revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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The other various outfits of Morro in Noodle Shop Ghost. Took me ages to finish this, but I’m happy with how it turned out!!
More info on the specific outfit details under the cut!
- This outfit is Morro’s pajamas from the start of the series to current.
- The moons are both to represent y’know, nighttime, but also as a way of foreshadowing the Macaque connection in the later seasons.
- Morro let’s their hair down when they sleep
- The shirt text says “Great Sage Equal to Heaven” I think I hope I’m not fluent in other languages so I really pray that I got that correct. The shirt references Morro’s love of JTTW, and the character of Wukong within the book
- Morro uses face masks when he sleeps. Hey, if they have to have skin again, they wanna take care of it. Ish.
Work Uniform
- The outfit changes between seasons since Morro gets new looks, but the constants of it are the jacket and the gloves.
- Morro swaps out the hand wraps because he feels more sanitary wearing gloves. And because I feel like it would make people unsure about him handling food.
- Occasionally Morro will throw on other pants? But idk I wasn’t sure what to go with so I just did their final design clothing.
“Take Responsibility” episode
- Finally have a name for that fan episode I mentioned where Morro has a crisis!! Takes place in season 1. Thank you @randomcrapstories !!!!
- The only thing that’s different about the outfit here is the addition of the jacket, which I still haven’t decided if I want it to be a gift from MK and Mei, or Morro just straight up stole it. Still, it shows us the base design for the jacket as it appears later in the series!!
Theatre Outfit
- During the in-between point of season 3 and 4, Morro actually starts helping out Macaque with his theatre! Morro’s a stagehand; they do a lot of the special effects and such.
- This outfit is mainly just me putting Morro in cool looking clothes hehe
- It’s identical to Mac’s outfit in most ways! I changed the shoes tho, and the colors. And the patterns on the robe and sleeves are different too!
- Eyeliner because it’s fancy
Shadow Travel
- I’ve mentioned before how Morro is learning shadow magic from Macaque; the basics that Morro knows are kinda just like. Being able to hide inside of shadows, manipulating them on walls and stuff, and also those shadow portals.
- Macaque has a shadow form, and so does Morro. But this isn’t a clone form or anything, that will be its own design. This is just for like…idk. Shrouded in shadows and whatnot.
- I highlighted the two most important features of Morro in this au: the eyelashes and the scar. The scar is its own important thing; the eyelashes are just a style choice on my end.
Season 3 Lantern City Outfit
- This outfit is for that episode in season 3 with the third ring!!
- The jacket makes an appearance once again! Except now Morro has personalized it much more. Patches and pins and stuff.
- The gloves Morro has on were made by Sandy; Sandy didn’t want Morro to get cold lol.
- And ofc Morro’s markings on full display since they weren’t able to cover them in season 3
Uhhh I think that’s everything. I’m gonna do another one of these for Morro’s scrapped/bonus designs at some point too. So look forward to that!
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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Hydrodynamic AU
uhhh hi so. This has been cooking in my brain for a few months now (6???) and basically it’s a ROTTMNT Separated AU with Donnie as the focus but like, y’know. It’s all of them. I call it Hydrodynamic AU cause a lot of it comes from Donnie being more…water-based I suppose?? Either way. Yeah.
The story (if I ever find the willpower to draw it up) would revolve around Donnie going out and finding their siblings in the various locations; not to try and turn them towards the side of light or whatever. Donnie just wants to hang out. The universe has other plans, however.
More on each character under the cut!!! And lmk if any of you are interested in this!
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Donatello Hamato
•Raised by Splinter
•They/them pronouns (Non-binary!!)
•Goes by the usual canon nicknames, but mainly uses “Dee”
•This Dee’s whole thing is being extremely water-based
•Donnie actually knows Repo Mantis before he got mutated! They started sneaking into his junkyard as a kid and got caught and they actually bonded
•When Don got older, they started helping Repo out with repossessing work; the two are even closer after Repo mutated!
•Don usually doesn’t wear their battleshell in this AU! It gets in the way of swimming stuff, so they prefer to be without it most of the time
•All of their stuff is painstakingly designed to the waterproof
•The whole lair has a ton of water slides in it, it’s super fun
•Don is extremely bad at socializing and doesn’t know how to mask (nor do they care for it). Can’t identify social cues well.
•Still friends with April; Don also hangs out with the Purple Dragons regularly (they give them ✨validation✨)
•Athletic only in how they’re an avid swimmer
•Really likes Lou Jitsu movies, and likes hearing their father talk about the films
•Splinter helps them train when they ask, thought Donnie also trains on their own with just. Copious amounts of research and looking up techniques
•Splinter is also extremely overprotective of D due to both their soft shell and the fact that he lost D’s siblings previously.
•More open to active destruction than canon Don?? At least in the way that’s like. More disregarding the well-being of others sometimes. Basically this Donnie doesn’t have their brothers to stop them from doing stuff. Violence and loose morals ensue.
•Builds Shelldon earlier on in life (was lonely and wanted company)
•Don has thoroughly explored the city’s sewers and set up tons of markers so they wouldn’t get lost; they’ve practically memorized the layout underground by now. Don has also installed a filtration system in the sewers to help take care of pollution because they don’t like how icky the waters can get
•Uses more turtle noises than actual words at times
•Fights with tech bō staff, but also knows the basics of other weapons; has the second most proficiency in daggers/knives.
•Doesn’t know anything about mysticism until meeting Mars and Draxum
•Technically, Donnie meets Mars first, then Leo, then Rento. However, we later find out that Don has met one of their siblings beforehand and knew of their existence. But that’s for later.
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Marciano Draxum
•Raised by Draxum
•He/they pronouns
•Goes by Mars most commonly, but other nicknames include Marc, Marcie, Mar-Mar, Marky, Marce, and Marcus
•Draxum is actually a good parent okay
•Instead of Doctor Feelings and Doctor Delicate Touch, we get Sir Feelings and Sir Delicate Touch (they’re used as ranks, it’s some class thing idk. It’s ranked below Baron is all I know)
•At a certain age Draxum started letting them out more (with supervision) and Mars got super friendly with all the yōkai he came across!! Due to this, Draxum has a much stronger active relationship with the Hidden City yōkai community.
•Mars uses their free time to create art around the Hidden City
•Has never seen the surface; wonders what the sky looks like
•Extremely strong mystic powers that were discovered early on
•Mars knows like, everyone in the city, and by the time they’re older are allowed to go about it from the lab as he pleases.
•Has a secret fascination with humans and their stuff that he keeps from his dad
•Draxum mellows out a tad raising Mars, being fatherly and all that. Still wants to take down humanity, he just wouldn’t do it if it meant endangering his child.
•Mars is an extremely adept fighter, having trained with Draxum since they were able to.
•Secret love for Lou Jitsu movies that he found one day in the yōkai markets
•He and Leo have met before and they have a very intense rivalry. Those two. Do not like one another.
•The reason behind the name “Marciano” is that I doubted Draxum would name his kid after some human artist. “Marciano” has French, Italian, and Latin origins, though I was mainly going for Latin when I chose it. It means little warrior! The name also has a lot of relation to the Roman god of war, Mars, which also happens to be the main nickname I picked! So it fits.
•Doesn’t like to kill; would rather thoroughly incapacitate a person through extreme measures instead.
•Terrible swimmer
•Draxum’s whole place is a lot more…nice looking? It’s got more style and creativity to it. Mars helped decorate.
•Fights with kusari-fundo and hand-to-hand mostly. Also knows the basics of fighting with other weapons.
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•Raised by Big Mama
•He/him pronouns
•Trans man
•Goes by Leo most commonly; the other in-canon nicknames still apply too
•Both outfits are colored after Leo’s pride flags
•The paint designs vary a lot, Leo likes to show variety
•After meeting Donnie, he actually starts to incorporate more purple into his color scheme!
•Gay gay gay gay gay gay GAY.
•Fights in the Battle Nexus for fun; really loves the thrill of it.
•Manipulative as fuck, picked it up from his mother. EXTREMELY good at lying
•Gets bored easily and will act out to negate this feeling
•Talks a whole lot while fighting; always making jokes, trying to throw his opponents off their game. (Think Spider-Man or Deadpool)
•Leo can actually get really violent at times
•Backstory behind Leo’s name is that they had an old name when they were younger and hadn’t come out yet, but upon realizing they were trans, wanted to pick out a new name. Big Mama gave him a ton of resources and books and stuff to help with that process, but it was actually in an old book of Lou’s that had been left behind that Leo found the name “Leonardo” and went with that. It’s a really stupid coincidence, but it is what it is.
•The fact that Leo chose that name from one of Lou’s books is bittersweet for Big Mama. And kinda funny lol
•Mars and Leo have a rivalry that formed because of BM and Draxum.
•Super fond of Lou Jitsu movies, but can only ever watch them in secret
•Leo will sneak out to Hueso’s whenever he can because he feels like it’s the one place where he can relax and not have to hold up appearances
•Leo still knows Spanish in this au
•He’s still a very cocky showboat in this, just dial that up to 11.
•Mainly uses ōdachi or katanas to fight, however, Leo tends to just use whatever’s on hand in matches. Knows how to fight with a wide variety of weapons semi-professionally (and I say that loosely, Leo mostly just wings it)
•Able to use mystic powers and uses them well, but prefers not to when fighting.
•LOVES stage magic with a passion, and actually practices it in his spare time.
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Rento Jones
•Raised by the Foot
•She/he pronouns
•Goes by Ren for short
•Backstory for Rento is that little Cassandra was lonely and didn’t have anyone her age in the clan, and the Foot Lieutenant & Brute ended up finding this baby snapping turtle on a whim and gave him to her as a pet. Little did they know Cass just gained a new sister instead of a pet.
•Much more prone to violence than in canon (or at least to anger)
•The name Rento has a few meanings to it, but I mainly chose it because it started with an R and it fit. And was of Japanese origin.
•Cassandra is adamant about the two of them being siblings, and since Ren didn’t have a last name of her own, Cass shared hers
•Rento is still extremely soft on the inside, but is very afraid to show that side to people he doesn’t know.
•The entire Foot Clan will annihilate you if you hurt Rento in any way
•The clan is super fond of its spiky murder reptile!
•Ren doesn’t realize what she’s doing might be seen as “wrong”, he’s just focused on helping the Foot and being proud of that. Only ever hesitates when directly hurting innocent people or animals comes into the picture.
•Rento’s only issue is with hurting innocent people or creatures; she won’t hold back if something gets in his way.
•Cass and Ren have a habit of hyping each other up
•Rento is super proud of looking big and scary cause it means she can better protect the people she cares about!
•Cass and Ren can both speak Japanese to a degree
•She has a huge collection of plushies that have either been gifts to him or were stolen from large businesses; can’t sleep without at least a few plushies around.
•Only turtle of the four who doesn’t know anything about their backstory or having siblings
•Switches between sai and tonfa to fight, but mainly sticks with the sais.
•Second-best fighter of the turtles; also knows how to fight with other weapons in basics. Mainly relies on hand-to-hand combat.
•Doesn’t know anything about mysticism
•Not very good at origami
•Loves watching Lou Jitsu movies, though Cassandra doesn’t share the enthusiasm.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
Reeeeeeaaaally shit quality, but. Some acesan and zolu doodles as a treat from a while back.
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Idk man I’m only on episode like 823 or whatever I’m still in Whole Cake Island. I’m already brewing up au shit. I love this funky fucking show so much. Everyone is my favorite.
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This is the whole sketch page, I was working out design stuff. Every time I draw Ace he looks like he just smoked a joint for some reason. Help.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
I’m a big fan of people who draw Law with his eyes like this
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He’s just. So shaped. I love it.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
Luffy sniffing Zoro like a dog looking for a treat was adorable. I fucking love the idea of Zoro just…carrying around meat and tossing it to Luffy like dog treats. Boyfriends.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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uhhhhhh. acesan. yeah ❤️‍🔥
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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This stock photo gives me Buggy vibes.
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I tried my fucking best man
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
Read in a zolu fic somewhere about Zoro getting the Strawhat Jolly Roger tattooed on his back (Like Ace with Whitebeard’s symbol) as a show of dedication and loyalty to both Luffy and his crew, and it just. It sent me places.
Scars on a swordsman’s back and all that.
Edit again: check the reblogs I come bearing art
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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I noticed that Zoro started out with a mouth stick when they reunited in Wano, then it disappeared at some point, and Luffy ended up with a mouth stick. This is my interpretation of events. They traded.
(Should I start coloring these shitty doodles or nah??)
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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@scientific-horrors FOR YOU AND YOU SPECIFICALLY!!!! Kidkiller was requested and thus I have provided. More content to come? POSSIBLY.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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The amount of Zolu moments in the Wano arc was the best thing ever. I loved these two’s interactions.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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Handful of stupid doodles I did recently. Have fun.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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just some notes on how I draw Luffy. I think he should get to be a little bit unsettling especially after gear 5. As a treat.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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Law likes cutting people open. Zoro likes violence. It’s not too hard to draw a connection there.
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
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I’m working on something, let me cook
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
Before the year ends. Have a bunch of stupid wips and doodles from 2023.
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Yeah most of them are Noodle Shop Ghost, leave me alone
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revlis-arts · 10 months ago
What kind of a god
can’t even protect what they love most?
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The inherent something or other about a being whose whole thing is being joyful, confronted with a terrifying situation in which joy is the last thing you can experience. The mania of it. The forced laughter because you can’t stop. I’m feral about characters okay leave me be
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