Reylo Fic Rec
149 posts
this blog is dedicated to recommending Reylo fanfiction. (this is a personal archive of stories that I've read and don't want to lose track of— I don't accept submissions). now INACTIVE.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] shall they lie so tired and worn
Title: shall they lie so tired and worn Author: LadyofBoneandIvory Rating: Explicit Status: Ongoing
Summary: Rey, a destitute young widow, explores the aftermath of bloody battles to collect the possessions of the dead to sell and to grant mortally wounded soldiers laying on the battlefield a quick death.
When a grievously injured captain in blue asks her to stay by his side, Rey discovers that she can fall in love in fifteen minutes.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] and all that’s best of dark and bright
Title: and all that’s best of dark and bright Author: akosmia Rating: Teen Status: Complete
Summary: “Oh,” she breathes out. “Nice tattoo.”
At this, Ben looks down at his arm as if he were seeing it for the first time, then blushes. “Ah. Right. Thank you. They’re daffodils. They– they symbolize rebirth. Also, uh– my grandmother had a lake house, back in Naboo, and the garden was filled with daffodils. I used to lie in the grass for hours, just looking at them. It’s one of my fondest memories.” Then, his lips twitch in his crooked smile again, before he recites, “And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils.”
She can’t help but smile, even as she lightly punches his arm. “Nerd.”
“Yeah,” Ben convenes. Then, he catches her hand, intertwines their fingers and, softly, adds, “Your nerd.” 
-- or: the one where, over the course of the seasons, Rey falls in love with Ben, the unconventional librarian with a tattoo sleeve that blushes every time she helps him shelve books and that feels unexplicably like home.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] Chasing Lightning
Title: Chasing Lightning Author: gutlesswonder Rating: Explicit Status: Ongoing
Summary: Not long after arriving in the States on a student visa, looking to flee her grim childhood, Rey's found a passion bigger than what brought her to college in the first place: playing lead guitar in a rock band with her best friends. Naturally, the local college rock band scene is abuzz with interest when Rebel Scum is asked to open for the critically acclaimed noise-band-on-the-rise STARKILLER.
Rey and her bandmates are all nerves, hoping to be land an indie record deal, while avoiding the ire of STARKILLER's front-man: a notoriously unfriendly tour-de-force drummer who goes by the stage name of Kylo Ren.
Luckily for Rey, she doesn't scare easily.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] Man of Wind and Sea
Title: Man of Wind and Sea Author: Dinkerinos Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Summary: He finds her floating in the freezing October waters, just at the edge of the cliffs.
A storm had passed the day before, leaving a great deal of things washing up on the cliffs of his lighthouse, but he could never have expected her.
She watches him—as she always does when he comes—and he feels the rays of her sunlight begin to melt his wings. Slowly, with wax dripping from his mind, his want to escape her gaze is weighed down until he’s firmly planted on the floor and her head lays in his lap, still looking up at him.
”Home,” she whispers and he knows.
”Home,” he says, knowing he would go anywhere for her.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] Providence
Title: Providence Author: bbl8te Rating: Mature Status: Ongoing
Summary: He’d show her fields of wildflowers and vermilion jungles and waters so clear she could see straight to the bottom. They’d work as freighters, or smugglers, or travel the galaxy as freeloading vagabonds if that was what it took. He’d raze down solar systems and lay their asteroids at her feet if she asked it of him.He doesn’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t do for her, for this, for them. ——— Pre-TFA, Kylo Ren crash lands in the graveyard of ships on Jakku. Rey rescues him and offers him shelter until he’s well enough to leave. The more they learn about one another and mysterious power connecting them, the harder it is for them to stay apart.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] venatio amoris
Title: venatio amoris Author: WelcomeToTheBadlands Rating: Gen Status: Ongoing
Summary: The Resistance is desperate to get the upper hand in the ongoing war between them and the First Order. Rey's a bounty hunter that's exceptionally good at her job, but expensive. The Resistance puts out a hit to bring in Kylo Ren, dead or alive. Rey answered the call.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] Laid Between Worlds
Title: Laid Between Worlds Author: jeeno2 Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Summary: “It wouldn’t be a real marriage, obviously,” Ben clarifies, as though that’s an important point that might not have occurred to her. “Though we’d have to live together, obviously. And I’m sure there are a lot of other things we’ll have to do to convince people.”
(Or: Rey is nearing the end of her temporary work Visa. Her friend Ben offers to marry her so she can stay in the U.S. She says yes.)
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] i’ll wipe your tears before they dry
Title: i’ll wipe your tears before they dry Author: hi_raeth Rating: Teen Status: Complete
Summary: Five times Rey cries, and one time Ben does.
Alternatively: the tale of how Rey and Ben created a new love language by always being there to wipe each other's tears away.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] you crawled out of the sea (straight into my arms)
Title: you crawled out of the sea (straight into my arms) Author: cosmicbodies Rating: Not rated Status: Ongoing
Summary: Kef Bir Cove is a small and sleepy town with a strange history. Myths of mermaids run deep, but for most of the town, the stories exist merely as folklore maintained for tourist appeal. Ben Solo had a lot of reasons for returning to Kef Bir (the appeal of a quiet town, the newly opened managerial position at the local marine biology institutional outpost, and a willingness to finally deal with his familial demons), but the potential existence of merpeople wasn’t one of them. Quite frankly, Ben Solo couldn’t give less of a damn about silly stories that told of creatures that were half-people, half-fish. At least not until one washes herself ashore and inexplicably decides that Ben’s houseboat is her new home.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] bloom (you fill my lungs with sweetness, you fill my head with you)
Title: bloom (you fill my lungs with sweetness, you fill my head with you) Author: akosmia Rating: Teen Status: Complete
Summary: She’s aware of three different things all at once. 
First, best-selling author Ben Solo is terribly young.
Second, he’s beautiful.
Third, she finally realizes why he needs someone to type his book for him. Ben Solo, best-selling author of her favorite books, is blind.
 -- or: Rey has always been a fan of Ben Solo’s books. His words fill a void in her heart. When she hears about the job, she promptly applies. Rey doesn’t understand why he would need a stenographer. Not until she meets him.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] White Poppies
Title: White Poppies Author: usbt Rating: Mature Status: Complete
Summary: Rey was training in the forest on Ajan Kloss when Finn came crashing through the brush with the first good news in months. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren was dying.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] This is Not Going to Go the Way You Think
Title: This is Not Going to Go the Way You Think Author: TehanuFromEarthsea Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Summary: Kylo leaves Crait thinking there's never been a trap too stupid for him to stumble into. He's been caught in Snoke's lies, fooled by Luke's deception, and almost unhinged by Rey's effect on him.
And if that weren't bad enough, General Hux wastes no time in making his move.
Before long, Kylo finds himself in space with only a snarky and unreliable BB-9E droid for company, and a vague plan to find Rey and change her mind.
As for Rey, when did anyone ever ask her what she wanted? She has plenty of time to wonder, as the tiny band that makes up the entire Resistance searches desperately for a way to ignite the spark that will light the fire to their revolution.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] The Inverse Must Also Be True
Title: The Inverse Must Also Be True Author: spectreleaders Rating: Mature Status: Ongoing Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Summary: "He hunched over to crawl into the belly and immediately froze. The interior was cool and empty, but the air was oppressive with some lingering thing. An attentiveness ran along his spine. There was a cluster of dried, brittle desert flowers. His boot scuffed against a handmade doll fashioned from reclaimed orange flight suit material. Then there was the wall marked with hundreds of parallel scratches, long, marring scorch marks cutting across, and the smell of ozone and fury. He didn't have to touch the saber damage to feel the loneliness imbibed into the wall of the AT-AT. The muted, blinding sunlight dimmed in the open hatch, sinking into glowing darkness that did not belong to this desert world. Ben sighed, recognizing the beginnings of a Force vision. It would not let him go until he saw what it wanted him to see. He stepped out, not onto the sand but into snow."
OR: Rey's fate always began in the desert, only changed by who found her there first.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] a liminal space, a world between worlds
Title: a liminal space, a world between worlds Author: hypraeteia Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Summary: Out beyond right, out beyond wrong, there is a place. I will meet you there.
Maybe the barren-ness of Tatooine was fitting. She herself had been devoid of life once. Sometimes her body felt colonized by it like this planet had been.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] Catalyst
Title: Catalyst Author: tristesses Rating: Mature Status: Complete
Summary: "I saw the dark of the night and I wanted it. Desire for a dark thing was a dark thing in me."
Or: Snoke makes a different choice. Rey and Ben reap the whirlwind.
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] (won’t you let me) walk you home from school
Title: (won’t you let me) walk you home from school Author: somethingdifferent Rating: Explicit Status: Ongoing
Summary: “Hi!” The woman the voice belongs to—Rey, he thinks, this must be Rey Jackson, the usurper—walks over to him, wiping hands covered in green paint on a flower-patterned apron splattered with glitter. Ben furrows his brow as he looks at her, taking in her freckles, the dimples he can see even when she's barely smiling, her long limbs, all elbows and knees (coltish, he thinks, before he can stop himself), her hair up off her face in three, yes, three buns. He is supposed to be angry with her, he's pretty sure, but he can't remember why.
“Sorry,” she says, her eyes dimly confused, “are you a parent?”He quickly remembers why.
Ben, a counselor in the upper school at the legendary Alliance Academy, keeps finding himself interacting with the lower school art teacher, Rey. He definitely doesn’t like it.
[rey/ben; teachers at a fancy-ass private school au]
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reyloficrec · 5 years ago
[AO3] A Solution Less Temporary
Title: A Solution Less Temporary Author: HarpiaHarpyja Rating: Teen Status: Ongoing
Summary: Rey gets a lot of regular customers at the apothecary, but there's one whose weekly visits she looks forward to most—a handsome, nameless, and often nearly wordless frustrated writer. When he comes in one rainy day desperate for something a little different, Rey finds herself inclined to take a chance on their burgeoning connection.
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