rhapsodymusecomics · 5 years
Hello, everyone. How are you?
I'll be honest.
First, let me apologize for being inactive for a while. Again.
It's just I've received the news and I took it hard, like a missile to the gut. Pornhub won't be acquiring Tumble and instead, the bastards in Verizon will be giving it to "WordPress" or whatever. What's worse is that the ban on mature content will remain.
So I have made a hard decision:
I'm leaving Tumblr. Indefinitely.
To be honest, I wanted to leave from the very start when the ban was initiated, and I think right now is a good time. There is nothing here for me. Tumblr, the place that was once a paradise for people like me, where I can be creative and free to do whatever I want, has become no better than youtube or DeviantArt. It's become a wasteland of what it used to be.
and I think you should do the same. There is nothing but boring pictures of pets and family and non-creative things, and it's only a matter of time before it sinks to the ocean of darkness.
I don't know where I'll go, but it's better than here.
I'll be here a little longer, just to get ready, and then I'll delete my Tumblr accounts and never look back, with some regret on the side.
It's time to say goodbye.
Thank you so much for being here, supporting me and whatnot. To my friends who I'll still be in contact with and to the people I barely know. Your company is more than enough. It's been a fun ride.
Fuck. I hate goodbyes.
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rhapsodymusecomics · 6 years
 via  Gridllr.com   —  sharing is caring!
Blog will stay alive
Hey, guy-who-lost-motivation here.  Tumblr’s new ruling is losing all the NSFW artists and perhaps all of tumblr as well.  Just to let you guys know, this is a non-NSFW blog so this blog will not be going anywhere.  Also I already went to tumblr some time ago to discuss a few of my posts being labeled NSFW and got them fixed so all story posts are available here.  That being said, I believe some posts on the other blog, @asktheelementsofinsanity , have disappeared.  Hopefully he’ll have his blog varified, too.
Long story short:  Blog’s not going anywhere, any posts mislabeled have been fixed and I’m still demotivated.  Ciao
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Chapter 2
Taking place after Chapter 1, Rhapsody and his compatriots go on a rescue mission for Lance, who seems to be captured by the Cult of Gibus. Th device @cynicalflitter lifted off the them (not their corpses thank god) takes them a familiar yet different location filled with friends and enemies. 
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
Hello, everyone. My name's Lance Oliver Friedom, LOFriedom for short, and Happy Halloween everyone. Hope you guys are having a good time, because I'm sure not.
Yeah. I'm feeling like shit right now. I'm not sick or anything, I'm just depressed. I shouldn't be doing a video, but I feel like you guys need to know what is going on in my channel, so here we are.
First Off, I want to apologize for no activity since I've restarted my youtube channel. I wanted to put something on here. Games playthroughs, animations and voice work. Anything that can get people to look at this channel. But something just happened.
A family member died and everything went south from there. I have to move out of my apartment because he was also my roommate and now i'm living with my parents. My parents told me to get more hours in my job and since then I have no time for animations and art like life is being drained from my system like a leech on a vein.
I just been on hiatus for the past few months and I really want to get back to work on my animation projects and videos. But things are getting more hard than they are getting better.
It's not a hobbie and I'm not treating it like one. It's a special part of me that has been with me since the 3rd grade and I want to keep it that way.
Also, I've planned to make writing my job, writing short ficiton and scripts and whatever and live off of it while attending school. That was the plan.
But it wont happen anytime soon so I want to do some animations while waiting next year.
I promised to give more life to this channel and the projects held dear to my heart, and I'm going to keep that promise. I'm currently stuck on a project featuring shadow and soundwave and I'm still working on it. After that, I'm going to take a break from animation for a week. While I do that, I'll part time work on a small script for a comic on tumblr. I finished chapter 1 of "Saving Friedom" and started a new tumblr blog.
Link here:https://rhapsodymusecomics.tumblr.com/
After that week, I'm return to making small projects to make life easier. also I'll be making game videos featuring my friends.
I just want to say thank you guys so much for sticking with me for about two years, and you deserved better.
And now you're gonna get better.
That's all for now. I'll talk to you next time. Until then, PEACE!
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 9/9 (Suppose to be 10, Goddammit)
Their adventure as just begun.
Featuring @thatmoonguy , @ask-the-drunk-demoman , @askjbotzgamerbot , @alexamiha2 and @cynicalflitter
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 7/10
A special guest pays Rhapsody a visit, but it’s not the Cult.
Featuring @alexamiha2, @ask-the-drunk-demoman, @thatmoonguy, @askjbotzgamerbot and @cynicalflitter
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 6/10
Rhapsody tells the group Lance wasn’t missing. He was kidnapped by the Cult of Gibus.
Featuring: @alexamiha2, @ask-the-drunk-demoman, @askjbotzgamerbot and @thatmoonguy
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 6/10
The heroes get themselves aquainted with the owner.
@alexamiha2 , @ask-the-drunk-demoman , @thatmoonguy and @askjbotzgamerbot
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 5/10
@ask-the-drunk-demoman , @alexamiha2 , @thatmoonguy and @askjbotzgamerbot encounter someone new and familiar.
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 4/10
@ask-the-drunk-demoman , @thatmoonguy , @alexamiha2 and @askjbotzgamerbot found something quite ..... disturbing.
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 3/10
They made it and get insulted by ghosts.
Featuring @ask-the-drunk-demoman , @alexamiha2 , @thatmoonguy and @askjbotzgamerbot
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 2/10
@alexamiha2, @thatmoonguy, @ask-the-drunk-demoman and @askjbotzgamerbot take a TARDIS to Lance’s home at Mann Manor.
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Saving Friedom, Part 1/10
@ask-the-drunk-demoman is getting sick of @lanceollyfrie‘s posts, so he does something about it.
featuring @thatmoonguy, @alexamiha2 and @askjbotzgamerbot .
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rhapsodymusecomics · 7 years
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Welcome to Rhapsody Muse Comics, newcomers. Featuring the first new series, Saving Friedom, the story about a group of oddities searching for a kidnapped friend.
Featured in this story are @ask-the-drunk-demoman , @thatmoonguy , @alexamiha2 , @askjbotzgamerbot , and @cynicalflitter , among other gmodders yet to be named. 
Stay tuned for Chapter 2 everyone, for things are starting to kick in. For now, enjoy chapter 1
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