rexralph · 6 years
“But wine tastes so much better when I don’t have to do any work to get it.”
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“Of course,” Rex called with a roll of his eyes. Not too long later, he was returning to her with her drink. “You’re a damn princess you are. And I thought I was bad.”
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rexralph · 6 years
“Oh.” Had Persephone known - although, given how familiar his story seems, maybe she did - that Rex’s last relationship ended in a failed engagement she never would have asked. She takes a long sip of her drink, hoping that the sip disguises the fact that she doesn’t really know what to say. “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” she finally responds. Of course, despite how genuine the words are, they don’t feel like enough. No matter. The conversation quickly changes subject. Thank the gods. “If I’m being honest, I wasn’t really. Not until my friend insisted on setting us up at any rate. But it’s time to; My ex moved on, so I really ought to, you know?” She says with a shrug. “And I guess it would be nice to have someone again.”
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Thankfully Persephone didn’t seem too put down by the whole engagement story. He was never really certain how people would react to it, because it’s still such a new thing for him. But, they were able to move on and that was good. She was still here, which is good. “Right,” He said with a gentle nod. For the majority of his life, when it came to relationships, he’d always usually been the one to move on first. So it was interesting to see the other side. “I suppose seeing the other person move on does force you into accepting that maybe you should too,” Rex said gently. He took another small sip of his drink. “It is nice having someone, isn’t it?” He chuckled. “God I’d love someone to spoil,” Another sip of his drink, then he set it down. “So tell me more about your business! From what I’ve been told, you’re incredibly impressive.”
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rexralph · 6 years
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Rex smirked at her words. Both hands slid down now. They ran up the insides of her thighs until one hand slid back around to her ass, while the other rubbed between her legs. His lips moved down her jaw before he nipped at her neck a little while. “Undo my pants.” Rex snapped into her ear, practically growling.
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rexralph · 6 years
She squealed when she was lifted onto the table and she pressed herself as close as she could to him, loving the attention he was giving her. She didn’t care about the curtain not being closed or the thought of being looked at. All she was focused on was him. “Is that all I get? Tease.”
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A small laugh rumbled in Rex’s chest. He slid a hand from her thigh, up her chest and then rested around her throat. “Oh I’m going to do plenty more than tease.” Rex mumbled before pressed a rough kiss to her lips. His spare hand slid around to her back to grab her ass.
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rexralph · 6 years
“Bringer of death is definitely more memorable,” she agrees, laughing along with him. It’s more fearsome too - something the part of her that wants to feel powerful appreciates. Persephone leans into the conversation ever so slightly as he explains the origins of his name, her own head tilting to one side a little. “King,” she repeats. “I like that too.” Simple, powerful, strong. It’s a good meaning. 
Persephone smile as their drinks come, thanking Rex as he slides hers over to her before taking a short sip. She finds herself glad she did as he asks his next question. It’s certainly a big question to ask, especially as they’ve only just met. But she doesn’t mind that really. “I guess I’ve been single for about a month now.” Has it really only been a month? It feels like it’s been so much longer. “I can’t really say why I am, though.” In her own mind at least, she’s a catch. “I have been focused more on my business than dating lately, though, which I’m sure doesn’t help,” Perse explains before taking another quick drink. “And you? How is it that someone as charming as you is single?” 
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Rex took a long sip of his drink to begin with. He held the alcohol in his mouth a moment, just to taste it. It was all fine though. So, he swallowed and took another sip. One drink. He was allowed one drink. “A month?” Rex repeated with a raised eyebrow, tilting his head. “Okay, that’s fair. I can admire that,” His words were sincere. When it came to his turn, he laughed. In fact he couldn’t answer until a couple of laughs and a sip of his drink. “Well my last relationship was actually an engagement. It ended in - November. Ultimately there were just a lot of little things that weren’t going to work for her. On top of that, she wasn’t really willing to deal with the way that I live and such. It was all quite sad, because she was my best friend but,” Rex shrugged. “Obviously things weren’t destined.” As he ran a hand through his hair, Rex took a deep breathe. Things needed to move on. “So if you’re so interested in business, what’s brought you to dating again now?”
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rexralph · 6 years
Zoe had been sat head phones on, going through the tracks and making some suggested changes to pass by Allie when she got back. Since the release of their first song had been ridiculed so heavily in the press and by their fans, to say that nerves were running high would be an understatement. She knew she could speak for both of them when she said they just wanted it to be perfect, for their fans but for Jane too. It was all about her afterall. 
The blonde probably wouldn’t have heard the taps of the door but the voice calling was undeniable. Pulling her head phones off and placing them by her laptop, Zoe pushed herself dodging the odd cat as she went to open the door. “Oh hey-.. uh Rex right?” The blonde asked tilting her head slightly at him. The two hadn’t talked much, maybe a brief hey in passing, but she recognized him instantly as a friend of Allie’s. “She’d not here right now, but I’m sure she’ll be back soon enough. Do you want some tea?” Zoe asked as she bent to pick up Jinx before she ran into the hallway, turning and heads back into the apartment figuring he’d follow suit. “Just watch out for Salem he’s practically angsty today.”
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Rex lifted his head from it’s slumped position when the door opened. To his surprise, it was Zoe and not Allison. “Oh,” He mumbled instinctively. “Yeah. Rex. Hi.” For some reason he found himself quite caught off guard. He’d heard plenty about Zoe of course, and had seen her very briefly. But up until this moment, they’d never really had a one-on-one encounter before. “Something to drink would be good. Could I get a coffee?” Never been much of a tea drinker, Rex. He prefers his caffeine hard - Like a lot of other things in his life. “Do you know where she is?”
As he followed Zoe in, he found his eyes darting to the floor. Cats waved in and out of his legs. “Salem. Right.” Rex mumbled quietly to himself. He’d been here plenty of times before but somehow being here with Zoe gave the place a different atmosphere. “What were you up to? I hope I didn’t interrupt anything. I can go wait somewhere else.”
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rexralph · 6 years
Rex huffed as he paced across his lounge towards the kitchen. “I don’t know why I’m getting wine for you. You lived here. You know where everything is. You can get it your damn self next time.” He chuckled. || @livingrose
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rexralph · 6 years
She chuckles alongside him as he laughs. “It’s refreshing.” Truly, it’s a breath of fresh air, being on a date with someone who’s - at first impression at least - so kind. Persephone’s tastes have always veered on the side of ‘dangerous bad boy’, a type that’s so often devoid of any manners. “I’m sure she was wonderful.” His use of the word was doesn’t escape her, but she’s not so sure how much to ask. Loss certainly doesn’t feel like a good discussion for a first date, especially one as heavy as she’s sure the loss of a mother had to have been. “I think you’re right. A martini would be great.”  Perse says, glancing over the top of her menu. 
“It is.” She replies with a nod. “And yours is Rex, right?” Gods, she hopes it is. It sure would be  be awkward if it weren’t.  “Thank you.” Her smile grows, cheeks taking on a slightly rosy hue at the compliments. “It depends on who you ask, really. I’ve read somewhere that it’s supposed to mean ‘female thresher of grain’, but I’ve also heard some people say it comes from a word meaning ‘to bring or cause death’.” 
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Names stuck with Rex. He used to forget them easily. But after so long of working in the industry he did, he’d quickly learned that remembering names were important. Plus, Persephone was barely a name you forgot easily. “That’s me,” He chuckled. Rex sat back in his chair, elbow relaxing over the back as he listened to the brunette explained her name. “Bringer of death leaves more of an impact than female thresher of grain, I feel,” Rex laughed.
He tilted his head. “Mine’s quite simple really. Rex comes from the Latin word for king. I quite like it. It’s simple, powerful,” Rex said with a smile. While he was mid-muse, a waitress walked over with their drinks. “Thank you.” He beamed up at her. Once the drinks were set on the table, Rex slid Persephone’s over to here. “There you go.” There was a charming grin on his face as he spoke. “So -- Dare I ask the question, how long have you been single? Why do you think you’re single?”
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rexralph · 6 years
Rex knew that lately had been incredibly busy and incredibly stressful for Allison. He was making more of an effort to get out and about now anyway so he figured he may as well pay her a visit. The drive to her place hadn’t taken too long. He’d grabbed some food before jumping in the ride. Hunger got the better of him so he snacked on a couple of things during the drive.
Eventually arriving, Rex thanked his driver and then headed to the door. He hadn’t really checked with Allison to see if she was in. So there was very well a chance she might not be. Why wouldn’t she though? He was here now so there was no point in turning back really. Might as well at least knock and check. After a couple of raps of his fist against the door. Rex leaned to look through the window. “Allie!” He called. “Allison! Mate I’ve got food.”  || @bewitchmex
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rexralph · 6 years
Eloise could appreciate a man who was as eager as she was. It felt like she hadn’t had this kind of rush in a bit and she was already practically putty in his hands. She returned his kisses eagerly, pressing her body against him and digging her nails into shoulders. 
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Practically shuffling along, Rex moved the pair of them into the booth. The kissing was incredibly rough. Half the time Rex’s lips didn’t even fully meet Eloise’s. Once into the booth, Rex easily lifted Eloise right onto the table. He reached out with one hand to tug the curtain over. It wasn’t anywhere even near half closed but it was still a little cover. The chance of being caught was still high. Then his attention returned back fully to Eloise. His hands gripped her thighs while his lips peppered along her collar bone.
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rexralph · 6 years
“And don’t you ever forget it.”
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“I don’t know if you’d ever let me,” Rex laughed. “When’re you next available? We should get drinks or something booked in.”
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rexralph · 6 years
Eloise just leaned against him, making it clear they were together for the night once they made it to the VIP lounge. This wasn’t the first time she was brought to one of these but it was a first that the intention was to be so shameless that she didn’t even give a shit. “That’s what I’ve been told,” was all she said she waited for him to pull her where he wanted her.
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It didn’t take them long to get past security. Once they were, Rex’s eyes scanned the place quickly. There was one secluded booth. It was unused because the lights didn’t reach it as much -- Which only made it all the more perfect for them. Rex immediately walked them both over there. They’d only just reached the corner, hadn’t even sat down, when Rex’s lips attacked hers.
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rexralph · 6 years
LANY - Thick And Thin
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rexralph · 6 years
She followed him like a lost puppy, so desperate for what he had in store that she was practically ready to jump him right then and there. “Oh I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about. Get me on my knees and it’s over.” She smirked at him. “I’m not ashamed of it either.”
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A massive smirk grew across Rex’s face. He hung his head for a moment in some sort of attempt to hide it. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to get suspicious so early. “So you’re best on your knees are you?” Rex looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. As they continued to walk, he pulled a wallet out of the inside pocket of his jacket. He started to get his ID out ready for the VIP lounge.
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rexralph · 6 years
“I swear to you,” she started, in her most sincere voice. “I would do that for you.”
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“You’re the best damn friend I ever had,” Rex said with a laugh, squeezing his arm around her.
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rexralph · 6 years
It’s been a while since Persephone’s gone out with someone new. It’s not that she’s been uninterested in dating, it’s just that her focus lately has been on growing her business. Most of her energy has been going to expanding and improving on her product line. But when one of her makeup artist friends insisted on setting her up, she couldn’t say no. Literally. Even if she wanted to, her friend wouldn’t allow it. 
There was a little doubt when she first walked into the restaurant. Sure, her friend’s never steered her wrong before, but there’s still a chance this could go horrible wrong. The moment Perse is walked up to her date, however, all of that goes away. He’s more handsome than she expected; She’s definitely glad she agreed to this, and makes a mental note to thank her friend in the morning. “Lovely to meet you as well,” she replies, returning that quick hug. “I did, thank you.” She nods as she answers, taking a brief second to marvel at how beautiful this place is. “Whatever you plan on drinking is fine.” Really, she’s not a picky woman. A soft smile of her own pulls at her features as her pulls her chair out for her, almost surprised by the act. Already he’s treating her better than she’s used to. “Handsome and a gentleman,” she muses as she takes her seat. “It must be my lucky day.” 
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Rex only returned to his chair once he was certain that she was in an comfortable. At her comment, he laughed. “Well, my mother raised me right. I certainly wasn’t born in a bar,” There was a slight smile on his face at the mention of his mother. “My mom was the best woman I ever knew,” He added with another smile before picking up the menu slowly. “I feel like maybe a martini is a good shout? Simple, classic. Not too heavy. A good date drink if you ask me,” Over the top of the plastic, he took a little longer look at the brunette. She certainly was incredibly pretty. His make up artist was right. he always had a soft spot for darker haired women.
It didn’t take long to get a waitress over and for Rex to order the drinks. Once that was one, the drinks menu was whisked away and Rex’s attention returned solely to his date. “So -- Your name’s Persephone, right?” His head tilted. “That’s such a beautiful name, really.” Rex waved his hand to gesture at her. “For a beautiful woman of course -- But what does it mean?” 
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rexralph · 6 years
“Rex. I just need you to take a minute to process how badly I wanna fuck Ariana Grande.”
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Rex was honestly taken back at first, but laughed immediately anyway. Eventually he was able to answer. “And I need you to promise me that you’d call me up straight away before that happened so that I could get in on it.”
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