rhosl-blog · 7 years
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out of character. hey !! sorry i went MIA ,  life has been kicking my ass these past weeks  .  RIP  .
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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out of character. omg i’m currently heart-eyeing all of y’all rn  .  if you’d like a starter just give this a like or a reblog and i’ll hop right on it !!
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
four-word sentences.
“we are not friends.”
“will it all go wrong?”
“you should love me.”
“keep your secrets safe.”
“lead me back home.”
“this is your warning.”
“i honestly don’t care.”
“i couldn’t care less.”
“let me help you.”
“lose your fucking mind.”
“please just stop talking.”
“you are distracting me.”
“you don’t make sense.”
“you’ll never be enough.”
“i’ll wait for you.”
“i’m not leaving you.”
“i’ll always be here.”
“don’t move. you’re hurt.”
“don’t let me go.”
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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rhosyn was tentative as she took the baby  ,  letting his head rest against her shoulder as she cradled him against her  .  she hummed beside him  ,  one of her old favorites of her mother’s songs  ,  and bounced with the child gently  .  the child’s father looked tired  ,  as rhos was sure most new parents were  ,  and if not for her own sleep she hoped that she could get the child to sleep for his  .
❛❛  what is his name  ?  ❜❜  she paused her singing to murmur her question before she began to hum again  ,  her voice gentle and sweet as she rocked the child  .
Merlin looked at the woman and he bit his lip. He had woken her up from her sleep so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for Merlin to deny her from holding his baby. At the same time, Merlin didn’t want anyone holding his baby. He was his. The baby was his utterly and he was so protective over it and he wanted nothing more than to always keep him safe.
But he was so tired.
“Of course,” he said as he picked up the yet unnamed child. “Here.”
He didn’t know if it would help but maybe a woman’s figure would help the baby calm down just a little bit. 
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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rhos cradled her hand close to her chest  ,  the tattered and brown fabric she’d ripped from her dress wrapped around it as she tried to put pressure on the wound that cut across her palm  .  it wasn’t the worse she’d ever gotten  ,  but it still stung and she was still worried about caring for it  .  
❛❛      do you have any bandages  ? ❜❜
                                                                                  ( @dwiirok ♥’d for a starter  .  )
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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          “Please. Please don’t let anyone know that I am here.” The Lady lifted her index finger to press to her lips. She was finally able to escape the guards grasp, having wanted to spend the day on her own, but with Uther as her foster father she was never allowed that freedom, and somehow found herself running into a brothel. “I am just looking to be on my own, but I can’t have that with guards watching me. Do you have anywhere I could hide for a few minutes as they pass?” She asked desperately.
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rhosyn’s eyes widened when she saw the lady standing in the doorway  .  with the sound of the door opening she had expected a patron waiting there for someone  ,  not someone like her  .  her hands moved to pull something to cover herself a bit more than the dresses or outfits she wore in the building  .
❛❛         not  . . .  not anywhere proper for someone like you  ,  my lady  .  ❜❜   she chewed on her lower lip  .  it was a brothel after all  ,  no place that a woman like herself should find herself in  .   ❛❛   there are  . . .  there are a few unoccupied rooms upstairs  ,  my lady  .  ❜❜
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
Game of Thrones Starters (best of)
as requested by anon
❝That’s what I do: I drink and I know things.❞ 
❝This is not the day I die.❞
❝I wish I was the monster you think I am.❞
❝It doesn’t matter what we want, once we get it then we want something else.❞
❝If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.❞
❝The more people you love, the weaker you are.❞
❝He always comes back!❞
❝If you ever call me sister again, I’ll have you strangled in your sleep.❞
❝There is only one god, and his name is Death.❞
❝Can a man still be brave when he’s afraid?❞
❝The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands!❞
❝Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.❞
❝Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.❞
❝Of all the ways I’d kill you, poison would be the last.❞
❝Oh no please, seduce away. It’s been so long.❞
❝Someday I’m gonna put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull.❞
❝Your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.❞
❝There’s no cure for being a cunt.❞
❝The things I do for love…❞
❝It’s not easy being drunk all the time. If it were easy, everyone would do it.❞
❝I learned how to die a long time ago.❞
❝We go forward. Only forward.❞
❝A lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinion of sheep.❞
❝Tears aren’t a woman’s only weapon. The best one is between your legs.❞
❝There are no men like me. There’s only me.❞
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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“I think he might be fussy,” Merlin said as he looked at the small child. “I have tried to feed him but he doesn’t want anything, the potion that Gaius made has seem to have made no affect on him. Perhaps he just wants his mother.”
Merlin sighed. 
“She isn’t here.”
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rhos would be one of the first people to admit that she didn’t know much about babies  ,  and most of what she did know was just common sense  .  she chewed on her lower lip  .  it certainly didn’t help either of them that his mother wasn’t there to help  .  just her luck  ,  wasn’t it  ?
❛❛  could i hold him  ?  ❜❜ she certainly wasn’t the boy’s mother  ,  but rhos thought that she could hum to him and see if he’d doze off cuddled against someone different  .
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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out of character. omg i’m currently heart-eyeing all of y’all rn  .  if you’d like a starter just give this a like or a reblog and i’ll hop right on it !!
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
“I am sorry if he is keeping you awake,” Merlin said. “He is only a baby.”
And Merlin knew nothing about babies.
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it was annoying to be so close to sleep only to be woken up by the cries of a child  .  rhosyn couldn’t blame the baby  ,  however  ,  nor could she really find it in herself to blame the man  .  she sat up and pulled her thin blanket tighter around her shoulders  .  it would be a very long night  .
❛❛  is he hungry  ?  ❜❜  she rested her chin on her hand and her elbow on her knee while she looked up at him  .  ❛❛  or is he just fussy  ? ❜❜
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
“Do you have any bandages?”
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❛❛  how bad is it  ?  ❜❜  she supposed that that was just another way of saying no  ,  but rather than dwell on it rhos chewed on her lip  .  she never had bandages  ,  she always used her own clothes until she could find something a bit cleaner by poking around camelot  .  some people took pity on a pretty face  .  ❛❛  i have some cloth that we could use  . . . ❜❜
                                                                 (  hurt meme  .   /  @korrhaphi  /  accepting  .  )
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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            ❛  Well, the good news is that you will live.  ❜  There is a careful look he regards the limb from all the sides, movements gentle, but firm.  ❛  Bad news is that you will probably learn nothing from this again. You ought to be more careful.  ❜
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rhos exhaled in a soft chuckle before she took her eyes away from her leg and looked back up at the physician  .  the pale skin of her ankle and knee were splotched with dark bruises when she’d woken up that morning  ,  a certain drunken stumble the night before coming to mind that had sent the leg nearly through a wall  ,  and she chewed her lip to refrain from making a noise as he touched and rotated her limb as best as it could to see them  .
❛❛  i really hadn’t seen the ice  . . .  or the wall  .  ❜❜ she squeezed the edge of the cot  .  ❛❛  how long until the pain stops  ?  ❜❜
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
Post-Fight Sentence Starters
Requested by Anonymous
“Are you okay?” 
“Do you have any bandages?”
“That doesn’t look good.” 
“Did you pick a fight with a bear?!”
“I’m /fine/!” 
“You don’t look ‘fine’ to me!” 
“That was a nasty scuffle…” 
“Let me see your ___.” 
“Can you help me?”
“You’re bleeding!” 
“I think I got some glass in my hands.” 
“Who did you pick a fight with this time?” 
“Did you win?”
“Looks like you were on the losing end of a dog fight.” 
“You should see the other guy.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” 
“Things… got out of hand…” 
“What the hell happened?!” 
“Please tell me you’re still breathing.”
“I’m going to give them a piece of my mind for what they did to you!” 
“I can’t promise nothing is broken.” 
“It’s not what it looks like.” 
“Would you believe that I fell down some stairs?” 
Should I be worrying about seeing you in the news for a homicide?” 
“That’s… a lot of blood.” 
“All this blood isn’t mine, I swear.” 
“What did you do this time?” 
Send 🔪+ a sentence of your own!
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
“i’m not mad.”
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rhos smiled at the blond  .  ❛❛  not mad  ?  so your face usually looks like a cat’s hind-end  ,  then  ?  that’s a shame  .  ❜❜  she refrained from chuckling  ,  although her smile turned into a toothy grin  .  ❛❛  what happened  ?  did you lose a bet  ?  have someone else beat you at your own game  ?  ❜❜
                                                              (  dat meme  .  /  @korrhaphi  /  accepted  .  )
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
“you’ll be okay.”
rhosyn’s chest still heaved as she pressed herself against the wall  .  her knees were pulled to her chest and she squeezed them closer  .  never had she seen ANYTHING like those  . . .  things before  ,  not even in the few and faded memories she had of the world when magic was still present in public life of the city  .  
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true  ,  she knew that it would be trouble to break a curfew  ,  but she didn’t have anywhere else to go just yet  .  it was like a ghost  ,  appearing out of nowhere with a screech and hurdling towards her  . . .  the face would haunt her for nights to come  ,  she was sure of it  . rhosyn finally looked over to the man  ,  swallowing hard and nodding at him  .
❛❛  thank  . . .  thank you  ,  my lord  .  ❜❜  rhos chewed on her lower lip  .  ❛❛  what was that  ? ❜❜
                                                                           (  dat meme  .  /  @korrhaphi / accepting  .  )
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
three word starters pt. 2
“don’t you dare.”
“look at me.”
“just forget it.”
“i’m not mad.”
“you’re being mean.”
“what a mess.”
“you are perfect.”
“jesus fucking christ.”
“you’ll be okay.”
“take a seat.”
“don’t let go.”
“oh my god.”
“you’re the worst.”
“you’re my favorite.”
“i ruined everything.”
“you ruined everything.”
“just trust me.”
“i’m not drunk.”
“i feel lost.”
“i’m so alone.”
“you’re not alone.”
“hold onto me.”
“just come here.”
“stay the night.”
“please just go.”
“please don’t go.”
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rhosl-blog · 7 years
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rhos knocked on the door with a sense or urgency that was rare for her  .  she chewed on her lip and glanced over her shoulder and down the stairs in case the physician was coming up the stairs  .  she knocked again  ,  and then said  ,  ❛❛  one of the girls fainted and  . . .  and it’s everywhere and  . . .  we need your help  ,   please  !  ❜❜
                                                @apurekindness ♥’d for a starter  .
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