rexder · 10 years
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                                             T O R M E N T E R
                                                   private. selective.
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rexder · 10 years
"Just admit I'm right."
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                            It is far too early for this. Not even he can muster                                 up the energy to try to be decent. Especially since                                 she woke him up to have this argument. 
                      '...If I do so, which will be lying, will you let me                      go back to sleep?'
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rexder · 10 years
Fight/Argument Sentence Starters
"Make me."
"Don't tempt me."
"I hate you."
"You are infuriating."
"Just shut up already."
"That doesn't even make sense."
"Bite me."
"Eat me."
"Kiss my ass."
"Just admit i'm right."
"Just admit you're wrong."
"You are being ridiculous."
"That's irrational."
"Listen to me."
"That's not what I meant and you know it."
"Don't yell at me."
"That's it. End of discussion."
"I don't believe you."
"Don't look at me like that."
"What's with that look?"
"Go away."
"Don't talk to me."
"Do you ever shut up?"
"You're such a loud mouth."
"You shouldn't have said that."
"Fuck you."
"Step on a lego."
"Get bent."
"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you."
"It isn't up for debate."
"Don't question my orders."
"I recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it."
"That is the worst idea i've ever heard."
"Who writes your plans, the village idiot?"
"That's mine."
"Give it back."
"Don't touch my stuff."
"That's not yours."
"Just leave already."
"The door is over there."
"I cannot deal with your bullshit right now."
"I have my orders."
"You have your orders."
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rexder · 10 years
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t a g fix
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rexder · 10 years
AU's I would like to do, even if Reader doesn't want to do some of them (he'll get over it). ; 
Once Upon A Time AU 
Dark!Reader AU
Time Lord AU (calling tentatum ayyyyye ) 
James Bond AU (Where Reader is Q)
Amnesia AU
Vampire / Werewolf
The Evil Within (can you guess which one of these he doesn't want to do.)
Normal Human AU
Harry Potter AU
High School AU
.....any kind of AU 
Oh... calling ofneedleswords for that Dark Fairytale AU tbh
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rexder · 10 years
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rexder · 10 years
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition
Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
As a mun, what are three of your biggest flaws when it comes to being someone’s RP partner?
Have you ever dropped a thread because someone refused to ship their character with yours? If no, have you ever dropped a thread for another “unpopular” reason and if so, what was your reasoning?
Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
Out of the really popular pairings in your fandom, what’s your nOTP?
What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
Without naming anyone, have you ever refused/simply avoided another RPer in the fandom because of things you’ve heard others say about them, or because of their popularity? If so, why did you feel the need to?
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rexder · 10 years
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'Alone means I'm with myself. I don't find my own company to be the best.' He never did. It offered some comfort to others, yes, but never to himself. Reader spent years by himself, and that was his own punishment for what he had done. To keep himself isolated and to force himself to live with what he had done. Of course, now he had people to distract his mind from such things. In reality, there was a matter of time before things got worse once more. He wasn't looking forward to the day he would have to face that. 
Lanky arms wrapped around her and pulled her in close. He was glad she was there, and it felt better now that he knew she was back and not as upset with him as before. There was something that still nagged at the back of his mind. And while it was there, Reader never meddled in her business. He knew that there were things she did that were less than appealing to his own morals, but that was her choice. Reader would never judge her on her choices, because those alone made her who she was. 
'You're going back there, aren't you.' He muttered, sighing out as he caressed the back of her hair gently. He wasn't going to hold her back. It was just a hug so he could keep it in his infinite memory. 'I dislike many places and I have good reason to dislike them, but I believe Underland has to be on the top of my list. It's never given me much that I enjoyed...' Like missing a finger, an eye, and being stabbed by the man that was once a strong influence there. But, what happened to Reader was nothing compared to what happened to Mally. He'd never see his own pain as something worse than other's. 
'You'll be safe. You'll come back when things are fine, yeah? And we can see how those powers of yours are doing. I mean, after all, I did enjoy helping you with them.' The Guardian smiled, looking down at her to tap the tip of her nose playfully. 'I have some tea and cakes, though. You wouldn't be opposed to giving me some company before you decide to run off again, yes?'
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 ❝ Doesn’t mean your personal thoughts are right. I mean, the only one really worth blaming is Tarrant. Well.. him & Stayne. ❞ Though, she supposes Stayne would have a higher blame than Tarrant would, particularly since her Mentor seems to believe so; really, she thinks most of this could have been avoided if Tarrant hadn’t tried to use her for his own gain. Well, the gain of all of Underland, but she believes it was mostly for himself. 
His smile is enough to make the corners of her lips turn up, though, it only lasts for a second.  ❝ I’m.. not staying for long, actually.. Demetrius told me he’s.. gonna take me somewhere.. ❞ She won’t give away the location unless he asks, really. She was originally going to wait until her & her mentor returned to Underland before going off to see Reader. At least because, by then, she’d be fully healed. She’s still having trouble moving her arms above her head without her ribs being in great pain, &, of course, the bruising has yet to fully heal. 
  ❝ … At least, when you’re alone, you’re not in wrong company. ❞ She’s still not exactly good at the whole ‘helping people feel better’ thing. In fact, she might never get to the point of being good at it. She can witness & understand emotions in another, but she can’t exactly empathise with them easily. Even if she’d felt the very same as they have. The mention of Stayne, however, brings much worse thoughts to her head. ❝ He’s done a great deal to many. That’s why he needs to suffer in a hell of his own making. Especially since he seemed to have the tongue I cut out replaced, & regained his strength from my freezing & ripping his cock off. He had no problem beating me nearly to death a few weeks ago. ❞ She speaks of removing limbs as if it’s the most normal of all hobbies to have. Then again, in her bloodline, that’s not exactly false. Her father is part of a very long line of assassins, after all. 
  A real smile comes to her pink lips now, eyes closing & her head shaking. ❝ You haven’t changed at all, have you? ❞ Not that she’d ever want him to. In fact, she’d prefer it if he stayed the same, so there’s at least one constant, as selfish as the thought is. She is a bit of a narcissus, some might even call her a malignant one. She certainly refers to herself as such. Instead of focusing on such pained truths, however, she instead steps closer. Rather hesitantly, considering the last time she had hugged anyone, it was Tarrant & he used it as a ways to slip a knife into her gut. 
Slowly, she comes closer, she can’t exactly lift her arms to wrap them around his shoulders, so she instead wraps them around his waist. Head rests against his chest, & eyes close. It’s a comfort she’s certainly missed, even if the very thought of being in such a vulnerable position again frightens her. She doesn’t believe Reader would do anything to harm her, but she didn’t believe Tarrant would hurt her, either. That seemed to be a repeated way of her life; always, either betrayed, abandoned, or alone. None of which, she wanted, yet seemed to be a destiny of sorts for her. She always felt like she could only count the days until the rest would leave her, too. Perhaps that’s why she held such a surprise that Demetrius had come back for her, as did Reader. 
Though, that fact doesn’t mean they won’t leave her again. Though, she doesn’t intend to let Demetrius just leave her again. In fact, she plans on, if he ever tries, to do whatever she has to in order to make him kill her. After all, who better than he is there to spill her blood. Particularly when she knows he will refuse to allow it to go to waste. She’s had various fantasies about it, in fact. It’s one of the things she thinks of consistently. 
But, she won’t be dying until she’s sure everyone who’s crossed her the wrong way suffers. They’ll learn to truths of the situation they’ve caused, what happens to those who harm those she cares for. Who harms her. 
                                                                                                      She’ll show them a true winter storm.
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rexder · 10 years
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rexder · 10 years
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Aka I was bored and did henna on my hand
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rexder · 10 years
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rexder · 10 years
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                             'Jade, I am certain that is how you ended up                                    stuck in the cupboard the last time. Is your                                    cat stuck up there again?'
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rexder · 10 years
let’s play another tag meme thing! put each word into your tags and see what pops up:
pretty head why when where shit you stop how for they
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rexder · 10 years
You can like this post for a starter from some of the other Guardians ; 
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rexder · 10 years
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                             Reader was jolted out of his own daze, and                                    when he finally realized he hadn't been pay-                                    ing much mind to his surroundings, he felt                                     his cheeks heat up. 'Ah--Sorry! Sorry, that                                     was my fault! I can be--' Hold on... He knew                                    who this was. Of course he did... It was his                                    godson, after all. Reader wouldn't forget                                     him. 
                                   'Franklin...? Franklin!! Look at you! You're                                     all grown up!!'
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   If anything, politeness born of a morally outstanding    upbringing told the young albino man that it was his    fault. Office files were scattered, and a white cane he    sported for guidance (though not completely blind, his    vision was excessively strained by genetics) had slid    right across the sidewalk. He’d been too distracted by    his thoughts—he’d bumped into someone.
   “Merde !" There went his mother’s native tongue, out    of instinct. “M’ so sorry,” cheeped that typical Brooklyn    drawl, “I didn’—I shoulda’ watched where I-I was goin’.”
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rexder · 10 years
How would your muse describe mine? Don't sugarcoat it. I am genuinely intrigued.
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rexder · 10 years
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I’ve only been here for a few months but this fandom is welcoming and wonderful and if you havent joined by now you need to fix your life choices tbh.
So let’s get started!
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