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a semi-private, alternate universe marvel roleplay based in NYC.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
revival-rp · 1 year ago
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REVIVAL is an 18+ semi-private, Marvel alternate universe RP set in New York City. We explore the idea of Thanos’ snap lasting one year instead of five. We’re looking to build a tight-knit community of passionate storytellers. There are still plenty of canons available, lots of requests for instant connections, and a welcoming, relaxed community. We’re also in the midst of our first site & community event! Hope to see you there!
[ PLOT ] — [ REQUESTS ] — [ FAQ ] — [ DISCORD ]
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revival-rp · 1 year ago
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REVIVAL is an 18+ semi-private, alternate universe Marvel RP set in New York City. We explore the idea of Thanos’ snap lasting one year instead of five. We’re looking to build a tight-knit community of passionate storytellers. There are still plenty of canons available, lots of requests for instant connections, and a welcoming, relaxed community. Join us for our first site event! Hope to see you there! 
[ PLOT ] — [ REQUESTS ] — [ FAQ ] — [ DISCORD ]
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revival-rp · 1 year ago
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THIS IS A REVIVAL AND IT REQUIRES YOUR SURVIVAL. We hope you're excited to start telling a whole new Marvel story with all of us.
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revival-rp · 1 year ago
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Revival is going through a... well, revival. We're re-opening our doors for the New Year, inviting all those who joined us in the past to come back, as well as new faces! Come join us as we work our way up to our first plot event! If you had a character on the site in the past, there's no need to reapply. You can hop right back where you left off. If you're interested in joining us for the first time, join our Discord! There's plenty of canons waiting to be played. Or, if that's not your speed, we encourage civilian and villain OCs.
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revival-rp · 1 year ago
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Revival is going through a... well, revival. We're re-opening our doors for the New Year, inviting all those who joined us in the past to come back, as well as new faces! Come join us as we work our way up to our first plot event! If you had a character on the site in the past, there's no need to reapply. You can hop right back where you left off. If you're interested in joining us for the first time, join our Discord! There's plenty of canons waiting to be played. Or, if that's not your speed, we encourage civilian and villain OCs.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
— If you reserved a character, please make sure you join the Discord and change your nickname to match the alias you used to reserve.
— Although we are a semi-private site, if you reserved a character, you have automatic acceptance into the site.
— If you're interested in joining but you're not 100% sure yet, you're free to join our Discord too! Our Discord is open to everyone. If it turns out you'd like to join, you can apply to join right inside the Discord.
— Revival opens tomorrow, so starting from tomorrow (6/09) you will have 3 days to create an account for said character(s), and then 5 days from whenever you created the account to finish it.
— If you do not create the account within 3 days, the character and face claim will be up for grabs again.
— If you do not complete the account within 5 days, the character and face claim will be up for grabs again.
❗️ Staff will be online to help answer any questions you have, whether it's on the Discord or here on Tumblr. See you soon!
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
Surprise! We've decided to feature one of our requests for the current characters on site. Interested in The Guardians of the Galaxy? Take a peek!
DESCRIPTION: zooming through the sky, little guardiansss…
on a more serious note: found family with a ragtag group of space misfits who love each other and hate saying it. space, jams, and maybe even a space jam if you're into that at all — am i enticing you? is it working?
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in this timeline, after thanos' snap, rocket and nebula continued to be the only two to survive thanos' terror — their friends, nothing but dust in the wind, returned a year later after carol and thor's success in killing thanos and reversing the snap. sore subjects haven't failed in continuing to be in abundance here, but at the very least: they were traversing the stars once more. the call for their aid, however, has left them making pit stops to earth on routine and checking in where they're needed.
i have gone ahead and established a little bit of a guideline to the characters on their ages and fc suggestions but please, feel free to talk about your fun ideas or possible changes with me! i have also marked the characters with current reserves.
peter the star-lord— open celestial hybrid. early forties. fc suggestion: david castañeda reserved by nicole mantis the empath— open celestial hybrid. early forties. fc suggestion: pom klementieff nebula the protector— open luphomoid. early forties. fc suggestion: karen gillan reserved by tiger drax the destroyer— open kylosian. early fifties. fc suggestion: dave bautista rocket the raccoon— taken raccoon. estimated at fifteen. fc suggestion: a raccoon played by kaylyn
groot the tree— a child flora colossus. estimated at nine. fc suggestion: a swoll tree gamora the assassin— deceased zehoberei. mid forties. fc suggestion: zoe saldana
i love when characters hate each other and love each other at the same time, when they want to be kind to each other but they don’t know how, and they want the same things but they don’t, and when they get angry at each other because they care too much, and they’re sick of each other but they can’t leave each other behind
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
one more winter reserve! kate bishop (camila mendes), or if she's taken by the time of this ask, james howlett (jake gyllenhaal), please and thank you :)
Thank you for the reserve for Kate! We will get you added to our reserves list shortly, Winter.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
Here I am again! I figured out who I want for a second reserve. So I'll start over again. I'd like to reserve Jessica Drew (Adria Arjona) and Peter Quill (Jensen Ackles) for Nicole!
Thank you for the reserves for Jessica & Peter! We will get you added to our reserves list shortly, Nicole.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
How many characters are we allowed to reserve ?
We are allowing a max of two reserves during this buzz period, however we do allow a five free character max before you're allowed to buy more slots when we open!
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
Surprise! We've decided to feature one of our requests for the current characters on site. Interested in The Fantastic Four? Take a peek!
DESCRIPTION: In 2012, following the Battle of New York, Reed Richards became obsessed with developing a groundbreaking project that would transform the boundaries of space travel. In 2016, unexpectedly, the government ceased funding for his ambitious research. Determined to see his research through, Reed self-funded his project for the next two years, and in an attempt to get the government to see their mistake, embarked on a daring test flight with his family. Little did they know that their lives would forever be altered from that moment on.
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suggested fc: jamie chung. 36. invisible woman. truly the glue that holds this family together, sue and reed fell in love in college and married quickly after. broadway was her dream, but sometimes life has other plans. she took becoming a superhero in stride — and it's not only her powers, but her empathy and discernment, that make her an irreplaceable member of f4. i'm pretty set on having her be played by jamie chung, but i'm open to discussion if you have someone else in mind. just remember she's johnny's sister (who is on the site!) so her fc should be of korean descent.
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suggested fc: open. 40-45. the thing. a respected air force pilot and reed's best friend, it's safe to say the mishap that created the f4 affected ben the most. his gruff exterior can be deterring, but all it does is protect his kind heart. he's brave, sometimes stubborn, and rarely ever gives up a fight. although resigned to his physical appearance, reed is determined to return him to his human form no matter what. ben's fc is completely open!
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taken by kaylyn. 28. the human torch. what can we say about johnny? the youngest of the group and sue's "darling" baby brother. with his carefree attitude and impulsive behavior to match, he certainly keeps the team on their toes. even though he's sometimes (read: often) a source of exasperation for reed, he'll always be family.
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taken by les. 40. mister fantastic. although an inventive scientist in every sense of the word, turning his family into superheroes was never on his agenda. nonetheless, reed couldn't ask for a better group of people to stand next to. he strongly believes in using his powers and intelligence for the betterment of humanity — the snap making that belief increase tenfold.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
Would Gwen Stacey allowed?
Gwen Stacy is allowed, yes! If you can fit her into our timeline, you can most certainly play her.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
howdy! mind reserving marc spector (oliver jackson-cohen) for winter, please?
Thank you for the reserve! We will get you added to our reserves list shortly, Winter.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
sorry, updated!! yelena belova (bryden jenkins) + mj watson (mara lafontan) for nora please!
Thank you for the reserves for Yelena & MJ! We will get you added to our reserves list shortly, Nora.
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revival-rp · 2 years ago
Hey! could i reserve Matthew Murdock for Wyn
Thank you for the reserve, Wyn! We also need a face claim to go with the character, so please message us again with the face and we'll add you to our list. EDIT: Your reserve has been added to the list!
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