reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
What would be the better duo cosplay?
Shinki x Byakuren
Wakasagihime x Kagerou
A touhou crackship randomly generated by my bot.
  Totally not asking for someone I’m crushing on and I. Nop, not at all, clearly.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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This pic by orz (according to danbooru) is one of my favorite things ever for obvious reasons. It makes me feel all warm and mushy and I sincerely wish I could thank the artist!
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
Is the meaning of adorable hell being unable to pry yourself from danbooru?
I think so, but what do you lot think? I’ll be back when I can stop looking at Wakasagihime pictures.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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And then people asked me about “Fat Cat” as she’s commonly known as on IRC, ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. But she’s still an adorable ol’ thing.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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Instead of focusing on gloom and doom, have my adorable little shit terror. She’s adorable, and being linked because someone in my IRC channel wanted a pic of her!
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
To those who for some reason actually enjoy my rants.
I think that the FE:fates post will be the last ethical-ish rant for a while. I mean, I hope... because ya know, focusing on pure negatives makes life *gasp* negative. Well, at least for me, anyways. I’m always willing to speak, just yeah... I like focusing on positive things. You know, like werewolves cuddling mermaids.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
Thoughts on the FE:Fates as a whole
So, it’s tumblr time again. It’s another rant about something I feel is just... wrong. These are my entire thoughts on FE:Fates, not just from an ethical standpoint as I know many of you are probably sick of that alone. However, I wish to include my views as a long time Fire Emblem fan.
First off, I’d like to give my thoughts on how Awakening changed things. I was still able to play it and get through it just fine. However, what struck me as off is how much they subtracted. It felt like FE1 with just some extra stuff slapped on. The character designs were extremely generic (minus some for better or worse like Tharja and Nowi (the latter of which makes me shiver.)) There were only two mission types (iirc), as well, so there was no change of pace. But minus the DLC, it still felt like Fire Emblem at the core. However, it sold well, so of course FE:Fates was going to be made, with the same style and all. I was all right with it, as maybe we’d see more of the other games’ stuff return! And yes, I know that FE:A/13 was supposed to be the last one. However, I kept my hopes up, and the past while, they’ve been kinda crushed.
Now the first thing on the list for Fates, the designs are even MORE generic and even MORE fanservicey. Now keep in mind, I fucking love fanservice, but most fanservice-y things tend to be not serious and/or built around it. Fire Emblem is the exact opposite of what I’d expect to see much fanservice in. And according to a post on a forum, complete with screenshot, there’s weapons that strips the enemy of their clothes. Now I was thinking at first it could be something to strip armor off, but nope, just more boxers and tiddies. I also thought it could be some obscure joke weapon, but no... PEOPLE IN THE HUB GIVE IT TO YOU FOR FREE AND YOU CAN’T SELL IT FOR CASH. It just blows my mind, things seem to be going further and further away from the serious SRPG series I had grown fond of. And to compound this, remember the aime feature from Gen VI Pokemon? Well, it’s kinda in fates now, so you can rub your waifu’s face. It’s just a complete 180 from having things like accidentally killing a woman you potentially had fallen in love with, or the last people of the world becoming manipulated religious fanatics that want to kill you. I have no idea what Fates’ story is, but Awakening’s compared to the other games... just felt a lot more light, especially with filler that led to nothing. Also, the support system is kinda a massive mixed bag. You had characters build bonds for the sake of a happy future and survival in the earlier games (the latter being especially prevalent in Roy’s case.) And now the main thing to be gained from support convos are children. And half of this, I have no problem with. There’s nothing wrong with a system like that, I mean... I’m pretty sure FE4 had one. But in some cases, it feels so forced, rather than designing the game around it. I mean, I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but I’m going to praise Phantasy Star III. As bad as that game was, it had a good foundation for a child system. Have the story change slightly with your choices, not just making an overpowered unit with two people. And I’m not saying add multiple different endings depending on who you have bump some uglies, but rather... have more incentive than just that overpowered unit or two.
And theeeeeen, there’s the matter of how unethical, especially by today’s standards, some of the stuff that’s getting put into this game is. I mean yes, you could be upset because homosexual marriage is being restricted to different versions, as if it’s Pokemon. It feels like Nintendo is trying to compromise, and doing it badly. And yes, both options have shitty partner choices, since there’s only one homosexual person in those versions. But that’s not the thing that really peeves me, though. The worst thing, that is having me doubt Nintendo’s decisions, comes from a little support convo. One party member reveals that he drugged another so that she’d like him, despite there apparently being evidence that she likes other girls. I haven’t seen this part yet in screenshot form, but even if the latter part isn’t true... it’s still a really bad move. And if you really need things spelled out for you drugging people is kinda really bad. Even if there’s no connotations of the character being gay, the fact that she was drugged at all is appalling, especially in a game that may be given to younger audiences. Add the apparent bit about the character being homosexual in, and yeah... you can see why I’m feeling so uneasy about FE:Fates.
Fire Emblem was a series I fucking loved, and the start to me getting into SRPGs such as the Union series and Langrisser. It’s kinda disheartening to see things going the “generic safe route” design-wise. It’s even worse to see things that are probably just shoehorned in there in a rush, without any thought on how others may think since information is so easily obtainable nowadays. Do I think Nintendo is outright evil? Hell no. Do I think someone made a massive blunder that they need to own up to? Certainly so! I mean, Nintendo’s put out a lot of good, fun things, such as their most recent venture, Splatoon. And I know Japan is a bit more, well... not as big on homosexuality as other countries are, but when you’re putting something out, again since especially in this day and age, where others can find things easily, you’re putting out a message, be it intentional or not. You have to think of how others react, especially when you have some drive that’ll attract people like Nintendo does. All in all, I’m hoping something is said about this, even if I’m personally willing to give Nintendo another chance with my wallet.
Edit: My moonskills seem to be a bit rusty, so I may be a little bit off on the drugging bit, but I am able to confirm that the other character was drugged in that convo.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
This was a long time coming:
Yup, I’m logging into tumblr and not using Twitlonger. Hold your gasps of shock and terror, as this one’s a doozy I’ve wanted to talk about for ages. Something I’ve always been personally afraid of. The harassment of those who develop games.
Now, you may have heard the phrase when displeased with a game, “Well, why don’t you make your own?” Well, what happens when you do? I’ve seen that often times, people get harassed, just for making a game. I mean, yes, one could make an offensive game, or someone could just make something they feel is important. I mean, yes the former should possibly be called out, with criticism, as problematic things always need to be addressed. However, no matter what someone does, harassment is never the answer. And you all know what I’m talking about... stalking, rape threats, death threats, and soooo much more. It’s one thing to call a person out for being an absolute piece of shit. It’s another to completely ruin their life and have them afraid of everything.
I was reading a post by an ex of mine I whom still respect, which involved some stuff from a Fire Emblem game and how people were critical of a rather bad move, and read at the bottom that people have disconnected from the online world because of harassment. I then thought of how social media and such makes things so much more open. This is both good and bad because you can put your thoughts and works on a global scale. If you make something that people don’t exactly agree with, people will react. This isn’t always bad, as criticism can be given positively. However as this post is about, there will be those who be all “BAWW, YOU’RE RUINING MUH GAEMS, I’M GONNA FUCKING SEND A BOMB TO YOUR HOUSE!” It’s just incredibly concerning and disturbing, thinking of those behind the harassment, sitting by a computer, chuckling as they send the messages, most likely with a smile on their face because they think nothing will ever happen to them. It’s a disgusting reality, but it’s an unfortunately true one, for the most part, as I’ve noticed. It’s something I always fear as I type in the next line of code, compose the next piece of music, or make the next minor sprite. It’s a seriously bad part of the internet, and I can only hope that if this is read, it will discourage such behavior from anyone.
Since I don’t know how to end this post, and since I’m running out of things to say: Thank you to those who sat through this thing, and enjoy your collective days.
For those wondering about the post that the ex of mine wrote, you can view it here. http://yurimgirl.tumblr.com/post/123202465668/that-whole-fire-emblem-thing
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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I haven’t posted anything to here in a while. So have a birthday gift I got late! 7th Dragon for the Nintendo DS!
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
me at the pet store
*sees a puppy*: “look at that baby!!”
*sees a cat*: “look at that baby!!”
*sees a guinea pig*: “look at that baby!!”
*sees a very large snake*: “look at that baby!!”
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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Well, first time I’m experimenting with making gifs…
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
Cat meowing at lavos
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
The true sign of boredom
The true sign of boredom is being too bored to do anything to entertain yourself. Why? Because life is confusing sometimes.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
While editing tonight’s radio playlist...
I realized something...
I’M GETTING NOSTALGIC FOR THE EARLY 2000s! The worst has officially happened.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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I’ll never get anything done with this adorable bunch of fur around.
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reveriesmd-blog · 9 years
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This is too minor to post to the dev blog, but do I win for this reference?
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