sometimes
Just some rare moments, she'd imagine a familiar hand carresing her head in a soothing motion
"Keep reading! I adore your voice, My little sundrop..."
Originally Loreza was to choose a husband through letters and extensive negotiations
But when Oberyn objected to it suggesting they should prove themselves to Elia herself
Loreza agreed
She wanted to be the one to annonce to her daughter they would travel for suitors
Just to see her eyes lit up
Her husband would have disagreed
However this wasn't a life she wished for their daughter
Princess Loreza wanted her daughter to have a good husband that would take care of her
When the tour didn't turn out well Loreza came to terms that maybe she would be safer in Dorne after all
Until she recieved the royal seal
This was an honor
Ever since, Loreza enforced Elia's political and court knowledge
Making sure her daughter was informed and read for that environment
Right before the wedding both cried to each other
Elia swore she would make it, and make her and her father proud
Loreza ordered her little brother to watch and guard Elia from this shit city
Ser Lewyn and her were each others allies
Her pregnacy made Princess Loreza anxious
But word of a safe delivery and healthy granddaughter and daughter put her to rest
Princess Loreza died before she could meet her grandaughter
Few weeks after Elia was announced to visit Dorne to present the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen to the Dornish court
Elia was devastated and was granted to visit Dorne shortly after
The last act she tried to enact was a large sum of gold waiting for her in the Iron Bank
For her and her bloodline "in case something would happen"
Ser Lewyn was the last place of comfort and familiarity she had in Kingslanding
He would listen to her, confort her, gossip/spy for her,...
And once he left for the Riverlands she truely felt alone
The news of his death broke her
Her parents she had grace to restrain herself
But her sweet uncle, her oldest friend and ally, her last link to their House was gone
Elia knew then, she had to make it home somehow
in a way she did...
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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"What more do you remember ?"
He asked and she seemed more invested than ever, like the more he asked the more she remembered.
"I remember she said something. About taking your sister to the Water Gardens, once she was old enough to play."
He looked at her intently, curiously. He waited and waited to hear more of that day but she remembered no more...
The Water Gardens on AO3 ---> Read here!
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Day 01: Elia and her children
“Reunion” (somewhere in the afterlife) ❤️‍🩹
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Elia Week 2024: Day 1: Elia + Her Children, Jealousy (Modern AU)
Summary: When Rhaegar first mentioned it, she brushed it off. However, when her children conspired to drown her husband, she realized maybe her husband was right. Her kids were exposing their jealousy. 
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Motherhood was a glorious, frightening challenge. Elia had sunk her teeth into it and didn’t look back on it. Every day was a discovery when she had two little dragons discovering the joys and wonders of life. 
With the physical discoveries came the internal ones. She found her children to be very expressive of their feelings. She never had to guess what her children felt, which she thought was surprising, considering her husband worked hard to keep his emotions under the service. 
Her oldest child, Rhaenys, was the most expressive of the two. Her young, rambunctious daughter was like a wrecking ball. It was hard to keep her still in one place, especially now that Rhaegar had gotten her a large black kitten that she affectionately named after the fabled dragon Balerion from one of her father’s many fable tales of their ancestors. 
The young toddler and cat were always close to each other. Elia supposed her daughter having such a small friend helped with the transition when Aegon, the spitting image of Rhaegar, joined the family. 
Aegon wasn’t so energetic as much as he was curious. 
Elia and Rhaegar quickly invested in nanny cams and plenty of baby gates. Aegon had been an overachiever, as he was walking at nine months. 
Now, at six and four years old, they become persons with vibrant personalities. In her opinion, their growing too fast meant their relationships with each other shifted. 
When Rhaegar first mentioned it, she had brushed it off. 
It was common for the kids sometimes to get moody or pouty when Rhaegar and her showed each other affection, and the kids sometimes weren’t included. She had become accustomed to little bodies wedging between them, or if she went to kiss Rhaegar, her two babies would quickly demand one, too. 
If they were going somewhere, the kids wanted to stay with her—each of her hands held in possession of theirs. 
They only wanted her to read them stories and tuck them in at night. She took that one slightly more seriously, but she thought it all a phase. After all, Elia worked from home and was the kids’ primary caretaker while Rhaegar worked. They were growing and realizing their father had odd hours of work and would be gone for a couple of weeks for work. 
And it wasn’t always that the kids would be more demanding of her. She noticed it was more evident once Rhaegar came home from a long trip. She thought it was a byproduct of them getting used to the fact that they needed to share her. 
She should have listened to her husband when he thought their children were plotting against him. 
She had gone into the house to grab a drink, and when she returned, she found two toddlers in floaties with all their might trying to submerge their father under the water of their newly installed pool. 
She didn’t know whether to laugh as she stared in bewilderment at her precious babies, who looked up alarmingly at being caught in their plot. 
Now, her kids were waddled in large beach towels and looking up at her with large deer eyes. The sight was almost comical. Yet, they did just try to drown their father in the pool. She was grateful that only she was around to see them even attempting such a thing.
Rhaegar went from alarmed to amused once he hacked out all the water he inhaled. Who knew her tall,  lithe husband could be taken out by two small children? 
She pressed a kiss to their foreheads before sitting down in front of them. She had respectfully asked Rhaegar to wait in the living room. 
“Do you understand why what you two attempted to do was wrong?” She asked gently. Who knew she would have to have a talk to her children about premeditated murder? 
Both children frown but don’t speak. 
“You could have seriously hurt your father,” she added. 
Rhaenys offered a deeper frown while Aegon bit his lip. 
“Is he okay?” Aegon asked softly. Between Rhaenys and him, Aegon had very much inherited the physical traits of their father. Her son had the same look as his father when he realized he had made a mistake he couldn’t take back. 
“He is okay but a little hurt that his two babies would try to hurt him.”
Tears began lining Aegon’s wide eyes while Rhaenys clutched onto her towel. 
“Is Kepa mad at us,” Rhaenys asked, horrified. 
Elia frowned. “No, just hurt, sweetling,” she answered, pushing back some of her daughter’s hair behind her ear. “No one is in trouble, but you two must tell me what happened.”
The two looked at each other before Rhaenys sighed and moved off the bed and into Elia's arms. Elia kissed her forehead.  
“Kepa is always kissing you,” Rhaeyns stated with a pout. Aegon nodded in agreement. 
“You don’t like Kepa kissing me?”
Both scrunched up their noses. “It’s gross,” Aegon stated seriously. 
“I give you two kisses all the time,” she replied. 
“Yeah, you’re supposed to. You kiss Kepa too much.” Rhaenys replied. 
“You think so?”
Both kids nodded their heads.
“You know I love both of you so much, but just because I show your Kepa love doesn’t mean I love you a little less, like when your father showers you with hugs and kisses. That doesn’t mean he loves me any less.”
“So you’re not going to have a new baby?” Aegon asked. 
Elia’s eyes skyrocketed to her hairline. “What?”
“Vissy said when Kepas and Munas kiss, it makes babies. We don’t want another baby,” Rhaenys stated stubbornly. 
Elia shook her head before kissing her daughter’s forehead. She grabbed Aegon and hugged her children tightly. 
“You two will always be my babies. Nothing or no one will change that. Now, I want you to apologize to your father with many hugs and kisses.”
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
On Their Wedding Day
In honor of Elia Week 2024, I wrote a pair of fics in a set called: On Their Wedding Day.
The first is On Her Daughter's Day.
The second is On Her Son's Day.
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
elia week started which means love on planet earth mercury no longer in gatorade the sun and stars aligned in perfect synchronization
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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"What more do you remember ?"
He asked and she seemed more invested than ever, like the more he asked the more she remembered.
"I remember she said something. About taking your sister to the Water Gardens, once she was old enough to play."
He looked at her intently, curiously. He waited and waited to hear more of that day but she remembered no more...
The Water Gardens on AO3 ---> Read here!
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Prompt: stargazing Characters: Elia Martell, Aegon & Rhaenys Targaryen Word count: 1.8k Aegon and Rhaenys wish to see the stars, and Elia knows the perfect place in the Old Palace to stargaze.
“You’re going to stay with us forever, aren't you, mother?” the little princess nuzzled her mother whilst Elia embraced both of her children. - on AO3
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Day 01 of Elia Martell Week: Elia and Rhaenys
“She was my mother, good and kind.”
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rhynrnmph · 3 months
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Day 01 of Elia Martell Week: Elia and Aegon.
"We will not be alone. Dorne will join us, must join us. Prince Aegon is Elia's son as well as Rhaegar's."
original art by archamion
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