Ethan J. Rhodes
343 posts
dc oc - dc rp
Last active 2 hours ago
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
I am partial to the first option myself.
Two things unite Gothamites:
Smack talking metropolis
@bat--burger's jokerized fries
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
well said pack, jesus christ the Balls people have on them.
why did you make jason like this you made him a fag why
Oh! You're the bitch who was harassing Jacyn! I'm SO glad you came to me!
Because ya went after one of MY motherfuckin friends in MY community and I look after them the best I fucking can
You sad miserable motherfucking sack of loneliness and lonely nights wondering why no one likes you but you act like like this to get some attention!!! :D
I'm going to block you of course because past this you're never EVER going to be worth my or anyone's fucking time if you're gonna behave like this.
I honestly genuinely do feel bad for you and whatever the fuck lead you to have such poor behavioral problems. You remind me of the dickheads in school who'd bully the fuck out of people for being gay and yet I'd catch playing "chicken" with the homies.
Go get some motherfucking help and oh yeah!!
I hope you have a good day someday that'll help turn your shrivelled up brain and heart to normal.
Goodbye fuckface.
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
Ethan sighs as Sarah's expression becomes more and more confused.
"Who exactly are you again???" She asks Duke.
Ethan facepalms.
By about 8AM time morning arrived on sep. 14th Duke was still pretty tired. He had mildly woken up due to sunlight. Duke moved his head away from the direction of the sunlight. He was really tempted to even use his powers to completely block away the light. But he was much too tired and that would have woken him up fully if he had to do that.
So he rested where he was. His head turned away from the light.
Ethan, however, was completely asleep. Having not slept so well the day before had taken him out completely when Duke had also interrupted his sleep the night before as well.
He stirred slightly when Duke moved his head, but still remained asleep.
That is until, a door banged open a room over with a sudden shout of, "I'm hereeeeee!"
Ethan startles awake, grabbing at Duke as if to make sure he is safe.
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
"What?" Sarah blinks, "Again?"
Ethan resisted the urge to sigh heavily and shoves Duke into the kitchen, "Eggs, Duke. Try not to burn them."
"Ethan, again?"
"Its a long story."
By about 8AM time morning arrived on sep. 14th Duke was still pretty tired. He had mildly woken up due to sunlight. Duke moved his head away from the direction of the sunlight. He was really tempted to even use his powers to completely block away the light. But he was much too tired and that would have woken him up fully if he had to do that.
So he rested where he was. His head turned away from the light.
Ethan, however, was completely asleep. Having not slept so well the day before had taken him out completely when Duke had also interrupted his sleep the night before as well.
He stirred slightly when Duke moved his head, but still remained asleep.
That is until, a door banged open a room over with a sudden shout of, "I'm hereeeeee!"
Ethan startles awake, grabbing at Duke as if to make sure he is safe.
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
"Don't strain yourself," Ethan looks to Duke, concerned.
"Can I--"
"No, Sarah, you cannot help."
"I broke your mixer one time!"
Ethan slides his gaze to his sister, "It was an expensive stand mixer, I still have not a clue how you managed that."
Sarah huffs but goes to sit on the island stools, "Sooo, Duke. Whatcha doin over at my brother's place?"
By about 8AM time morning arrived on sep. 14th Duke was still pretty tired. He had mildly woken up due to sunlight. Duke moved his head away from the direction of the sunlight. He was really tempted to even use his powers to completely block away the light. But he was much too tired and that would have woken him up fully if he had to do that.
So he rested where he was. His head turned away from the light.
Ethan, however, was completely asleep. Having not slept so well the day before had taken him out completely when Duke had also interrupted his sleep the night before as well.
He stirred slightly when Duke moved his head, but still remained asleep.
That is until, a door banged open a room over with a sudden shout of, "I'm hereeeeee!"
Ethan startles awake, grabbing at Duke as if to make sure he is safe.
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
Love you too, Duke.
< 3
Hi ethan
What are your thoughts on ikea pencils?
Are they not just pencils?
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
Very cute.
Hi ethan
What are your thoughts on ikea pencils?
Are they not just pencils?
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
Ah, I see.
I like pens better in general. But if you put an eraser cap on them, I would not mind them.
Hi ethan
What are your thoughts on ikea pencils?
Are they not just pencils?
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rhode-on-the-road · 5 months ago
Hi ethan
What are your thoughts on ikea pencils?
Are they not just pencils?
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
I was looking at my notifications and noticed something 💀
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
"What?" Sarah blinks, but Ethan just sighs.
"Breakfast, anyone?"
By about 8AM time morning arrived on sep. 14th Duke was still pretty tired. He had mildly woken up due to sunlight. Duke moved his head away from the direction of the sunlight. He was really tempted to even use his powers to completely block away the light. But he was much too tired and that would have woken him up fully if he had to do that.
So he rested where he was. His head turned away from the light.
Ethan, however, was completely asleep. Having not slept so well the day before had taken him out completely when Duke had also interrupted his sleep the night before as well.
He stirred slightly when Duke moved his head, but still remained asleep.
That is until, a door banged open a room over with a sudden shout of, "I'm hereeeeee!"
Ethan startles awake, grabbing at Duke as if to make sure he is safe.
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
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My sister's fault.
last fictional character in ur camera roll just adopted u
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(Yes I did do this only because I want him to adopt me. Fuck off)
tags: @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @reggie-the-inferi @gingerbreadeel24 @pickupstyx
and whoever the fuck sees this
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
Once again, DNI if you ship Batcest
(this does not include steph x cass as they never had a sibling relationship)
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
"No clue who the hell that is but okay," Sarah seems to catch their hands with her eye finally and Ethan cringes as her face lights up, "Ohhh, your Duke Thomas indeed."
She just smiles with an untrustworthy innocence.
By about 8AM time morning arrived on sep. 14th Duke was still pretty tired. He had mildly woken up due to sunlight. Duke moved his head away from the direction of the sunlight. He was really tempted to even use his powers to completely block away the light. But he was much too tired and that would have woken him up fully if he had to do that.
So he rested where he was. His head turned away from the light.
Ethan, however, was completely asleep. Having not slept so well the day before had taken him out completely when Duke had also interrupted his sleep the night before as well.
He stirred slightly when Duke moved his head, but still remained asleep.
That is until, a door banged open a room over with a sudden shout of, "I'm hereeeeee!"
Ethan startles awake, grabbing at Duke as if to make sure he is safe.
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
How in the hell would one of us dress up as a triangle?
Although I do have a red sweater like that.
(( @rhode-on-the-road ))
Eth we should be matching on Halloween
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
Whichever you like, I really do not mind.
I am aware of Venom but I do not know who "Bill and Ford" are, however.
(( @rhode-on-the-road ))
Eth we should be matching on Halloween
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rhode-on-the-road · 6 months ago
Alright. Minus well be your choice as I think you would be more qualified to choose costumes for us. That and your penchant for a certain yellow suit.
(( @rhode-on-the-road ))
Eth we should be matching on Halloween
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