The Taking Of Deborah Logan (2014)
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Another found footage gem. You know i always need found footage in my life. Though this one i have some mixed reviews about. A crew comes to tape Deborah who has been diagnosed with Dementia and they want to get all the changes on camera. The daughter is also there to help Deborah. Now that itself and the changes were great and I do think they should have left it at that. If they still really wanted to go the possession route then they should have done it another way because essentially turning into a snake and trying to eat a childs head, brought the movie from a+ and creepy to a bit ridiculous.
I deeply enjoyed watching Deborah change before she was admitted into the hospital. It was almost a mix of dementia meets sun downing syndrome. Should we have Deborah meet the woman from The Visit? I see a friendship developing. Theres something about found footage that is so appealing. Its like you are seeing things that you arent supposed to be seeing and for me it adds more suspense over a slasher or gore film.
The changes for Deborah werent slow, they were wham bam thank you maam. Though they did first start with typical dementia changes and then it changed into the weird possession from guy who was into snakes and killed little girls. It was a bit strange but the scene of her mouth opening like a snake and attempting to swallow a child whole, will never leave my mind. It was one of the most bizzare scenes. Still though, I would recommend watching this. 
💀💀💀 out of 5 skulls from me!
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Slenderman (2018)
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Slenderman has been my favorite Creepypasta for years so I have been anxiously waiting for this movie to release. Secondly i am a huge Joey King fan so seeing her face made my heart happy in general.
On another note, I know this movie got pretty shitty reviews but I enjoyed it. I do think that if this movie came out a few years ago when Slenderman was considered actually scary, it would have done better. I loved the dark lighting they used for filters and the movie reminded me of The Ring. You watch the tape and then Slenderman comes after you but in a world thats run by technology, im glad they went that route than trying to change it by throwing some ouija board in or EVP adventure. Theres another “Slenderman” movie, called Always Watching. They dont claim its slenderman but it basically is and its found footage. I would honestly pick this over the latter and i did very much enjoy Always Watching.
Theres too many horror movies where the “hero” wins or defeats the villain. I cant explain how much i love when the villain kills off the cast completely. It reminded me of Krampus, another movie i love where the cast doesnt technically survive. I think this movie had a wonderful slow burn that brought out the genuine eerie feeling that Slenderman is supposed to bring. He wasnt overly shown and wasnt just kept hidden away. They did the perfect amount. You arent supposed to see him all the time but you know he is always watching and i honestly think that feeling was achieved here despite the bad reviews this movie received.
💀💀💀 out of 5 skulls from me!
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Hell House LLC 2: The Abaddon Hotel
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If you know me or read my review for the first movie, you know I am a huge huge fan of Hell House. I was anxiously waiting for the release of the sequel. However, I dont know if this is a shared feeling but I felt the scares and over all eeriness was nowhere near the level that the first one achieved. I watched it about three times hoping that maybe my opinion would change but sadly it didnt. Though I did notice new things in each rewatch, it didnt suck me in and hold my attention the way Hell House did. I cant pull my eyes away in the first movie but this one lacked. 
One scene and character I would like to discuss was Brock Davies. I got such a Houston from Grave Encounters vibe. The same over dramatic look at me being the Criss Angel of ghost hunting bullshit. He doesnt even use a actual Ouija board, just a broken piece of chalk and a planchette. Just going to point out that that whole scene was so predictable. When i first saw Brock, I literally said out loud that i hope he dies first. Well, wish granted thank god. 
Does anyone else feel like there was still some questions in the first movie that the sequel seemed to ignore? Also the ending on this one. Can we say its Sara 2.0 minus going back to the hotel. The biggest thing i want to point out and it never got explained was why Jackson was targeted as a child to play the piano tune and mention the Abbadon hotel. Did anyone get an answer that I didnt for that? Please let me know if so.
Now one that excites me is that from the sound of it, it seemed like Andrew Tully has plans to do another “Hell House’ but bigger, so does that mean we will get a third movie? I hope so. I hope it follows with the first Hell House and the hotel takes more than 15 people. 
Overall, I was not really thrilled with this movie and im upset about it. I will keep trying to watch it and maybe my opinion will change but i wont hold my breath.
💀💀 out 5 skulls from me!
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The Possession Of Michael King 2014
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Here i am back in my favorite sub genre, found footage! Ive watched The Possession Of Michael King, about 3 times now and i not only love it more and more each time but i also always notice something different.
My favorite thing about this movie isnt that its someone playing with a ouija board or someone finding some haunted artifact. Its instead about a man who doesnt believe in god or the devil and wants to set out to have the first documented proof that they do or dont exist.
He goes to a demonologist to get possessed and thats followed by going to a mortician who performs necromancy and Michael nearly communicates with his dead wife. Of course after these things Michael is definitely possessed but its not a head spinning, climbing the walls comedy. Its far creepier.
He hears static non stop and soon learns its actually voices but he cant distinguish what they are saying. He loses sleep from the static sound but thats not the creepiest part. Ive seen just about every possession movie out there because besides found footage, possession is my favorite thing to watch.
This scene is genuinely creepy and i rarely get creeped out. Michael who seems to let the demon take over at night, sneaks into his sleeping sisters room. Shes passed out on sleeping pills and has no idea hes there. He rips the blanket off her to reveal shes just in a shirt and panties. Keep in mind this whole time the demon is making some very unnerving breathy and hissing sounds as he slides his hand up her leg and into her panties. As soon as he does, he turns the camera to his face where his eyes are solid black in the night vision and a sinister grin is on his face. The director did an excellent job of leaving you with a eerie feeling.
I will point out that there is a dog in this movie and it does get mutilated so do not watch this movie if you dont want to see that.
I genuinely thought it had an unsuspecting ending. They all tend to be sort of the same when it comes to possession but this changed the game up just enough to keep me entertained. If you are looking for a possession movie that lacks the comedy of the exorcist but has the creepiness of some of the underground movies, i suggest this!
💀💀💀💀 out 5 skulls from me!
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Hell House LLC 2015
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Let me start off by saying found footage horror is my favorite sub genre. I discovered this gem towards the beginning of the year and I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve watched it and made other people watch it. Its seriously that good and gives the suspense adrenaline every single time. The sequel is being released this month on the 20th and no joke, I took the day off work so i could watch it. Ok i might also have a concert im going to but still! Thats how much i adore this series.
Review time! I really dont think I have a single negative thing to say about this movie. So much for a review but lets see what I can come up with. The vibe of The Abbadon Hotel reminds me of the movie, House (2007). Where you know something isnt quite right with the building but you dont know what it is right away but the suspense is there. Stephen was not slow to the punches with bringing out the scares and just what was wrong with the hotel. We get more of the background of the hotel in the sequel, which im super excited to know just how the hotel became a spot for satanic rituals.
The group of adults who rent out The Abbadon Hotel to turn it into Hell House is really your standard group. They have been making Hell House for years and were down on their luck but Alex for the first time brought Hell House outside of NYC. I believe in a reddit post, the director Stephen said Alex did that because they had no money but that was not quite explained in the movie.
Lets move on to Sara, Alex’s girlfriend. The hotel seems to latch onto her with making her talk to the walls in a bizzare unknown language, stare off at statues and then of course the ending with her that i wont spoil for those who havent seen it. Along with the hotel picking on Sarah, it definitely went right for Paul. He was the first to see things that were supposed to not be able to move at all, in different places of the hotel. He woke up to what appears to be a demonic Sara in his room and again the night of the opening something happens that i wont spoil but it has to do with Paul and Sara. Its not really explained why the hotel sought out these two the hardest but nevertheless it was a fun unravel. 
Fifteen people died in the opening night of Hell House and from what the cameras eventually show, your standard black hooded satanic demons were to blame. Im curious to find out if they were demons or ghosts of the satanic cult that subsided in the hotel previously. Maybe it was both. Im hoping the sequel will be able to answer those questions.
I would also love to point out that even though this is shot in first person camera, its not anywhere near as shaky and headache inducing as the  Paranormal Activity series. Warning though, there is strobe lights so be weary of those. 
I honestly love this movie and its one of my top favorites, especially for the sub genre. I recommend this to everyone and anyone i can. Its free for Prime Members and the sequel releases free for those with a Shudder subscription on 09/20/2018. 
💀💀💀💀💀 out of 5 skulls from me!!
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Insidious: The Last Key 2018
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Let me start off with saying this is probably my favorite out of the series so far. Though I do love the first, This was a surprisingly good prequel. It starts off with scenes that show you Elise’ backstory. Which features the common father doesn’t accept her gift but her mother does, scenario. Her poor younger brother is just being traumatized his whole life by his sister scaring him with her gifts but who can blame him.
 Her father was played by Josh Stewart, who is always a welcomed sight to see in my eyes. He’s been a chameleon in the acting roles he’s landed so I wasn’t surprised he excelled at this role as well. You don’t get as many scenes with with Elise’ mother because she gets murdered when Elise goes into the further and unlocks the door for Keyface. Yes that’s the actual name for the demon. So we have Keyface and lipstick-face. They’re striving for creativity on these names. Which, side note, are we ever going to go back and see lipstick face other than his split second pop up in every movie? I still have questions about him and clearly he’s of importance if he’s popping up everytime. I know Elise died in the first movie but since these are out of order, let’s go back and revisit this guy. 
Flash forward to modern day, Well 2010, and Elise and the boys get a call for work in Elise’ childhood home. Go figure. Also she lived next to a prison so no wonder that house had so many spirits. At first she says no but to true Elise fashion, she changes her mind like she did with Quinn Brenner. Specs and Tucker are originally told they can’t go but as you can guess, they ended up tagging along. Despite having those small predictable moments, I will say the jump scares were great. I enjoy how Insidious always goes silent before a jumpscare. I prefer that over the music that can make it predictable as to when it’s going to happen. They did a great job in this film with making the scares happen in parts you aren’t expecting. 
 Back to Elise’s house and the boys get her set up for the night and the man living in the house, known as Ted Garza, shows her her childhood bedroom and says that’s where the ghost is. Note that this guy still had Elise’s family decor throughout the old house. That’s a bit gross but whatever his personal taste is. He hands her a bible and right as I was thinking, how is that going to ever help her?, Elise chuckles and sets it down on the bed when he leaves. That’s what I thought. Religion has never come into play in Insidious and I didn’t it want it to start. On a positive note for Elise, she finds her brothers old whistle that their mother gave him when he was six but thought he lost. That whistle becomes a pretty significant part of the story and I wasn’t really expecting it so that was a nice change of pace. Elise is eventually led into the basement, where her mother was murdered and where her father would make her go when she admitted she saw ghosts, and sees a woman who screams at Elise to help her. She doesn’t say help me but help her, signaling to Elise that someone else needs help. 
The next day the boys and Elise go to the diner in town and run into Elise’ nieces, Melissa and Imogen, who she didn’t know existed and she sees her brother for the first time after she left at 16. Naturally he told her to stay away from him and his family but Elise gives Melissa a photo she took of herself holding the whistle the night before and tells her to give it to her father. After another eventful night, the movie gave a surprising but enjoyable twist. Turns out Garza, the guy who owns the house now, is keeping a hostage chained behind a wall in the basement. Clearly he was more crazy than just being haunted by a ghost in Elise’ bedroom. Elise of course manages to find her with the help of the ghost and the whistle! One blow for yes and two for no. I always enjoy things like that because it can lead to a genuinely good jumpscare. It didn’t here but it was still a good scene. The one complaint I have is that it’s taking so long to finally see something other than Keyface demons hand and of course, who does he go after? Elise’ niece Melissa. Now I was watching the way the demon crawled on the floor and instantly I was reminded of Samara Morgan. He almost had that same look to his skin as well. Now clearly this demon isn’t a fan of noise because he uses one of his key fingers and sticks it in Melissa’s throat to silence her screams. There’s no backstory as to who this demon actually is, why he doesn’t like noise, what each key means or anything. So that leaves questions for us who have a interest in backstories of villains. Also goes back to having questions about lipstick face. Let’s give these demons their own backstory movie. 
 So Elise goes back to the house and helps her brother and Imogen find Melissa, chained and barely alive in the basement. As she’s being wheeled off, a secret comes out. Guess who can also see things and go into the further? Imogen! I wish I could inherit something like that from my family. So Elise gets knocked out and trapped in the further by Keyface and Imogen goes in for the first time to help her. After a battle against Keyface and finding Melissa, as they leave Elise comes across a red door. Now I was genuinely excited when I saw who was behind it. It was Dalton! Flashed to the scene where he fell in the attic. So by now you realize the movies are out of order but I found it exciting to see Dalton again.
 At the end you see Elise back home having a dream about Dalton and Lipstickface shows up in the window, looking a bit more crazy than usual. See he holds a lot of importance if he’s appeared in every movie and I’m dying to know why. I’ve left out a lot of details so it didn’t contain too many spoilers but overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Insidious 4 and I hope they continue the series. This was a movie I would definitely watch when I wanted a good Adrenalin rush from jump scares, not a casual Sunday movie.
💀💀💀💀 out of 5 skulls from me! 
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The Nun 2018
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Disclaimer: If you know me, you know i hate the first The Conjuring and both Annabelle's. I am putting that aside for the sake of the review. Though i do enjoy the second of the two movies because i enjoyed Valak as soon as i saw her and i love the crooked man, thanks to Markiplier.
I had high hopes going into this movie. From the first time seeing Valak in the second The Conjuring, i was curious to know her back story. The Nun did a pretty great job at explaining who the demon Valak is and why it appears as a nun. I would also like to add the filming location was stunning! Let me be the first to say i have been a Taissa fan since her role as Violet in AHS. I had no doubt she would play her role as the sister flawlessly. Her ability to act as such different characters is remarkable. This role is easily on of my top favorites next to her role as Anna in the self titled movie. I highly recomend that.
Following along the lines of its universe predecessor, there really is not much gore in the movie. That wasnt a surprise though if youve watched either Conjuring or Annabelle.  I was ecstatic that the movie didnt have a slow burn. It got straight to the punches right away with just the right doses of suspense in certain scenes. Ive watched alot, and i mean alot, of possession horror movies in my day and The Nun was able to bring an aspect i had never seen before. That being the use of the blood of Jesus Christ. I wont spoil it and say how or why.
Now i cant say the same for everyone but i personally do not find Valak's look to be scary. Then again, i dont find the character scary. I just find the demon to be interesting. I would love to know why Valak is known as the Defiler but for all i know, that could be an actual demon that i havent read about.
The Nun had a few plot twists that i enjoyed and it wasnt the same repetitive type we have come to know and sometimes dread. In my honest opinion, it had some damn good ones.
Anyone that knows me knows i am a sucker for jumpscares. That is one of the best feelings in the world. I once saw a sign that said, who needs sex when you have jumpscares. That is me to a T. Anyways, judging the jumpscares is a little hard here since i did the 4D interactive seats. So i got sprayed with air, water, seats would jolt, move forward and back, etc etc. So its hard to tell if that itself was a jumpscare or if the movie had genuine ones and the chairs just aided it. I highly recomend trying these chairs out though! I definitely want to do it again. I would say there wasnt many straight up jumpscares. There were a few, id maybe put it in the ranks of Paranormal Activity.
Now for my overall view. The Nun had a great story. It answered how Valak has been in the Conjuring universe the whole time and the ending i believe we will get more answers in the Conjuring 3 while they are at Ammityville. I wouldnt say this movie was scary to me but im very hard to scare (unless its sharks) but to the average person, id definitely recommend it. It kept my attention far better than The Conjuring 1 and both Annabelle's and frankly im excited to see what else they do with Valak.
💀💀💀 out of 5 skulls from me!
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