reviewsic · 1 month
Hello and welcome!
★ Thank you for joining me on this journey through my music library. My name is CJ, and I have a lot of strong feelings about music. It is my whole world; from self enjoyment, to my career, to anywhere beyond. I want nothing more than to share this passion with the world, in any way I can. So, welcome to my review blog! I'm going to do my darndest to post weekly reviews on music that I love. If you really dig what I have to say, shoot me an ask with your favorite album and I'll give it a spin! ★
★ A little about me: I've always been enthralled by music. I can remember being a young kid and forcing my dad to blast Rodney Atkins in the car while we ran errands, and I was always humming along to some sort of tune in my head. As I got older and gained access to the internet, my personal music taste truly started to take shape. I discovered Linkin Park through a compilation of Sonic the Hedgehog fanart I found on YouTube at the ripe old age of 9 years old. Thus began my deep plunge into the world of rock and metal, which is where I still live comfortably today, a little over a decade later. I've branched out since my younger years, yet the music that sticks with me the most is typically heavy at its core.
During the time in which I was exploring Linkin Park's discography, I was going into 4th grade, which was also the time in my school district where we were permitted to begin playing an instrument in band. Being so heavily inspired by rock and metal at the time, my knee-jerk reaction to this information was "I want to play guitar!" Alas, it was a band program, so guitar was not an option. I decided that percussion was the next best thing, and here I am, 11 years later, going into my junior year at Berklee College of Music as a drum set principle. My major is in Professional Music with concentrations in Performance and Instrument Repair. Throughout elementary, middle, and high school, I've taken every instrumental band class my school has had to offer. Now, I am in two bands: an indie experimental group called Wicas, and a hardcore project called Convulsion Ticket. I've been completely immersed in music for a very long time, and I'd have it no other way. ★
★ Anyways, that's all I really have for this introductory post. Thanks again for stopping by! ★
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