8 emotional triggers to hook your subscribers
🤭 Emotions play a role in nearly every decision we make, so understanding them can help us develop strategies to build more effective marketing strategies and tactics.
👉🏻Here are four other elements email using emotional marketing must have:
1️⃣ Personalization: Did you know that personalized emails have 600% higher click-through rates?
2️⃣ A problem:  Your e-mail should always solve a specific problem for the reader.  Build a relationship with your subscribers and understand their concerns and needs.
3️⃣ A solution: Never bring up a problem you can’t solve. Find a solution to let your subscribers know you care.
4️⃣ A call to action (CTA): A good CTA is crucial in any email marketing campaign. Your goal is to increase both click-through rates and conversion rates.
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The real secret to having a successful online business
Repeat after me: The REAL money is in your EMAIL LIST!
But first, 2 personal questions:
1 - What would you do if one day, on a daily Google ranking check you found that one of your websites no longer appeared at the top of Google, as it had consistently done for months? And all of a sudden, the traffic you were relying on for your income came to a screeching stop. 
Would you be one of those savvy marketers who rely on their email list (not their website google rankings) to grow their business or would you be… 
Oh… I don’t know… a younger version of… MOI! 
2 - What you would say to a colleague who then asked you whether you had an email list in place?
Would you say what I said: “Google would never de-list me because I only use white-hat ranking methods, and thus why would I need an email list?”
→ Watch my reel where I reveal how the unthinkable happened to me!
I know what you’re thinking… 
“Jacques, I don’t rely on Google rankings. I have thousands, no, tens of thousands of followers on Instagram, and even more subscribers on my YouTube channel so what happened to you could never happen to me.”
Maybe…  But let me ask you a different question:
If something happened to these social media platforms, or you were de-listed or worse banned! What you would you do?
Would you be one of those savvy marketers with an ongoing email list, painstakingly built over the years? Or not?
If you don’t have an email list, my advice to you dear friends is to start building one today.  It’s not going to be easy. You’ll spend hours upon hours working at it, building it, and fine-tuning your expertise in the process.
But when you do have that email list, if the unthinkable happened, instead of your world collapsing around you, you’d quickly shrug this off as a “bump on the road” and continue to build your online business.
Ps. Think nothing could ever happen to today’s social media platforms? Ask Vine, MySpace, Friendster, Google+, etc…
Follow me:
Instagram: @jacques.creatives
Website: https://www.jacques.media/
Want to learn more about the real secret to a successful online business?
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Instagram has a cool feature that gives the perfect opportunity to make sales for your business👇 
It's called Instagram Stories 
 ✨ Instagram stories are like a gold mine if used correctly. 
 ✨ Why? Because that's where most of your followers hang out. 
 ✨ Unlike feed, you can use your Instagram stories to do market research and learn more about your audience.
 ✨ It's also the best place to build trust and invite more DMs.
 ✨Don't just use your stories to show how your weekend went.
 ✨ Use stories to sell your services/products.
 For more information on how to grow your business:
Follow me: on Instagram: @jacques.creatives
Website: https://www.jacques.media/ 
Click here to learn how to get more views on your Instagram Stories? 
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Court Order
This charming man you have just met online may very well be the man of your dreams but do you know for sure you are not about to date a man who is married to another woman? Is love in the air? If you are like most of today's online dating members, you have probably spent several weeks (even months) browsing through other members' profiles wondering whether this whole online dating thing was really worth it? This elusive Mr. Right you have been searching for? You are not looking for an affair with a married man! People lie about their marital status all the time! What about this man you are falling in love with? Are you willing to commit to a long term relationship with someone might not be married and risk possible heartbreaks in the event that he is? A Court Record can tell you if he is married or not! Today's society has evolved such that we now live in a complex world where we often times do not know our own neighbors, let alone online dating partners. A court Record search will indeed help you make an informed decision! Men and women owe it to themselves and their kids to ensure that they take measures to find out who their newly found dating partners really are. courtrecords.org unlike most background sites needs just a name in order to bring back valuable information about your potential and newly found life partner! And in the bargain you can discover a whole lot more, including court orders, criminal record status, alimony payment, child support payment and more. For more information about Court Records and other topics, please also visit the author's website.
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